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1、六级完形1112221 I told her not to use the office phone for personal call. 1._ 2 He left words with my mother that he would come to help me in the afternoon and kept his words.2._ 3 Father went to his doctor for advices about his heart 3._ trouble. 4 Tom, will you boys play soldiers outside? Theres not e

2、nough rooms for you here.4._5 If by chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a notice.5._6 In order to buy a nice pair of shoes, he went to two shoes stores.6_ 7 Sensitive people have been mirroring their friend 7._and acquaintances all their lives, and winning affection and respect in this

3、 way without being aware of their methods. 8 But we must keep in head the billions of dollars8._ we might spend in carrying out the project. 9 I turned into the first sock shop that caught my eyes, and a clerk who could not have been more 9._ than seventeen years old came forward. 10 In many shops t

4、he customer has to wait for someone to wait upon him. And when finally some clerks does design to notice you, you are made to 10._ fell as if you were interrupting him. 答案解析:1.callcalls。因为call为可数名词。2.第二个wordsword。“keep ones word”为固顶短语,意为“遵守诺言”。3.advicesadvice。因为advice不可数。4.roomsroom。因为当room表示“空间”的意思

5、时,room为不可数名词。5.noticenote。根据语境,这里表达的是“留便条”,应该用“leave a note or message”,而notice的意思是“通知”,不符合题意要求。6.shoesshoe。当名词作定语表类别,一般用名词的单数形式。7.friendfriends。8.headmind。“keep sth. In mind”为固定搭配,表示“记住,牢记”的意思。9.eyeseye。“catch ones eye”是固定短语,表示“引起某人注意”的意思。10.clerksclerk。此句中,由后面的him可知“some clerk”并不是指“一些店员”,而是不定指,表示某

6、个“店员”的意思。 1 They know that the inside of the earth is very hot, but they are not sure what causes the great heat. Some scientists now believe that much of heat 1._ inside the earth is provided by the radioactive elements. 2 Communications satellites have made it possible for an entire world be close

7、r than ever before. 2._ 3 A lighthouse must be high enough for its light to be seen far away, but if it is too high, it has more possibility to be destroyed by high wind; so it is always true to say that the higher it is better.3._4 Scientists have suggested that supersonic aircraft may disturb the

8、upper atmosphere to such extent that dangerous radiation from the4._ sun might reach the earth. 5 Nowadays, higher education does not make as much difference to the jobs women take as it does in case of men. 5._6 More than 90 percent of cigarette smoke is made up of about dozen hazardous gases, 6._

9、carbon monoxide being the most important. 7 Primates are also known for their great intelligence, related in a part to their great 7._awareness of the environment plus the ability to manipulate this environment 8 This tendency of technology to make workers superfluous but at same time allowing8._the

10、ir numbers to grow so large is deceasing psychological tensions. 9 Most of the dollar differences stem from fact 9._ that women tend to be more recently employed and have fewer years on the job. 10 This island is to south of North Korea.10._答案解析:1. heat前加the。因为前面已经出现过了heat,所以此处为特指。2. anthe。“the enti

11、re world”为习惯用法,表示“全世界,整个世界”,因为世界是独一无二的,所以不能使用不定冠词,必须改为定冠词。3. better前加the。4. such前加an。5. case前加the。“in case of”表示“万一”的意思,显然不符合原句意思,应该改为“in the case of”意为“在情况下”。6. dozen前加a。7. a删去。“in part”表示“部分”的意思,中间不需要任何冠词。8. at和same之间加the。9. from和fact之间加the。“fact”后面接同位语从句,所以此处定指。10. to后面加the。1 Fly spread diseases.

