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1、八年级下英语语法练习含答案解析一、时态练习(一)( ) 1. The twin brothers_ in different classes.A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )2.Sams father often _ for a walk after supper. A. go B. goes going D. gos ( )3. Bob _ well in P.E. A. dont B. doesnt do C. doesnt D. dont do( )4. Which country_ the largest population, China, Indi

2、a or Japan? A. has B. have C. is D. are( )5. There _ a lot of people in the park on weekends. A. are B. is C. will be D. have ( )6. Mother often home early. A. get home B. get to home C. gets home D. gets to home( )7. _ she usually_ to work on foot or by bus?A. Is, come B. Do, come C. Does, come D.

3、Does, comes( )8.My aunt_ about forty years old, but she _younger than she really is.A. is, look B .is, looks C. am, look D. are, looks( )9. I will visit the Summer Palace with my pen pal if it_ tomorrow.A. dont rain B. wont rain C. isnt rain D. doesnt rain( )10. Our teacher told us that the sun_ rou

4、nd the earth.A. traveled B. travels C. is traveling D. will travel1、 答案为C。解析主语brothers是复数,故be动词用are。2、 答案为B。解析often“经常”表示习惯性,用一般现在时,主语Sams father是第三人称单数,故谓语动词go应用其第三人称单数形式goes。3、 答案为B。解析主语Bob是第三人称单数,其实义动词的一般现在时否定式是“does not+动词原形”,答案C差动词原形。 4、 答案为A。解析主语Which country是第三人称单数,某个国家有多少人口用have/ has,而不用be动词

5、。5、 答案为A。解析 此题考查“there be”句型。a lot of people是复数,on weekends表示习惯性,故用“there be”句型的一般现在时。6、 答案为C。解析often“经常”表示习惯性,用一般现在时,主语Mother是第三人称单数,“到家”前不用介词to。7、 答案为C。解析实义动词的一般现在时疑问式用 “Does/Do+动词原形”,主语she是第三人称单数,故用Does,答案D中的comes应用原形。8、 答案为B。解析句中两个简单句的主语My aunt, she均是第三人称单数,其谓语动词也应用相应的第三人称单数形式。9、 答案为D。解析由if引导的条件

6、状语从句,常用一般现在时表将来,主语it是第三人称单数,rain是实义动词,其否定形式应用doesnt +动词原形 。10、答案为B。解析太阳绕着地球转是客观真理,用一般现在时,只有B符合。(二) ( )1. Are you playing basketball? No, we_. A. isnt B. arent C. not D. dont ( )2. Where is Jack ? He _ games with his brother. A. plays B. will play C. playing D. is playing( )3. What are you doing unde

7、r that table ? I_ my pen .A am looking for B look for C looked for D. looking for( )4. The twins_ Chinese in an evening school now .A study B to study C are studying D. will study( )5.Listen! Someone _ in the next room.A. is singing B. are singing C. sang D. sings( )6. Its 6 oclock in the evening. T

8、hey _supper. A. have B. has C. are having D. is having ( )7. Please keep quiet. We _ to the music. DA. listened B. are listening C. listen D. have listened ( )8.Whats the matter, Jenny? I_ for my pencil sharpener. A. am look B.looked C. look D. am looking( )9. His cousin _ for London in two days . A

9、 . left B. is leaving C. leaves D. leave( )10. Xiao Ming is a good student. He_ others.A. is always helping B. helps alwaysC. was always helping D. always help 1、 答案为B。解析本题考查对现在进行时的否定回答,主语we是复数,应用arent 。2、 答案为D。解析问 Jack现在在哪儿,暗含用现在进行时来回答他现在正在做某事。3、 答案为A。解析问句是现在进行时,回答要一致,即用现在进行时,答案D 差be动词.。 4、 答案为C。解析

10、此处的now强调动作正在发生,是现在进行时的时间状语,故用现在进行时。5、 答案为A。解析 Listen!是现在进行时的标志, 不定代词someone做主语时,谓语常用第三人称单数。6、 答案为C。解析根据上文“Its 6 oclock in the evening.” , 推断他们现在正在吃晚饭,故用现在进行时。7、 答案为B。解析根据上文 “Please keep quiet.”,推断我们正在听音乐,故用现在进行时。8、 答案为D。解析根据上文“Whats the matter, Jenny? ”,推断Jenny正在寻找pencil sharpener,用现在进行时。9、 答案为B。解析

