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1、船舶安全自查表中英文版船舶安全自查表Ship Safety Self-checklist检查项目Items for Check检查要求Requirements for Check结果Result船舶证书Ships Certificates核查公约和船旗国要求的船舶证书齐全有效、与实际相符。The ships certificates required by the conventions and the flag state are complete, valid and in accordance with reality.船员证书Crews Certificates公约和船旗国要求的证书齐

2、全有效、符合最低配员及船旗国要求(包括船旗国签证)。The crews certificates required by the conventions and the flag state are complete, valid and in compliance with minimum safe manning and flag state (including flag state visa).法定检验/审核报告Statutory Survey /Audit Reports与法定证书相关的检验/审核报告保存完整、有效,船长清楚上次检验种类及日期,检查法定遗留项目(如有时)已做出了相应的

3、处理和纠正,保存相应证据。The survey/audit report related to the statutory certificates shall be kept intact and valid, the master shall know the type and date of the last inspection, check the statutory remaining items (if any) and make corresponding treatment and correction, and keep the corresponding evidence

4、.船级检验报告Class Survey Report与船级证书相关的检验报告保存完整、有效,船长清楚上次检验种类及日期,检查遗留项目和/或船级条件,已做出了相应的处理和纠正并保存相应证据。船体测厚记录和状况评估报告等齐全。The survey report related to the class certificate shall be kept complete and valid. The master knows the type and date of the last survey, examines the remaining items and/or class conditi

5、ons, and has made the corresponding treatment and correction and kept the corresponding evidence. Ships Hull Thickness Measurement Record and condition assessment report are complete.柴油机技术文件Diesel Engine Technical Document船长清楚硫氧化物控制区(SECA)及欧盟各港口最新要求,公约强制要求的柴油机EIAPP证书及其相对应的技术档案已完整保存在船上。The master is

6、aware of the latest requirements of the SOx Emission Control Area (SECA) and EU ports. The EIAPP Certificate of diesel engine required by the Convention and its corresponding technical files have been completely kept on board.油水分离器Oily water separator油水分离器型式认可证书及产品证书应保存在船备查。Oily water separator type

7、 approval certificate and the product certificate should be kept on board for inspection.装载手册Loading Manual装载手册中含有申请装运的货物,其产生的最大弯矩和应力应在许可范围内,该手册已被主管机关或船级社批准认可。The maximum bending moment and stress for the goods to be shipped contained in the Loading Manual must be within the extent permitted, and th

8、e manual shall be approved by the competent authority or classification society.稳性计算书Stability Calculations稳性计算书应包括完整稳性计算书、破舱稳性计算书(适用时),该计算书已被主管机关或船级社批准认可。The Stability Calculations shall include a complete stability calculation and a breakdown stability calculation (where applicable) which has been

9、 approved by the competent authority or classification society.货物系固手册Cargo Fastening Manual货物系固手册已被主管机关或船级社批准认可。The Cargo Fastening Manual has been approved by the competent authority or classification society.船上油污应急计划Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan使用工作语言和英文编制并经主管机关或船级社批准认可,符合最新要求;所附图纸齐全,防止油污

10、器材列出清单;防污器材充足,质量良好;防油污沿岸联系信息及时更新(季度);溢油演习按时进行并记录。Compiled in working language and English and approved by the competent authority or classification society and meeting the latest requirements; Attached drawings complete, oil pollution prevention equipment list; Adequate antifouling equipment, good q

11、uality; Update the contact information of oil pollution prevention coast timely (quarterly); Oil spill drill is carried out on time and recorded.手提式及舟车灭火器Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers手提式(包括舟车式)灭火器每年应由认可检验机构进行拆检换药,每具灭火器5年一次或船旗国要求的频次进行水压试验,上述检验/试验证明有效并保存在船;已按公约及船旗国要求配备足量的备用灭火器或药粉;灭火器存放位置与防火控

12、制图一致。Portable and wheeled fire extinguishers shall be inspected and changed annually by an authorized inspection body, and hydrostatic test shall be conducted once every five years or at the frequency required by the ships flag state. The above inspection/test shall prove these appliances are valid

13、and kept on board; Adequate provision of fire extinguishers or powder as required by the Convention and the flag State; Fire extinguishers should be stored in the same location as the fire control plan. 固定式灭火系统Fixed fire extinguishing systemCO2或其他气体灭火系统应由认可检验机构每2年对钢瓶进行一次称重检查和管路吹通试验,瓶头阀至分配阀箱管段每10年进行一

14、次压力试验或换新;泡沫灭火系统应保证药剂在有效期内,上述检验证明有效并保存在船;CO2间张贴中文说明,所有驾驶员均熟悉操作。The fire extinguishing system of CO2 or other gases shall be inspected by an authorized inspection institution once every 2 years for cylinder weighing inspection and pipe blowout test, and the pressure test or renewal of the cylinder hea

15、d valve to the pipe section of the distribution valve box shall be conducted every 10 years; The foam extinguishing system shall ensure that the agent is within the validity period and the above inspection certificate is valid and kept onboard; Instructions in Chinese are posted in CO2 room. All off

16、icers are familiar with the operation.消防员装备的检验报告/产品说明书Inspection Report/Product Instruction for Firemans Outfit消防员装备的数量与设备安全证书附件记载一致;存放位置与防火控制图一致并张贴IMO标志;每套消防员装备应由认可检验机构进行年度检验,并备有2个备用气瓶,气瓶压力充足,空气瓶每5年一次水压试验,上述检验/试验证明有效并保存在船。The quantity of firemans outfit is consistent with the record in the attachme

