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1、普通高中届高三英语质量监测试题附答案普通高中2019届高三质量监测(一)英语参考答案及评分参考说明:本试题满分150分。其中听力30分,笔试120分。第一部分 听力 (每小题1.5分, 满分30分)听力原文:Text 1 W: Are you focusing on the World Cup?M: Oh, no. Im watching an instructive public interest advertisement.Text 2 M: Dont you have any hobbies, like stamp collecting or things like that?W: No

2、, I dont have any hobbies. How about you?M: I have just one-photography. Its expensive, but its a lot of fun. Text 3 W: Tony, thank you for bringing those old coins today. They really helped to bring our history class to life.M: Youre welcome, Miss.W: Dont forget to take them home with you tonight.

3、Text 4 W: Will you go to see the school performance tomorrow?M: Of course. A lot of hard work has been going on behind the scenes by teachers and students, and parents have put in a lot of hours, too. Nobody will miss it. Text 5 W: Hi, Jack. What did you think of the lecture you attended last night?

4、M: Well, I should have stayed at home. And half of people had left before it was finished.Text 6 M: Shall we go to the youth club on Saturday night?W: I cant. I have to write an article on Sunday, so I want to go to bed early tomorrow. Anyway, I havent got much money. Why dont you come round and wat

5、ch a DVD with a pizza or something?M: Oh, come on! Your sister will be back from university for the weekend. Shell want to go to the club.W: Yeah, OK! Im sure shell lend me some money. Ill try and finish the article tonight. Text 7 M: Is everything ready for Billys birthday party?W: Yes. Ive finishe

6、d baking the birthday cake and Ive set the table. Did you find the party hats?M: Yes, I did. Ive put one on the table for each child. And Ive prepared enough biscuits and candies.W: Good. James, does the birthday cake look wonderful?M: Sure. But you havent put the candles on the cake yet.W: Oh, righ

7、t. Ive prepared some party games for the children, too.M: Ive bought a CD with lots of childrens songs on it.W: Hopefully, Billy will have a nice time.Text 8 M: I dont know what to do. I start off studying but I always end up doing something else.W: Ill help you but please listen to me. Now first, t

8、urn off your music. Music doesnt help you study.M: OK. No music.W: Have an apple and a glass of water on your desk before you start. Here you are.M: Why?W: Because then you dont need to go to the kitchen for something to eat or drink.M: OK.W: Turn off your phone.M: No way!W: Yes. It stops you workin

9、g. If you turn it off, its easier to concentrate. You can read your messages later.M: OK, but I cant turn off the Internet on my computer. I need it to look up information.W: OK, but you can turn off your instant messages.M: I know! Mom?W: Yes?M: Thanks.Text 9 W: Good afternoon and welcome to You an

10、d Your City. Every week we speak to a teenager from a different place. Tonight were speaking to 17-year-old Dave, who lives in London. Hi, Dave.M: Hi, Lily.W: Dave, everyone knows that London is an exciting city for tourists. But whats it like for a teenager living there?M: Oh, London is a great cit

11、y to live in. I study at a local school and at the weekend, like all teenagers, hang around with my friends.W: What do you do?M: Lots of things. We go to the cinema and to clubs. But what I like most is the park. At the weekend the park is crowded with joggers, rollerbladers and footballers. In fact

12、, I play football there every Sunday morning with my mates.W: What else do you enjoy doing?M: Well, Londons famous for its entertainment. Theres always a music-or street festival on somewhere. I really enjoy those kinds of festivals. Actually, next week theres going to be a international jazz festiv

13、al here. And if youre into theatre, museums or galleries, there are plenty of those around. But to be honest,thats not really my things. Oh, and of course there are lots of good restaurants-but I seldom go there, theyre too expensive for me!W: Well, Dave, you seem to live happily in London.M: Sure,

14、thanks for inviting me to appear on your program. Bye. Text 10 Roald Dahl was born in Wales, in 1916. He was an unhappy schoolboy, so after graduating from school he decided to look for adventure. He first worked for the Shell Company in East Africa, where he lived in the jungle, and then he joined

15、the Royal Air Force, as a pilot, when the Second World War broke out. He was injured while flying, so in 1942 he went to Washington, where he started his career as a writer.In 1943 Dahl published The Gremlins, his first childrens book, which was followed by many others. They were all very successful

16、 because he really connected with the childrens interests. He later admitted he couldnt have written childrens stories if he hadnt had children of his own. Actually, his books are based on bedtime stories he made up for his own children.As for his family life, he married Patricia Neal, an actress, and they had five child

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