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1、生物机电工程系生物機電工程系Department of Biomechatronics Engineering 一、必修科目Required Courses442001生物機電工程概論 必 輪,上本課程主要介紹生物機電工程的基本原理、組成、目前研究趨勢與應用範例,介紹主題包括生物技術產業的工程化、農漁牧產業的自動化生產及醫學工程技術等。442001 Introduction on R,F Biomechatronics engineeringThis course presents the principle, components, current research and applicat

2、ion examples in biomechatronics engineering. Topics consist of engineering in biotechnology industry, automation in agricultural, fishery, and animal productions, and biomedical engineering.442002工程圖學 必 李經緯,下本課程目標在訓練學生以點、線、面精確描述物體的形狀,內容包括:正投影圖、寫生圖、俯視圖、一點透視圖、兩點透視圖、三點透視圖、斜視圖、剖面圖、交線、展開圖、公差與配合、尺寸與註解、表面粗

3、度、標準零件圖、.焊接符號。442002 Engineering Graphics R C. W. Lee,S The purpose of this course is to train the students how to describe the shape with points, lines and planes. Course contents include: orthographic views, pictorial views, auxiliary views, one point perspective, two point perspective, three poin

4、t perspective, sectional views, intersections, developments, tolerance and fits, dimension and notes, surface roughness, standard parts, welding symbols.442003工程圖學實習 必 李經緯,下本課程配合正課進度,訓練學生真正動手以點、線、面精確描繪物體的形狀,實習項目包括:正投影圖、寫生圖、一點透視圖、兩點透視圖、三點透視圖、俯視圖、剖面圖、交線、展開圖、尺寸與註解、標準零件圖、焊接符號圖。442003 Engineering Graphic

5、s Lab. R C. W. Lee,SThis course gives students chance to draw the shape of bodies with points, lines and planes, course contains: orthographic views drawing, pictorial views drawing, one point perspective, two point perspective, three point perspective, auxiliary views drawing, sectional views drawi

6、ng, intersections drawing, developments drawing, dimension and notes drawing, standard parts drawing, welding symbols drawing.442004生物學 3 必 周映孜、顏嘉宏,下生物學為研究生物之一切生命現象的科學。舉凡生物之生命機能,外部型態,內部構造,生存環境,種屬之間的關連,以及個體和種族與環境之間的關係等,均為生物學之討論範圍。此外,從討論所得的事實,進一步推求生物間的自然法則,也是生物學所要達成的使命。本課程之內容涵蓋:生物之生命現象的特質;基因及其表現;生物之體制

7、、構造與功能;生物和生命訊息之傳遞;等穩性之維持和整合性之運作;分類與演化;各分類物種之特性及其與演化相關物種之關聯性;和分類物種及其與環境之間的互動關係等。修習本課程之學生則藉課堂之討論與國內外相關文獻之閱讀,以瞭解生物間的自然法則,並拓展修習其他相關生命科學課程之能力。442004 Biology Jou Y , CH Yen,SObjective of this course is to give students more confidence for learning life Science and abilities in the utilization of bio-produ

8、ctive system. Topics include the following subjects: the forms and functions; the genes and gene expression; uptake and excretion of the nutrients; stimulation, transmission and action of the messengers; homeostasis and interaction of the systems; the biological behaviors; the evolution of biologica

9、l diversity; an introduction to the biological ecology of the earth, and so on. Aiming to well establish the basis of applied courses advanced in the biological science, students are required to discuss and to prepare the relative reports.442005 普通物理學(二) 3 必 機械系一、振動與波二、電學:1.電場與應用2.磁場與應用3.直流電路4.交流電路三

10、、光學:1.電磁波2.光反射與折射3.光干涉與繞射442005 Physics (2) 3 R Mechanical Engineering1.Vibration and Waves2.Electromagnetisms:(1).Electric field(2).Magnetic field (3).DC Circuits (4).AC Circuits3.Optics:(1)Electromagnetic Waves(2).The Reflection and Refraction of Light (3).Interference and Diffraction442006工程數學(一)

11、 必 蔡循恒,上,微積分本課程的主要目的在介紹學生了解工程上必須之數學知識,培養學生解決工程上數學問題的計算能力。442006 Engineering Mathematics (1) H. H. Tsai,F,CalculusIn this course, the necessary mathematic knowledge in engineering will be introduced, and develop students with the calculating ability of solving mathematic issues in engineering.442007靜

