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1、人教PEP版小学英语四年级下册单元达标测试题含答案全册人教PEP版英语四年级下册 Unit 1达标测试一、图文连线。 music room teachers office art room library playground二、根据短文找答案。 We have two rooms on the second floor. The first room is the music room.The second room is the art room. We have two libraries and one teachers office on the first floor.I like

2、 reading books. They can make me clever.1two(序数词)_2first(基数词)_3. library(复数形式)_4I(宾格形式)_三、单项选择。( )1. Do you have_art room? A.a Ban Cthe( )2.Is that the_office? A. teachers B.teachers Cteachers( )3-_is Sarah? -She is in the gym. AWhere BWhat CHow( )4. Our classroom is_the first floor. A. at B. on C.

3、in( )5. -Is this a computer room? -_ A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, this is. C. Yes, its.四.选词填空.is, to, next, so, on1Welcome_my school.2This gym is_big.3Its_the second floor.4That_a music room.5. The classroom is_to the art room.五、根据对话判断图片正(T)误(F)。( )1-Is this the art room?-No, its the computer room.( )2-Wh

4、ere is the teachers office?-Its on the second floor.( )3-Do you have a music room?-Yes, we do.六、给下列句子选择正确的答语。( )1. Where is the computer room?( )2. Do you have a gym?( )3. How many students are there in your class?( )4. Is this the art room?( )5. Your school is beautiful.A. Forty-six.B. Yes, it is.C

5、. Yes, we do.D. Thank you.E. Its on the second floor.七、选择正确的选项补全对话。Mike: 1 This is the office. That is my classroom.Visitor: 2 Mike: Twenty-four.Visitor: 3 Mike: Yes, we do.Visitor: 4 Mike: No, its our computer room. 5 A. Is this your library?B. Do you have a library?C. The library is on the second

6、floor.D.How many students are there in your class?E. Welcome to my school!1. _ 2. _ 3._ 4. _ 5_八. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F) 。Chen Jie: Look! This is my school.Sarah: Great! Is that the computer room?Chen Jie: Yes, it is. Its next to the teachers office.Sarah: Do you have a music room?Chen Jie: Yes, we do. Its

7、 on the first floor. Its next to the library. Look! This is our gym. Its on the first floor.Sarah: Wow, your school is beautiful and big!Chen Jie: Thank you!( )1. This is Sarahs school.( )2. The library is on the first floor.( )3. The library is next to the teachers office.( )4. The gym is on the fi

8、rst floor.( )5. The school is small and beautiful!九.看图,仿照示例,写一段话。例:This is our school. We have a library. Its on the second floor. 答案一、 music room teachers office art room library playground二、1. second 3.libraries 4.me三、1B 2C 3A 4B 5A四、 3. on 5.next五、1T 2T 3T六、1E 2C 3A 4B 5D七、1E

9、2D 3B 4A 5.C八、1F 2T 3F 4T 5F九、示例: This is our school. We have a music room. Its on the second floor.解析一、此题考查学生对本单元表示功能室的单词或短语的熟悉程度。从上往下,图片分别表示的是教师办公室、音乐教室、操场、美术教室和图书馆,对应的词汇分别为teachers office,music room,playground, art room和library.二、1“We have two rooms on the second floor”句中的two为基数词,second为序数词,两者相对应

10、。故答案为second。 2first为序数词,one为first的基数词形式,两者相对应。故答案为one。 3“We have two libraries”中的libraries为library的复数形式。故答案为libraries。 4.“I like reading books. They can make me clever.”中I为主格形式,me为宾格形式。故答案为me。三、1该题考查冠词的用法。art是以元音音素开头的单词,前面用an,故选B。 2teachers office意为“教师办公室”,为固定搭配。故选C。 3根据答句句意“她在体育馆里”可推断,问句问的是萨拉的位置,故选

11、A。 4句意:我们的教室在一楼。“在楼”用介词on,故选B。 5“Is this?”句型的答句一般为“Yes,it is./No,it isnt.”,注意代词用it不用this,且此处的it is不可以缩写。故选A。四、1句意:欢迎来到我的学校。“Welcome to+地点”意为“欢迎来到”,为固定搭配。 2句中缺少修饰big的副词成分so可以修饰形容词。so big意为“如此大”。 3“在二楼”的表达为on the second floor。空格处填介词on。 4“That is”句型表示“那是”。句中缺系动词is,故填is。 5next to意为“在隔壁”,为固定搭配。五、该题为图文匹配题

