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1、高考英语完形填空基础练习题18高考英语完形填空基础练习题(18)完形填空(记叙文) (201*福建)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Diana Velez does everything with maximumeffortand at maximum speed. That1learning a new language,completing two certificates and opening a store.When arriving in Canada in 2008,she hado ne2:to have w

2、hat she had back home in Colombia. “I didnt want to3what I do,like so many who come to a new country,“she said. “I4to open a store here in Canada but knew I had to5myself properly. “Diana quickly realized that making her dream of shop ownership in Canada a6meant going to school to get the7education

3、and certification. “My experience of owning a shop and working as a designer in Colombia gave me8in my abilities,but I couldnt speak the language and I had to9how to do things in Canada. It was like having to10all over again,“ said Diana.11,she found just the help she needed for her relaunch(重新开张)12

4、continuing education at George Brown College. She began taking13for both the Essential Skills in Fashion Certificate and the Image Consulting Certificate in May 2009.14Diana met with the language barrier,she was always going15while at college.By the end of October 2009,she had completed all certific

5、ate requirements. Within two years after her16in Canada,Diana at last achieved her17goal when her new store opened its doors inTorontos Sheppard Centre. She was on the fast-track to18.Looking back,Diana,afashion(时装)designer,19her achievements to the goal she set,the education she received from the c

6、ollege,and20,the efforts she made. Now Diana is very happy doing what she is doing.1. A. requiresB. encouragesC. includesD. advises2. A. goalB. memoryC. choiceD. problem3. A.continueB. chooseC. changeD. lose4. A.demandedB. decidedC. agreedD. hesitated5. A. teachB. prepareC. enjoyD. persuade6. A. rea

7、lityB. factC. challengeD. wonder7. A.physicalB. privateC. primaryD. necessary8. A.pressureB. judgementC. influenceD. confidence9. A. putawayB. depend onC. learn aboutD. look into10. A.advanceB. startC. sufferD. work11. A.NaturallyB. GraduallyC. LuckilyD. Clearly12. A.throughB. forC. beforeD. with13.

8、 A. notesB. responsibilitiesC. chancesD. courses14. A. ThoughB. AsC. SinceD. Once15. A. aroundB. backC. aheadD. out16. A.adventureB. arrivalC. performanceD. journey17. A.originalB. commonC. anotherD. distant18. A.successB. wealthC. gloryD. happiness19. A. addsB. connectsC. devotesD. owes20. A. after

9、allB. above allC. at leastD. at first参考答案231.1-5 CACBB 6-10 ADDCB 11-15 CADAC 16-20 BAADB: For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-e

10、nding flood of words. In1 a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend 2can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are3 readers. Most of us develop poor reading 4 at an early age, and never get over them. The main deficiency5 in

11、the actual stuff of language itself words. Taken individually, words have6 meaning until they are strung together into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. 7, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He laboriously reads one word at a time, often regressing(退回) to8 words or passage

12、s. Regression, the tendency to look back over9you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which10 down the speed of reading is vocalizationsounding each word either orally or mentally as11 reads.To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called an12, whic

13、h moves a bar (or curtain) down the page at a predetermined(预先确定的) speeDThe bar is set at a slightly faster rate13the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him. The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, 14word-by-word reading, regression and subvocalization(默读)practically impossible.

14、 At first15is sacrificed for speeDBut when you learn to read ideas and concepts, you will not only read faster, 16 your comprehension will improve. Many people have found17 reading skill drastically improved after some training. 18Charlce Au, a business manager, for instance, his reading rate was a

15、reasonably good 172 words a minute 19 the training, now it is an excellent 1,378 words a minute. He is delighted that how he can 20a lot more reading material in a short period of time.1 Aapplying Bdoing Coffering Dgetting2 Aquickly Beasily Croughly Ddecidedly3 Agood Bcurious Cpoor Durgent4 Atrainin

16、g Bhabits Csituations Dcustom5 Alies Bcombines Ctouches Dinvolves6 Asome Ba lot Clittle Ddull7 AFortunately BIn fact CLogically DUnfortunately8 Areuse Breread Crewrite Drecite9 Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dif10Ascales Bcuts Cslows Dmeasures11Asome one Bone Che Dreader12Aaccelerator Bactor Camplifier Dobserve

17、r13Athen Bas Cbeyond Dthan14Aenabling Bleading Cmaking Dindicating15Ameaning Bcomprehension Cgist Dregression16Abut Bnor Cor Dfor17Aour Byour Ctheir Dsuch a18ALook at BTake CMake DConsider19Afor Bin Cafter Dbefore20Amaster Bgo over Cpresent Dget through参考答案及解析15 DACBA 610 CDBAC 1115 BADCB 1620 ACBDD

18、1 D 本句意思是“谁如果想谋得一份差事”。applying需加for, 意思是“申请”;doing做;offering提供; 此三项均不符题意,只有getting (获得)适合。2 A 本句意为 “快速阅读与理解的能力,是关系到成败的关键所在”。只有quickly与原意吻合。easily(容易地);roughly (粗略地);decidedly(果断地)均与原文内容不符。3 C 英语中,阅读能力强的人称为good reader,反之,就是poor reader。根据上下文的能力内容,多数人都属于poor reader,因此选poor(差的)。其它选项不妥。4 B 此处的意思是“大多数人早期养

