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轻松美语会话超级100美语经典句型 Unit 1.docx

1、轻松美语会话超级100美语经典句型 Unit 1轻松美语会话超级100美语经典句型 Unit 1(1)Are you sure.?你肯定吗?Are you sure you can complete that puzzle?你肯定能解开这个谜吗?Are you sure there is enough paint for the house?你肯定有足够的油漆给房子上漆吗?Are you sure we can get there on time?你肯定我们能准时赶到那里吗?A:Im going to paint the house today.今天我打算给房子上漆。B:Are you sur

2、e there is enough paint for the house?你肯定有足够的油漆给房子上漆吗?A:Maybe not.Could you buy some while youre out?也许不够,你外出时能帮我买一些吗?B:No problems.What color?没问题,要什么颜色?(2)Any idea.?你知道吗?Any idea what time it is?你知道现在几点了吗?Any idea how much that costs?你知道那值多少钱吗?Any idea when youll leave?你知道你何时要离开吗?A:Im going to Amer

3、ica.我打算去美国。B:Any idea when youll leave?你知道你何时要离开吗?A:I hope before the end of the month.我希望月底前走。B:Let me know when you find out.你确定时间后告诉我。(3)Am I allowed to.?我可以吗?Am I allowed to have Bob to help with the project?我可以让鲍勃帮我完成这个项目吗?Am I allowed to go out tonight?今晚我可以出去吗?Am I allowed to eat spicy food?我

4、可以吃辣味吗?A:Being a diabetic,youre not allowed to eat certain foods.作为糖尿病人,有一些食品你不可以吃。B:Am I allowed to eat spicy food?我可以吃辣味吗?A:Im afraid not.恐怕不行。B:Really,because spicy food is my favorite.说实话,我最爱辣味了。(4)Can you .?你能可以吗?Can you help me?你能帮我一个忙吗?Can you pick me up from the airport?你能开车到机场接我吗?Can you br

5、ing your car in for a service?把你的车开进来用一下可以吗?A:Hi,nice to hear from you,when does your plane leave?你好!接到你的电话真令我高兴,你的飞机几点起飞?B:It leaves in 20 minutes.二十分钟后离港。A:Good.好的。B:Can you pick me up from the airport?你能开车到机场接我吗?(5)Can you believe.?你相信吗?Can you believe how long it took Bob?你相信它花了鲍勃不少时间吗?Can you b

6、elieve I have an award for gymnastics?你相信我体操获奖了吗?Can you believe Im going to America?你相信我就要去美国了吗?A:Whats happening in your life?你的生活有了什么变化?B:Can you believe Im going to America?你相信我就要去美国吗?A:That sounds great.听起来真不错!B:Yes,Im really excited.是的,我真的兴奋极了。(6)Can you imagine.?你能想象得到吗?Can you imagine having

7、 a million dollars?你能想象得出拥有一百万美金会怎样吗?Can you imagine having a year off work?你能想象一下有一年的假吗?Can you imagine how long it took me to learn Englih?你能想象得到我花了多少时间学英语吗?A:Can you imagine having a million dollars?你能想象得到你拥有一百万美金吗?B:Yes,and I know a few things Id spend the money on.能,我知道我要在一些东西上花钱。A:Yea me too.我

8、也是。B:A new car for a start.一开始先买一部新车。(7)Could you.?请问你能可以?(委婉说法)Could you do me a favor?请问你可以帮我一个忙吗?Could you bring me something special back?请问你能给我带回来一些新奇的东西吗?Could you help me with something?请问你能帮我做点事情吗?A:Hey,how are you doing?你好!最近过得怎么样?B:Could you do me a favor?请问你可以帮我一个忙吗?A:Sure,whatever you ne

9、ed.当然没问题。B:Can you help me move this table.你能帮我移一下这张桌子吗?(8)Do you think.?你认为吗?Do you think Kentucky fried chicken is good?你认为肯德基炸鸡好吃吗?Do you think Ill pass my exams?你认为我将通过考试吗?Do you think I should go to work tomorrow?你认为我明天一定要去上班吗?A:What would you like to eat tonight?你今晚要吃点什么?B:Im not sure,what abo

10、ut you?还没想好,你呢?A:Do you think Kentucky fried chicken is good?你认为肯德基炸鸡好吃吗?B:Sure sounds good to me.听起来当然不错。(9)Do you have.?你有要吗?Do you have a nice suit for the wedding?你有漂亮的礼服去参加那场婚礼吗?Do you have enough money to buy that dress?你有足够的钱买那连衣裙吗?Do you have to stay at work late tonight?今晚你要加班吗?A:Im going s

11、hopping.我要去逛商店。B:Do you have enough money to buy that dress?你要足够的钱买那连衣裙吗?A:No.I need to borrow $50.不够,我需要借50美元。B:Sure,here you go.当然没问题,你拿去吧。(10)Do you realize.?你知道吗?Do you realize weve been together a whole year tomorrow?你知道明天我们整整在一起一年了吗?Do you realize it took me three hours to drive here today?你知道

