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Unit 4 What would you do.docx

1、Unit 4 What would you do年级初三学科英语版本人教版(新目标)内容标题Unit 4 What would you do?编稿老师康文岗【本讲教育信息】一、教学内容:Unit 4 What would you do?二. 学习目标 Functions:1. 谈论一些假设的、虚拟的情况2. 初步学习虚拟语气3. 使用虚拟句提出建议三、教学重点、难点:掌握与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句四、重点词和短语1. give it to charity 把它给慈善机构2. medical research 医学研究3. watch it grow 看着它上涨增值4. wear a shirt

2、 and tie 穿衬衣打领带5. what if 如果将会怎么样6. get pimples 得了小脓疱7. speak in public 在公共场合说话8. give / make a speech 演讲9. in front of 在前面in the front of 在前部10. be in a movie 拍电影11. without permission 未经允许12. introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人13. pretty/fairly confident 相当自信14. social situations 社会情况15. bother sb. 打扰某人

3、16. the slightest 根本不,一点也不notat all 根本不,一点也不17. annoy sb. 使某人生气get/be annoyed at sb. 对某人生气18. plenty of 足够的,很多的19. get along with 与相处20. be easy to get along with 容易交往/相处21. rather than 胜于A rather than B A胜于Bwould rather do A than do B 宁愿做A也不愿做B22. English speech contest 英语演讲比赛23. represent t

4、he class 代表班级24. come top 名列前茅25. let sb. down 使某人失望26. come up with 针对问题提出想法27. the rest of 剩余的28. first-aidbook 急救书29. have a lot of experiencedoing sth. 做某事有很多经验30. do with=deal with 处理31. come out 出版,发表32. by accident 偶然地;意外地33. cover sth. with sth. 用某物盖住某物be covered with sth. 被覆盖34. press sth.

5、hard 用力挤压35. hurry to do sth. 快速做某事36. get the medical help 取得医护帮助37. the burned area 受伤的地方38. (cold) running water (冰)自来水39. offer sb. sth. 提供某人某物40. talk to sb. about sth. 与某人谈论某事41. be dangerous of/doing sth. 做某事危险42. internet friend 网友五、重点、难点、考点及疑点注释1. If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie. 如果我

6、是你,我就穿衬衫打领带。(Section A, 2a)tie在这里是名词,意为“领带,带子”等。He wore a blue tie. 他打着蓝色的领带。知识拓展tie也可用作动词,表示“系”,“捆绑”,常与介词to连用,表示“把系在上”。特别注意tie的现在分词为tying。He tied his dog to the fence. 他把狗拴在了栅栏上。2. If I were you, Id be a little late. 如果我是你,我就晚点到。(Section A, 2a)a little可以作状语修饰动词、形容词、副词以及形容词和副词的比较级等,相当于a bit。Try to h

7、elp your mother a little. 设法帮你妈妈一点忙。I feel a little better. 我感觉好一点了。特别提示a little意为“一点,稍微”,既可作形容词,又可作名词。用作形容词时,表达肯定含义,后面接不可数名词。Please give me a little water. 请给我一点水。(形容词)I know a little about that man. 那个人的情况我知道一点。(名词)魔力解析not a little和not a bit两者意义不同,前者意为“很多”,“不少”(=much),后者意为“一点也不”,“一点也没有”(=not at al

8、l)。3. What if everyone else brings a present? 要是其他人都带了礼物该怎么办呢?(Section A, 2c)(1) everyone else中的else用来修饰everyone,表示“其他的,别的”,它常放在疑问词或不定代词的后面。Is there anything else? 有别的东西吗?What else can you see? 你能看见别的什么东西吗?知识拓展else还常与or连用,意思是“否则,要不然”。You must pay 100 or else go to prison. 你必须付一百美元,否则就得去坐牢。(2) what i

9、f 表示“要是又怎么样?”的意思,其结构相当于what would happen if.。What if it rains when we cant get under shelter?假若下起雨来,我们又没处避雨可怎么办?4. Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. 噢,狗可能带来许多麻烦。(SectionA, 4)名词trouble在这里意为“麻烦,烦恼,困难”。I have some trouble in reading his handwriting. 我认他的笔迹有点难。I am sorry to put you to so much trouble.

