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1、新牛津高中英语模块期末知识点回顾及复习试题全套新牛津高中英语模块1-2期末知识点回顾及复习题期末知识点回顾一、词汇大集合模块一重点高频单词:1. experience vt.&n.体验,经历2. approve vt.&vi.批准,通过;赞成,同意3. preparation n准备,筹备4. devote vt.致力于;献身5. inform vt.通知,告知6. donate vt.捐赠7. exchange n&vt.交换;交流8. deserve vt.值得;应得;应受9. insist vi.坚持,坚持认为10. defend vt.辩解,辩白11. tolerate vt.容忍;允

2、许12. forbid vt.禁止,不准13. normal n&adj.正常(的),一般(的)14. recover vt.重新获得;恢复vi. 复原,恢复健康15. suffer vt.&vi.受苦;遭受(磨难)16. damage vt.损害n. U破坏;伤害damages npl.赔偿金17. count vi.认为,算作;重要vt. 数数;计算18. concentrate vt.&vi.集中(注意力,思想等);全神贯注19. affect vt.影响;(病毒)感染20. respect n&vt.尊敬,尊重1用括号里所给词的适当形式填空:1. Hearing his travell

3、ing _, I knew that he was an _ traveller. (experience)2. _(devote) his body and soul to bringing uptodate technology and international attention to Chinas AIDS problem, Dr. David Ho, born in Taiwan, spent little time with his family.3. The boss forbids _(smoke) in working hours, and all the workers

4、are _(forbid, smoke) in the company.【答案】 1. experiences; experienced2. Devoting3. smoking; forbidden to smoke重点高频短语:1. for free免费2. make use of利用3. in charge of负责,管理4. do with处理, 对待; 忍受5. now that既然;由于6. be dying for sth./to do sth. 渴望;极想7. work out锻炼身体; 算出; 理解; 成功地发展8. fall out (头发或牙齿)脱落; 争吵9. get

5、into shape强身健体;把整理好;使条理化10. give up放弃;戒掉11. more than超过;不仅仅12. come up with提出;想出13. look back (on)回忆,回顾14. bring back使想起;给带回;使恢复15. stay up不睡觉,熬夜16. take in吸收;收留;欺骗;理解17. in no time立刻,马上18. be hard on对苛刻, 对严厉19. inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事20. be supposed to应该, 应当2单项填空:1. The professor also mentioned an

6、 article _ by Zhu Ziqing.A. supposed to have been writtenB. supposed to be writtenC. supposing to have been writtenD. supposing to be written2. The little boy is naughty. His parents dont know how to _ him.A. do with B. care aboutC. deal with D. contact with3. We cant afford to _ our competitors in

7、using the new technology.A. fall out B. fall down C. fall for D. fall behind【答案】 1. A2. C3. D佳句读背:1. Whether students want to exercise or just want some fun, they can use our gym.无论学生是想要锻炼还是只想娱乐, 他们都可以使用我们的体育馆。2. Upon_finishing_his_studies,_he started travelling in China.学习一结束,他就开始游历中国。3. Our club i

8、s much_more_than just music.我们的俱乐部不只是播放音乐。4. Daniel has_his_arms_crossed_and looks upset.Daniel 双臂抱在胸前,看起来很不高兴。5. I just read your post and would like to tell you about my brother, who had_the_same_problem_as_your friend.我刚刚读了你的帖子,想把我哥哥的情况告诉你,我哥哥和你的朋友面临同样的难题。6. A good amount of sleep every night is

9、also important for your health.每晚大量的睡眠对你的健康也是重要的。3判断下列句子的正误(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”)他一进入房间电话铃就响了。1. Hardly had he got into the room when the telephone rang.2. No sooner he had got into the room when the telephone rang.3. Upon getting into the room, he heard the telephone ringing. 4. The moment he got into t

10、he room, and the telephone rang.【答案】 1. T2. F3. T4. F模块二重点高频单词:1. due adj.由于,因为;预期的;适当的;应付的2. witness n目击者,证人vt. 目击, 见证3. assume vt.假定;认为;承担4. occur vi.发生;出现5. exist vi.存在;生存6. dismiss vt.解雇;解散;不予考虑7. award n奖,奖品,奖金vt. 授予, 奖励8. survive vt.&vi.生存;(挺过)难关9. advance n前进;预先vi. 前进,进步vt. 促进; 提升10. arrange

11、vt.&vi.安排11. supply n&vt.提供,供给,补给12. scare vt.使恐惧,惊吓scary adj. 可怕的, 吓人的13. explore vt.&vi.探测;探索;勘探14. spot n地点,场所;斑点vt.发现; 沾上污点15. announce vt.宣布, 宣称16. convince vt.使确信, 使相信;说服,劝说17. preserve vt.保护;保藏,防腐;保持n. 保护区18. inspire vt.启迪, 赋予灵感;激励,鼓舞19. disturb vt.打扰, 扰乱20. fortune n. C一大笔钱;财富;U运气21. curious

12、 adj.好奇的,求知欲强的22. apply vi.申请vt.使用,应用23. superior n上级, 上司adj. 更好的;更高的24. murder vt.&n.谋杀1用括号里所给词的适当形式填空:1. _ (consider) Australias relatively small population, its outstanding performances in the Olympic Games was really _ (amaze)2. The present financial crisis has greatly contributed to many worker

13、s _ (dismiss) and factory closing down.3. She showed us the athletics _ (award/reward/price) she had won. 【答案】 1. Considering;amazing2. being dismissed3. awards重点高频短语:1. step up加紧,加强,促进;增加,提高2. show up到场,露面;显示出来3. look into调查;审查4. look forward to期望, 盼望5. be about to将要, 正打算6. set sail (for) 启航7. as w