12、力學 必 陳志堅,上,普通物理學、微積分本課程主要介紹剛體於靜止狀態下之平衡問題,內容包括基本概念、力的分解、力系的合力、質點力的平衡、剛體力的平衡與等效、形心與質心分佈力、結構分析、摩擦、慣性矩及虛功元理等。442007 Engineering Mechanics J. J. Chen,F ,of Statics General Physics, CalculusEquilibrium of rigid body on static conditions is the main issue of this course. The topics presented in this course

13、 include fundamental concepts, statics of particles, equivalent of force and forces system, equilibrium of particle and rigid body, friction, centroids and center of gravity, structure analysis, moment of inertia, and virtue work etc.442008電工學 2 必 李經緯,上,普通物理學本課程的主要內容為各種電路的特性分析,直流電路與交流電路為最主要目標磁學及其應用亦

14、為探討之對象。討論各種電路系統所含括的元件及迴路,並以電路圖表示各電路之關係。使學生對電學原理有基本認識。442008 Electrical Engineering 2 C. W. Lee ,F , General PhysicsThe theme of this course is the analysis of electric circuits. Especially D.C-circuits and A.C-circuits. The theory of magnetism and its application will be also discussed. The various

15、components and interconnection of an electrical system comprise what is described as an electric circuit, and a circuit diagram is a graphic representation of an electric circuit. It provides the basic concept of electric circuits.442009電工學實習 必 李經緯 ,上,物理學課程內容包括:三用電錶之認識及應用;交直流電壓測試;電阻及歐姆定律 串並聯電路及克希荷夫定

16、律;重疊原理;直流功率及最大功率輸出測試;RLC串聯諧振;RLC並聯諧振;LC濾波實習;變壓器特性實習;熱敏電阻及熱控電路;示波器的認識;整流實習;馬達轉速與輸出功率;發電機之認識;基礎供電設計。442009 Electrical Engineering Lab. C. W. Lee,F , PhysicsThe main topics of this course includes: Use of meters (AV);DC. AC. Voltage;Resistor and Ohms Law;Serial and Parallel circuit and Kirchhoffs law;S

17、uper position theory;DC power testing and maximum power output testing;RLC in Series (resonance);RLC in parallel;.LC pass-filter testing;Characteristics of Transformer Testing;Thermal Resistor and Thermo-control circuit testing; Oscilloscope Training; AC-DC Testing; Speed and power of a motor;Genera

18、tor;Fundamental Design of Transmission and Distribution system.442010 程式語言與實習 2 必 謝清祿,上本課程主要透過Borland C+ Builder介紹程式設計的概念及其相關指令的語法與程式結構,介紹主題包括整合開發環境介紹、程式設計基本流程、資料基本型態與運算子、輸出與輸入、選擇結構、重覆結構、繪圖、認識陣列、指標與字串、函式、檔案、指標與鏈結串列、物件與類別、與資料庫的連接、網際網路程式的設計等。442010 Programming and programming practice 2 C. L. Hsieh,FT

19、his course demonstrates the programming concept, instruction and algorithm. Topics include introduction of integrate development environment, fundamental process of programming, input and output, selection structure, repetition structure, drawing, array, pointer and string, functions, files, pointer

20、 and linking, object and class, database with programming, internet with programming.442011熱力學 必 李柏旻,下本課程主要為探討能量、能量轉換以及能量與物質間交互作用。內容包括熱力學、能量和能量之傳遞、熱力學定律、螪、熱力學循環分析與氣體循環之應用、 可用能與可逆性之分析與應用、熱力學性質間之關係與狀態方程式、 化學反應與燃燒、相與化學平衡、微觀熱力學簡介442011Thermodynamics Pomin Li,SThis courses objective is to provide an inte

21、grated introductory presentation of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. The topics include thermal systems engineering, using energy and the first law of thermodynamics, evaluating properties, the second law of thermodynamics, using entropy, gas power systems, fluid mechanics etc.442