10、 很抱歉这样麻烦你。短语链接be in trouble “处于困境中”。He is in trouble. Lets help him. 他现在处于困境中,我们帮帮他吧。5. If you answered c for most questions, then you are probably pretty confident.如果你大部分问题的答案都是c,那么你可能相当自信。(SectionB,3a)(1) answer .for questions 意为“把问题回答成”。(2) probably 表示“很可能,或许”,语气较强,是有几分根据的推测或判断,含有可能性较大的意味,常位于行为动词

11、前,情态动词、助动词或be动词后,有时也位于句首。He can probably tell us the truth. 他很可能会告诉我们实情。(3) confident是形容词,其名词为confidence,常用句型:have confidence in sb. 表示“信任/信赖某人”。I have complete confidence in him. 我完全信任他。(4) pretty在这里作副词用,相当于very,可用来修饰形容词或副词,意为“相当地”,表示程度。如:pretty beautiful很美;pretty well相当好。Im pretty sure he will com

12、e on time. 我很确信他会准时来。The homework you did yesterday is pretty poor, youd better do it once more. 你昨天的作业做得相当糟,你最好重做。6. You have plenty of friends and you enjoy the company of other people. 你有很多朋友,而且还喜欢同他人在一起。(SectionB,3a)plenty与of构成固定词组,意为“很多的”,“大量的”,既可以修饰可数名词的复数形式,也可以修饰不可数名词。“plenty of+名词”在句中作主语时,谓语

13、动词的数由plenty of后面的名词的数决定。There are plenty of books on the desk. 桌上有许多书。Dont worry. There is plenty of time. 别着急,时间很充裕。plenty还可用作名词,意为“充足”,“大量”。Have you enough money for the ticket? 你买票的钱够吗?Yes, I have plenty. 够,我的钱足够了。7. Your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with. 你的朋友或许说你很容易

14、相处。(SectionB, 3a)get on/along with sb. 都可表示“与某人相处”,在with前可以加副词,表示“相处得如何”。如:当表示“和某人相处融洽”时可用get on/along well with sb.The new comer can get along well with his workmates.特别提示get on/along with sth. 后面接事或物时,表示“(某事)进展,进行”之意。How are you getting on with your studies? 你的功课学得怎样?Im getting along very well wit

15、h my studies. 我功课学得很好。8. You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group. You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party. 你喜欢跟一两个人说话,而不喜欢跟一群人说话。你宁愿呆在家里读一本好书,而不愿去参加聚会。(SectionB,3a)第一个句子中的rather than相当于instead of,有“代替;而不是”之意,连接两个并列的句子成分:to one or two people 和to

16、 a group。又如:I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想要一杯冷饮而不是咖啡。He ran rather than walked to school. 他跑步去上学而不是步行。第二个句子中would rather (not ) do sth. than do sth. 结构,表示“宁愿(不)做而不愿做”。又如:The soldier would rather die than give in. 这个士兵宁死不屈。The shy girl would rather work at home than go to a part

17、y. 这个腼腆的女孩宁愿在家干活,也不愿去参加晚会。特别提示rather than还可以用在“prefer+动词不定式”的后面,后接另一动词不定式(to要省略)。I prefer to read rather than do nothing. 我宁愿看书也不愿无所事事。魔力纠错我喜欢苹果,而不喜欢梨。误:I prefer apples to rather than pears.正:I prefer apples to pears.魔力解析“prefer+名词/动名词+to+名词/动名词”结构本身就含有比较之意,所以不能使用rather than短语。9. .but you always com

18、e up with good solutions to peoples problems 但是你总能想出好方法来解决人们的问题。(Section B)come up with在本句中是“提出,想出”的意思,相当于find or produce (an answer)。The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Jim came up with a good answer. 老师提问了一个难题,但是最后吉姆想出了一个好方法。He couldnt come up with an answer when I asked him why he

19、 was late.当我问他为什么迟到的时候,他想不出一个理由来。短语链接catch up with意为“赶上,追上”。We shall have to work hard to catch up with them. 我们要努力工作,赶上他们。10. It gives advice on what to do in lots of different situations. 它就不同情况下应采取什么样的措施提出了建议。(Reading)advice是不可数名词,意思是“建议”。后面与介词on连用,表示“某方面的建议”;表示“给某人提建议”,用短语give sb. advice 或give a

20、dvice to sb.。Our teacher often gives us some useful advice on our study. 我们老师经常给我们提出有关学习方面的一些有用的建议。11. His new book What Would You Do If.? came out last month. 他的新书如果你该怎么办?上个月出版了。(Reading)本句中的come out意为“出版,发表”,其中out是副词。When will Shui Mu Nian Huas new recording come out? 水木年华的新唱片什么时候发行?The new textbo

21、oks will come out at the end of this month. We need to wait. 新课本这个月底就要出版了。我们需要等一等。come out还可以表示“出来”;“(花)开放”之意。The sun is coming out. 太阳就要出来了。The flowers begin to come out in spring. 春天花儿开始开放。六、语法:虚拟语气1. 语气就是我们常说的说话人说话的口气。在汉语中,语气是由说话人说话的语调、情节等等表现出来的,动词没有任何变化。而在英语中,除了语调之外,最主要的是动词发生变化而表示不同的语气。在英语中语气分为三

