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推荐高二英语unit17 laughter教案.docx

1、推荐高二英语unit17 laughter教案Unit17 laughterLesson1主要词汇:harmony withdraw forgetful mature overlook clarify delay counter agent queue identification sunburnt messy scared thriller swiftly pool tournament border主要短语:cash a cheque push ones way to wait in line black eye board a flight主要语法:过去完成进行时Withdraw及物动词

2、 vt 收回;取回;提取(+from/out of)The government withdraws worn out money from use. 政府收回旧币使之不再流通。取消;撤回;撤销The motion was withdrawn. 那项动议被撤销了不及物动词 vi. 撤退;离开;退出(+from)He has decided to withdraw from the competition. 他已决定退出竞赛。 Overlook 及物动词 vt.看漏;忽略+v-ingMy calculation was wrong because I overlooked one tiny po

3、int. 由于我忽略了一个细微之处,我的计算错了。 眺望;俯瞰The house on the hill overlooks the valley. 小山上的房子俯瞰着山谷。宽恕,宽容He has been kind enough to overlook my fault. 他很宽容,原谅了我的错。 Clarify 及物动词 vt.澄清;阐明He clarified his stand on the issue. 他澄清了他在该问题上的立场。 不及物动词 vi. 得到澄清;变得明晰His muddled brain suddenly clarified. 他糊涂的头脑突然清醒过来。 Delay

4、 及物动词 vt. 耽搁;延误The accident delayed the train for two hours. 事故使火车耽搁了两小时。不及物动词 vi. 拖延;耽搁Im sorry that Ive delayed so long. 我很抱歉拖了这么久。Messy adj. 肮脏的 混乱的;难以处理的;令人厌烦的 A messy court case. 一件难缠的官司 The house is always messy. 那间屋子时常混乱。 单词拼写1.His tastes are in_(协调) with mine2.Grandfather is _(健忘的) and often

5、 repeats himself when he tells a story3.The skiing instructor was a tall,_ (晒黑)man4.A line of people is formed for _(确认身份)5.People had to stand in a q_ for hours to buy a ticket6.I hope that what I say will_(阐明) the situation7.The child was _(惊恐) of the fierce looking dog8.Winning the t_gratified th

6、e golf champion9.The monument o_ the square10.He walked s_ towards home down the dark street句子翻译1.她说她等了我两个小时2.那时正是6点,他因从天一亮就干活而累了3.她妈妈来以前她已经哭了一个小时4.他一直试着打电话找她单项选择1. Whatever trouble Mr. White had _with the case, he would stick to his own opinion. A. deal B. to deal C. dealt D. dealing2. She will tel

7、l us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _ in making the earth a better place to live in. A. to have played B. to play C. to be played D. to be playing3. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_ . A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D.had been broken4. -Hav

8、e you _? -No. I had the wrong number. A. got in B. got away C. got off D. got throughLesson 2主要词汇:caution scratch scold forbid psychology acknowledge being profession authority figure campaign alongside resist tension主要短语:get rid of fool around from time to time result in run into要点精讲:get rid of 摆脱H

9、e cant get rid of the cold. 他的感冒老是好不了。Profession职业 She intends to make teaching her profession 她打算以教书为业fool around 闲荡,游手好闲The workers always fool around when the supervisor steps out. 当工头一走开,工人就到处游荡。 result in 引起,导致,造成(后接结果)Bad living habits will result in (=cause) diseases.不良的生活习惯会造成疾病。联想: 表示“引起,导致

10、”短语较多,请在空白处填上适当的词。(1) The traffic accident resulted_great loss.这起交通事故造成重大损失。(2) Science have brought_ many changes in our lives.科学为我们生活带来了很多变化。(3) Such a mistake would perhaps lead_disastrous consequences.这样一种错误可能导致灾难性的后果。(4) Her disappearance gave rise_the wildest rumours.她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语.forbid v.(f

11、orbade/forbad, forbidden)禁止,不许;阻止,妨碍;不让(某人)进入(或使用等)搭配:(1) forbid sb. sth.不让某人(干)某事(2) forbid (doing) sth.禁止(做)某事,妨碍(做)某事(3) forbid do sth.禁止某人做某事We forbid _(take) pictures here.Her parents forbid her_(go) to net bars.She is forbidden_(go) to net bars by her parents.resist v. 抵制,抵抗 I cant resis

12、t the temptation of video games.我很难抵御电子游戏的诱惑。搭配:(1) resist (doing) sth.抵制,抵抗,反抗(干)某事(2) cant resist (doing) sth.无法抗拒, 无法抵挡;忍不住(做)某事resistancen. n.抵制,抵抗A poor diet lowers your_(resist) to into撞上;偶然遇见,碰到(某人);遇到(困难等)理解:理解下列句子的意思。The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people.(2)

13、Be careful not to run into debt.(3) I ran into an old friend of mine in the street.联想: 补全下列含run的短语。(1) run _across_ 跑着穿过,偶然碰见(2) run _after_追捕,跟踪,追求(3) run _away_ 跑开,逃走(4) run _for_竞选(5) run _out_被用完,被耗尽(6) run _away with_拐走,卷逃单词拼写1.Dad always drives with _(谨慎)2.The teaching p_ claim that they are b

14、adly paid.3.His name was _(删掉) from the list. 4.I saw a_(人) in the darkness5.They_(承认)having been defeated6.He is an a_ on international law7.He is suffering from nervous t_8.The new law _(抵制) smoking in offices9.Their dispute _(导致) war10.He went fishing _(时不时)选词填空caution , scold, profession, forbid, authority, figure, scratchedI love being a clown. I get to make people laugh but its not an easy _. I can do things that most people dont get to do. For example, when I perform at company parties, I can _the managers. I can _ them

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