12、我今天花了三个钟头开车到这里吗?Do you realize that all these shoes are a half off?你知道这些鞋全部五折酬宾吗?A:I like these shoes.我喜欢这些鞋。B:Do you realize that all these shoes are half off?你知道这些鞋全部五折酬宾吗?A:Really?真的吗?B:Yes,but the offer only lasts this week.是的,不过,只有本周才优惠。(11)Do you mind if I .?你介意我?Do you mind if I ask your frie

13、nd out?你介意我叫你朋友出去吗?Do you mind if I borrow your book?你介意我借用你的书吗?Do you mind if I have the last piece cake?你介意我吃了最后一快蛋糕吗?A:Do you mind if I ask your friend out?你介意我叫你朋友出去吧?B:Of course,but we arent going out,were just friends.当然,不过,作为朋友,我们还是不出去吧。A:Okay,thats good.好的,没关系。B:Do you want me to put in a go

14、od word for you?你想听我一句忠言吗?(12)Did you know.?过去你知道吗?Did you know I have a talent for juggling balls?过去你知道我玩球挺有天赋吗?Did you know I could run as fast as the wind?过去你知道我能奔跑如飞吗?Did you know it takes two too tango?过去你知道跳探戈也要两个人吗?A:Ive just had an argument with Bob.我刚与鲍勃吵了一架。B:Really,who started the argumen

15、t?是吗,谁先挑起争端的?A:He did and its his entire fault.是他,完全是他的错。B:Did you know it takes two too tango?过去你知道跳探戈也要两个人吗?(13)Did you hear about.?以前你听说吗?Did you hear about Bob and Mary?以前你听说过鲍勃和玛丽吗?Did you hear about the old woman across the street?以前你听说过街对面那位老妇女?Did you hear about my little accident?以前你听说过我遇到了

16、一场小小的车祸吗?A:Did you hear about Bob and Mary?以前你听说过鲍勃和玛丽吗?B:No,what happened?没听过,发生什么事了?A:They had an argument and split-up.他们吵了一架,分手了。B:Really,whats going to happen now?真的吗,现在怎么样了?(14)How about.?你觉得怎么样?How about coming with me to meet my American friends?你觉得和我一起去见我的美国朋友怎么样?How about giving me a break

17、?你觉得让我休息一下怎么样?How about you helping me with this project?你觉得帮我完成这个项目怎么样?A:Im bored and got nothing to do tonight.我今晚没事做,无聊极了。B:How about coming with me to meet my American friends?你觉得和我一起去见我的美国朋友怎么样?A:Hey,that sounds great.好呀,真不错!B:Okay,Ill pick you up at eight oclock.好吧,八点钟我开车来接你。(15)How was.?怎么样?H

18、ow was your trip to America?你的美国之旅怎么样?How was it in the club last night?昨晚在酒巴怎么样?How was your exam?你考试考得怎么样?A:How was your trip to America?你的美国之旅怎么样?B:We had a fantastic time.我们玩得开心极了。A:Did you go to the Magic Kingdom?你去了魔幻王国了吗?B:No,but we went to the Kennedy Center.没有,不过,我们去了肯尼迪中心。(16)How much.?多少?

19、How much does this cost?这要花多少钱?How much time do you need?你需要多少时间?How much more money will it take?还需要多少钱?A:Have you finished that report yet?你已完成那份报告了吗?B:No.Im still working on it.没有,我还在做着呢。A:How much time do you need?你还需要多少时间?B:Give me one more day.再给我一天时间。(17)How should I.?我应该怎样?How should I help

20、you with this project?我应该怎样帮你完成这个项目?How should I advertise my web page?我应该怎样发布我的网页?How should I setup my new computer?我应该怎样对我新买的电脑进行设置?A:Hi Bob,are you having problems with that?喂,鲍勃,那个对你有问题吗?B:Yes,how should I setup my new computer?有的,我应该怎样对我新买的电脑进行设置?A:Its easy let me help you.小菜一碟,让我来帮你。B:Great,t

21、hanks a lot.太好了,多谢。(18)How do you like.?你喜欢吗?How do you like those earrings I bought you?你喜欢我买给你的那些耳环吗?How do you like my new suit?你喜欢我新买的西装吗?How do you like Chinese food?你喜欢中国菜吗?A:How do you like Chinese food?你喜欢中国菜吗?B:Its my favorite.我最爱吃了。A:What other kind of food do you like?你还喜欢什么菜?B:I like Ind

22、ian food as well.我也喜欢印度菜。(19)How do you want.?你要怎样?How do you want me to deal with this problem?你要我怎样处理这个问题?How do you want your egg cooked?你要我怎样煎鸡蛋?How do you want your dress altered?你要怎样改做你的西装?A:Good morning,Mary.早上好,玛丽。B:How do you want your egg cooked?你要我怎样煎鸡蛋?A:Sunny side up,please.单煎一面。B:Okay,

23、itll be ready in two minutes.好的,两分钟后做好。(20)How did you do on.?你做得怎么样?How did you do on your English exam?你的英语考得怎么样?How did you do on the exercise bike?你的自行车练习练得怎么样?How did you do on your driving test?你的驾驶执照考试考得怎么样?A:Hi,Bob.喂,鲍勃!B:How did you do on your driving test?你的驾驶执照考试考得怎么样?A:I passed.我通过了。B:Thats great and it was your first try.太棒了,你一次通过。

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