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冀教版五年级英语下册 Unit3 全单元教案.docx

1、冀教版五年级英语下册 Unit3 全单元教案Lesson13 Lets buy postcards教学目标:1、让学生能听说读个4词汇: postcard, letter, email, send 2、让学生能认读、理解并运用句子3、激发积极的情感因素,培养与人交流的能力。 教学重点:四会词汇:postcard, letter, e-mail send教学难点:所学词汇和句型的灵活运用,进行交际。 教学准备:教学光盘 信、自制明信片 教学过程:Step 1: Warm upT: I have a good friend .I miss her very much. How can I do?

2、Step 2: Presentation1、新授第一部分。 (1)首先在小组中自读第一步分出示第一张幻灯片让学生先自读找出不会的单词划出来并先在小组中解决,小组长记录小组情况,小组活动结束后小组长负责汇报小组情况。 (2)组长汇报后老师总结归纳出本课新单词:postcard letter email老师边板书边领读,指名读。用实物和图片和学生一起问答练习新词汇。在利用幻灯片做猜词游戏巩固词汇。 (3)播放录音跟读后,让学生读一读自己想读的句子。(读对的加二分,错的加一分,小组长负责加分) 2、新授第二部分。 (1)小组中自学本部分。(同第一部分) (2)小组长汇报后教学本部分重点单词:send

3、幻灯片出示图片让学生理解意思并领读指名读。How much学生经常见到,点一下,让学生说说意思。 (3)幻灯片出示本部分的问题让学生读一读,告诉学生听录音后回答这些问题。 (4)跟读和回答后重点读一读第二幅图和第四副图。 3、教学第三部分。 (1)完成第一题:先让学生指名读一读例句再让学生自己写一写画一画。给足学生时间,老师巡视指导。完成后指名读一读。让学生自己总结归纳send 的用法。 (2)完成第二题:也先让学生读一读示例对话,再让学生写写。同桌展示。让学生总结本部分练习的什么?什么时候用。 Step 3: Classroom tests1. summary让学生自己说说本课主要学了什么?

4、2. Les do ltStep 4: Homework配套习题板书设计:Lesson13 Lets buy postcardspostcard letter e-mail sendI want to send- to -? 课后反思:Lesson 14 Jenny Writes a Postcard教学目标:1、学生将学会如何书写明信片,如何写姓名和地址,如何给明信片贴上邮票。2、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:write,mum,dad,dear,fine,left,right3、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:Where do you write on a postcard

5、? On the left.Where do you put the address? On the right.4、学生将学会唱一首关于明信片的歌。教学重点:1、如何书写明信片,如何写姓名和地址,如何给明信片贴上邮票。2、句型结构:Where do you write on a postcard? On the left.Where do you put the address? On the right.教学准备:教学光盘教学过程:Step 1: Warm up1、做“Draw and Guess”游戏用以复习postcard和e-mail2、做“What Day is it”游戏用以复习

6、星期的名称、月份和序数Step 2: Presentation 1. write,mum,dad,dear,fine,left,rightUse a postcard to demonstrate: left, rightWrite on the blackboard and read a few times together.a. Ask for volunteers to show you the (让学生能够正确运用所学单词)Point to the picture of a postcard on blackboard and ask “Where do we put the stam

7、p?” in Chinese. Teach them the new word “stamp”. We put the stamp in the top, right corner of the postcard.b. Play a game.(传递单词游戏)One by one read the word on the card.2. Introduce how to write a postcard.(介绍明信片写法)Where do you write on a postcard? On the left.Where do you put the address? On the righ

8、t.Teach them write the day first, and write the name.(提示:一、在明信片右边地方写收信人的地址,注意要先写收信人的姓名,再从小到大写上收信人的地址。二、内容的写法:顺序是先写日期,其次称呼,正文,最后结束语)Step 4: Teacher-student interactionOpen books. Lets listen to the audiotape and read after the speaker. (读课文)Look at Jennys postcard. Who can tell us what does she say?S

9、tep 4: HomeworkMake a postcard by yourself. Then introduce it.(要求每个学生都做一张明信片,用top bottom, left 和right来向学生说明在哪儿写日期,在哪儿写地址,在哪儿写名字。板书设计:Lesson 14 Jenny Writes a Postcardwrite,mum,dad,dear,fine,left,rightWhere do you write on a postcard? On the left.Where do you put the address? On the right.课后反思:Lesson

10、 15 Sending the Postcards教学目标:1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:turn,wrong2、学生能学会如何遵循基本的方向指令:Go straight. Turn left at the traffic lights.3、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构: How much are _? They are _. Ill take them. 教学重点:1、学会基本的方向指令:Go straight. Turn left at the traffic lights.2、句型结构: How much are _? They are _. Ill take th

11、em. 教学准备:教学光盘 教学过程:Step 1: Warm up1. Review: Play a game Review to words that learned in last lesson.2. Sing a song Step 2: PresentationShow a dialogue 1. Lynn:Hello, Mingming. Where are you going?Ming: To the post office. I want to buy some stamps. Because I want to send my postcards to my friends.

