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1、TOEFL听力疑难词组P102156ALBERTYY 的听写笔记5月 16日 1,save ones breath -因说出来没用或没好处而保持沉默,省口气-Donna should save her breath because she cant convince her friends-Hey,John,John, Save your breath hes out of ear shot earshot2,say something about -说明什么有问题-Its hard to believe that half the class couldnt do all the exerc

2、ises, isnt it Charlie I am afraid that says something about our physical fitness (身体状况)3,see around -看见什么在附近-Have you seen Jam around, we are supposed to play tennis? Well, his racket is here on the table4,set in -开始,发生-our exercises arent enough to increase metabolism before fatigue (疲劳) sets in5,s

3、et out for -动身,出发-Which hiking trail did Karols group take? I think they set out for the lake6,set up -建立,开设-I think Ive got six experiments this experiment set up right now You only think its right? In chemistry, youve got to be sure (你仅仅是认为?,对待化学,你必须有十分把握才行)7,share a common outlook -有共同的观点-Jeff an

4、d Alan share a common outlook on life8,show off -炫耀,展示,展览-What a show off9,show up -1显现出来-How would the snale snail show up in the photographs if they were transparent?- 到来,出现-Did David show up at the game? -The speaker showed up late for his statistic lecture-Mike promised hed help on this rush job

5、, but he never showed up Some friend he is (这算什么朋友)10,sick of -对什么厌烦,厌倦-he is sick of his job11,sign up -报名参加,参加-I am in a chemistry major, but I enjoy join and the course description says that any student can sign up-I am signing up for a non-credit(不记学分) string on sanble string ensemble(弦乐合奏) cour

6、se that needs meets once a week on Wednesday nights-I signed up for a month-long course but Katy signed up for the one thats eight weeks Long-Hi, Id like to signed up for the film selection committee, is this the right place Yes it is, there is lot of fun people on that committee, but you have to pu

7、t a lot of hours, I hope your schedule isnt too tight12,sit in on -列席,旁听-Maybe I should sit in on his class some time13,six of one and half a dozen half-a-dozen of the other -半斤八两,没什么区别-I cant decide whether to take anphology anthropology(人类学) or geology this term Its six of one and half a dozen hal

8、f-a-dozen of the other13,slip ones mind -忘记-Donna ,you said you take this package to accounting(拿这包去称量) yesterday oh,no ,it must have slipped my mind14,snap out of it -改变某种精神状态或习惯,振作起来-Herry seems to be in a bad mood today Hell snap out of it when he finishes his biology project this afternoon15,so

9、far -到目前为止-Our basketball team won every game so far16,spell out -简单说明,解释清楚-You need to spell out clear instructions for me17,stand up for -抵抗,奋斗-He stood up for what he thought was right18,stay up -迟睡,熬夜-I stayed up all night studying for the text Again, how you get by with so little rest is a myst

10、ery to me-Dub says shes going to stay up all night studying for her exam tomorrow morning Wouldnt she be better of getting a night sleep, so she will feel fresh in the morning?-I am exhausted I stayed up the whole night studying for my history mid-term exam Why do you always wait till the last minut

11、e?19,stick around -在附近逗留或等待-Leaving the party so soon? We are just getting ready to cut the cake Sorry, I cant stick around20,stick with -继续做,坚持-I wonder what this new flavor of ice cream taste like I ve tried it last week, if I were you; I will stick with an old favorite21,stuck up on -储备-The suppe

12、r market down the street is selling everything half price because they are going out of business Sounds like an idea time to stuck up on coffee 05:15.1 _5.17日1,stop by -在某处着短暂的拜访或停留-Ill stop by your room, its probably quieter there than in my hall-Why dont you stop by our office so I can give you so

13、me forms to fill out and explain everything in more detail?2,strengthen straighten out -扯平,结清-I almost forgot I still owe you ten dollars from the other night, do you have change for a twenty Oh, not at the moment, lets just strengthen it out some other time3,switch off -使什么断开,切断电源-Switch off the li

14、ght, would you?4,take care of -照顾,照应-What would you do with your cat when you leave for vacation? I am having Ken take care of it5,take for -当成,误以为-I thought Pam said the math test wasnt until Monday 我想PAM说过数学要到星期一才考 Alan ,you should know better than to take Pams words for anything 不应该把他的话当真6,take f

15、or granted -认为理所当然,想当然的认为-We take for granted some of the other invitions inventions that enable people to live and work in skyscrapers -我们想当然的认为其他的一些发明可以让人们在摩天大楼上生活或工作7,take forever to do 永远做不完-this calculous problems are not only tough they take forever to do8,take it easy 回避艰苦劳动或担忧 轻松愉快,生活很舒适-Hol

