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1、八年级下册英语重要知识点整理八年级下册英语重要知识点归纳M1重要语法:感官性系统词:feel(摸起来)、look(看起来) 、smell(闻起来)、 taste(尝起来 ) sound(听起来),后接形容词作表语,不能接副词。构成疑问句或否定句要借助助动词。The silk dress feels soft. The flowers look very beautiful. Does it smell nice? The song doesnt sound be noisy.2. What a delicious smell! 多么香啊!对名词或名词短语感叹用what 感叹句结构: What+

2、 a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+(主语+谓语)!What an interesting book it is! What+形容词+不可数名词/复数名词+(主语+谓语)!What bad weather it is today!What good students they are!对形容词、副词或动词感叹用how How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语! How fast he is running! How delicious it smells! How I miss the days we spent together!我多么怀念我们一起度过的日子!3.Im afraid+句子:恐怕 Im

3、 afraid he has no time today.4. be done 做好了 Is your homework done?你的作业做好了吗? Dinner is done!晚饭做好了!5. have a try 试一试;尝一尝6.have a sweet tooth 喜好甜食;7.thanks for=thank you for+名词/动词-ing。因而感谢你。Thanks for your help.=Thanks for helping me . Thank you for inviting me to your party. 8. hear from=get /receive

4、a letter from收到的来信;9.cant wait to do sth.迫不及待去做某事 I cant wait to see you.10.人+ spend+时间(in)doing sth.。=It takes +人+时间+to do sth. 某人花费多少时间做某事 He spent two days (in) reading the novel.=It took him two days to read the novel.11.too也(置于句末,前加逗号) also也(置于居中be或情态动词之后)as well也(置于句末,前不加逗号); proud of以为豪

5、My parents are proud of me.13. How do you feel about+名词/动词-ing?=What do you think of+名词/动词-ing?你觉得怎么样? How do you feel about the film?=What do you think of the film? How do you feel about coming to China?=What do you think of coming to China?14. be afraid of+名词/动词-ing:害怕. I am afaid of dog/going out

6、 at night. be afraid of doing sth.=be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 She is afraid of sleeping alone at night.= She is afraid to sleep alone at night.15. What does sb. look like?某人长得怎么样(问外表)答:short/tall/young/pretty What is sb like?某人性格怎么样?(问性格或品质)答:quiet/nice/strict/kind. -What does your English teacher l

7、ook like? -He is tall with pair of glasses. -What is your English teacher like? -He is strict but friendly.M2重要语法:现在完成时(一):描述过去已经、曾经或还没有做过某事的经历或体验,对现在造成的影响。结构:have/has +动词过去分词(否定) havent/hasnt +动词过去分词 含义:已经/曾经做过 还没有做过标志词:already、ever、never、yet、just等。 I have seen the movie.我已经看过这部电影。(我现在了解该电影了。) He h

8、as already finished his homework.他已经完成了作业。(他可以交作业了) We havent had dinner yet. 我们还没有吃晚饭。 (我们现在饿) Have you ever entered a speaking competition?你曾经参加过演讲比赛吗?(变一般疑问句把have/has 提到句首) Yes, I have./No, I havent. 2.enter a competition=take part in a competition参加竞赛 sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事 He often helps

9、me learn English.4. afford sth.买得起某物 I cant afford the new bike. afford to do sth. 付得起钱去做某事 =have enough money to buy sth.She cant afford to go to school.她没钱去上学。5. stop to do sth.=stop and then do sth.停下来去做某事 stop doing sth.停止做某事Im tired. Lets stop to have a rest.我累了。让我们停下来休息一下吧!Its time for class n

10、ow. Lets stop talking.上课时间到了!让我们不要讲话了!6. make up编写 make up a story编故事 make it/them up (代词要放中间)7.invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事8. fifteen-year-old十五岁的(复合形容词中的名词不能加s ,作定语) fifteen years old 十五岁 (短语,不能作定语,常作表语)He is fifteen years old.=He is a fifteen-year-old the moment =now此刻(常用于现在进行时中)10. have