12、Lynn: May I go with you?Ming: Sure! Lets go.2. At the post office Clerk: Good morning! May I help you?Lynn: Hello, I need two stamps, please. Clerk: Where are you sending your postcard?Lynn: Im sending it to Beijing. How much is the stamp, please?Clerk: One yuan.Lynn: Ill take two, please. Thank you

13、.Clerk: You are welcome. Good-bye!Step 3: Teacher-student interaction1. Four students in a group to make up a short dialogue.2. Play the recorder and read the sentences.3.Play a game Make a shop at the classroom.Step 4: Classroom tests完成lets do itStep 5: HomeworkMake up a dialogue and write on paper

14、 .板书设计:Lesson 15 Sending the Postcardsturn wrongGo straight. Turn left at the traffic lights.How much are _? They are _.Ill take them. 课后反思:Lesson 16 An Email Is Fast 教学目标:1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:email idea,computer,use2、学生将学会如何书写电子邮件内容和地址以及如何发送电子邮件。3、学生将学会唱电子邮件之歌。 教学重点:1、书写:email idea,computer,use2、学会

15、如何书写电子邮件内容和地址以及如何发送电子邮件。教学准备:教学光盘 教学准备:Step 1: Warm up Play a game: “Draw and Guess”to review “postcard” “letter” and “E-mail”.T: I write a/an _ on a/an _. ( 指着黑板上的图画进行练习) Step 2: Presentation1. Point to a computer and ask “whats this?” Introduce “computer”.2. Write “computer” on the blackboard.Lead

16、 the Students read and spell this word.3. Play the audiotape and let the Students listen. Then answer the questions: Who wants to send an E-mail? Where is the computer? How much is to send an E-mail?4. Do you want to send an E-mail to your friend? Lets send our friends an E-mail on the computer, OK?

17、5. 强调些电子邮件的格式和写信和写明信片的格式一样。Lead the Students to send on the computer.6 .Who did you send an E-mail to? I send an E-mail to _. Step 5: HomeworkActivity Book Lesson 16板书设计:Lesson16 An Email Is Fastemail idea,computer,use课后反思:Lesson17 Dannys Email教学目标:1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:kind,us2、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构:H

18、ows the weather in Canada?Is it snowy?Its sunny.There is no snow.What a great trip! 教学重点:1、词汇:kind,us2、基本句型结构:Hows the weather in Canada?Is it snowy?Its sunny.There is no snow.What a great trip! 教学准备:教学光盘教学过程:Step 1: Warm up 告诉学生,今天他们将阅读Danny发给史蒂芬的电子邮件。T:Everyone is going home, and the trip to China

19、 was great fun. lets see how they say goodbye when it is time to go home after a good trip together.Step 2: Presentation 1. Danny writes an Email(1)让学生看教科书part 1 ,讨论这封电子邮件。Who is this Email from?Who will receive this Email?What is the subject of the Email?What does Danny say to Steven?播放录音,学生聆听。再播放一

20、遍。(2)在黑板上画一封大的电子邮件,填写空白处,让学生提供帮助。What is Stevens Email address?在学生说出来的时候,教师把地址写在正确的位置。What is Dannys Email address? 把地址写在正确的地方。What is the subject of the Email?What does Danny say to his friend?(3)填满所有的空之后,读一遍电子邮件。然后让不同的学生大声读出来。提问学生:Danny 告诉了Steven 关于中国的哪些内容?指出电子邮件中的新单词kind。在黑板上写:the people here are

21、 kind 。向学生解释,kind指一个人非常友好和慷慨,愿意为他人做事情,因为他/她知道这会让别人感到快乐。再播放一遍录音,学生跟读。(4)师生演示: T: How is the weather in Beijing? Is it snowy?S: No, its sunny. There is no snow.(5)学生自己练习:两人一组练习,每组就Danny 的电子邮件编一段对话。尽量涵盖这些问题。What does Danny say about the people?When will Danny go back to Canada?What does Danny tell Stev