17、nt of the equipment safety certificate; The storage location shall be consistent with the fire control plan and IMO signs shall be posted; Each set of firemans outfit shall be inspected annually by an authorized inspection institution and shall be supplied with 2 spare cylinders with sufficient pres

18、sure and air cylinders shall be hydraulically tested every 5 years. The above inspections/tests shall be proved valid and kept onboard.救生艇的检验/试验救生艇证书和使用说明书保存在船;救生艇及降落释放回收装置,每年由认可的检验机构进行全面检查,每五年一次的艇架负荷试验,吊艇索按公约要求间隔予以换新(不超过5年),上述检验/试验证明有效并保存在船。LRIT测试证书LRIT Test Certificate远程识别与跟踪系统(LRIT)已通过的符合性试验并取得试验

19、报告。The Long Range Identification and Tracking System (LRIT) has passed conformance test and obtained test reports.救生筏及其属具和静水压力释放器证书Life raft and its fittings and Hydrostatic Pressure Release Certificates不超过12个月间隔,应由认可的检验机构对气胀式救生筏及其静水力压力释放器(一次性的两年换新)进行拆检,上述证明有效并保存在船。The inflatable life raft and its h

20、ydrostatic pressure releasers (Disposable ones renewed once every two years) shall be dismantled and inspected by an approved inspection institution at interval of not exceeding12 months, and the above certificates shall be valid and kept on board.EPIRB及其静水压力释放器证书EPIRB and Its Hydrostatic Pressure R

21、elease Certificate检查并保持证书有效Check and keep the certificate valid航海日志记录情况Situation of Log Records 航海日志除按扉页要求记载外,至少还包括:1)对钟、试舵、冲试车及备车(尤其是记录开航前12小时内操舵装置的核查和试验);2)更换压载水记录、时间、船位等;3)每次演习详情(包括对演习评估);4)每周救生艇筏外观及降落装置外观和吊艇架移动检查,艇机启动及正倒车试验,全船通用应急报警系统(声、光、公用广播系统)试验;5)每月检查救生设备的情况;6)标注本轮的工作语言,船长、值班船员的签字。In additio

22、n to being recorded as required by the title page, the Logbook record shall at least include:1) Clock check, rudder test, trial on power and standby engine (especially record the inspection and test of steering gear within 12 hours before sailing); 2) Time and ship position of ballast water exchange

23、, etc.; 3) Details of each drill (including assessment of the drill); 4) Weekly inspection of the appearance of the lifeboat raft and launching device as well as the movement of the davit, lifeboat engine start, ahead and astern tests, shipboard general emergency alarm system (sound, light, public a

24、ddress system) test; 5) Check the condition of life-saving equipment every month; 6) Identify the working language of this ship and the signatures of the Master and the crew on duty.医疗指南Guide to Medical Care船上应保存最新有效的医疗指南The latest Guide to Medical Care shall be kept onboard shipGMDSS岸基协议GMDSS Shore

25、-based AgreementGMDSS岸基维修协议应由船公司与主要设备生产厂商或其授权的服务商、或船级社认可的机构签署,应保持有效,内容应与实船一致。GMDSS Shore-based Overhaul Agreement shall be signed by the shipping company and the major equipment manufacturer or its authorized service provider, or an organization recognized by the classification society, and shall re

26、main valid and the contents shall be consistent with those on the actual ship.船舶文件配备及管Provision and Management of Ship Documents船长清楚船舶SMS文件管理要求。本船有效文件、资料的配备符合公司要求(包括SMS文件、本船适用的公约、规则、规范和指南等)。Master is aware of ships SMS document management requirements. The ships valid documents and data shall be pro

27、vided in accordance with the companys requirements (including SMS documents, conventions, rules, norms and guidelines applicable to the ship, etc.).不符合、事故、险情的报告及分析Nonconformity/Accident/Risk Reporting and Analysis船长清楚公司SMS文件中关于“不符合/事故/险情”的报告、分析及预防程序,及时分析和报告船上存在的不符合/事故/险情(包括设备缺陷);船上发现或存在的不符合/事故/险情已经得

28、到妥善处理或安排。Master shall understand the Procedures for Nonconformity/Accident/Risk Reporting and Analysis in the companys SMS document, and timely analyze and report nonconformity/accident/risk (including equipment defects) onboard; Nonconformity/accident/risk found or present onboard has been properly

29、 addressed or arranged.船长评审、内外审、管理复查等记录Masters Records of review, internal and external audit, management review and others 船长清楚公司SMS文件中关于复查和评审程序,按要求定期复查和评审SMS运行情况并向公司报告存在的问题和建议;内外审中发现的不符合已按要求纠正。Master shall be aware of the audit and review procedures in the companys SMS document, regularly audit an

30、d review the SMS operation as required and report any problems and recommendations to the company; The non-conformity found in internal and external audit has been corrected as required.PSC/FSC/或其他行业组织检查记录PSC/FSC/ or other industry organization inspection records船长应保留历次PSC、FSC、船级社及其他外部机构/行业组织检查记录,对提

31、出的缺陷应及时纠正和报告,并采取措施,避免重复发生。The Master shall keep records of all previous inspections by PSC, FSC, classification society and other external agencies/trade organizations, and shall promptly correct and report any defects raised and take measures to avoid repetition.弃船演习Abandon ship drill每艘救生艇3个月内至少一次水

32、面进行操纵训练;自由降落式救生艇每6个月还应增加一次模拟释放;船员清楚自己的应变职责和任务并按分工熟练将救生艇降落水面。At least once water surface operating training within 3 months for each lifeboat; A simulated release of a free-fall lifeboat should be added every 6 months; The crew are well aware of their emergency duties and tasks and skillfully launch the lifeboat on the water surface according to the labor division.消防演习Firefighting drill消防演习应

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