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1、基于云计算的数据库关键技术研究 摘 要云计算作为近年来研究与应用领域的热点话题,被大多数IT企业和业内人士认为是下一代计算机网络应用技术的核心架构。云计算环境下,使用者可以不用再花费高昂的硬件和软件成本去拥有强大的计算资源和庞大的存储能力,所有这一切都可以交给云计算服务提供商来完成。目前,设备的信息化管理系统的研发得到了企业的高度重视。由于国内企业的设备现代化程度低、自动化水平落后、设备参差不齐,没有完善和明确的设备故障远程诊断和管理等问题,国内开发的设备管理软件的功能仍然停留在对设备的基本信息等静态数据的管理上,不能满足用户以及应用增长的需求。而云计算平台技术的应用,不仅消除了用户对特定设备

2、的依赖,而且规模可以根据用户和应用增长的需求进行伸缩。凭借云,用户的应用和文档仍然跟随用户,用便携的设备,同样使用自己的应用和文档记性大量的计算和远程管理。本文主要借鉴云计算体系结构,对NoSQL关键点进行研究。论文在对NoSQL 相关技术进行阐述的基础上,研发并实现了一个基于云计算平台的企业设备管理系统。该系统能够为企业建立完整的仪器设备电子档案,对仪器设备的信息进行数字化管理,提高企业设备管理水平。该系统主要包括设备管理模块、统计分析模块、系统管理模块等九大模块。该系统最大的特点是可以不受到某些外界条件的限制(如地域和时间),是未来设备管理系统的一个发展方向。关键词: 云计算;数据库;No

3、SQL技术;设备管理AbstractCloud computing as a field of research and application in recent years, a hot topic, by most IT companies and industry insiders believe is the core of the next generation of computer network architecture application technology. Under the cloud computing environment, users can no lo

4、nger costly hardware and software costs to have a powerful computing resources and a huge storage capacity, all of which can be handed over to cloud computing service providers to complete. Not only cost savings, but also do not need to spend a lot of energy. Based on cloud technology for enterprise

5、 equipment management system memory design, with respect to the advantages of traditional relational database resides. With the information management business equipment subject to corporate concern and attention, so far, enterprises, universities, research institutions have begun research enterpris

6、e information management device. In China, the device management software vendor total around 20. Guangzhou Chint PMiss.o device which integrated management information system can achieve integrated management of the equipment, its function is: Device ledger management, change device files, equipmen

7、t maintenance history, equipment procurement plan, equipment depreciation expenses. Remote device management software, Kunshan device management software are also device management practice and try to study, but overall the domestic development of device management software features still remain in

8、the management of basic information about the device, such as static data, which is mainly related to the low level of domestic production of business equipment modernization, automation level backward, equipment varies, there is no perfect and clear remote diagnosis and management of equipment fail

9、ure, whereas the size of the cloud can be scaled according to the actual situation, to meet the growing demand of users and applications. Also eliminates the users dependence on a particular device, by virtue of the cloud, the users application and documentation still follow the user, using portable

10、 equipment, the same applications and documents using their own memory a lot of computing and remote management.In this paper, drawing a cloud computing architecture, NoSQL key points for research. Article on NoSQL background, basic concepts, as well as data models and principles depend introduced,

11、and learn from cloud computing technology to develop an enterprise device management system, which for enterprises to establish a complete equipment electronic files, for instruments and equipment digital information management, improve enterprise device management level, the system includes device

12、management module, statistical analysis module, system management module, and other nine modules. For cloud-based equipment management system, its greatest feature is not subject to restrictions (such as geographical and time) certain external conditions, the future direction of the device managemen

13、t system.Keywords: cloud computing; database; NoSQL technology目 录第1章 绪论11.1研究背景11.2国内外研究现状11.3论文的主要内容和组织结构21.4本文的创新点3第2章 云计算相关概述及No SQL技术介绍42.1云计算相关概述42.1.1云计算的概念及优点42.1.2现有的云计算平台52.1.3云计算的关键技术62.2 No SQL技术92.2.1No SQL技术的概念与定义92.2.2No SQL技术的发展及趋势92.2.3No SQL的关键技术研究10第3章 基于云计算的企业设备管理系统的需求分析及构架133.1企业

14、设备管理概述133.2系统的功能需求分析133.2.1设备管理功能143.2.2统计分析功能143.2.3系统管理功能143.3企业设备管理系统的开发模式分析153.3.1传统的企业设备管理系统开发模式153.3.2基于云计算的企业设备管理系统开发模式163.4云计算服务及部署模式的选择163.4.1云计算服务及部署模式的选择分析163.4.2云计算服务及部署模式的设计213.5数据库的迁移253.6建设云计算平台的关键要素26第4章 基于云计算的企业设备管理系统数据库的设计与实现284.1 系统总体设计284.2系统功能模块的设计284.2.1 设备管理模块284.2.2 租借管理模块304

15、.2.3 运行管理模块324.2.4 报废管理模块344.2.5 特种设备管理模块364.2.6 统计分析模块374.2.7 合同管理模块394.2.8 基础信息管理模块394.2.9 系统维护模块414.2.10 设备维护管理424.2.11 设备备品备件管理424.2.12 设备运行风险分析424.3数据库的设计434.3.1CouchDB建模434.3.2CouchDB实体关系描述464.3.3数据的查询534.3.4权限控制与安全544.3.4 数据表的设计554.4 主要功能实现584.4.1 用户登录584.4.2权限管理604.4.3 设备台账管理604.4.4 设备借用管理614.4.5 设备报废管理636.2.6 分析统计644.4.7 设备分类维护654.4.8 设备状态维护664.4.9 角色授权管理674.4.10 设备维护管理674.4.11 设备备品备件684.4.12 设备运行风险分析68第5章 总结与展望705.1本文的总结705.2下一步的发展方向70参考文献71致 谢7373第1章 绪论1.1研究背景上个世纪90年代,网络作为一个新颖便捷的信息媒介,逐渐被人们所认识。人们意识到它拥有的庞大规模的计算资源,着迷于

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