12、 So we should think of ways to 1._ get rid of them. 2 That is where the main difference between animals and human being lies.2._ 3 Please read the instruction carefully before using 3._ the medicine. 4 The evening meal for Americans is usually long and a time for family to gather together. 4._ 5 Car

13、ry your valuable with you, your money, jewelry, 5._ camera and so on. 6 Some plant produce irritating poisons that can affect6._ a person even if he or she merely brushes against them. 7 Social scientists tell us that cultures differ from one another, and that each culture is unique. As cultures are

14、 diverse, so language are diverse. 7._ 8 Culture consists of not only such material things as cities, organizations and schools, but also non-material things such as ideas, customs, family patterns and languages. Putting it simple, language refers to the 8._ entire way of life of a society. 9 It see

15、ms that the progresses of man includes a rising 9._ volume of noise. 10 This has not only altered for periods of time their Role of maintaining the household and children, but also influenced the dominant female role as10._ bread winner. 冠词的使用错误 1 The old naturalist was devoted to bringing out the s

16、ecret of the nature all his life.1. _2 I had decided to give it up, but on the second thoughts, 2._ I decided to try a third time. 3 The news is spreading from mouth to mouth and has become the talk of town. 3._4 Do you think it is all right to buy him that DVD player as the birthday gift.4._ 5 Hele

17、n has tired twice, and she is asked to have the third5._ try. 6 By year 2000, experts believe that most farmers will 6._ get more help from the government. 7 Educational TV stations offer teaching in various subjects ranged from home nursing to art appreciation. In medical schools, students, with ai

18、d of TV, can 7._operate in different classrooms. 8 There is a old saying, ”People who live in glass houses8._ shouldnt throw stones”, meaning that such people would have stones thrown back at them and their houses would quickly be broken to pieces. 9 What do you think of when you see or hear a word

19、9._ “glass”? Most of us probably think first of a substance that is easily broken. 10 Luckily he is not alone in this battle. There is great 10._deal of work bacteria to do as well. 1. FlyFlies。当“fly”表示苍蝇时,是可数名词。2. beingbeings。“human being”表示“人类”的意思时是可数名词。3. instructioninstructions。“instruction”作“产品

20、的说明”时,要用复数形式。4. familyfamilies。在原句中,此处指美国家庭的总体情况,故应用名词的复数形式。5. valuablevaluables。此处valuable作名词使用,在句中表示“贵重物品”的意思,应用复数形式。6. plantplants。7. languagelanguages。8. languageculture。根据上文可知,文章中没有谈到语言,所涉及的全是文化方面的内容,所以此处应该是指文化才对。9. progressesprogress。在该句中,“progress”作为不可数名词使用,表示“进步,进展”的意思。10. femalemale。根据上文可知,

21、男人才是养家糊口的人,所以此处应该是male。1. 删除nature前的定冠词the。当“nature”作“大自然”的意思讲时,是整体概念,前面一般不用冠词。2. 删去定冠词the。“on second thoughts”为固顶用法,意为“又一想”,中间不加定冠词。3. town前加the。4. thea。DVD作为礼物,显然是多种选择中的一种,故前面用不定冠词a。5. thea。该句中,名词前面加上不定冠词表示“又、在”的意思。6. year前加the。当明确指出某一年时,必须用定冠词,表示“到年为止”的意思。7. aid前加the。8. aan。9. athe。该句明确指出单词是“glas

22、s”,是确指,因此应该使用定冠词。10. great前加a。“a great deal of”是固定搭配,表示“大量的”。 1 Computers have been designed to store information and compute complex problems. Some computers are so high advanced that they even can talk with operators. 1._ 2 The doctor said that I only had to wait for a relative 2._short time befor

23、e he could have an interview with me.3 You must make sure that your speech is clear andeasily to follow. Use examples, charts, and pictures if 3._they will help you explain your points clearly. Youshould treat your audience with respect.4 The myth of the country as a Garden of Eden,a few generations

24、 late, sends them flooding out again 4._to the suburbs.5 In the wild, tea plants become trees ofapproximately thirty feet in high.5._6 Microwave ovens are generally more costlier than 6._common ovens.7 We are not necessary capable of doing such an7._exacting job.8 There may be sound medicine reasons

25、 for accepting 8._electrical shock treatment, but such reasons are totallydependent on the balance of risks and benefits for thepatients.9 Living is risky. Crossing the road, driving a car, flying,swallowing an aspirin tablet or eating a chicken sandwich they can all be fatal. Clearly some risks worth taking, 9._especially when the rewards are high.10 Punctuality is a good ha

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