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1、深圳牛津新版九年级九年级上下册知识点总结深圳牛津新版九年级九年级上下册知识点总结:上册:Unit 1:1 gold(名词,黄金)-golden(形容词,用金子做得) 2agreedisagreeagreement 3 doubt 怀疑得 = not sure = not certain4 real = true= right / really(副词,语法填空常考考点)5 true(形容词,=right = correct)truly(副词) - truth(名词,= fact)6 seem = look = appear似乎/ seem to do sth(语法填空常考考点) 7 solve(

2、动词,解决 = work out = deal with) solution(名词)8 be filled with = be full of 充满 fill sth = make sth full of 9 displace = take place of 替代 instead of = in place of 10( littleless 后接不可数名词) (few-fewer 修饰可数名词) 11 certain = sure=not feel doubtful certainly(副词)12 prison - prisoner(罪犯)prisoners 13 hithithit 袭击1

3、4 brave = courageous 勇敢得-bravely(副词) 15 correct= right = true正确得 / correctly16 mistakemistakes /make mistakes 犯错误 without mistake = right = true = correct17 be happy with =be pleased with =be satisfied with 对 感到满意18 plete(完整得,形容词) pletely (副词)Unit 2:1 mind = genius = clever people 聪明人mind 介意 = care

4、/ mind doing sth 介意做、2 consider = regard、as = think 认为 consider doing sth 考虑做3 sense of humor / humorous= funny搞笑得 4 university/ universities 大学5 invite sb to do sth邀请某人做= ask sb to go somewhere / invitation 名词 pleased 形容人6 pleasure = happy thing 形容词 pleasing/pleasant 形容物7 avoid = keep away from=sta

5、y away from避免 avoid doing sth 8 lecture演讲 = speech =long talk - lecturer 演讲者 9 audience = viewer 观众 a group of people who gather together to watch or listen to something 10 trust = believe in 信任 11 sit down = take a seat 坐下12 pale = white 苍白得 feel nervous or worried 14 achieve achievement 成就 = succe

6、ss 16 letdown = make sb disappointed 让某人失望 17 learn by heart = remember = memorize 记住18 have no idea = dont know 丝毫不知情20 join in = take part in 参加 22 offer to do sth主动提出做 offer sth to sb = provide sb with sth 提供Unit 3:1 share sth with sb = tell opinions with others 分享= make your opinion known by oth

7、ers、 2 decide to do sth决定做、 / decision/ make a decision to do sth3 possessions = something you have or own 财产4 expect = require 要求expectation 5 person- personal(私人得,=own)personality性格 7 set rules = make rules 制定规则8 mind doing sth 介意做、 = care 9 fashion fashionable= popular 时髦得,时尚得10 out of date = unf

8、ashionable = unpopular 过时得 11 event = important thing 大事件12 suppose = think = consider 认为 13 relation relationship 关系14 be interested in(对感兴趣)- have no interest in (对无兴趣) 15 be on business = go somewhere for job 出差unit 4:1、 online = on the internet 网上得 2、 model models 模特3、 be on diet = want to be le

9、ss or be thinner=lose weight 减肥4、 though = although 虽然 5、awful = bad = unpleasant 糟糕得6、 regret doing sth = feel sorry for 后悔做。 7、feel ashamed of = feel sorry for 感到羞愧得 Feel embarrassed for = for sorry for 感到尴尬得embarrassed(修饰人)- embarrassing (修饰物)8、 hate = dislike 厌恶 9、 advantage优势advantagesdisadvant

10、age 11、 suggest doing sthsuggestion(可数名词) advice 不可数名词advise 动词 advise sb to do sth / advise doing sth12、 drive sb mad = make sb very angry 让。生气 13、 make a mess = untidy= not clean 乱七八糟14、 annoying = angry 让人恼怒得 15、fail 不通过 = not pas16.careless粗心得 = not careful 17.ment about = opinion about 评论18. po

11、lite礼貌得 - impolite无礼得=rude 19. none = not any 一个都没有20. out of place = unsuitable 格格不入 21. hear from = receive a letter from 收到某人得来信Unit 5:1 praise 赞扬 -prize 奖项 2 view = watch观瞧 3 direcdirector导演directly 5 contest比赛 -contestant 选手 6 among(三者中) -between(两者中)7 relaxrelaxed放松得=not worried 8 ahead of = i

12、n front of(位置关系,在前面) = better than(程度关系,比做得好)Ahead of time = in advance 提前9 beat sb = win the game/ watch 打败 beat = win against10 keep still =keep calm 保持冷静= not move 静止不动 11 single = only one 仅仅只有一个12 victory胜利 = success 13 England=Britain英国 - English= British英国人,英国得14 lucky = fortunate幸运得 fortunat

