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本文(江苏专用高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Growing pains讲义 牛津译林版必修1.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江苏专用高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Growing pains讲义 牛津译林版必修1.docx

1、江苏专用高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Growing pains讲义 牛津译林版必修1Unit 2 Growing pains话题词汇1.manage v.设法做成2.annoy v.惹恼municate v.交流 trouble有麻烦 supposed to应该6.make up ones mind下定决心7.take.into consideration/account 考虑 ones opinion在某人看来经典语篇代沟(generation gap)一直是困扰着父母和孩子的一个普遍的社会问题。假如你是张明,你的朋友李华来信说她也遇到了这个问题。请你给她回信,就

2、如何消除与父母之间的代沟提出你的意见。词数150左右。佳作欣赏Dear Li Hua,I have received your letter,saying you are now worried about your relationship with your parents.The generation gap has become a social problem and it is causing wide concern. There are actually many differences in living habits and thoughts between you and

3、 your parents.You cant reach agreements.There will be quarrels with your parents. In fact,you can remove such disagreements if you learn to communicate with them properly.First,you should respect your parents.It will make them respect you as well. Second,communicate with your parents as often as pos

4、sible,and you will avoid the generation gap.Third,stay calm when you meet disagreements with your parents,which is considered as an effective way.Yours,Zhang Ming思维发散1.用现在分词作状语改写第句The generation gap has become a social problem,causing wide concern.2.将第句改为复合句There will be quarrels with your parents w

5、hen you cant reach agreements.3.用定语从句改写第句First,you should respect your parents,which will make them respect you as well.4.用v.ing作主语改写第句Staying calm when you meet disagreements with your parents is considered as an effective way.重点单词A.写作单词 (n.)成年人2.insist (vi.)坚持,坚持认为3.deserve (vt.)值得;应得;应受4.d

6、efend (vt.)防御,保护;辩解,辩白5.physical (adj.)身体的;物质的6.bend (vt.)(使)弯曲;(vi.)弯腰,屈身7.sink (n.)水池,水槽,洗碗池;(vi.)下沉,沉没8.forbid (vt.)禁止forbade 过去式forbidden过去分词9.harm (vt.& n.)伤害harmful (adj.)有害的harmless (adj.)(反义词)无害的;无恶意的10.frightened (adj.)受惊的;害怕的frightening (adj.)令人恐惧的frighten (vt.)使惊吓,使惊恐fright (n.)惊吓;恐怖

7、t (n.)(戏剧的)一幕;(vi.)表现;行动action (n.)行为,动作;行动active (adj.)主动的;积极的;活跃的actively (adv.)积极地12.annoyed (adj.)愤怒的,生气的annoying (adj.)使人恼怒的,使人生气的annoy (vt.)使不悦;惹恼13.limit (n.)限制;极限;界限;(vt.)限制limitation (n.)限制;控制limited (adj.)有限的limitless (adj.)(反义词)无限制的;无界限的14.wisdom (n.)智慧wise (adj.)明智的15.behavior (n.)行为,举止b

8、ehave (v.)行为,表现16.tend (vi.)往往;趋向;(vt.)照看tendency (n.)趋势17.guidance (n.)指导,引导guide (v.& n.)指导;导游18.patience (n.)耐心patient (n.)病人;(adj.)有耐心的19.explanation (n.)说明,解释;辩解explain (vt.& vi.)解释,说明B.阅读单词20.error (n.)错误21.sigh (n.& vi.)叹气22.upset (adj.)不高兴的,失望的;(vt.)使不高兴,使失望;打乱,搅乱;打翻23.challenge (n.& vt.)挑战c

9、hallenging (adj.)具有挑战性的24.emergency (n.)突发事件;紧急情况emergent (adj.)紧急的25.scene (n.)(戏剧的)一场;场面;景色scenery (n.)风景;景色26.tolerate (vt.)容忍;允许tolerance (n.)忍受tolerant (adj.)容忍的27.argument (n.)争吵,辩论;论点,论据argue (v.)争吵,辩论;证明,说服28.freedom (n.)自由free (adj.)随心所欲的;不受限制的;(v.)释放;使自由29.rude (adj.)粗鲁的,无礼的rudely (adv.)粗鲁

