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1、高一英语下册Unit1单元复习教案高一英语下册Unit1单元复习教案 Unit1 名师点津(新人教版必修二) 单项填空1 hina, _the Third rld,has ade a great ntributin t huan beings A belngs t B t belng t t have belnged t D belnging t解析:选D。belng t意为“属于”,其动词ing形式作状语表示主动。表示“中国属于第三世界”。2 (2009年郑州市质量预测)As tie ent b,the plan the stu _fairl pratial A t prved B t pr

2、ving prved D t be prved解析:选A。本题考查主谓一致。此句主语为the plan,the stu t为其定语从句,the plan的谓语动词用一般过去时。3 A trp f arefull seleted sldiers set ut in searh f thse h ight _the terrible al ine aident A live B resue exist D survive解析:选D。考查动词辨析。survive幸存。句意为:一支经过精心挑选的部队出发去寻找在可怕的煤矿事故中可能幸存下的人。live生活,居住;resue援救,营救;exist存在,生

3、存。4 Are u free after shl?Srr Ive planned t treat a friend f ine t dinner _fr his help A in additin B in turn in return D in ttal解析:选。考查短语辨析。in return作为(对的)回报。treat a friend f ine t dinner in return fr his help意为“请我的一位朋友吃饭回报他对我的帮助”。in additin此外;in turn轮流,又(对别人)做同样的事;in ttal总共。 ith the develpent f sie

4、ne and tehnlg,there is n dubt _ hinese astrnauts ill land n the n in the near future A hether B that hat D hih解析:选B。考查固定句型。There is n dubt that 意为“毫无疑问”,that引导同位语从句,解释说明dubt的具体内容。6 David,uld I use ur ar?Srr,there is sething rng ith it I ill have it _ this afternn A repair B t repair repairing D repa

5、ired解析:选D。考查非谓语动词。it与repair之间为被动关系,故用repair的过去分词形式作宾语it的补足语,构成have sth dne结构。7 e all n that hard ring and plain living are fine _ f ur hinese peple A qualities B anners deeds D ats解析:选A。考查名词辨析。qualit品质。句意为:我们都知道艰苦朴素是我们中国人的优良品质。anner礼貌,举止,方式;deed行动,事迹;at行为,行动。8 ur des is rded ith t an unneessar thing

6、s,inluding used papers and bs ud better _se f the A reain B resist reve D rene解析:选。考查动词辨析。reve移动,搬开。句意为:你的桌子上堆满了太多不需要的东西,包括用过的试卷和书本。你最好拿走一些。reain保持,仍然是;resist抵抗,对抗;rene中止后继续,重新开始。9 u!Alie has bren D plaer! _After all,she uldnt have dne it n purpse A hats the atter? B It desnt atter N truble at all D

7、 H e?解析:选B。考查交际用语。根据答语中“毕竟她不可能是故意的”,可知答案为选项B。It desnt atter 没关系。10 n the a ba he fr the ball,she suddenl fund her nelae _ A issed B lsing gne D be stlen解析:选。 find sth gne/issing/lst发现某物丢失了。 阅读理解A(2010届英语周报第1期A)At eighteen ears f age,I fle up t San Franis t eet a pen pal h I had ritten t fr ver a ear

8、 The first thing e did hen e gt he as t bae hlate hip ies,and ur strng_ties ere fred Fr laughing at the burnt ies,t eating the hlate hips instead f putting the in the dugh(生面团),it as fantasti e beae best friends Telve ears later,e still reflet n that ent,and laugh ith silliness and Fast frard t 2003

9、,I as in first nth f training in radiatin nlg(放射肿瘤学),and sared I as in a ne it,alne,and afraid f having t ae a ne start ne patient that e ere treating used t e int the departent ith freshl baed gds fr everne ne a ee ith a sile n her fae She as treated ith a reall tugh regien(疗法)fr her aner,et she st

10、ill verae the pain and exhaustin(精疲力竭)t bae fr the departent I ne ased her h,and she said it gave her purpse and eaning This purpse as far greater fr e than a siple ie I reall didnt n h t bae,and I tld her that She then invited e t her he fr lessns ith her as a guide I learned se f the art f baing h

11、ile baing e taled abut life,regrets,and dreas e sn beae ver lse friends A fe ees later,her husband ae t the departent and gave e a large bx ith a handritten nte I pened the bx Inside as a ithen Aid ixer,and the nte saing,“Please reeber e hen u bae,eep at it and ull hange the rld ”He tld e that her a

12、ner had spread She as in her final stages f life I ried and ried It as sipl the st generus gift that I had ever reeived 【解题导语】友情有时候是“烘烤”而成的,作者的两段友情就都与“烘焙”有关。1 hat d the underlined rds“strng ties”in Paragraph 1 refer t?A ing sills B lse friendship First ipressin D Exerise prgra 解析:选B。词义推断题。根据第一段第四句e

13、beae best friends可推断,strng ties可能是指“亲密的友谊”。tie此处意为“关系”。2 hih f the flling an be used t desribe the patient?A Hnest and lal B lever and ative ar&sh;hearted and generus D nfident and independent 解析:选。推理判断题。那位病人不顾自己的病痛,坚持为医生们制作小点心,而且主动邀请作者到家里学习烘焙,可见她很热心,很慷慨。3 After reeiving the gift,the authr prbabl fe

14、lt _ A ver pleased and hnredB a bit disappinted and nfused quite exited and satisfiedD deepl ved and sad解析:选D。推理判断题。收到这样一个特殊的礼物,作者一定会非常感动;根据倒数第二句I ried and ried可知,作者当时非常难过。故选D。4 hih f the flling an be the best title fr the passage?A Baing an build a friendshipB A friend is a send self hen ur friends

