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1、威尼斯商人英文舞台剧剧本themerchantofveniceThe Merchant of VeniceAct IV Scene IVenice. A court of justiceRole DescriptionShylock He is the representative of usury capital, is stingy miser . But money-grubber Shylock was uncharacteristically at the beginning of the play , not several times more than the repaymen

2、t of borrowings , and to a piece of useless human flesh , showing its petty and vengeful very heavy, a chance encounter would be crazy retaliation against him who can not have to put opponents to death , showing their ruthless . Sherlock retorted abuse of others , calm and confident attitude alive.

3、After losing three times as he wants repayment , greedy and stingy nature of the recovery , the miser s truth exposed. He is an out demons . Meanwhile , he is also a Christian society bullied Jews . Shylock s revenge on Antonio has a reasonable and complex motivations. People Shylock , both despise

4、his greed , hatred of his cruelty , but also how much sympathy he suffered racial oppression and humiliation . In many people s eyes Lixialuoke is a sophistication , greedy , stingy , the vampire s image , but also a miser , I make a wonky guarded portal , a little worried , Shylock can not say it i

5、s not the tragedy of this comedy character , the servant ran defected hungry people hate their own , while the daughter is holding their property and lovers eloped , and finally even lost part of his remaining property , he really is , lost his wife and fold soldiers . It is a highly vindictive peop

6、le , in retaliation for the abuse of hatred Antonio can not charge interest to let him step by step drill into a trap , in order is to get his piece of meat , but meat, what can he get ? He says, bring good fishing . In fact, Antonio is also a stumbling block to block his way of getting money , in o

7、rder to make their own sources of revenue must get rid of this stumbling block .Antonio He is an emerging bourgeois businessman, he is the author of some landscaping. The author wrote his cherished friendship, in order to borrow money from loan sharks and friends and to this end die without resentme

8、nt; his generosity in the face of shameless conspiracy Shylock, actually submissive; Faced with the threat of death, the Roman hero, as he has courage, death-defying spirit. In short, his body upright, Emotion, suave and other humanists whom quality Acura.BassanioAntonios friend .Courageous, Emotion

9、 Shigeyoshi, but do not know how to fight the policy, the performance was over the weak.Duke An athletic kind man.Solanio, Bassanio, GratianoAntonios friend.NerissaPortias maid. Portia is Bassanios fiance.Housewives Venetian businessman Antonio for the sake of a friend Bassanios marriage to the Jewi

10、sh usurer Shylock to borrow. Do not give due Antonio interest from loans, in addition, often accused Antonio Shylock, the two forged a hatred. Shylock opportunity vindictive revenge, do not make their own interest, but if it fails to do yet, cut a pound of flesh from Antonios chest. Unfortunately, t

11、he merchant Antonio came news of the crash, cash flow problems, inability to repay the loan. Sherlock went to court to sue, according to the legal provisions to Antonio promise. Cruelty to persuade people to give up the contract flesh Shylock, but Shylock insists to fulfill the contract, cut a piece

12、 of flesh from Antonio body. To save the life of Antonio, Bassanios fiancee Portia posing counsel, Thus began the story.Duke: Go one and call the Jew to the court. Make room and let him stand before our face.Solanio: He is come, my lord.Duke: Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so, too, that you

13、but leadst this fashion of your malice to the last hour of the act and then tis thought youll show your mercy and remorse, more strange than is your strange apparent cruelty. What say you, Jew? We all expect a gentle answer.Shylock: I have informed your grace of what I purpose and by our holy Sabbat

14、h have I sworn to have the due and forfeit of my bond. If you deny it, let the danger light upon your charter and your citys freedom. Youll ask me why I rather choose to have a weight of human flesh than to receive three thousand ducats. Ill not answer that. But, say, it is my humor - is it answered

15、? What if my house be troubled by a rat and I am pleased to give ten thousand ducats to have it killed? - What, are you answered yet? - (Crowd) No. Some men dont love a gaping pig; some are mad if they see a cat and others cannot contain their urine when they hear the bagpipe. - For affection, maste

16、r of passion, controls ones likes and dislikes. Now for your answer. As there is no firm reason to be given why he cannot abide a gaping pig, why he, (cannot bear) a harmless, necessary cat, why he (cannot endure) a woolen bagpipe, but of force must yield to such inevitable shame as to offend himsel