22、en about his trip?2. Time to go home (1)四人一组,看课本part 2,浏览课文,大声的读给学生听。然后在黑板上进行记录。(2)道别时可以说些什么:What a fun trip!_ was great!Youll go back to _ tomorrow.Well miss you.Dont forget to write to us.What a great trip!向学生解释,这是在旅行之后要告别时彼此说的一些话。教给学生如何表达这些语句。(3)现在,让各个小组练习在机场告别时的对话。Step 3: Classroom tests1. Lets

23、do it.让学生看part 3,说明任务要求。他们要阅读Steven给Danny 的电子邮件。然后,读邮件下面的句子,判断正误。根据自己的判断打对勾或画叉。2. Listen and repeat 。用几分钟的时间来讨论发音的问题。提醒学生发音很重要。在英语中,有很多次发音很难。有时一个词以某种发音结尾,后面的词以另一种发音开头,这两个词一起读出来会很难。让学生看P47 的底部,指着每个单词组合读出来。每个单词组合读两到三次,然后让学生重复。继续这个过程,知道读完这八个组合。板书设计:Lesson 17 Dannys EmailKind miss forget famousPeople he

24、re are kind.Im coming home to Canada on February 8.Dont forget to write to us.课后反思:Lesson18 Little Zeke Sends an Email教学目标:1、学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。2、学生可以根据故事进行问答。3、学生可以向同学复述故事。4、学生能给little Zeke书写电子邮件并发给他。教学重点:1、表示动作的短语。2、电子邮件的写法。3、一般现在时的具体用法。教学难点:学生能给little Zeke书写电子邮件并发给他。教学准备:教学光盘 教学过程:Step 1: Warm up 用几

25、分钟的时间来回忆复习前五课的内容。通过问题帮助学生回忆。 What does a postcard have on it? Why is an Email a good way to send a message?(free 、no stamp 、fast ) Who does Jenny send her Email to?Step 2: Presentation让学生打开课本P48,告诉他们,他们将要阅读一个关于小齐克的故事。在以前的教科书里,他们遇到过小齐克。但是,这是Danny 、Jenny 和李明第一次遇到齐克。 Story time: Little Zeke sends an Em

26、ail1、课前活动看图,讨论每幅图中看到了什么?学生回答的是时候,教师在黑板上记录。通过提问帮助学生理解。Where are Jenny, Danny and liming?What are they doing?Who does Jenny want to send an Email?Does Emma send Jenny the Email back?Who is little Zeke?Where does little Zeke live?Do they know little Zeke?2、阅读活动:谈论图片:Picture 1Jenny 、Danny 和liming正在发送电子邮

27、件。Picture 2Jenny 想给好朋友Emma发送一封电子邮件,给她讲述她的旅行。Picture 3Jenny写电子邮件,她告诉Emma ,她所在大的地方现在是下午时间,但她知道Emma所在的Ottawa 现在是晚上时间。她说他们玩儿的很开心。Picture 4Jenny想再发送一封电子邮件给哥哥。Danny 饿了,他想吃午饭。Picture 5Jenny 、Danny 和李明收到一封电子邮件。他们都很惊讶,他们知道在Ottawa ,现在已经很晚了,所有人都在睡觉,这封电子邮件是谁发来的呢?Picture 6他们阅读这封电子邮件,不是Emma发来的,那是谁发来的呢?little Zeke

28、 ,Zeke说Emma现在很好,他现在正在睡觉,Zeke没有床,Zeke谁在一只袜子里。这只袜子是Emma送的礼物。Zeke累了,准备去袜子里睡觉了。Picture 7Jenny 、Danny 和李明很困惑,他们不知道little Zeke是谁?3、听故事: 播放故事录音,学生看书聆听。再播放录音,学生跟读。现在找学生轮流朗读故事。叫起一个学生,说:Lets read this part of the story 。指着图框,帮助学生大声的朗读给其他同学。Step 3: Teacher-student interaction1、三人一组,练习故事,然后表演。让学生看本页下面的故事,在表演故事之前,先相互回答这些问题。2、写电子邮件:学生表演完故事后,让他们假装给little Zeke 写封电子邮件。板书设计:Lesson 18 little Zeke sends an EmailLive also sleep put ask Lets send an Email to my friend Emma.We are having a great time.Everyone is in bed sleeping.教学反思:

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