14、ell as除之外,也,还;和一样8. come across (偶然)遇见;发现;被理解9. result in导致10. pay off成功,带来好结果;还清11. make ones way to前往;到去12. belong to属于13. get close to接近14. come into use使用15. go out熄灭;过时16. go down in history载入史册17. look up to敬佩18. in case以防万一;如果19. tourist spot旅游景点20. put on穿戴;上演;播放;增加2单项填空:1. Womens social pos

15、ition in China has been much _ in the past 50 years.A. pulled up B. lifted upC. stepped up D. risen up2. Womens earnings are well below mens _ educational differences that are decreasing between the two sexes.A. in spite of B. in favour ofC. in case of D. in terms of3. The operation on my mother was

16、 _ for 20 minutes because there was electricity failure.A. interrupted B. disturbedC. missed D. lost【答案】 1. C2. A3. A佳句读背:1. Standing_inside_were_lots_of_strange_creatures with white skin and large black eyes.里面站着许多白皮肤,眼睛又黑又大的奇怪生物。2. The Yeti is_said_to_be_a large, hairy animal that walks on two fee

17、t like a human being.据说野人是一种身体庞大,多毛的动物,它像人一样用两只脚行走。3. Wish you were_ here.如果你在这里就好了。4. Nature has provided Shangrila with endless natural treasures, making_the_land_a_happy_home_for_local_people大自然为香格里拉提供了无数的自然宝藏, 使得这片土地成为当地人们的幸福家园。5. If_breathed_in,_they can result in illness or even death.一旦被人吸入,它

18、们可能会导致疾病甚至死亡。6. What_is_certain,_though, is_that_“the curse of the mummy” remains a riddle to this day.但是有一点可以肯定的是,“木乃伊的诅咒”至今仍是个谜。3用括号里所给词的适当形式填空:1. I hurried to Professor Wangs house only _(find) he was out.2. Her husband died in 1924, _(leave) her with five children.【答案】 1. to find2. leaving二、复习题.

19、单项填空1At last,all his efforts paid _he won the big prize as he wished.Aback Boff Cfor Ddown2Justin Biebers rise to fame is an _ story which_ thousands of young actors.Ainspiring;has inspiredBinspired;inspired Cinspiring;had inspiredDinspired;has been inspiring3_why he was late again,the boy just kept

20、 silent.AWhen asking BWhen he askedCWhen he was asking DWhen asked4Thank you for all your hard work last week.I dont think we _ it without you.Acan manage Bcould have managedCcould manage Dcan have managed5Johns success has nothing to do with good luck.It is years of hard work _ has made him what he

21、 is today.Awhy Bwhen Cthat Dwhich6Allow your daughter to go out to play for a moment,because her homework _.Ais finished Bwas finishedChas been finished Dhad been finished7My friend,Tom,left New York in 1976 and _since then.Ahadnt been heard of Bhasnt been heard ofChasnt heard of Dhadnt heard of8You

22、 speak very good Chinese.Thanks.I _ it for 4 years before I came to China.Astudied BstudyCwas studying Dhad studied9The father as well as three children _ skiing every Sunday afternoon in winter.Ais going BgoCgoes Dare going10_ you promise to buy her a gift,you cant break it in any case.AOnce BUntil

23、 CFor DThat11The hero of the story is an artist in his _,who lived in _.Athirty;the 1930s Bthirties;the 1930Cthirty;1930s Dthirties;the 1930s12In rap music,the singer,or rapper,will speak or rap the words _ the beat.Aalong with Bapart fromCall through Dup to13After _ seemed an endless effort,the pat

24、ient was finally able to carry out _ seemed a perfectly normal walk.Awhat;what Bthat;thatCit;what Dwhich;like14Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water._.AHeard it BGot itCTake it DMake it15The minister _ your presence at the next meeting. Please get ready for it.Ah

25、opes BdesiresClongs Dwishes.完形填空Robert Moody,52,is an experienced police officer.Much of his work involves dealing with_16_an gang (团伙)problems in the schools of his community.Knowing that many kids often _17_trouble,he decided to do something about it.So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of k

26、ids to go fishing with him on his day_18_.Those fun trips had a (n)_19_impact.A chance encounter in 2000 proved that.One day,_20_working security at a school basketball game,Moody noticed two young guys_21_.He sensed trouble between them._22_one of them headed toward Moody and gave him a hug.“ I _23

27、_you.You took me_24_when I was in fifth grade.That was one of the _25_days of my life.”Deeply touched by the boys word,Moody decided to create a foundation(基金会)that _26_teenagers to the basics of fishing in camping programs.“As a policeman,I saw _27_there was violence,drugs were always behind it.The

28、y have a damaging _28_on the kids,” says Moody.By turning kids on to fishing,he_29_to present an alternative way of life.“When youre sitting there waiting for a_30_,”he says,“you cant help but talk to each other,and such_31_can be pretty deep.”“Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer(同龄人)

29、pressures in high school,” says Michelle,17 who_32_the first program.“And I was able to help my little brother _33_drugs.”Moody faces _34_ in three years,when he hopes to run the foundation fulltime.“Im living a happy life and I have a responsibility to my _35_ to give back,” Moody says.“If I teach a kid to fish today,he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow.” 16A.drinking BdrugCsecurity Dsmoking17A.ran into Bgot overCleft behind Dlooked into18A.ahead Baway Coff Dout19A.immediate BdamagingClimited Dlasting20A.once Bwhile Csince Duntil21A.quarrelin

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