22、类:陈述语气、祈使语气、虚拟语气。2. 虚拟语气:如果我们所说的不是事实,也不是要求、命令、劝告等,而只是一种假设、愿望、建议或是一种实现不了的空想就用虚拟语气。3. 虚拟语气常用在条件句中。注意:条件句分两种,真实条件句和虚拟条件句。只有在虚拟(非真实)条件句中,才用虚拟语气,而在真实条件句中,要用陈述语气。请比较:(1)If it is sunny tomorrow , well go to the park. 如果明天天气好,我们将会去公园。在这句话中,明天天气好是完全有可能实现的,并非虚拟、幻想,因此是真实条件句。在本句中,适用“主将从现”。(2)If I were you , I w

23、ould go at once. 如果我是你的话,我立刻就走。在这句话中,条件句“如果我是你”,但事实上,我不可能成为你,这只是假设的情况,没有实现的可能。当条件实现的可能性很小,甚至可以说没有实现的可能性时,就需要用虚拟语气来表示,动词发生了变化。4. 在这一单元中,我们只要求初步接触虚拟语气的用法及结构,学习表示与现在事实相反的情况下如何体现虚拟语气。请看例句:If I were you , I would take a small present. 如果我是你的话,我就带上一个小礼物。(注:在“If I were you”中,一定用were,而不能用was。)这句话中,If条件句与现在的

24、事实相反,“如果我是你的话。”事实上,我不可能成为你,也就根本没有实现的可能。请同学们注意主句与条件从句中动词时态的变化:从句(用过去时)主句(用过去将来时)If 主语行为动词的过去式(be动词用were)主语should /would /could /might +动词原形又如:If I won a million dollars , Id give it to charities. 如果我赢了一百万英镑,我要捐给慈善机构。(在此句中,If条件句中,动词用过去式won,主句则用should / would 加动词原形。现实情况是我没赢一百万;虚拟的情况是假如我赢了一百万,这种虚拟是不可能变成

25、现实的,因此用虚拟语气。)5. 虚拟语气的疑问式,除了动词相应的变化外,其他变化与陈述语气相同。如:(1)What would you do if you were in the lions cage ? 如果你在狮子笼里,你会怎么做?(疑问词在句首,主句中助动词提前,从句跟在主句后面。)If I were in the lions cage , Id call for help. 如果我在狮子笼里,我会大呼救命。If I were in the lions cage . Id get out fast. 如果我在狮子笼里,我会迅速出来。(2)What would you do if you

26、won the lottery ? 如果你赢得了彩票,你会做什么?Id give it to medical research. 我会用于医学研究。Or Id put it in the bank. 我会存到银行。Or if I were a millionaire , I would buy a big house in the country. 如果我是百万富翁,我就在乡村买座大房子。虚拟语气练兵用虚拟语气完成下列句子。1. 如果我是一只小鸟,我会飞到月球上去。If I a bird, I to the moon.2. 要不是杰克想出这个好主意,我们就赶不上这班飞机了。If Jack th

27、e good idea, we this plane.3. 如果她和我们在一起,我们会更早完成任务。If she us, we the task earlier.4. 如果有人给我钱的话,我明天就去买辆车。If someone me money, I a car tomorrow.5. Ill travel around the world if I have a lot of money.(改为虚拟语气的句子)I around the world if I a lot of money.答案:1. were; would fly 2. didnt come up with; wouldnt

28、catch / would miss 3. were with; would finish 4. gave; would buy 5. would travel; had 小提示:对于初中学生来说,只要掌握表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气的用法,记住主句和从句谓语部分的结构就可以了。中考聚焦考点1. 虚拟语气Come and join us, Jimmy!Im sorry, but Im really busy now. If I time, I would certainly go.(2006河南)A. will have B. have had C. had D. have【要点简析】本题考查

29、虚拟语气的用法。表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,谓语动词表现形式是:主句用 would / should / could / might +动词原形,从句用动词过去式(be的过去式一般用were)。选C。考点2. “疑问词+动词不定式” After the discussion, the students asked their teacher next. (2006四川成都)A. which to do B. what to do C. how to do Can you tell me when I should water the flowers?(改为简单句)(2006上海)Can yo

30、u tell me water the flowers?【要点简析】“疑问词+动词不定式”结构,要注意疑问词的选择。题中没有提供几件事去选择,故不能选which to do;do是及物动词,how to do 后需跟宾语,也不能选,故选B;题填写:when to。 注意:只有当主句主语或宾语与从句主语一致的复合句才能改为含有“疑问词+动词不定式”的简单句。考点3. get along / on (well) with sb.I find Tom easy to get along . So Id like him to come to my birthday party.(2006山西太原)A. to B. for C. with【要点简析】 get along / on with “与相处”,选C。表示“与相处融洽”用短语get along / on well with考点4. come up withShe is planning on driving. Lets help her some good ideas.(2006四川资阳)A. come out B. come

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