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1、新起点一年级英语下册教案全册新起点一年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Classroom教学目标:1、 Follow teachers orders , point to the things in the classroom2. Students can say read &learn the words”window light board picture door classroom” & the sentense “whats in the classroom?”3.Students can do &say “lets so ” .understand the meaning of eev

2、ery action.4. Improve the cooperation between Ss during the class教学重难点:1、Follow teachers orders , point to the things in the classroom2. Students can say read &learn the words”window light board picture door classroom” & the sentense “whats in the classroom?”3. Students can do &say “lets so ” .under

3、stand the meaning of eevery action.4. Students Improve the cooperation between Ss during the class.教学准备:1. The pictures about the things in the classroom. 2.Tape教学过程:一、warm up1.greetingT: Hello,boys and girls. Im your new English teacher. You can call me Miss Xu .Im very glad to see you all. What ab

4、out you ?Are you happy to see me ?Ss: Yes.T: ok ,class begins.good afternoon children.Ss: good afternoon, Miss xu.2.Listen to a songT: ok,today I bring a song as a present for you . would you like to listen to it?Ss: Yes.T: Ok ,Lets go!(在欣赏歌曲in the classroom 时,教师边拿图片边轻轻亨唱,当唱到“classroom”这个词时,教师高举图片)l

5、 New words1. T: do you like this song ?”in the classroom”(出示图片)Ss: Yes. T :oh, Im so happy to hear that! Ok ,read after me .Practise “classroom”(全班齐跟读-单人小火车-开小组火车-全班)2 T: You all do very good job! Look,look,look,look around! What can you see in our classroom?S1 : doorT: wow, You are so clever!(出示图片)

6、 Practise “door”T: S1 ,can you help me open the doorS1 doT : Thank you very much!Practise “open the door”(边做边说)以chant的形式来说”door door open the door” 3 其他单词的学习基本上同“door”的学习4 Play a game 教师出示以上学的几个单词图片,然后在拿出其中的几张,让学生说出“whatsmissing?”5. T: ok, look,whats in the classroom? Ss:. T: now , who can ask me “w

7、hats in the classroom?” S1: whats in the classroom? T: A board .(多问几个学生) Work in pairs Act6. play a game “I say you point&sayl lets do togetherT: Lets do together, all the student, stand up Follow the music.先跟着音乐做,然后学生自己做,分组做作业:学生以小组为单位谈论教室的物品Unit1 Classroom教学目标:1.能够在本课涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与教室有关的9个单词。 2.能够听

8、懂并能够使用问候语How are you ? Fine, thank you. 3.能够在本课涉及的课堂用语并做出相应的反应(包括打招呼用语)。4.能够对英语学习产生初步的兴趣并积极参与课堂上的各种活动。教学重难点:1.能够听懂并能够使用问候语How are you ? Fine, thank you. 2.能够在本课涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与教室有关的9个单词。3.能够在本课涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与教室有关的9个单词。 4.能够听懂并能够使用问候语How are you ? Fine, thank you.教学准备:1. The pictures about the things in

9、 the classroom. 2.Tape教学过程:(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up / Revision)1教师播放第一册Recycle 1单元中得“Chant and find”部分,学生跟着录音一起说。2教师出示与chant内容相符的图片,问:“Whats in the picture?”让学生进行回答。Picture一词由这里引出。3复习pencil, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener, eraser, crayon,pen等单词。4引导学生用以上单词做问答练习,如:Whats in the bag? Whats in the pen

10、cil-case ?5在学生回答出问题后,教师可再追问:How many pencils/pens?使学生能用复数进行回答。如:Whats in thepencil-case? A ruler, two pencils(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1教师把一张画有教室的大图贴到黑板上,说:This is a classroom. Whats in the classroom?2学生听懂后,教师可先试着让学生回答,能说出英文的学生给与表扬(desk, chair, picture都已学过),也可让学生用中文回答。3告诉学生我们要学习有关classroom的内容,教读classroom

11、4让学生观看本部分的教学课件2遍。Unit 1 Lets learn/A5让学生看着课件的画面回答:Whats in the classroom?(在看了两遍课件的基础上,考查学生的听力和记忆能力)学生不见得都能回答出来,能说出部分即可。教师可针对学生回答的不同程度进行指导,鼓励学生完整的回答出来。如有困难,可再看一遍本部分的教学课件。Whats in the classroom? A board, two lights, many desks and chairs当学生只回答出 board, light, desk and chairs 时,教师进一步再问:How many?引导学生说出:A

12、 board 或Oneboard. Two lights. 教师可以直接把many一词告诉学生。6教师分别指着黑板,灯,桌子和椅子让学生说出单词。7出示单词卡,让学生进行认读。教师可以告诉学生一些记忆单词的方法。如观察单词的第一个字母和最后一个字母等。(把单词卡贴到黑板上)8学生跟读并模仿Lets learn部分的内容。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带)9教师在学生学习了对话的基础上,扩充词汇量:There are many things in the classroom. What are they?10让学生观看教学课件, 学习其它单词。可从已学的单词过渡到新单词。11教师指着教室中的相关事物

13、问学生:Whats this?让学生回答。12教师出示单词卡,让学生进行认读。(并把单词卡贴到黑板上)13看黑板上所贴的单词卡,读出单词。14让学生做pair work: 根据教室中的实际情况,自编对话15学生展示练习情况,教师注意学生对名词复数的运用,及时给与指导。纠正学生错误时注意方式方法,不要打击学生学习的积极性。对于说得很好的学生应及时表扬。16教师和学生用英语进行交流,导入Lets do的学习。I can do many things in the classroom.: Open thedoor, turn on the light, clean the window, put u

14、p the picture, clean the boardand sweep the floor. 教师尽量把说话的速度放慢一些,边说边做出相应的动作,以便使学生理解。17教师先说词组, 然后再让能力较强的学生代替教师发布指令,让其他学生根据指令做出相应的动作。建议多让一些学生参与进来,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。(三)趣味训练(Practice)游戏1:做“Listen an find”的游戏。以小组为单位,小组内的每个学生都被指定为一个本课所学单词,然后教师读单词。如:教师读door,那么各组被指定为这个单词的学生就必须马上跑到教室门的位置。然后由各组的其他同学判断对错。对了加分,教师接着读

15、下一个单词,游戏继续。最后,比一比哪个组得分最多,哪个组就获胜。游戏2:做“找朋友”的游戏。(此时黑板上已贴有一张大的教室图片和单词卡)让学生把单词卡贴到图中相应的地方。贴好后,让其他学生判断对错。如果对了,就大声朗读出来;如果错了,请他人改错后再读出来。如果可以的话,这个游戏还可把单词卡直接贴到教室中相应的地方。以便使学生更好的记忆单词。(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)Listen, draw and say1 教师发给每个学生一张图画纸。2 教师说一段话,学生根据所听到的内容在纸上作画。所听内容:This is my classroom. Whats in the classroom? A picture, two boards, twodoors, three windows, six lights , many desks and chairs.3 请学生说出自己所画的内容,核对答案。4 两人一组,看图做问答。作业:两人一组

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