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1、UOOC英语扩展词汇详解I-1已完成成绩:100.0分1As an eloquent person, Oprah Winfrey becomes a famous talk show hostess in America. I admire her not only for her _ but also for her great courage to overcome difficulties in life.窗体顶端 A、eloquence B、elevator C、violence D、sentence正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端2It is evident tha

2、t we have to do something to improve the hazy weather. Otherwise the sea might become _.窗体顶端 A、vicious B、vigorous C、inedible D、invisible正确答案: D我的答案:D得分:10.0分窗体底端3Im deeply impressed by the great musical effect of this theatre. Even if you sit in the farthest seat, the music is still _.窗体顶端 A、audible

3、 B、inaudible C、credible D、incredible正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端4My computer has an audio output. And I need an audio cable to send the _ files to you.窗体顶端 A、video B、visual C、audio D、visible正确答案: C我的答案:C得分:10.0分窗体底端5Before leaving the United States, Benjamin has to sell his house. So he is looking for

4、a(n) _ to conduct the sale.窗体顶端 A、emergency B、policy C、agency D、agreement正确答案: C我的答案:C得分:10.0分窗体底端6Mary loves music so much. She hopes one day that she will give a concert in national _.窗体顶端 A、auditorium B、audience C、author D、automatic正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端7In old China, young children were expec

5、ted to obey their parents and never _ what their parents say.窗体顶端 A、agree B、contradict C、apply D、character正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端8The _ downtown is really poor today. I hope you are careful when you drive after class.窗体顶端 A、visibility B、visible C、video D、vigor正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端9I can not _

6、a life without beautiful scenery around me. I want to see the sea, the sand and the sun every day.窗体顶端 A、visualize B、vision C、visionary D、volunteer正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端10Tom is very busy but he keeps working out at the health club. Thats why he can stay so agile with such a crowded _.窗体顶端 A、agen

7、da B、media C、address D、measure正确答案: A我的答案:AI-2已完成成绩:100.0分1I like _ (视觉的) art. Thats why I use a lot of video clips in my English class.窗体顶端 A、village B、vital C、capital D、visual正确答案: D我的答案:D得分:10.0分窗体底端2We were all impressed by his _(有说服力的) speech at that dinner.窗体顶端 A、eloquent B、plain C、absent D、ur

8、gent正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端3The company Goldman Sachs made a _ (预言) about national economies. The experts there predicted that the Chinese economy would be the largest one in the world by the year 2050.窗体顶端 A、dictation B、prediction C、condition D、preparation正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端4Tom and Jerry c

9、an never work together because they _ (抵触) each other all the time.窗体顶端 A、cooperate B、contradict C、aid D、assist正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端5I like Hamlets _ (独白):“To be or not to be. That is the question.”窗体顶端 A、monologue B、murmur C、dialogue D、conversation正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端6Good communication is

10、 very important in marriage because a nice wedding is a(n) _(开始) to happy life.窗体顶端 A、monologue B、prologue C、dialogue D、argue正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端7The experts must have used big data to make the national economies predictable. Without the help of big data, the ranking would be_ (不能预言的).窗体顶端 A、pr

11、edictable B、unpredictable C、speakable D、unspeakable正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端8The experts forecast that the planet Mars will be _(看得见的) to the naked eye throughout next week.窗体顶端 A、visa B、fable C、visible D、noble正确答案: C我的答案:C得分:10.0分窗体底端9My niece has got a(n) _ (试镜) for the Juilliard School of Music i

12、n America on Friday. She goes to me for some important interview skills.窗体顶端 A、audition B、attraction C、translation D、admiration正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端10Environmental pollution has been a big concern for many countries. I think governments should put environmental issues high on the _ (议事日程).窗体顶端 A

13、、agenda B、agency C、scale D、scanning正确答案: A我的答案:AI-3已完成成绩:50.0分1It was _ that someone had entered my room without permission because my computer was lost.正确答案:第一空:F我的答案:得分:10.0分第一空:F批语2We have a(n) _ almost every English class. Our spelling is greatly improved.正确答案:第一空:G我的答案:得分:10.0分第一空:G批语3They foun

14、d a bacterium (细菌) _ to the human naked eyes.正确答案:第一空:A我的答案:得分:10.0分第一空:A批语4After he finished his performance, the entire _ broke into loud applause.正确答案:第一空:B我的答案:得分:0.0分第一空:D批语5The experts agree with the governments _ that the economy will improve.正确答案:第一空:C我的答案:得分:10.0分第一空:C批语6He made a living by

15、 working as an estate _,that is, he sold houses for people.正确答案:第一空:H我的答案:得分:10.0分第一空:H批语7After failing the _ for the music school, Mary turned to acting career and became a famous film star. Marys story tells us: God closes one door while opening another one for you.正确答案:第一空:E我的答案:得分:0.0分第一空:J批语8In

