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1、【热门】大学英语作文3篇大学英语作文3篇在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是精心整理的大学英语作文3篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。大学英语作文篇1 Li Yang, we know him as the founder of Crazy English, he was in the limelight few years ago, but now he is jump into the public eye again, for claiming himse

2、lf as a spokesman of domesticviolence. He make no secret of hitting his wife and said he would shot her if he had a gun in aspeech. What was astonishing is, the listener applause after he saidthat. This behavior can be considered as a support for domestic violence, which I cant agreewith. 李阳,我们熟知他是疯

3、狂英语的创始人,他在几年前大红大紫,现在他又跳入了公众的视线里,因为他声称自己是家暴代言人。他毫无掩饰地说他打妻子,还在演讲中说如果他有枪的话,早就射杀她了。令人震惊的是,他说完这些后竟然有听众鼓掌。这种行为可以看成是家暴的支持,这个我无法赞同。Firstly, as to the Li Yangs statement, his wife had saidsomething bad about China, which has ruin his ability oftolerance. Therefore, his use violence to stopthis. In my point o

4、f view, people once get married, they should understand each other, especially for mixedmarriage. If their opinions diverge from each other, they should work it out in a peaceful way, not in a violentway. The worst as well as the best way isdivorce.第一,就像李阳说的,他的妻子说了中国的坏话,且超出了他的容忍范围。因此,他就用暴力来阻止。在我看来,人

5、们一旦结婚,他们就该相互理解,特别是跨国婚姻。如果他们意见有分歧,他们可以用和平的方法来解决,而不是用暴力。最坏也是最好的方法就是离婚。Secondly, domestic violence gets anything good forfamily. Regardless the emotion break due to the violence, if it get worse, bone broken could behappen. Whats more, if the family have child, parents quarrel or fight in front of thei

6、r children, there is no doubt that the child will have an unforgettable childhood phobia, its probably that he or she will become a violentpeople. Therefore, couples should control their hot temper, and have a chill mind when they about toquarrel.第二,家暴对家庭毫无好处。除去家暴让感情破裂,如果还有更糟的发生,骨折也是有可能的。再者,如果家里有孩子,

7、父母在孩子面前吵架打架,毫无疑问这会成为孩子无法忘记的童年阴影,他或者她也很有可能变成一个暴力的人。因此,夫妻该控制他们的脾气,在就要吵架的时候保持冷静的头脑。To speak frankly, we should against domesticviolence. Nomatter who did the wrong thing or said the wrong word, violence cant be thesolution. We should feel shame about Li Yang s statement of becoming a spokesman of domes

8、ticviolence.坦白的说,我们应该反对家暴。无论是哪方做错了,说错了,都不能用暴力来解决。我们都该为李阳说他是家暴代言人感到羞耻。大学英语作文篇2 Recently, Beijing Education Department has announced that the full mark of English in the college entrance examination in20xx will be 100 points, which has dropped 50 points from previousyears. While the Chinese will be 18

9、0 points, the mathematics remains the same, still 150points. After the news has been exploded, this policy has caused great attention among thepublic. Some people evenwonder: do we still need English as before?And the status of English still remains the same in China?Well, asfar as I am concern, Eng

10、lish still an indispensable part of our dailylives. 最近,北京市教育局宣布20xx年的高考英语总分将为100分,较之前的150分下降了50分。而语文将提高到180分,数学保持不变。此消息一出,就引起了社会的极大关注。有人甚至问到:我们还像过去那样需要英语吗?英语在中国的地位是否保持不变?在我看来,英语始终在我们的生活中是不可缺的一部分。Firstly, English language is of crucial important ininternational cooperation andexchange. In this compet

11、itive world,no country can survive without any other contact with othercountries. And through out all the interactions, English, as a global language, is the bridgefor us to communicate with other people who from different culture, differentcountries. Two thirds of the world trade is conducted inEng

12、lish. In order to perform our duties and enjoy our rights as a significant member of WTO, we doneed English by allmeans.英语在国际合作与交流中有着重要作用。在这个充满竞争的世界里,每个国家都要与其他国家进行交流沟通,免得就不能生存。而英语,作为全球通用的语言,起到了桥梁的作用,帮助不同文化背景的人们顺利沟通。世界上三分之二的贸易用英语完成。为了更好的享受和履行我们在国际贸易组织的权利和义务,我们无论如何都需要英语。Secondly, English is compulsory

13、 inelementary, secondary and furthereducation. One has to pass the English tests to get hiscertifications. Although we dont need English so much in our daily lives, when we turn on the computer, listen to the radio, we may find English iseverywhere. So, it s quite necessary for all of us to master a

14、 foreignlanguage. Even inthe developed countries, students are required tolearn at least one foreignlanguage. And learning English makes contributions to ones development to someextent.其二,英语在小学、初中、高等教育中都是必修语言。只有通过了英语考试,才能拿到毕业证书。虽然在日常生活中我们不怎么用到英语,但是当我们打开电脑,收听录音,我们就会发现英语无处不在。所以,掌握一门外语很重要。即使在发达国家,每个学生都

15、会要求学至少一门外语。英语也为个人发展做出一定得贡献。Although the English marks of college entrance examination will drop to 100, we still need English in our dailylives. With the rapid development of economic and cultural globalization,learning English is still the tendency for the younggenerations. It s not only the tool f

16、or people to communicate, but also the golden key to get personaldevelopment.虽然高考英语总分会降为100分,但在日常生活中,我们还是需要英语。随着经济的.快速发展和文化的全球化,学习英语依旧是年轻一代的趋势。英语不光光是人们用来交流的工具,也是个人发展的金钥匙。大学英语作文篇3 Under the pressure of finding job, running a business is most fresh graduatesdream. But it is not as easy asspeaking.But

17、a recent survey showed that such ambition lacks necessary support and still remain dreamingstage. The Shanghai Municipal Employment Promotion Center polled 1,276 graduates from several universities and colleges in the city, and showed 59.78 percent of respondents think it is possible to set up a com

18、pany or a small store, but they just stop at the thinkingstage. The top reason for not releasing this dream is a shortage of investment and a lack of businessopportunity.In a word, it needs all kinds of factories to start abusiness. And when a person is going to run a business, he should arm himself with necessaryknowledge.在找工作的压力下,创业是最新鲜的毕业生的梦想。但这并不像说那么简单。但最近的一项调查显示,这种雄心缺乏必要的支持,而且仍处于梦想阶段。上海市就业促进中心对来自上海几所高校的1276名毕业生进行了调查,结果显示 59.78%的受访者认为成立一家公司或一家小商店是有可能的,但他们只是停留在“思考”阶段。没有发布这一梦想的首要原因是缺乏投资和缺乏商业机会。总之,它需要各种各样的工厂来开展业务。当一个人要经营企业时,他应该用必要的知识武装自己。大学英语作文3篇】

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