17、f being offended, so can I give no reason, nor will I not. I bear so deep and fixed hate against Antonio that I follow thus this losing suit against him. - Are you answered? - (All) No!Bassanio: This is no answer, you unfeeling man, to excuse your cruelty. Shylock: I am not bound to please you with

18、my answers.Bassanio: Do all men kill the things they do not love?Shylock: Does any man hate the thing he would not love?Bassanio: Every offence is not a hate at first.Shylock: You would have a serpent sting you twice? (Crowd shout in derision)Antonio: I pray you think, you are questioning with the J

19、ew: You may as well go stand upon the beach and ask the flood to lower its usual height. (Sighs) You may as well question with the wolf why he has made the ewe bleat for the lamb. You may as well do anything if you can soften his Jewish heart which is harder than anything in the world. Therefore I d

20、o pray you, make no more offers, use no farther means. Let me have judgment and the Jew his will. (All) No! No!Bassanio: You loaned me three thousand ducats. Here is six. (Crowd gasp)Shylock: If every ducat in six thousand ducats were in six parts and every part a ducat I would not take them. I woul

21、d have my bond. Duke: How shall you hope for mercy by giving none?Shylock: What judgment should I fear, doing no wrong? You have among you many a purchased slave, which like your asses and your dogs and mules, you use in abject and in slavish services because you bought them. Shall I say to you, let

22、 them be free? Marry them to your heirs. Why do sweat they under burdens? Let their beds be made as soft as yours, their palates seasoned with your food. You will answer, The slaves are ours.” So I can also answer you: The pound of flesh that I demand of him is dearly bought. Tis mine. Tis mine! Tis

23、 mine. And I will have it. If you deny me, fie upon your law. There is no force in the decrees of Venice. I stand for judgment. Answer. - Shall I have it? - (Crowd gasp) (Crowd shouting)Duke: Silence! Silence! Silence! Upon my power I may dismiss this court unless Bellario, a learned doctor that I h

24、ave sent for to determine this come here today.Solanio: My lord! Here stays without (outside) a messenger with letters from the doctor just come from Padua.Duke: Call the messenger. (Nerissa comes to the court) Do you come from Padua, from old Bellario?Nerissa: From both, my lord. Bellario greets yo

25、ur grace.Bassanio: Why do you whet (sharpen) your knife so earnestly?Shylock: To cut the forfeiture from that bankrupt there.Gratiano: Can no prayers (moves) pierce you?Shylock: No. None that you have enough wit to make.Gratiano: Be you damned, execrable dog and for your life let justice be accused.

26、 Shylock: Till you can erase the seal from off my bond, or you are just hurting your lungs to speak so loud. Prepare your wit, good youth, or it will fall to insanity. I stand here for law. I stand for law!Duke: Silence! Silence! This letter does commend a young and learned doctor to our court. Well

27、, where is he?Nerissa: He is waiting here nearby to know your answer, whether youll admit him. Duke: Go, and give him courteous conduct to this place. Meantime, the court shall hear Bellarios letter. Clerk: Your grace shall understand that at the receipt of your letter, I am very sick but in the ins

28、tant your messenger came there was with me a young doctor of Rome whose name is Balthasar.” He comes at my asking to take my place. I beseech you, let his lack of years be no impediment, for I never knew so young a body with so old a head.” I leave him to your gracious acceptance. Duke: You heard Be

29、llario, what he writes. Oh, and here, I take it, comes the doctor. (Portia kisses the hand of the Duke) You are welcome. Take your place. Are you acquainted with the difference that this present question in the court holds? Portia: I am informed thoroughly of the case. Which is the merchant here and

30、 which is the Jew?Duke: Antonio and old Shylock, both stand forth.Portia: Is your name Shylock?Shylock: Shylock is my name.Of a strange nature is the suit you follow, yet in such rule that the Venetian law cannot deny you as you do proceed. (To Antonio) You stand within his power, dont you? Antonio:

31、 Yes, he says so. Portia: Do you confess the bond?Antonio: I do.Portia: Then the Jew must be merciful.Shylock: On what compulsion must I? Tell me that.Portia: The quality of mercy is not strained; it drops as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed: it blesses him tha

32、t gives and him that takes. Tis the mightiest in the mighty. It makes the monarch better than his crown. His scepter shows the force of temporal power, the attribute to awe and majesty wherein does sit the dread and fear of kings. But mercy is above this sceptered sway. It is enthroned in the heart of kings. It is an attribute to God himself and earthly power does then show like of Gods when mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew, though justice is your plea, consider this. In the course of justice, none of us should see salv

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