16、 oral English class, students were asked to read the _ out loud and underline the important words.正确答案:第一空:I我的答案:得分:0.0分第一空:E批语9Visitors will be given a(n) _-visual presentation before touring the museum.正确答案:第一空:D我的答案:得分:0.0分第一空:B批语10The witness(证人) statements today are in _ with what he said yeste

17、rday. The facts remain unclear and the judge has to stop the trial (休庭).正确答案:第一空:J我的答案:得分:0.0分第一空:I批语 II-1已完成成绩:100.0分1This course aims to give a _ introduction to the word roots. A good command of so many roots will help students learn words more efficiently.窗体顶端 A、comprehend B、comprehensive C、comp

18、laint D、compliment正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端2Parents are _ about the boy since he has lost consciousness for about 6 hours.窗体顶端 A、apprehensive B、apparent C、comprehensive D、comparable正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端3Guys, push yourself to make more friends and make sure to _ the friendships.窗体顶端 A、mature B、c

19、ontain C、contact D、maintain正确答案: D我的答案:D得分:10.0分窗体底端4These drivers must take the _ of their actions and be brought to trial.窗体顶端 A、consciousness B、content C、consequences D、conduct正确答案: C我的答案:C得分:10.0分窗体底端5Maybe Ma Yun hasnt expected that Alibaba can _ its present position in e-commerce within only 1

20、5 years.窗体顶端 A、deliver B、attain C、attach D、detain正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端6The CEO of that company is not to be _ because the evidence is not strong enough.窗体顶端 A、projected B、prosecuted C、sustained D、obtained正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端7The doctor advised him to _ from drinking if he hoped to recover f

21、rom the disease soon.窗体顶端 A、sustain B、abstain C、absent D、suspect正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端8The boss hopes the employees to _ his new plan efficiently.窗体顶端 A、except B、reception C、persecute D、execute正确答案: D我的答案:D得分:10.0分窗体底端9This unit is _ of three lectures, which all center on the theme “Double Eleven

22、 Festival”.窗体顶端 A、content B、comprised C、company D、constant正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端10His long illness and _ absence put him far behind in his study. That explains why he failed the final exam.窗体顶端 A、consequent B、status C、success D、consequence正确答案: A我的答案:A窗体底端II-2已完成成绩:100.0分1Lisas husband tied her h

23、ands and feet to keep her from buying goods on Double Eleven Festival. I hope he will not be _ (逮捕) for his behavior.窗体顶端 A、apprehended B、appreciated C、comprehended D、combined正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端2Its a wonder that the thin branches can _ (支撑) the weight of such heavy snow.窗体顶端 A、obtain B、surrou

24、nd C、sustain D、surrender正确答案: C我的答案:C得分:10.0分窗体底端3They havent decided whether to buy the house because _ (维修) it will cost a fortune.窗体顶端 A、attaining B、attaching C、maintaining D、manufacturing正确答案: C我的答案:C得分:10.0分窗体底端4The fans must be expecting the _ (续集) to the movie “Transformer” .窗体顶端 A、continue B

25、、search C、conform D、sequel正确答案: D我的答案:D得分:10.0分窗体底端5People of _(重要性) have to pay close attention to their behavior in public.窗体顶端 A、vital B、important C、consequence D、vitality正确答案: C我的答案:C得分:10.0分窗体底端6Nowadays,more and more women are taking a(n) _ (管理的) role.窗体顶端 A、executive B、manage C、execute D、manu

26、al正确答案: A我的答案:A得分:10.0分窗体底端7our group is no lack of _ (进取心) though we fall behind in the monthly competition.窗体顶端 A、comprise B、entertainment C、entrance D、enterprise正确答案: D我的答案:D得分:10.0分窗体底端8They spare no efforts to make the students speech _ (可理解的).窗体顶端 A、applicable B、complete C、comprehensible D、com

27、plex正确答案: C我的答案:C得分:10.0分窗体底端9He was _ (拘留)for questioning because he happened to on the scene of robbery.窗体顶端 A、obtained B、detained C、delayed D、objected正确答案: B我的答案:B得分:10.0分窗体底端10This book is made up of 16 units. But you guys neednt learn these lectures in _ (顺序).窗体顶端 A、fluency B、sequence C、frequen

28、cy D、disorder正确答案: B我的答案:B窗体底端III-3已完成成绩:100.0分1Despite the governments efforts, people are still terribly _ about the high unemployment rate.正确答案:第一空:H我的答案:得分:10.0分第一空:H批语2Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. As its fan, I am expecting its _. I hope it will be as fascinating as the others.正确答案:第一空:A我的答案:得分:10.0分第一空:A批语3Last night, I was _ by 12 mosquitoes. This m

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