11、/has been to+某地:曾经去过某地(人已经回来,常与次数连用)have/has gone to +某地:到某地去了(人未回,不能与次数连用)have/has been in +某地:在某地呆/逗留(常与for +时间段连用)I have been to Hong Kong twice.He isnt here now. He has gone to the USA.We have been in China for 20 years.11. be different from与.不同12.find it +形容词+ to do sth. 发现做某事是.的(it 是形式宾语,无义,替代

12、后面不定式)I find it easy to learn maths. 我发现学数学很容易。 Tony finds it hard to speak Chinese. 托尼发现说汉语很难。13. so far到目前为止(常用于现在完成时)So far I have learnt 3,000 English words.14. all over the world=around the world 全世界15.count down 倒数 M31. already已经(常用于现在完成时肯定句句中或句末)I have already known himyet尚,还(常用于现在完成时否定句或疑问句句

13、末)Has it arrived yet? just 刚刚(常用于现在完成时肯定句句中)They have just arrived.2. What are your up to?=What are you doing?你在忙什么?3.Im not sure how to make it.= Im not sure how I can make it.4. Thats why .那就是的原因了。5. in order to+动词原形:为了 He works so hard in order to get the best score. so that+句子=in order that+句子:为

14、了 He works so hard so that (in order that) he can get the best score.6. there is(现在完成时形式)there has been 已经有/存在 there are(现在完成时形式)there have been已经有/存在 There have been many buildings in our village since 15 years ago.7.go around围绕转8. none of +名词复数/宾格+动词(单/复形):没有一个(既指人也指物) no one +动词(单)=nobody(仅指人,不与o

15、f 连用,常用于who提出的问题)None of the students know(s) the anwer. 没有一个学生知道答案。-How many people are there in the room? None.一个也没有(强调数量)No one knows the answer. Whos in the classroom?- No one.没有人(强调有没有人)9. be called被称为 10.a small part of .的一小部分municate with与联系 12.finish doing sth.完成做某事 13.write back回信M4重要语法:1.现

16、在完成时(二):描述一个动作或状态从过去持续到现在乃至将来有多长时间。常与 “for+时间段/since+时间点”、so far、recently(最近)、in the last 10 years(最近十年)等表示持续的时间连用,也用于how long问句中。 I have learnt English for 6 years. He has lived here since he was born. China has changed a lot in the last 30 years. How long have you learnt English?特别注意:在现在完成时(二)中,与

17、“for+时间段/since+时间点”或how long问句中,动词必须为可延续性动词(learn, stay, live ),不能为短暂性动词(buy, borrow, die),若为短暂性动词则要转换成延续性动词或短语。如:buy have borrow-keep/have leave-be away die-be dead come/go/reachbe in join the party-be in the party错误: I have bought the bike for 3 days.(buy 为短暂性动词,不能与for +时间段连用) 正确: I have had/kept

18、the bike for 3 days.(将buy改为延续性动词have2. (问)- How long?多久.? (答)-For +时间段/since+时间点。How long have you been like this? 你这样多久了? I have been ill for about three days.我生病大约三天了。3.catch a cold感冒 have a fever发烧 take ones temperature测量某人的体温 do exercise锻炼 fast food 快餐 not usually 不经常 three times a day一天三次4. be

19、harmful to 对.有害 Playing computer games is harmful to your eyes.5. by doing通过做. decide(not) to do sth. 决心( 不 )做某事 in excellent /bad condition 身体状况良好/差 ride to work=go to work by bike 骑车上班 arrive at/in=get to = reach到达 with a smile on ones face 面带笑脸go for a run去跑步 feel awful 感到不适 all over 浑身;遍及6. toot

20、o太而不能 The boy is too young to go to school. 7.choose sb. to do sth.选择某人去干某事 on the way在路上M51.Its time to (动词)do sth.=Its time for(名词)sth.该做某事的时候了。 Its time to have class.=Its time for class. play games.= games. eat dinner.= dinner2.fight (fought foutht)sb.打某人 fight with sb.与某人打架 fight for为而战3. fly t