12、。考查学生对句子和图片的理解能力。 1句意:这是美术教室吗?不,是计算机室。与图片相符,故答案为T。 2句意:教师办公室在哪儿?它在二楼。与图片相符,故答案为T。 3句意:你们有音乐教室吗?是的,我们有。与图片相符,故答案为T。六、1“Where is?”的答语一般为“Its+介词”,故答案为E。 2“Do you have?”的答语为“Yes,we/I do./No,we/I dont.”,故答案为C。 3how many引导的特殊疑问句,通常问“的数量”。故答案为A。 4“Is this?”的答语为“Yes,it is/Noit isnt”。故答案为B。 5当别人夸奖你的学校时,你要表示感

13、谢,故答案为D。七、此类题目需要通读对话,根据前后句内容选句子。该对话介绍的是学校各个功能室。 1对话开头首先要欢迎对方来自己的学校,Welcome to my school!意为“欢迎来到我的学校!”,故选E。 2根据下句“Twenty-four.”可知,该空问的是“的数量”,故选D。 3根据下句“Yeswe do.”可知,该空应为由do引导的一般疑问句,故选B。 4根据下句“No,its our computer room.”可知,该空应为由is引导的一般疑问句,故选A。 5根据第4空问图书馆的位置可知,此处应该回答图书馆的位置,故选C。八、1由句子“Chen Jie:Look! This

14、 is my school.”可知,这是陈杰的学校,与题目不符,故答案为F。2由句子“Do you have a music room? Yeswe do. Its on the first floor. Its next to the library.”可知,图书馆和音乐教室都在一楼,故答案为T。3由“Its next to the library.”和第2小题可知,图书馆在音乐教室隔壁,与题目不符,故答案为F。4由句子“Look! This is our gym. Its on the first floor.”可知,题目与句子相符,故答案为T。5由句子“Wow,your school i

15、s beautiful and big!”可知,题目与句子不符,故答案为F。九、该题为看图写话,考查学生对本单元重点单词、短语、句型的掌握程度。从示例可以看出,考查了“This is”,“We have a”和“Its”句型,从图中选择一个功能室,并套用句型描述即可。人教PEP版英语四年级下册 Unit2达标测试一、根据句子,判断图片正(T)误(F)。( )1 I go to bed at 6:50.( )2 I have an English class.( )3 I go to school on foot.( )4 I have breakfast at 7:00 a.m.二、单项选择。

16、( )1.I have_English class in the morning. A.a Ban Cthe( )2.Its 5:30. Its time to_home. A. go Bgo to Cgo to the( ) 3.Its _ oclock. Its time to get up. A. ninth Bbed Cseven( )4. We have two_in the afternoon. A. classes B.class C.PE class( )5.Its time_maths class. A. to Bfor Cat( )6-_ is it? -Its nine

17、oclock. A. What BWhere CWhat time三、情景交际。( )1.你想说“我准备好了”,应该说: A. Im ready. B.Hurry up. CIts nice.( )2你想邀请别人和你一起唱歌跳舞,应该说: A. Lets jump and run. BLets sing and dance. CLets read and write.( )3. 一切准备好了,可以出发了,你应该说: A. Lets go. B. Time to go home. C. Lets have breakfast.( )4表弟说他该回家了,应该说: AIts time for go

18、home. BIts time to home. CIts time to go home.( )5你想告诉同学放学了,应该说: A. Go home. BGoodbye. CSchool is over.四、给下列对话选择正确的图片。( )1. -Hurry up, Mike. Its 7 oclock. Time to go to school. -OK, Mum.( ) 2. -Excuse me. What time is it? -Its three oclock.( ) 3. -OK, children. Its 4 oclock. Its time to go home. -Le

19、ts go! Bye, Mr Jones!( )4. -What time is it, Amy? -Oh no! Its 11 oclock. Its time for music class. -Hurry up! Lets go!五、根据图片及提示,写句子。 Beijing 7:10 a.m. go to schoolIn Beijing, its 7:10 a.m. Its time to_ New York 6:10 a.m. get up_六、按要求选择正确答案。( )1Its seven oclock.(对画线部分提问) A. What time is it? BWhere is

20、 it?( )2. Im in New York.(根据答语选问句) A. Where are you? BWhere are you from?( )3Its time for bed.(选择同义句) A. Its time for sleep. BIts time to go to bed.( )4. What time is it?(看图回答) A. Its 6 oclock. BIts 12 oclock.( )5放学了。(汉泽英) A. School is over. BClass is over.七、阅读短文,完成各题。 Hello, my name is Amy.I get up

21、 at six forty.I have breakfast at seven ten. And Then I go to school.I have Chinese class,art class, maths class and music class in the morning. In the afternoon,I have PE class and English class. My English teacher is Mr White.I have lunch at twelve oclock at home.I go home at four fifty in the aft

