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1、商务英语阅读第二版答案商务英语阅读第二版答案【篇一:商务英语阅读 第二版 王艳 习题答案之 句子翻译】1.这一监控体系最终将取代美国政府对古巴雪茄进口的上限。the monitoring system will finally substitute the u.s. governments cap on cigar imports from cuba. 2.墨西哥和美国之间的争执不会有任何作用,并可能导致北美自由贸易协定中关税解除的中断。the quarrel between mexico and the u.s. will be of no avail and it may disrupt

2、the lifting of the agricultural tariffs under the north american free trade agreement. 3.在召开部长级会议之前,将举行一次经济合作商业论坛,重点探讨如何减小全球经济失衡的纠正对中国的冲击。an economic cooperation business forum, which will discuss how to minimize the negative impact of global economic imbalance adjustment on china, will take place s

3、hortly before the ministerial conference. 4.只有少数美国人将此问题归咎于这些明显的因素,即美元贬值或经济周期。few americans attribute this to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the business cycle. 5.最新的科学研究揭示了这样的事实,即为减少温室气体排放所采取的必要措施会带来沉重的经济和政治成本。recent research has shed light on the fact that there are heavy financial and

4、 political costs associated with the measures necessary to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. 6.有传言称上个月政府和这家公司的总裁秘密达成一笔交易。there are rumors that the government struck a private deal with the corporations chairman last month. 7.反对派对美国政府施加压力,让他们改变对纺织品进口的政策。the opposition is exerting pressure on t

5、he u.s. government to change the policy towards textile imports. 8.自从签署双边自由贸易协定以来,这个新兴经济体一直处于科技的前沿。since the establishment of the bilateral free-trade agreement, this emerging economy has always been at the forefront of science and technology. 9.一般来说,浮动汇率应该使国家免受与贸易伙伴在通货膨胀上的持续差异的影响。in general, floati

6、ng exchange rates are supposed to insulate countries from persistent differences in inflation with their trading partners. 10.据保守预测,到 2010 年中国与北美和欧盟的进出口贸易堂将分別超过 4000 亿美元,与 10个东盟国家的进出口贸易堂将超过 2000 亿美元。according to conservative estimates, by 2010, chinas import and export volume with north america and

7、the eu would surpass $400 billion respectively, with ten asean countries exceeding $200 billion. chapter 2 1) 政府出资1亿美元用于农村地区再生能源的开发和利用。the government has allocated $ 0.1 billion to the development and utilization of renewable energy in rural areas. 。 2) 开发西部不能以破坏环境为代价,因此政府一直走经济开发建设和生态环境保护并进的可持续发展之路。

8、we should not develop the western region at the expense of environment. therefore the government has been following a sustainable development road attaching equal importance to economic development and environmental protection. 3) 作为一个负责任的大国,中国将严格遵守世贸组织的规则,履行我们所做的承诺。 as a big responsible nation, chi

9、na will strictly abide by the wto rules and honor its commitments. 4) 中国粮食生产的快速增长主要是由于中国政府在农村实施的一系列改革措施,如较大幅度提高粮食收购价格等. the rapid growth in chinas grain production can be ascribed to the fact that the chinese government has implemented a series of reform policy and measures in therural areas, such a

10、s raising the prices of grain purchased by the state. 5) 在全球化中,不是所有的国家都在平等竞争,一些发展中国家有时不得不遵守一些市场规则,甚至答应一些政府的不公平要求。in the globalization era, not all countries play on the level playground. some developing countries have to adhere to some marketing principles, or even accede to the requests of some gov

11、ernments. 6)在过去的一年里,全球投资需求下滑,国际主要货币汇率大幅度动荡,一些新兴市场出现金融危机。over the past year, the global investment demand was on the wane; the major world currencies suffered swift turbulence and some emerging markets underwent severe financial crisis. 7) 不论时间和距离的限制,网络彻底改变了竞争的性质,还使得竞争更为公平,特别是对于一些小企业。networks fundame

