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1、A3TestBankPartIIChapter1SpeakinginPublicChapter 1 Speaking in PublicTrue-False QuestionsStudents are to indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by circling the appropriate letter.1.TFFor nations, as for individuals, public speaking is a vital way of expressing ideas and ac

2、hieving objectives.2.TFPublic speaking can make a difference in things people care about very much.3.TFThe oldest known handbook on effective speech was written on papyrus in Egypt some 1,500 years ago.4.TFIn classical Greece and Rome, public speaking was studied extensively and played a central rol

3、e in civic life.5.TFIt is necessary to avoid references to Chinese history and cultural heritage when speaking in cross-cultural situations.6.TFCritical thinking is a matter of being able to spot weaknesses in other people s arguments and to avoid them in your own.7.TFA speaker and a listener often

4、have exactly the same frame of reference.8.TFAs a speaker, you need to be alert to the listeners reactions and adjust your message accordingly.9.TFIn public speaking there are four kinds of interference.10.TFCertain situations require certain kinds of speeches.Multiple Choice QuestionsStudents are t

5、o indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.1.When your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment, it means that public speaking is .a.a way to make a difference in something we care aboutb.a way to make everyone see things through our frame of refer

6、encec.a way to demonstrate how clever we ared.a way to manipulate people2.Almost all cultures have an equivalent of the English word “ ” to designatesomeone with special skills in public speaking.a.speakerb.talkerc.lecturerd.orator3.Intercultural communicative competence builds upon traditional comm

7、unicative competence but adds the required to make one s way in an interdependent,culturally diverse world.a.awareness and skillsb.knowledgec.linguistic fluencyd.understanding4.Because public speaking is an act of communication, it involves the use ofEnglish as a working

8、rategicc.massd.business5.Critical thinking involves all of the following related skills EXCEPT .a.distinguishing fact from opinionb.judging the credibility of statementsc.controlling nervousness and stage frightd.assessing the soundness of evidence6.One of the major differences between public speaki

9、ng and ordinary conversation is that public speaking usually requires .a.adapting to feedback from listenersb.a more formal manner of deliveryc.organizing ideas for effective communicationd.tailoring the message to the audience7.It has often been said that there are few new ideas in the world, only

10、ideas.a.reorganizedb.rediscoveredc.reemphasizedd.reinforced8.As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will enhance your ability to think .a.clearly and accuratelyb.effectively and clearlyc.logically and accuratelyd.cohesively and logically9.In order to organize your mess

11、age, you need to .a.tailor your message to the audienceb.tell a story for maximum impactc.organize your thoughts logic logicallyd.adapting to listener feedback10.All of the following types of language have little place in public speeches EXCEPTa.slangb.idiomc.jargond.bad grammar11.Listeners usually

12、react negatively to speakers who do not their language whenaddressing an audience.a.elevate and and decoratec.control and decorated.elevate and watch12.Speech communication begins with a .a.listenerb.channelc.speakerd.message13.Which of the following factors is NOT relevant to your suc

13、cess as a speaker?a.Your manner of speaking.b.Your circle of friends.c.Your personal credibility.d.Your knowledge of the subject.14.The is whatever a speaker communicates to someone else.a.messageb.channelc.feedbackd.situation15.In a public speaking class, your channel is the most of all.a.directb.a

14、ctivec.worthyd.personal16.The listener s refers to the total of his or her knowledge, experience, goals,values, and attitudes.a.mentality or mindsetb.frame of referencec.way of thinkingd.field of expertise17.To be an effective public speaker, you must be .a.situation-centeredb.audience-centeredc.cha

15、nnel-centeredd.message-centered18.Which of the following behavior is NOT an example of feedback?a.Listeners wear warm clothes.b.Listeners shuffle their feet.c.Listeners lean forward in their seats.d.Listeners gaze at the clock.19.Interference is anything that the communication of a message.a.influen

16、cesb.controlsc.impedesd.involves20.Funerals, weddings, graduation ceremonies are examples of .a.channelb.situationc.interferenced.feedback21.As you present your speech, you notice that many of your listeners have interested looks on their faces and are nodding their heads in agreement with your idea