22、012機構學 必 吳瑋特, 下本課程主要介紹機械元件機構圖畫表示、機械利益與自由度計算、連桿裝置的位移、速度及加速度分析,連桿機構、凸輪機構、齒輪、輪系、摩擦及撓性傳動等機構作用原理與在生物產業的應用情形。442012 Mechanisms W. T. Wu,SThis courses is designed to introduce kinematics of machines. The topics include mechanism diagram drawing, mechanical advantage and degree of freedom analysis for machi

23、nes, displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis for linkage mechanisms. The application of mechanisms such as linkages, gears and gear trains, cam, friction and flexible transmission are also presented in this courses.442013電子學 必 蔡循恒,下本課程主要在使學生了解半導體元件與積體電路的特性,學習電路分析與設計的技巧,在本課程中,我們將教授學生二極體和放大器之

24、種類及應用,使學生具備基本之電子學知識。442013 Electronics H. H. Tsai,SThe aim of this course is to enable the students to realize the semiconductor components and the characteristics of integrated circuits; they will learn the techniques to solve such problems as analysis and design of circuits. in the course, topics

25、including diode application and amplifier introduction will be presented, and train students to build basic concepts of electronic.442014電子學實習 必 蔡循恒,下,電子學本課程主要是以實驗來加強學生對各種電子電路特性、工作原理及電子儀表的認識,課程中將建立學生操作電子儀器與實際操作電子電路的能力,期能對機件之驅動裝置與控制原理的結合有更進一步的了解。442014 Electronics Lab. R H. H. Tsai,S,ElectronicsThe p

26、urpose of this course is to enhance the students understanding, about various electronic characteristics, operating theorem and electronic devices, in order to realize more with the combination of machine driving and control theory, we will make student to operate electronic equation and implement t

27、he electric circuit.442015工廠作業 2 必 洪瑞勳,下本課程內容包括工廠安全、量具使用、工具修磨、鉗工、銲工、油漆工、水管工、電工、混凝土工、板金及展開圖等。442015Workshop Operation 2 . H. Hung,SCourse contents include the safety of workshop, the use of measuring tools, tool grinding, bench work, welding, paint work, pipe work, electrical work, concrete work, she

28、et material work and developing etc.442016工廠作業實習 必 洪瑞勳,下配合正課讓學生練習在工廠工作之技能,本課程內容包括工廠安全、量具使用、工具修磨、鉗工、銲工、油漆工、水管工、電工、混凝土工、板金及展開圖等。442016 Workshop Operation Practice . H. Hung,SMatch up the program training students to learn the skill which they will work in the plant, course contents include the safety

29、of workshop, the use of measuring tools, tool grinding, bench work, welding, paint work, pipe work, electrical work, concrete work, sheet material work and developing etc.442017工程數學(二) 必 蔡循恒,下,微積分本課程為提供已有常微分方程式基礎的同學修習、內容包括線性代數、矩陣運算、特徵值問題、向量的微分與積分、一階線性微分方程組、傅力葉級數和正交函數、傅力葉轉換、併將對橢圓、拋物線、雙曲線型式的偏微分方程式作概略介

30、紹。442017 Engineering Mathematics(2) H. H. Tsai,S , CalculusThis course offersadvanced topics for students whohave learned ordinary differential equations. The course includes linear algebra which has topics as matrices, linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, vector differential and integr

31、al calculus. Fourier series, orthogonal functions, Fourier transforms and partial differential equations will also be introduced.442018 動力學 必 謝清祿本課程主要介紹物體運動情形的力學分析,包括質點運動學(牛頓第二運動定律、能量與衝量法)、多質點系統、剛體運動學、剛體平面運動(力與加速度、能量與衝量法)、剛體在三度空間中的動力學及機械振動。442018 Engineering Mechanics of R C. L. Hsieh DynamicsThis c

32、ourse reports the principle of motion body. Issues include kinematics of particles (Newtons second law, energy and momentum methods), systems of particles, kinematics of rigid bodies (forces and acceleration, energy and momentum), kinetics of rigid bodies in three dimensions, mechanical vibration.442019生物程序工程 必 李柏旻,上本課程包括細碎、造粒、混和、攪拌、選別、除雜、切割、包裝、乾燥、冷凍、凍結、貯運,操作中使用機械原理、結構與應用及其他相關等工程。442019 Bio-Process Enginee

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