15、 fae diffiultD Fine art f aing friends解析:选A。标题归纳题。作者讲了两个关于友谊的故事,都与烘焙点心有关,A项标题准确地概括了全。B(2009年浙江金丽衢十二校联考)The average Aerian ill have three t five areers,10 t 12 bs,and ill hld eah ne fr an average f 3 ears thrughut his r her lifetie,arding t the U S Departent f Labr Des this sund failiar? Are u still

16、struggling t find the ideal areer?Finding_ur_drea_b_a_be_as_siple_as_pening_that_bag_f_ptat_hips_in_ur_ithen_upbard A stud nduted b Alan Hirsh,neurlgial diretr f the Sell ≈ Taste Treatent and Researh Fundatin,hiag,fund that b satisfatin is rrelated t ur favrite sna “A persns b seletin reflets his

17、 essential essene and his persnalit,”he aintains “Fd hies lie seletins f lthing,vies,and spuses an prvide insight in persnalit and harater struture Thus,the tpial persnalit traits assiated ith sna preferenes an be used t help predit upatinal hies,beause a persns b seletin als reflets his essential e

18、ssene and his persnalit ”Peple h hse ptat hips t satisf their snaing urges have high expetatins nt nl fr theselves,but fr thse arund the petitive The usuall e ut n tp in business,sprts,and sial situatins (Laer,tennis plaer,plie ffier,E)Fral,alas prper,nsientius,and prinipled Peple h rave heese urls

19、have a ell&sh;develped sense f integrit and aintain the ral high grund ith their fail,rers,and ranti partners The plan ahead fr an pssible atastrphe ith band&sh;aids and batteries,the heese url lver s huse is alas sted and read ( Real estate agent,pshiatrist(精神病医师),prduer)Self&sh;assured and nfident

20、,thse h prefer pprn are best desribed as tae&sh;harge srt f peple The ill nt hesitate t assue extra r n the b r tae n hres at sial gatherings Even thugh the are self&sh;nfident,pprn lvers are dest and huble,and uld never be nsidered shffs Pprn buffs are hidden suesses (Teaher,artist,tru driver,nurse

21、,udge,neursurgen)【解题导语】本是一篇科普阅读。一项研究发现,一个人的零食偏好往往能够反映出他未的择业倾向。 hat des the passage ainl tell us?A Sna preferene a reflet nes persnalit and harater struture B Sna preferene a predit nes areer hie Peple in different areers a prefer different snas D Fd hies are ust lie nes seletin f lthing,vies,and spu

22、ses 解析:选B。主旨大意题。概括全内容特别是第二段可知,本主要介绍一个人的零食偏好往往能够反映出他未的择业倾向。A项是的细节,不是本的中心和主旨。6 The underlined sentene in the send paragraph iplies that _ A a sna lver is re liel t find his drea bB it is being uh easier t find ur drea b than befre b hunting nadas is as eas as finding ur favrite snaD e an tell nes upat

23、inal hie b his favrite sna解析:选D。推理判断题。应该把这句话跟下联系起理解,这句话还是说明根据一个人的零食偏好就能判断他未会选择什么样的职业。7 A persn h lies heese urls is st liel t be a _ A plie ffier B udge prduer D tru driver解析:选。细节理解题。从第四段最后可知,喜欢奶酪卷的人适合的职业之一是制片人。8 The favrite sna f a E is prbabl _ A ptat hips B pprn heese urls D nuts解析:选A。细节理解题。从第三段可

24、知,E喜欢的食物是ptat hips。 任务型读写(2009年安徽一模)Lie dgs,birds breathe in air and get xgen t suppl bd tissues,hile fish breathing depends n getting xgen fr ater thrugh parts f its bd Hever,bird respiratin(呼吸)is different fr dgs and is uh re effiient than that f ther anials The lungs tae up ust 2 perent f a birds

25、 bd vlue,et the bird quil taes in large aunts f xgen and quil reves aste and exess heat There are atuall t respiratin sstes,internal and external The external respiratin sste uses the lungs and a series f air sas(袋囊)distributed thrughut the bd s that the xgen suppl is in diret uniatin ith bd parts x

26、gen is taen in and exhanged fr arbn dixide aste in the bld;then the arbn dixide is ved ut S far,uh lie dgs Hever,in an iprtant differene,the air fl in a bird is ne a,thrugh a series f tubes and ells,rather than t as,in and ut f the lungs,as it is in dgs A nstant strea f air ges thrugh lungs and then

27、 is hanneled thrugh the plex sste f air sas,hih als help reve exess heat,as ell as thrugh hll bnes The gases are then hanneled frard thrugh the lungs again,then thrugh re air sas,finall ending up in the indpipe,and are expelled fr the bd The air sa sste is bigger than the lungs and taes up 1 perent

28、f the hest and bell area eanhile,the birds great xgen needs are als handled b the internal breathing sste The xgen,stred priaril in bd fat tissue,is burned thrugh the press f ell respiratin This press prdues bth usular energ and heat H des a bird breathe?as t get xgenFr birds and dgs,b breathing in

29、air Fr fish,fr 1 _thrugh its bdT 2 _sstesInternal and externalExternal respiratin ssteUsing the lungs and a series f air sas T uniate ith bd parts 3 _4 _sa ssteBigger than the lungsTaing up a _part f the hest and bell area6 _f bird breathingA strea f airging thrugh lungs ithut 7 _being hanneled thrugh the plex sste f air sas and thrugh 8 _bnesbeing 9 _frard thrugh the lungs again,then thrugh re air sas 10 _in the indpipe and are expelled fr the bd答案:1 ater2 respiratin3 diretl/straight4 Air sall6 Press 7 stpping/stp 8 hll 9 hanneled10 pleting/finishing/ stpping

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