17、s. According to your textbook, these reactions by your listeners are called .a.interferenceb.cognitive cuesc.feedbackd.audience cues22.According to your textbook, a listener anxious about an upcoming exam, worried about a recent argument with a friend, or distracted by cold air in the classroom woul

18、d be experiencing .a.situational cuesb.interferencemunication apprehensiond.psychological dissonance23.Concern by a listener about an upcoming job interview, the lack of air conditioning, or a toothache are all examples of in the speech communication process.a.feedbackb.interferencec.avoidanced.bloc

19、kage24.Recognizing that the audience for his graduation speech would be packed into a non-air- conditioned gymnasium during the hottest week of the year, Lin Yang decided to keep his speech at the low end of his 10-to-15-minute time limit. In making this decision, which element of the speech communi

20、cation process was Lin Yang adapting to?a.Location.b.Feedback.c.Situation.d.Message.25.A ringing cell phone or an audience member browsing the Web on her laptop during a speech are examples of in the speech communication process.a.channelb.messagec.interferenced.feedback26.Whatever a speaker communi

21、cates to someone else is termed the .a.channelb.messagec.coded.feedback27.What, according to your textbook, is the term for anything that impedes the communication of a message?a.Interference.b.Blockage.c.Intrusion.d.Avoidance.28.Someone coughing in the audience or walking in late during a presentat

22、ion are examples of in the speech communication process.a.channelb.messagec.feedbackd.interference29.The means by which a message is communicated is termed the .a.occasionb.channelc.catalystd.setting30.As defined in your textbook, channel in the speech communication process refers toa.the feedback s

23、ent to a speaker by the listenerb.the means by which a message is communicatedc.the content a speaker communicates to someone elsed.the process by which listeners adapt to the speaker31. lets you know how your message is being received.a.Vocal varietyb.Credibilityc.Feedbackd.Interference32.As Liu Xi

24、aoli approached the podium, loud voices from the hallway filled the room. Before beginning her speech, she asked someone in the back of the room to close the door. In this case, Benita was dealing with .a.stage frightb.interferencea.audience attitudesb.feedback33.In the midst of a speech about volca

25、noes, a speaker notices quizzical expressions on the faces of her listeners. In response, she says“, Let me explain that point again to make sure it s clear.” When this happens, the speaker is .a.building her credibilitypensating for the situationc.adapting to feedbackd.adjusting the channel34.As Zh

26、ang Qiang delivered his speech, he noticed that some members of his audience looked confused as he explained one of his main points. As a result, he slowed down and explained the point again. In this case, Zhang Qiang was .a.dealing with external interferenceb.adapting to audience feedbackc.adjustin

27、g the channel of communicationd.interpreting the audience s frame of reference35.Dealing with such matters as the logical relationships among ideas, the soundness of evidence, and the differences between fact and opinion are all part of what your textbook calls .a.deductionb.critical thinkingc.ratio

28、nal communicationd.oral deliberation36.As you listen to a speech about campus crime, you relate the speaker s ideas to your own knowledge, goals, and experience. According to your textbook, you are filtering the speech through your own .a.psychological screenb.cognitive fieldc.frame of

29、cial perspective37.Which of the following aspects of public speaking is least likely to help strengthen your skills as a critical thinker?a.Researching your speech.b.Outlining and organizing your speech.c.Testing the logic of your arguments.d.Practicing the delivery of your speech.38.Because every p

30、erson has a unique based on his or her own knowledge,experience, and values, the meaning of a message can never be exactly the same to a listener as to a mechanismb.attitudinal corec.frame of referenced.psychological field39.Everything a speaker says is filtered through a listener

31、 s .a.credibilityb.frame of referencec.feedbackd.personal screen40.According to your textbook, the knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes through which each listener filters a message is called the listener s .a. personal screen b. frame of referencec.sphere of valuesd.attitudinal coreShort Answer Questions1.As discussed in your text, speechmaking becomes more complex as cultural diversity increases.2.Intercultural commu

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