10、地,无礼地rudeness (n.)粗鲁,无礼30.normal (n.& adj.)正常(的),一般(的)abnormal (n.& adj.)不正常(的),不一般(的).重点短语1.mix up混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和 supposed to应该,应当 hard on对苛刻,对严厉4.cant wait to do something迫不及待地做某事 present现在 that既然;由于7.stay up不睡觉,熬夜8.along with与一起9.insist on坚持,坚持认为.经典句式1.The room is in a mess,with pi

11、zza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.房间里一片狼藉,地板上扔着许多比萨饼盒子,洗碗池里堆着未洗的碗碟。2.Listen to me,young manwe left you in charge!听我说,年轻人我们将这个家委托给你负责!3.Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.丹尼尔双臂抱在胸前,看上去很不高兴。4.Sometimes he acts as if he doesnt love us at all.有时他表现得好像他根本就不爱我们。5.Also,every time

12、 I watch a DVD he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more time studying.还有,每一次我看DVD时,他就打发我去睡觉或要我多花时间学习。1应试指导frightening与frightened辨析 1 be frightened of doing害怕,be frightened to do.吓得不敢做be frightened that害怕 2 frighten vt.使惊吓/惊恐frighten sb./sth.away/off把某人/物吓走frighten sb.into/out of doing sth.吓唬某人做/

13、不做某事 3 frightening adj.令人害怕的(1)I was frightened of being left by myself in the house.我害怕一个人被留在屋里。(2)The boy was frightened to speak.那男孩子吓得不敢说话。(3)That little girl was frightened that her mother wouldnt come back.那个小女孩害怕妈妈不再回来。(4)She couldnt wait to leave there when seeing the frightening accident.看到

14、那吓人的交通事故,她等不及要离开那儿。多维训练(1)用适当的介、副词填空The old lady was frightened into signing the paper.He threatened the intruders with a gun and frightened them off/away.Theyre frightened of losing power.(2)用frighten的适当形式填空He looked so frightening and the kids were really frightened.He often uses that frightening

15、look to frighten them.Though badly frightened,the girl remained outwardly calm.(3)同义句改写She wouldnt come to the zoo because she was frightened of the animals.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Frightened of the animals,she wouldnt come to the zoo.2多词一义fault,mistake,errorfind fault with挑剔,找岔at fault负有责任;有过错(1)To be honest

16、,it was Sues fault,but Li was also to blame.说实话,那是苏的错,但李也该受责备。(2)She is always finding fault with me,which I cant tolerate.她总是找我的茬,对此我无法容忍。(3)He could never admit that he was at fault.他怎么也不能承认自己有错。词义辨析fault,mistake,error(1)fault多指性格上的弱点,行为上的过失,强调因过失所导致的应负的责任。(2)mistake指“错误;误会;误解”,多指缺乏正确理解造成行动上或认识上的错

17、误。(3)error 指各种错误,也可指笔误,印刷或计算上的错误。多维训练(1)用fault,mistake,error的适当形式填空Its his own fault that he failed in yesterdays interview.He took my umbrella by mistake.This book contained a lot of printers errors.He made several mistakes in the exam.(2)He is such a man who is always fault with other people.A.put

18、ting B.seekingC.finding D.looking for答案C解析考查固定搭配。find fault with找岔,挑剔。3多词一义scene,scenery,sight,viewon the scene在现场;当场behind the scenes在幕后;暗中appear/come on the scene出场;登场(1)The first scene of the play is so wonderful.那个戏剧的第一幕非常精彩。(2)These objects were found at the scene of the crime.这些物品是在犯罪现场找到的。(3)

19、By the time I came on the scene,it was all over.我到场时,一切都结束了。词义辨析scene,scenery,sight,view(1)scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。(2)scenery指某地总的自然风光或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。(3)sight既可以指场景,眼前看到的景观,也可以指名胜,风景,在表示“名胜,风景”时,用复数形式。(4)view常指从某个位置或角度所看到的景色,指“视野,眼界”。还可表示“观点”。多维训练(1)用scene,scenery,view,sight的适当形式

20、填空As we climbed higher,a wonderful view opened out before us.The next day we returned to the scene of the accident.The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking sights in the world.On the way up I was busy taking pictures since the scenery was so beautiful.(2)警察几分钟就赶到了现场。The police were on the scen