13、ely 15 survey= research调查16 keep doing sth 、keep on doing sth继续做、17 on weekdays = from Monday to Friday 工作日18 be prepared for= be ready for/ unprepared 准备做19 surprise(名词)-surprised-surprising 惊讶得21 raise ones voice= speak louder 提高音量 raise ones hand= put up ones hand 举手Unit6:1 prefer- preference / p

14、refer to do sth / prefer doing to doing2 review= ment 评论3 medical医学得=medicine药品 / medical examination体检4 state=explain = say in a clear way陈述5 research= survey 调查6 plenty of = a lot of = a large amount of = a large number of 大量得Plenty of+不可数名词 = a large amount of Plenty of +可数名词复数= a large number of

15、7 usual- usually- unusual 不寻常得8 treat oneself to sth = buy sth for oneself 买、9 customer = who want to buy sth= consumer 顾客10 title= headline 标题11 serve-service 服务12 a balanced diet= a healthy diet 一个营养均衡得饮食结构13 stay away from= keep off 远离14 in general= generally speaking 一般来说 Unit 7: 1 Adventure 冒险=

16、 a dangerous but exciting experience2Humorous = funny幽默得3Task 任务 = a piece of difficult work or job4Survey= look carefully at 检查 5、 have a rest = have a break 休息6、 deal= business agreement 协议7、 celebrated = famous= well known 有名得 8、 Lazy = unwilling to do sth 懒惰得9 e along = pass by = appear 过来10 go

17、on doing sth = continue doing sth 继续做 Go on to do sth(出现两件事)go on doing sth(只有一件事) 11 in silence = silently = quietly=without saying a word 默默地12 after a while = a moment later 一会之后 13 、progress 进步,进程/ make progress 取得进步Unit 8: 1 present = gift 礼物 2 graduate-graduationafter graduation毕业之后3 cent - ce

18、nts 美分 4 count = calculate the total number of 数数5 afford = have enough money to buy 买得起。/ afford to do sth5sign7 search= look for carefully 搜寻 搜查8 bill 账单 = the money you should pay 10 accuse sb of doing sth 控告/ be accused of doing sth被控告。11 America美洲,美国-American 12 wife 妻子-wives 13 take note = wri

19、te note 做笔记 = record 14 drawdrew = take out= hold out掏出15 at last = in the end = finally最终,最后 16 under the name of用。名字 = use the nickname of 17 fixon = attract ones attention on=focus on集中注意/ be fixed on下册:Unit 1: 1 go on a trip to = make a journey to 旅行2 set up = build 建立3 explore冒险 - explorer expl

20、oration6set off /out from= start/begin from 开始,着手。7office official官员officials8at that time = at that moment 在那个时候9be known as = be considered as = be famous as 因而出名10as well -as well as = and = together with 也,与11except (减法关系)=not including besides (加法关系) = in a addition to / besides doing sth12cult

21、ure文化 cultural 文化得 13 people peoples 民族,种族16 lead to = cause = result in 导致 18 discover = find discovery=finding 发现 19 develop发展 =bee stronger or grow larger development developing发展中得 developed发达得20 rise 升职,升任 rose = bee important or strong22 return = e back = give back23 achieve achievement=succes

22、s 成就 24 pioneer = the first people= the people who start or begin 先驱Unit 2:1 set off fireworks 放烟花 3 put on 穿上/ take off脱下 4 give a speech = make a lecture 做演讲5 in my free time = in my spare time = when I am not working在空闲时间6 to a certain degree=to a certain degree = in a way 在某种程度上7 get / be used t

23、o doing sth习惯做 8 be different from与不同 /difference10 stay healthy = keep fit保持健康 11 everyday = daily日常得 13be proud of = take pride in 为感到自豪14admit = have to agree /admit doing sth承认做15fail to do sth = not succeed in doing sth 做、未能成功16manage to do sth = do sth successfully能够做17be strange to sb 某人对。很陌生

24、 stranger 陌生人18idiom idioms 习语 19uniform = the clothes you have to wear in school校服20have great memories of 对有美好得记忆 unit 3:1 be in danger = not safe 处于危险中 / dangerous 危险得2 as a result of = because of 由于 3 result in = cause = lead to 造成,导致4 mountains of = a lot of = plenty of = a large number of = a

25、large amount of 大量,许多5 take action to do sth = take steps to do sth 采取行动 6 make a difference 有作用,有影响 = have a effect on7 act as =work as 充当 8 keepfrom doing sth = stop/prevent doing sth阻止做9 sea level = the height of the ocean海平面 12 take in = absorb 吸收 13 green consumer= environmental 绿色消费者 consumer = customer 14 be different from、in 在某些方面不一样 15 be worried about = be concerned about为担忧18 lifeless= dead无生命得 19 recycle = reuse 循环使用21surface = the top part of an area of land 表面 23 increase= bee more 增加,增长 reduce 减少24 naturenatural自然得,天然得 24 proper = right正确得,恰当得 / properly语法填空常考题型

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