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1、研究生英语学术论文写作考试大概.Gone up increased set up established Put up with tolerate looking into investigating Figure out determine put into practice implementCome up with developed make up constituteGet rid of eliminate keep up maintainGone down decrease thinking considering.Structure of Data CommentaryData

2、commentaries usually has these elements in the following order.1. location elements and/or summary statements2. highlighting statements3. discussions of implications,problems,exceptions,recommendations,or other interesting aspects of the data可能涉及到排序题,有例如下:A computer virus is a program that is specif

3、ically and maliciously designed to attack a computer system,destroying data.As business have become inceasingly dependent on computers,e-mail,and the Internet,concern over the potential destructiveness of such viruses has also grown.Table X shows the most common sources of infection for U.S. busines

4、ses.As can be seen, in a great majority of cases,the entry point of the virus infection can be detected,with e-mail attachments being responsible for nearly 9 out of 10 viruses.This very high percentage is increasingly alarming,especially since with a certain amount of caution such infections are la

5、rgely preventable.In consequence,e-mail users should be wary of all attachments,even thoes from a trusted colleague or a known sender.In addition,all computers used for e-mail need to have a current version of a good antivirus progarm whose virus definitions are updated regularly.While it may be pos

6、sible to lessen the likelihood of downloading an infected file,businesses are still vulnerable to computer virus problems because of human error and the threat of new,quickly spreading viruses that cannot be identified by antivvirus software.Theory and common beliefs. The start Implications.信息性摘要An

7、informative abstract,as its name implies,summarizes the key points in the RP.It is an overview that briefly state the purpose,methods,results and conclutions with quantitative information.信息性摘要主要报道论文的研究目的、研究方法、研究结果与结论。它是论文全文的高度浓缩,相当于论文的简介或概要,但它又不是简单对原文篇幅进行按比例的缩减,而是要进行深入加工。比较流行的信息性摘要架构有:ObjectiveMeth

8、odologyResultsConclusionsBackgroundPurpose and aimMethodsResultsConclusionsBackground+purposeMethodologyResultConclusion.Appendix 1 常用词汇、短语的用法Above“above” 可用于指称前面提到的信息,但只能以一个段落或前几个句子中曾出现过的信息为限。“above”不能用来说明前几个段落甚至前几页中曾经出现的信息,否则读者会感到迷惑,不清楚“above”所指的信息是什么。e.g. (1)The above explanation will help answer

9、 this question. (刚提及)否则就应该用下列写法(2) We can adopt the explanation described earlier to answer this question.(3) We can apply the explanation introduced in Section 2 to answer this question.As mentioned above, as mentioned previously 这两个短语的用法有些不同。“as mentioned previously” (as mentioned earlier) 通常用来指几个

10、段落或几页前所提到的内容。作者想指明前几个句子所提到的内容时,可以使用“as just mentioned”。 建议撰写科技论文的作者尽可能使用较准确的词来代替“as mentioned above”或 “as mentioned earlier”。例如,当作者指的是上一节中的内容,则可用 “as mentioned in the preceding section” 来表达,而不用“as mentioned above”。Appendix若论文、着作或研究报告只有一个附录,则在文章中应该使用“the Appendix”。若有两个以上的附录,则采用“Appendix A”,“Appendix

11、B”或“Appendix I”, “Appendix II” 来指称这些附录,而且“Appendix”前可不加冠词。e.g. The properties of various materials used in the design and analysis of heat pipes are presented in Appendix C.As follows “as follows”, “the following”, “as shown below” 都是正确的形式,而“as followings”, “as the followings”, “as below” 等都是不正确的形式。

12、e.g. (1) Solutions for equation (1) and (2) can be derived as follows.(2) Commonly used methods include the following:Aspect在英文科技论文中,aspect及area之类的词,常常是累赘而应该加以省略的词。累赘:(1) Regarding the application aspect of Genetic Algorithm (遗传算法), many approaches have been proposed.累赘:(2) In the area of applicatio

13、n of Genetic Algorithm, many approaches have been proposed.简洁:(3) Many approaches to application of Genetic Algorithm have been proposed.简洁:(4) Many applications of Genetic Algorithm have been proposed.Based “Based” 这个词常出现在论文的题目中,用于名词短语“基于某物或某方法的.”之中,以使该名词短语简洁。e.g. (1) 基于气泡堆积法的非结构化网络生成bubble packing

14、 method based unstructured grid generation(2) IEEE 802.15.4-based body sensor networkBased on 若句首出现以based on开头的过去分词短语,则必须注意过去分词表示的被动行为对象是句子中的主语。然而,在绝大多数以based on开头的句子中,based on开头的过去分词短语却不能合理地修饰句子的主语。由此看来,还是应该用on the basis of,by,from, According to或其他词来替代based on,否则就需要重写句子,以便使读者清楚地了解是什么的“基础”。正:(2) Fro

15、m Eq. (6), it is obtained that.佳:(4) On the basis of the experimental results, we conclude that.佳:(5) From the experimental results, we conclude that.佳:(6) the experimental results show that.在下列例句中,以based on开头的短语就可以正确地修饰句子的主语。这个句子的含意是Nikon Cool Pix 995照相机是以“advanced digital technology”为基础的。 Based on

16、 advanced digital technology, the Nikon Cool Pix 995 camera provides the excellent performances.Belong 在英文中, “belong”通常表示属某人的财产 (后加“to”)及应归入某部分和适合的意思。但在科技论文中,想要表示某个项目属于某种类型时,通常不使用“belong”,而用“to fall into the category of”, “to be a form of” 或 “to be classified as”e.g. (1) The building belongs to the