21、hrough 飞越 climb up 爬上 4. I want to be someone like him.我想成为想他那样的人。5. keep doing something不断做某事 keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做某事 keep sb from doing sth. =stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 Keep trying, and youll succeed(成功). 不断尝试,你就会成功!6. cant help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事 She couldnt help crying when she heard t

22、he news.I cant help missing you when I see the photos.The little boy cant help dancing with the rock music.7.over=more than超过 the heart of sb.赢得某人的心 The boy won the heart of the beautiful girl.9.make a terrible mess 弄得一团糟10.expect to do sth. 期待做某事 I expect to see you soon.11.ever since +句子( 一般过

23、去时 )常用于现在完成时) We have known each other ever since we were young.12. in the 1980s在二十世纪八十年代in 1980 在1980年(没有the 和s)13.find real life hard to understand=find it hard to understand real hard 发现现实生活难以理解 find +宾格+形容词+ to do=find it +形容词+to do+宾格:发现做是的14. as well as=with/and also和;以及;也;像一样好 He can speak En

24、glish as well as French.他会说英语,也会说法语。 Tony as well as his parents lives in China now.托尼和他的父母现在住在国。(动词要根据就远原则,与as well as 前的主语人称和数一致) I can speak English as well as him.我的英语说得想他一样好。e to life 复活/恢复生气 popular with sb.收到某人的欢迎17.几种时态区别:时态 概念 谓语动词形式 时间标志词一般现在时:经常发生或习惯性地动作 动词原形/三单 often usually sometim

25、es every day/week一般过去式: 过去发生的动作或状态 动词过去式 yesterday ago just now ,last week/year现在完成时:已经或曾经干过某事,对现在的影响 have/has+过去分词 already yet just never. 过去发生的动作持续到现在或将来有多久。 for+时间段、since+时间点,so far, rencentlyM61. take up占据(空间/时间) The desk took up too much room. Playing computer games has taken up most of his tim

26、e. 从事 He took up art at school. 他在学校教美术。2. find somewhere to sit down 找地方坐下3. a bit of +不可数名词= a little of a bit of food/orange juice a bit of a mess有点乱 a bit +形容词/副词= a little a bit tired/hungry 区别:not a bit:一点也不 not a little: 很/非常4. must 一定(表推测) It must be really valuable. 他一定很值钱。5. as+(形容词/副词)原级+

27、as: 像一样 He is as tall as his brother. 否定:not as as 不如. Tom is not as tall as his brother.6. in ones life在(某人)一生中7. make sb./sth. +动词原形:使某人/某物做某事 Dont make me laugh. The boss made the worker work for a long time.类似:let sb./sth. +动词原形:让某人/某物做某事8. grow as a person 长大成人9. someothers一些另外一些10. develop one

28、s interest 培养某人的兴趣11. as well as=besides 除了.之外,还包括.As well as Tom, his parents came to the party.汤姆和他的父母都来参加了这个聚会。12. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事13. come out 出版;外出;14. as a result结果 as a result of.由于.=because of He didnt work hard, as a result, he didnt pass the exam.15. be interested in+名词/动词-i

29、ng: 对感兴趣 I am very interested in maths. Are you interested in dancing?16. sb. spend+时间+doing sth. 某人花费多少时间做某事。 = It takes sb.+时间+ to do sth. He usually spends lots of time playing computer games.=It usually takes him lots of time to play computer games.M71. prepare for为.做准备= get ready for2. make a l

30、ist of列的清单3. get ready把准备好4.It sounds crazy. 这听起来很荒唐。5. I dont know what to take.(简单句= I dont know what I should take.(复合句)6. at the end of 在.的尽头/结尾7. Is 200 dollars enough?(金钱、时间、距离做主语时,视作单数) 50 years is long time. 100 metres is a short distance.8. had better +动词原形:最好做某事 You had better stay home at

31、 night.否定:had better not +动词原形:最好不要做某事:Youd better not go out now.9. by the way 顺便说一下 go crazy 变疯 in a group of 20二十人一组10. offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb.向某人提供某物 He offered the poor lots of food and water. offer to do sth. 自愿去做某事 They offered to help me.11. learn about了解 at the same time同时 be well trained受过良好培训 depend o

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