11、“ in+一段时间” 常用将来时,表示即将做某事,用进行时表将来。10、答案为A。解析 always用于进行时表示一种感情色彩,此处指赞扬,根据上文 “Xiao Ming is a good student.”, 应排除答案C(过去进行时)。(三)( )1 . Tom _his homework after breakfast yesterday. A. didnt B. doesnt C. didnt do D. doesnt do( ) 2. Jenny _a letter to her brother in America half a month ago. A. wrote B. wr

12、ites C. write D. has written( ) 3. They _with us last Sunday morning. A. dont go hiking B. go hiking C. didnt go hiking D. went to hiking( )4. Who _ in the next room just now ? Mary did. A. is crying B. cried C. cries D. cry( )5. _you _ the Football World Cup held in Germany last summer? A. Did, wat

13、ched B. Did, watch C. Were, watch D. Were, watched( )6.Jim and Sam_ here yesterday afternoon.A. didnt B. arent C. wasnt D. werent ( ) 7.I often _ good grades when I was in Grade one.A. get B. getted C. got D. gets( ) 8 . Excuse me, look at the sign NO SMOKING!Sorry, I _ it. A. dont see B. didnt see

14、C. am not seeing D. wont see ( )9. These tourists have been to Australia. Really? When _there?A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone( )10.Tony didnt come to the party yesterday, did he?_,though he was not feeling very wellANo,he didnt BYes,he did CYes,he didnt DNo,he did1、 答案

15、为C。解析 yesterday是过去时的时间状语,实义动词的否定式为didnt+动词原形,答案A 缺动词原形。2、 答案为A。解析 half a month ago是过去时的时间状语,故应用一般过去时。3、 答案为D。解析 last Sunday morning是过去时的时间状语,应用一般过去时,而go hiking是固定表达,答案D多了to 。4、 答案为B。解析 just now是过去时的时间状语。5、 答案为C。解析last summer 是过去的时间状语, 实义动词的疑问式为Did+动词原形,答案A没还原为动词原形。6、 答案为D。解析 yesterday afternoon是过去时的

16、时间状语,该句是be的过去时的否定式,主语Jim and Sam是复数,故应用werent。7、 答案为C。解析 从 “when I was in Grade one.”得知用过去时,表示过去经常做某事用一般过去时,get的过去式是不规则的。8、 答案为B。解析通过上下文,得知现在已看见NO SMOKING的标志, 没看见NO SMOKING的标志是过去的事, 故用一般过去时。9、 答案为B。解析这些游客去过澳大利亚,动作发生在过去,when不能用于现在完成时,故应用一般过去时。10、答案为B。解析 通过上下文,得知尽管他感觉不舒服,但他还是来的,事实是肯定的,故要用Yes来回答,答案C前后矛

17、盾。(四)( )1. Will you study for your final test tonight? No, I _. A. wont B. dont C am not D. didnt( )2. _ we meet at the school gate soon ? A. Will B. Do C. Am D. Shall( ) 3. There_ a concert to be shown in Hong Kong next week. A. will have B. is C. will be D. has( )4. He says he _ us around his fact

18、ory in two days. A. shows B. is showing C. will shows D. will show( )5. Andy _ the animals on the farm next weekend. A. is going to feed B. are going to feed C. is feed D. are feeding( )6. I believe my dream_ one day. A. comes true B. is comeing true C. will come true D. will true( )7. They_ me as s

19、oon as he _ back. A. will call, will come B. will call, comes C. call, will come D. call, comes( )8.How soon _the UFO_?In an hour.A. will, lands B. will, land C. did, land D. does, land( )9. Will there be less pollution in the future?_.A. Yes, there is B. Yes, it will C. No, there isnt D. No, there

20、wont( )10. _ we go to the concert together tonight? Good idea.A. Shall B. Will C. Do D. Are1、 答案为A。解析一般将来时的否定回答用wont。2、 答案为D。解析shall用于第一人称表示征求意见、提出建议。3、 答案为C。解析从 next week推断一般将来时, there be句型的将来时用there will be。 4、 答案为D。解析 “in+一段时间” 表示多久以后,常用将来时,其构成是“will+动词原形”。5、 答案为A。解析“下周”用一般将来时,用“be going to +动词原形