17、college. (2) This problem can be classified as a nonlinear programming problem. (3) The total tool wear (工具磨耗) observed in the ceramic cutting tool (陶瓷刀具) can be divided into two main broad categories such asBesides在正式的英文论文中,不宜用连接词“besides”来表达“此外”之意,应该使用“in addition”,“moreover”或“furthermore”。佳:(2) I

18、n addition, sending these massages electronically eliminates the need for 100 pieces of paper that people glance at and throw away.佳:(3) Moreover, sending these massages electronically eliminates the need for 100 pieces of paper that people glance at and throw away.Better在英文科技论文中,当我们比较两个事物的时候,最好不要告诉

19、读者其中一个比另一个“更好”(“better”),而应该使用更精确的词。e.g. (1a) The gas turbine is better than the stream engine.(1b) The gas turbine (燃气涡轮) is more efficient than the stream engine.(2a) Our algorithm is better than the conventional one.(2b) Our algorithm is faster than the conventional one.Can “Can”可以用来帮助造出通顺的句子,但在有

20、些情况下,为了简洁起见,英文句子中的“can”常被省略。e.g. (1a)The finite element formulations(有限元数值、公式) can be expressed in the non-dimensional form as follows. (1b)The finite element formulations are expressed in the non-dimensional form as follows.在英文科技论文的结果、讨论的章节中,常出现“It can be noted from the figure that”、“It can be obse

21、rved that”、“From Fig.5 it can be seen that” 这样的句子中的can不能被省略。(2) From the above figure, it can be noted that the notch wear(沟槽磨损) in both of the ceramic(陶瓷) cutting tool increases with cutting speed.Conclusion, conclude科技论文中,常用“state conclusion”、“draw conclusion” 或”present conclusions”这样的搭配,而不用“make

22、conclusion”或“give conclusion”。或者有时候只需使用动词“conclude”。佳:(2) Finally, we state a conclusion in section 5.佳:(4) The final section states the conclusion of the paper.佳:(5) Section 5 concludes the paper.Display, show, exhibit“display”、“show”和exhibit” 可用于表示“呈现”、“显示”之意。“以图标表示”所对应的动词常为“show”或“display”,“show的

23、使用更为普遍。若用“exhibit”则显不自然。e.g. 佳:(1) The relationship of Num and Cd for the various of A and Pl is shown in Fig. 6.佳:The relationship of Num and Cd for the various of A and Pl is displayed in Fig. 6.GiveGive是个意思不精确的词,要防止在撰写英文科技论文中滥用give。在大多数情况下,要表达 “提出”、“给出”之意,使用state、present或Propose这些意思较为精确的词要比使用give

24、好很多。在许多中国学生撰写的研究论文的导论中常常可以见例“The final section gives the conclusions”这样不自然的句子。此句可以改写成:佳:The final section states the conclusions of the paper.佳:Section 5 concludes the paper.佳:The conclusions of the paper are stated in section 5.精确:(2) The concept of “Sequential Combustion” developed by ABB is prese

25、nted in this paper.精确:(3) The concept of “Sequential Combustion” developed by ABB is described in this paper.精确:(4) The concept of “Sequential Combustion” developed by ABB is stated in this paper.精确:(6) First we will state the governing equations in the Cartesian coordinates.i.e. i.e.是拉丁文短语id est的缩写

26、,其意思是“即是”。i.e. 是非限定短语所以必须使用逗号将其与句子分开The idea of The idea of的意思与中文的“这个概念”或“这个主意”类似。在撰写科技论文时,当作者想解释提出的方法或理论背后的基本概念时,不宜用the idea of,而应使用the idea behind或the idea underlying。佳:(2) The main idea behind the proposed method is to use an iterative algorithm to eliminate the effects of the under-relaxation fa

27、ctor.佳:(3) The main idea underlying the proposed method is to use an iterative algorithm to eliminate the effects of the under-relaxation factor.IllustrateIllustrate的意思是“举例或以图表等说明”。因此其宾语(对象)应该是一个论点或方法。“to illustrate an example”这种表达方式是不正确的。正: (2) Figure 3 shows different examples of pore-level and sy

28、stem-level chemical non-equilibrium.正:(4) An experimental example will show how LDV can be applied to measure velocity.Introduce科技论文中,尽量用explain,describe或state来代替introduce.佳:(2) We will describe the advantage of an informational abstract later.佳:(3) We will state the advantage of an informational ab

29、stract later.Match 在对不同的资料进行比较时,使用agree或其他词表示 “一致”之意,通常比使用match恰当。原句:(1)The computed lift coefficients(升力系数)match the experimental data.更恰当:2) The computed lift coefficients agree with the experimental data.(3) The computed lift coefficients are in agreement with the experimental data.(4) The comput

30、ed lift coefficients are consistent with the experimental data.(5) The experimental data confirm the accuracy of the computed lift coefficients.ModernModern的意思比较复杂它可以指of the present or recent times(如欧洲近代史,自1475年迄今),也可以指modern inventions and discoveries(即现代的发明与发现)。因此,在一些句子中,使用modern这个词不能清楚的表明作者所指的究竟是

31、什么时代。在科技论文中,若提到“现代技术”,使用contemporary这个词耍比modern会使意思更加清楚。清楚:(2)The contemporary digital video interactive (DVI) technology offers another kinds of compression, edit-level video, done on the developers DVI system in real time.Of撰写科技论文时, 不能把中文的“的”这个字统统翻译成英文的of, 例如有些人把of和in混淆使用。正:(2) The use of reformul

32、ated gasoline has helped vehicle manufacture to meet CARB standards without a costly investment in infrastructure for alternative fuels. 文中的“的”有时实指“关于”, “针对”的意思, 此时应使用about, on , concerning 或regarding, 而不能用of。正:(4)Professor Robinson has done some interesting research on fuzzy logic control.正:(6) This is a book about the design of rapid access memory.On t

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