12、ntally alter the nature of competition and level the playing field, especially for smaller business regardless of the barriers like time and distance. 8) 通过 “小额信贷项目”,农民们在需要时得到所需资金,并要在预定期限内还清本息。through micro credit projects, with the credit available on demand, farmers are able to pay back both the p

13、rinciple and interest in time. 9) 中国经济的蓬勃发展表明中国已成为世界上经济增长最快的国家之一。chinas vigorous economic development is indicative of the fact that china has become one of the countries that enjoy the highest economic growth speed in the world. 10) 随着国有独资商业银行的体制改革,一些符合条件的商业银行开始上市,越来越多的银行也将加入这个行列。with the reform of

14、 the wholly state-owned commercial banks, when some qualified commercial banks seek listing in the stock market, others certainly will follow suit。 chapter 3 1) 专家们认为导致这家公司表现不佳的主要原因是人力资源,尤其是高层管理人员任命不合理。experts have attributed the main cause of the companys poor performance to its poor hr functions,

15、especially the appointment of the senior management. 2) 英国航空公司想通过搬家的方法来创造一个更为灵活现代的公司文化。british airways intends to create a more flexible and modern corporate culture through the relocation. 3) 有关裁员的流言使得这家公司士气低落,处于有史以来的最低潮。rumors about redundancy make the company at its worst in terms of morale ever

16、since its foundation. 4) 在经历了财政丑闻之后,很多公司往往只能通过做公益活动来改善公司形象。after financial scandals, many companies can only resort to charity activities to improve their corporate image. 5) 政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgment. 6) 作

17、为这家企业的隐名合伙人(sleeping partner),他有权分得利润,但无权参加企业的管理。as a sleeping partner of the enterprise, he is entitled to share the profits, but is deprived of participating in its management. 7) 看了这个访谈节目,她认识到做个风险投资人可不是件容易的事。首先,你得有钱;其次,你还得有挑选有前途的新企业的眼光。after watching this interview, she realizes how difficult it

18、is to be a venture capitalist. for one thing, you need to have the money; for another, you need to have the insight to pick the right (promising) start-ups. 8) 要想进人特定市场,除了要充分了解目标顾客群的需要,我们还得了解当地政策并遵守它们。to enter a specific market, in addition to acquire sufficient knowledge about our target customers,

19、 we also need to know about the local policies and abide by them. 9) 在这些大学生的努力下,这家知名跨国公司在中国开办“血汗工厂”的行径被揭露了。with the efforts of these university students, it was brought to light that this world-famous multinational had established some sweat factories in china. 10) 在这个顾客需求不断变化的年代,只有那些能及时做出反应的企业才能生存并

20、成为最终的胜利者。in a time when customers change constantly and rapidly in their needs, only companies who are quick to respond can survive and succeed in the end. chapter 4 1 ) 目前,各公司提供的系统只能与他们自己的硬件兼容,但他们正在努力使其设备与其他公司的硬件集成在一起。vendors now offer systems that work only with their hardware, but they are trying

21、 to make their equipment integrate with others hardware。 2 ) 相比之下,农业出口反应迅速,年增长率在1980年 和 1981年就达17.7%。agricultural exports, by contrast, respond immediately, growing at an annual rate of 17.7 percent in 1980 and 1981. 3 ) 这本书会教你用战略性的思考研究商业,培养运用跨学科的方法来管理工商企业的能力和解决问题的能力。this book takes a strategic view

22、 of business and develops the ability to take a multidisciplinary approach to managing a business and resolving problems and issues. 4 ) 由于经济萧条与9-11带来的影响,纽约市市长麦克.布隆伯格(michael bloomberg)必须全力对付60亿美元的巨额预算赤字。thanks to the recession and 9/11, mayor michael bloomberg must contend with a whopping budget de