16、ding down a job, going to class, studying sometimes it can become too much for one person, take it easy-Now that I finally turned in my thesis, I plan to take it easy for a while-in the mean time(同时) ,you should try to take it easy9,take ones time 从从容容,不着急,慢慢来-Take your time and you all spend less m

17、oney-Bruce said he would meet us Well, He is really taking his time getting here10,take over 控制和 接管 ,接替或负责-We got someone to take over herrys job-Can you take over for me here; I have a client coming to see me Well I cant have my hands for well I kind of(相当于sort of 表示 a little ,somewhat 有点儿有些 have m

18、y hands full (=tied up ,occupied 忙)11,take up -1,开始做或学 以什么为职业或爱好-Robber wants to take up drawing -2,开始从事-I think we should we should move on to the next item Ok, but Id like to take this matter up again at the end of the meeting12,take up with -与人交往-You know the noise in my dorm has really gotten ou

19、t of control; my roommate and I can rarely get to sleep before midnight Why dont you take the problem up with the dorm supervisor?13,talk into 说服-I am getting worried about Jennifer, all she talks about these days are her volleyball team and all she does is practice her grades will fall for sure, tr

20、y to find her after dinner and talk some sense into her(跟她讲讲道理)14,talk out of 劝阻,强迫同意或决定不做-Havent you ever gone into a store thinking that you buy something and then talk yourself out of it?-I dont think our classmates should confront professor Themes with these issues 就这些问题为难教授 I know, I am going t

21、o try to talk them out of it-I thought you were planning to take that phycology psycology(心理学) course at graduate school I was ,but I spoke with Dean(主任) Johnson and she talked my out of it15,tear down =拆除,摧毁-In 1960, Knaggy hall was scheduled to be torn down-The city is going to tear down those old

22、 houses and put up a new shopping center16,the other day 不久以前的某一天-He came over to our house just the other day17,the other night 不久以前的某个晚上-How did the game go the other night, did your team win are you kidding ,that would be a first 你在开玩笑吧,赢了的话就是第一名了18,the sooner the better 越快越好-We should get starte

23、d on that project The sooner the better as far as I am concerned19,throw away 扔掉,抛弃-Should I help clean up by throwing away these newspapers? I want to clip a couple of articles first20,tie up 占去所有时间或其他东西-Dick, please dont tie up the phone, I need to make a call I all be off in a minute21,too good t

24、o be true -太好,以至于不现实-How wonderful, you won the scholarship, can you believe it No its almost too good to be true22,torse and turn toss and turn-Last night I touse and turned tossed and turned 翻来覆去(睡不着) in bed ,too exhausted to sleep23, trade in 将某物折价,作为部分款项买东西-Its going to cast cost a fortune to ge

25、t my car fixed Why dont you just trade it in for a new one? 10:12.8 _ 5.181,try out for - 为了什么参加竞争-Did you get the part you tried out for in the play? That role was given to someone else, but I got the better part2,tune in -调频道,收听收看-Thank you for tuning in today3,turn down -使减少音量高度或力度-Look, I am sor

26、ry to bother you about this, but could you turn that music down Sorry, I didnt realize you could hear it-I have trouble concentrating when my roommate plays loud music Why dont you just ask him to turn down the volume herry? -拒绝接收,驳回-He was approached by three companies with job offers, but he turns

27、 them all down-I heard John was turned down for the graduate fellowship, she must be upset She was that, but you know John, she got over it pretty quickly-Did you hear that Michel turn down that job Yeah the hours were convinient convenient but she would have been able to make ends meet4,turn in 交给某

28、人,递给某人-Gerry ,did you turn in your locker(有锁的储物柜或有锁的其他东西) key No I got Sam to do it-Now that I finally turned in my thesis, I plan to take it easy for a while5 turn off 关掉-I turn off the lights all ready for bed-I missed the bus again today, because I turned the alarm clock off in my sleep, I dont k

29、now what to do Try putting it far enough away from your bed then youll have to get up to turn it off6,turn ones back on 不愿帮助-Hell turn his back on me if I ask for money7,turn out 结果是,发现是-This course wasnt supposed to be hard But it sure turned out to be, didnt it8,under the whether 身体不适-Its good to

30、see you Mary, how have you been Actually, I have been feeling under the whether recently9,under warrenty 在保修期内-Is this radio still under warrenty warranty? It should be, I bought it only six weeks ago10,up to -该由什么决定, 视为什么责任-Do you think we should urge Bob to study Spanish? Well have to leave that d

31、ecision up to him-Should we call Marcia and tell her about the meeting I am not sure; its up to you -胜任,适于-I am afraid that Alan is not up to such a difficult task11,up to ones neck -非常繁忙-Come swimming with me Sorry, but I am up to my neck in work12,upside down -上下颠倒-This calculator isnt working right I think youve got the battery in upside down13,wait until the l

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