21、e in minutes.(3)Seeing the happy of children playing in the park,Im full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.A.sight B.sceneC.view D.sign答案B解析sight视力,视野;scene场面,情景,景色;view观点,(从某一角度看到的)风景;sign记号,符号,征兆。4应试指导写作高级词汇do harm to多词一义harm,hurt,injure,wound 1 do/cause harm to对造成伤害There is no ha

22、rm in doing.做某事无害处mean no harm无恶意do sb.harmdo harm to sb.伤害某人;对某人有害 2 be harmful to.对有害(1)Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim light.不要在昏暗处读书,免得伤害眼睛。(2)It makes our school dirty and unpleasant,and does harm to the image of our school.它使我们学校又脏又令人不快,伤害了学校形象。(3)There is no harm in taking their advice,

23、but set your own goals.听取他们的建议是无害的,但你要设定自己的目标。词义辨析harm,hurt,injure,wound(1)harm指对人或事物造成危害,这种危害不一定是直接的,也不一定有痛楚。(2)hurt多用来表示伤害身体或某一部位,或表示剧烈的疼痛或精神上受到伤害。(3)injure着重指因意外或事故造成的健康、机能、外貌的伤害。(4)wound主要指在战斗中武器或凶器等造成的外伤或剧烈的痛苦。多维训练(1)完成句子He means no harm(无恶意) by saying what he thinks,but people tend to be upset

24、 at it.These chemicals used in agriculture are harmful to(对有害) the environment.(2)My new shoes are a bit tight and both my feet after a day of work.A.hurt B.injureC.wound D.harm答案A解析句意为:我的新鞋有点紧,一天工作下来我的两只脚都疼。所以选A。5应试指导 后跟非谓语动词形式的考查forbid doing sth.禁止做某事forbid do sth.禁止某人做某事forbid sb.from doing

25、.禁止某人做Its forbidden to do sth.做某事是禁止的(1)Theyll forbid you to marry.他们不会准许你结婚。(2)She was shut away and forbidden to read.她被关了起来,并且不允许看书。(3)He has even forbidden me from meeting my friends online at the Internet cafe!他甚至禁止我去网吧见我的网友!多维训练(1)用所给词的适当形式填空Its forbidden to marry(marry) someone who is not a m

26、ember of the same faith.The new law forbids smoking(smoke) in offices.He was forbidden to smoke(smoke) here.(2)同义句改写We are forbidden to play on the pasture belonging to him.(用it作形式主语改写)Its forbidden for us to play on the pasture belonging to him.(3)They were forbidden the lab.A.enter enterC.ent

27、ering D.entered答案B解析考查forbid do.的被动式。6应试指导 写作高级词汇tend to 1 “照顾”多词一义:look after,care for,attend to,take care of 2 tend to do.倾向于做;往往会tend sb.照顾某人 3 tendency n.倾向,趋势;癖好have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的倾向(1)The nurse skillfully tended soldiers wounds.护士熟练地护理着那些士兵的伤口。(2)We tend to blame TV,he says,f

28、or problems it doesnt really cause,overlooking our own roles in shaping childrens mind.对于一些不是电视造成的问题,他说,我们往往责怪电视而忽略我们自己在塑造孩子的思想时起的作用。(2015广东)多维训练(1)用tend的适当形式填空You have a tendency to avoid argument.During the Second World War,Henry Beecher was a doctor tending soldiers on the battlefield.(2)一句多译我很容易

29、花费过度。I have a tendency to spend too much.(tendency)I tend to spend too much.(tend)7应试指导介词搭配 1 There is a limit to.是有限度的within the limits of限定在范围之内over/beyond the limit超量,超出限度to the limit达到极限,达到限度set a limit to对规定限度 2把限定在之内(1)He was born in a poor family,and only received a limited educatio

30、n in his childhood.他出生于一个贫穷家庭,童年只接受过有限的教育。(2)It limits the spread of new growing techniques.这限制了新种植技术的传播。(2015陕西)(3)The team performed to the limit of its capabilities.这个队已竭尽全力。(4)I believe teaching should not be limited to the classroom.我认为教学不应该局限在教室内。多维训练(1)用适当的介词填空In my opinion,you had better set a limit to the expense of your trip.There is a limit to what one person can tolerate.One should not push people beyond/over the limit of their endurance.Within the limits of any public par

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