23、ficit projected to 60 billion. 5 ) 请正确处理电池,不要把它们丢进火中或置于髙温中。dispose of batteries properly. do not throw them into fire or expose to high temperature. 6 ) 未来饮料群国际化的营运模式,除了发挥集团的协同效应外,也将与国际大厂策略联 盟 ,藉优势互补,快速扩充国际化竞争力。in the future, in addition to syndicating our groups efforts, we will ally with foreign c

24、ompanies to leverage advantages and enhance global competitiveness. 7 ) 我们确信,在已制订的计划期限内,经济改革会结出成果和效益,这些将不限于国内而会走向世界。we are certain that in due course of time, the economic reforms will have brought about results and benefits that will go beyond chinas boundaries. 8 ) 有一家大银行已降低了利率,其他银行也准会照样做的。one of

25、the major banks has lowered its interest rate and the other bank is expected to follow suit. 9 ) 在这些季度会议上,上司有责任对每一个经理人员的计划提出意见。during these quarterly meetings, its the bosss responsibility to respond to each managers plan. 1 0 ) 通过完善市场体系、整顿和规范市场行为,我们将健全社会主义市场经济新秩序。we will put in place a new order of

26、 the socialist market economy through completing the market system and rectifying and regulating the market behavior. chapter 5 1) 不断增加的成本使公司去年的利润几乎化为乌有。escalating costs have almost wiped out the companys profits from last year. 2 ) 这个地方酒吧林立,相互竞争招揽顾客,但要确定顾客最喜欢什么却不是件容易的事。this area is studded with bar

27、s all vying for customer attention. but its not easy to pin down whatexactly it is that pleases customers the most. 3 ) 尽管出现了恶劣的天气状况,项目组还是决定按原计划行事。the project team decided to adhere to its original plan despite the appalling weather 4 ) 在记者招待会上,公关部经理再次重申该公司的运营已完全恢复正常,但很多小股东对这种说法仍持怀疑态度。at the press c

28、onference, the pr manager reiterated that the companys operation has returned to normal. however, many private shareholders remain skeptical about such claims. 5 ) 去年开始生效的新劳动法可能会提髙不少企业的人力成本。the new labor law, which took effect last year, is likely to raise the labor cost of a considerable number of

29、enterprises. 6 ) 资历较浅的员工不太愿意表达他们的观点或提出建议,因为他们觉得自己的想法不会真正被付诸实践。the less senior employees are reluctant to express their views or make any suggestions because they dont think their ideas will really be put into practice. 7 ) 当地救助机构也发起了筹款活动以向地震灾民提供更多资金支援。local relief organizations have also embarked on

30、 funding-raising campaigns so as to provide more financial support for the earthquake victims. 8 ) 多达30家企业递交了提价申请,但绝大部分不能得到监管部门批准。up to 30 companies submitted their request for price rises, but most of them didnt stand a chance of getting approval from the regulatory agency. 9 ) 尽管改革的倡议者们仍在努力寻求其他利益相

31、关方的支持,但决策部门似乎已对改革方案不抱什么希望了。the decision-makers seem to have already given up on the reform program though its initiators are still trying hard to elicit support from other stakeholders. 10) 最近刚投放市场的这款新品被标榜为同类中最节能和环保的产品。the new model, which has just been released onto the market recently, is being to

32、uted as the most energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly product of its kind. chapter 6 i ) 全球化的加剧使各国金融市场越来越容易受到别国市场起伏的影响。the intensification of globalization has made the financial market of any country more vulnerable to booms and busts in other countries. 2)这款产品过去可谓是公司的摇钱树现在却只占总销售收人的5% 。this model ,which used to be the cash cow of the company, only accounts for 5% of its total sales revenue now. 3 ) 当地政府对这次危机的反应和它声称重视环保的态度完全不致。the local authorities response to the crisis seemed grossly inconsistent with its proclaimed commitment to environmental pr

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