21、”结构,主语Andy是第三人称单数,be用is。6、 答案为C。解析“我相信我的梦想某一天将会实现”,用一般将来时,答案D没有动词原形,答案B 中的comeing应去e。7、 答案为B。解析 as soon as引导时间状语从句,在时间状语从句的复合句里,如主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。8、 答案为B。解析how soon表示“多久以后”,常用一般将来时,答案A中的lands要用原形。9、 答案为D。解析对there be句型的一般将来时的否定回答用No, there wont。10、答案为A。解析shall 用于第一人称(I,we)的疑问句中,常表提出建议、征求意见。(五)(

22、)1. Did you see the traffic accident yesterday,Li Lei? Yes. I saw it happen when I _past the Bank of China.A. walk B. am walking C. will Walk D. was walking( )2. What _ your grandmother _at 9 yesterday morning ?A. is, doing B. was, doing C. did, do D. has, done ( )3. The little boy was _ chess while

23、 his sister _the piano .A. playing, was playing B. playing , playedC. played , playing D. playing , playing ( )4. Hi , Jim . I didnt see you at the party .Oh, I _ for the English exam . A. am studying B. was studying C. studied D. have studied( )5. He asked _in the next room .A. who are singing B. w

24、ho was singing C. who sings D. who is singing1、答案为D。解析根据上下文,我正从中国银行走过时看见交通事故发生,用过去进行时。2、答案为 B。解析过去具体某个时刻在做某事,一般用过去进行时。3、答案为A。解析 while强调前后两个动作同时发生,都用过去进行时。 4、 答案为 B。解析根据上下文,昨晚晚会时我正在学习,故用过去进行时。5、 答案为B。解析主句He asked用过去时,从句用相应的过去时态。二、连词练习( ) 1、-Would you like to come to go swimming with us? -Id like to,

25、_ Im too busy.A and B if C so D but( ) 2、The passage is difficult to read_ it isnt long and there are few new words in it.A. though B. so C. because D and( ) 3、-I dont like tea_ coffee. -I dont like tea, _I like tea very much. A and; and B and; but C or; or D or; but( ) 4、Work hard,_ you may catch u

26、p with other students in your class soon. A. or B. but C. and D. yet( ) 5、My parents often dont go to sleep _ I get back home at night.A. when B. until C. as soon as D. while( ) 6、Mr. Li must be at work, _ the lights in the teachers office are on. A and B for C or D but( ) 7、The 2006 World Cup was h

27、eld in Germany_ June 9th_July 9th A On;and Bfrom;to Cbetween;and Dduring:and( ) 8、I am free on weekends. You can come to my home _on Saturday _on Sunday.A. either; nor B. either; or C. either; nor D. neither; nor( ) 9、English is becoming more and more popular in China. _the young_ the old are learni

28、ng to speak it. A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C. So; that D. not only; but also( ) 10、Youll do much better you re more careful. A. if B. before C. although D. unless1、 答案为D。解析 题意为:你想和我们一起去游泳吗?想去,可我太忙了。表转折关系用连词but。2、 答案为A。解析 题意为:尽管那篇文章不长并且极少有新词汇,可还是很难读懂。引导让步状语从句用连词though或although。3、 答案为D。解析 题意为:我不喜欢茶

29、和咖啡。我也不喜欢茶,但我喜欢咖啡。否定句中用or表“或者,和”,表转折关系用连词but。4、 答案为C。解析 题意为:努力学习,这样你很快就会赶上班上的其他学生。固定句型“祈使句+and/or+简单句”,and连接肯定条件,or连接否定条件。5、 答案为B。解析 题意为:我父母亲经常等我回家之后才去睡觉。短语notuntil意为“直到才”。6、 答案为B。解析 题意为:李老师肯定还在工作,因为教师办公室里的灯还亮着。引导比较明显的原因状语从句用连词for。7、 答案为C。解析 题意为:2006世界杯于6月9号和7月9号期间在德国举行。两者之间用短语betweenand。、8、 答案为B。解析 题意为:我周末有空,你要么周六,要么周日来我家吧!eitheror意为“要么,要么”;neithernor意为“两者都不”。9、 答案为D。解析 题意为:英语在中国正变的越来越流行。不仅年轻人,老年人也在学说英语。eitheror意为“要么,要么”; neithernor意为“两者都不”;sothat意为“如此以至”;not

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