22、ernoon.I have dinner at seven oclock.I go to bed at nine thirty.1阅读短文,根据要求各写出三个单词。数字_科目_三餐_2阅读短文,选择正确答案。( )(1)I get up at_ A. 6:40 B6:30 C6:20( )(2) Who is Amys English teacher? A. Miss White. B.Mr White. CMr Jones.( )(3)I have_classes all day(全天) Afour Bsix Cfive( )( 4)I have_at 7:00. A. breakfast

23、Blunch Cdinner( )(5)I go to bed at_A9:00 B9:20 C9:30答案一、1F 2T 3T 4F二、1B 2A 3C 4.A 5.B 6C三、1A 2B 3.A 4.C 5.C四、1B 2.C 3A 4.D五、1. go to school 2.In New York, its 6:10 a.m. Its time to get up六、1A 2A 3B 4.A 5A七、1示例:six,ten,twelve; Chinese,music,English; breakfast,lunch,dinner2.(1)A (2)B (3)B (4)C (5)C【解析

24、】一、1图意:六点五十,一个女孩起床。句意:我六点五十去睡觉。两者不符,答案为F。 2图意:一位教师在上英语课。句意:我在上英语课。两者相符,答案为T。 3图意:一个男孩走路去上学。句意:我走路去上学。两者相符,答案为T。 4图意:晚上七点,一家人坐在一起吃晚饭。句意:我早上七点吃早饭。两者不符,答案为F。二、1English是以元音音素开头的单词,前面要用冠词an,故选B。 2“Its time to do sth.”为固定句型,意为“到了做某事的时间了”。go home意为“回家”,中间没介词 to,故选A。 3“Its+基数词+oclock.”为固定句型,表示“现在几点钟了”。故选C。

25、4由two可知,空格处应该是名词的复数形式,故选A。 5“Its time for+名词,”为固定句型maths class为名词,故选B。 6根据答句“现在9点钟。”可知,问句问的是时间,询问时间用what time提问,故选C。三、1A:我准备好了。B:快点。C:它真不错。故选A。 2A:让我们跑跑跳跳吧。B:让我们唱唱跳跳吧。C:让我们读读写写吧。故选B。 3A:我们走吧。B:该回家了。C:让我们吃早餐吧。故选A。 4.Its time to go home.=Its time for home.表示“该回家了”。故选C。 5A:回家。B:再见。C:放学了。故选C。四、1对话句意:快点,

26、Mike。七点了,该去上学了。好的,妈妈。与图B相符,故选B。 2对话句意:打扰了。现在几点了?现在三点了。与图C相符,故选C。 3对话句意:好的,孩子们。四点了,该回家了。我们走吧!再见,Jones老师。与图A相符,故选A. 4对话句意:Amy,现在几点了?噢,不!已经十一点了。该上音乐课了。快点!一起走吧!与图D相符,故选D。 五、根据题意,可套用句型“In+地点,its+时间点.Its time to do sth.”。六、1根据画线部分“seven oclock”可知是对时间点提问,用what time引导。故选A。2根据回答“Im in New York.(我在纽约。)”可知,问句问

27、的是“你在哪儿?”。故选A。 3“It is time for bed.”同义句为“Its time to go to bed”。故选B.4“What time is it?”的答语句型之一为“Its+数字+ oclock.”。图片时间为六点,故选A。 5A:放学了;B:下课了。故选A。 七、1在文章中找出相应的单词,做题要仔细,分清类别,单词书写要规范。 数字:six forty seven ten twelve four fifty nine thirty 科目:Chinese art maths music PE English 三餐:breakfast lunch dinner 2(1

28、)根据原文句子“I get up at six forty.”可知答案为A。 (2)根据原文句子“My English teacher is Mr White.”可知,答案为B。注意分清楚Mr和Miss。 (3)原文中出现的科目有:Chinese class,art class, maths class. music class, PE class,English class一共六节课,答案为B。 (4)根据原文句子“I have dinner at seven oclock.”可知,答案为C。 (5)根据原文句子“I go to bed at nine thirty.”可知,答案为C。人教P

29、EP版英语四年级下册 Unit3达标作业一、判断每组中画线部分读音是()否()相同。( )1A. cold Bhot( )2A. art Bcard( )3A. snowy Bcloudy( )4A. talk Bwall二、选出与画线部分同类的一项。( )1. Whats the weather like in Beijing? A. world BNanjing Cweather( )2. Its cloudy in London. A. snowy Bweather Cnine( )3I can play football outside. A. playground Bgarden Cfly kites( )4. Now its seven oclock. A. nine Bcold Cwarm( )5. Mum, can I have some bread? A. careful Beat Ckite三、单项选择。( )1.Its snowy. We ca

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