19、成了看书慢的习惯”。因此选habits(习惯)。training (训练,培训);situations(形势);custom(风俗习惯)。5 A 此处说的是“主要的困难在于语言的自身要素,即单词”。combines联合;touches接触;involves包括;这三项的词义与原文不符。而lies与in构成搭配,意为“在于”。6 C 这里的意思是“如果单独地看这些词,它们并没有什么意义”。some有点;A lot许多;dull单调的。此三项不合题意。只有little(很少)是否定词,合乎逻辑。7 D 此句意为“然而遗憾的是未受过阅读训练的人就不会意群”。Fortunately幸运地;In fac

20、t事实上;Logically合乎逻辑地,均不妥。Unfortunately(不幸地)合乎句义。8 B 此句意为“在阅读时经常重读(反复读)”因此,选reread重读。reuse再使用;Rewrite改写;recite背诵。9 A what引导宾语从句。10 C scales down按比例减少;cuts down削减;此两项不合题意。measures不能与down搭配。只有slow与down搭配的意思“放慢, 减速”,在此合适。11 B one 指 “任何人”。12 A 此句意为“训练快速阅读所使用的工具必然与提高阅读速度有关”,因此选accelerator (快读器)。actor演员;amp

21、lifier放大器;observer观察者。13 D 前面的faster决定了应当选than,构成比较级。14 C make impossible (使不可能)。此句意为“快速阅读器迫使你加快阅读速度,使你再也不能逐字阅读,回顾前文内容或者默读”。 15 B 这里的意思是“速读最初会影响理解”,所以选comprehension(理解力)。meaning意义,意思,指词或词组表示的意义;gist大意,要旨;regression回顾。16 A 与前半句中的not only相呼应,构成句式“不仅,而且”,只有选but。17 C 本句中的主语是第三人称复数,物主代词必然是their。18 B take

22、与后面的for instance构成短语,意为:“以例”,其它三项不能构成搭配。19 D 这里把受训之前与受训之后的阅读速度进行对比,因此选before。20 D 此处意为:在较短时间内,读完众多的材料。master掌握;go over复习;present呈现,展现;此三项均不妥。只有get through (读完)最恰当。双向细目表 词法 重点词汇: lie in; not onlybut; takefor instance; get through.We know the kiss as a form of expressing affection(情感,喜爱). But long 1 i

23、t became it, it was customary in many countries to use it as a(n) 2 of respect. Some native Africans 3 the ground over which a chief(首领)has walkeDKissing the hand and foot has been a mark of respect from the 4 times. The early Romans kissed the mouth or eyes 5 a form of dignified(高贵的) greeting. One

24、Roman emperor allowed his important nobles to kiss his lips, but the 6 important ones had to kiss his hands, and the 7 important ones were 8 allowed to kiss his feet! Most likely the kiss as a form of affection can be traced back to primitive(上古的,原始的) times when a mother 9 fondle(爱抚) her child, just

25、 as a mother 10 today. It only remained for society to 11 this as a custom for expressing affection between arms. We have evidence(根据) that this was already the 12 by the time of the sixth century, but we can only suppose it was 13 long before that. The first 14 where the kiss became accepted in cou

26、rtship(求婚) was in France. From France the kiss spread rapidly all over Europe. Russia, which loved to 15 the customs of France, soon adopted it. A kiss from the Tsar(沙皇) became 16 of the highest forms of recognition from the Crown. In time, the kiss became a part of courtship. 17 marriage customs de

27、veloped, the kiss became a part of the 18 ceremony (典礼,仪式). Today we regard it as an expression of love and tenderness. 19 there are still many places in the world where the kiss is 20 of formal ceremonies and is intended to show respect.1 Aafter Bbefore Cuntil Dsince2 Acustom Btradition Cexpression

28、 Daffection3 Awatch Btouch Ckiss Dgreet4 Aearliest Blatest Clongest Deldest5 Aof Bas Cfor Din6 Anot Blittle Cless Dleast7 Alast Bless Cmost Dleast8 Atoo Balso Conly Dever9 Awould Bcould Cshould Dwill10Awould Bhas Cdoing Ddoes11Aexpress Ballow Ckiss Daccept12Acase Bevent Chistory Devidence13Aexpresse

29、d Bpractised Ckissed Ddiscovered14Acity Btribe(部落) Csociety Dcountry15Aallow Bcopy Cspread Duse16Aone Bit Cthis Dthat17ASince BOnce CWhile DAs18Ameeting Bgreeting Cmarrying Dwedding19AAnd BThus CBut DWhen20Abit Bpart Csome Dany参考答案及解析15 BCCAB 610 CDCAD 1115 DABCB 1620 ADDCB1选B。今天,我们所了解的亲吻的功能是表示爱慕这样的

30、情感,那么用亲吻表示尊敬,则应是很久“以前”的事了。 2选C。与开头expressing相呼应,故用expression。第19空前再现了类似说法。 3选C。前后谈论的都是“亲吻”。 4选A。这句话仍然是对But long before it became it 一句的例证,故发生的时间也应在很久以前。 5选B。类似结构还有the kiss as a form of affection,as an expression of等。 6选C。国王把人分成几个等级,从吻的部位不难看出一个人的地位。 7选D。仅让其吻身体最低部位的脚,可见其地位最低。8选C。由上下文和句末感叹号推知。 9选A。would可用来表示过去的习惯性行为。 10选D。does替代前文提到的fondles her child。 11选D。根据上下文不难排除其他三项。 12选A。this is the case 情况就是这样。 13选B。风俗被“实践”,合乎语境。 14选C。这里的society指群体,city,tribe较为片面,较为武断,不能选用。 15选B。很快采纳了法国的做法,说明它爱“效仿”法国。 16选A。根据词的用法即可选定。17选D。发展(develop)、变化(become)是有过程的,故选as(随着)。18选D。只有“

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