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1、重点难点考点300题人教高二英语(下)重点、难点、考点300题1.Although medical science control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning.A. achieved B. has achieved C.will achieve D. had achieved2. -Who will come to meet the professor? -Iv for a car to pick him up at the airport.A. arra

2、nged B.asked C. allowed D. accorded3.He has a wise head, a healthy body , a warm heart and so on. In a word, in my eyes, he is such a man .A. practice B. perform C. prefer D. perfect4.Education in government colleges is very cheap , but if you go to the colleges , it is much more expensive. A. priva

3、te B. personal C. public D. individual 5.The management of computer network is really beyond my , but I can get useful information from it . A. catch B. grasp C. snatch D. understand6.Their new house by the river. A.lies B. located C. is located D. is lied7.Darling, our friend has arrived . Im on th

4、e way home.You try to make himself home first. A. 不填,不填 B. to, on C. 不填,at D. at, by8.Beijings Haidian district is to Chinese Academy of Science and more than ten famous universities.A. family B. house C. home D. cottage 9.Only when I have a high temperature do my mental images come to independent .

5、A. light B. life C. the point D. my attention 10.Is it true that she has a heart attack? Im afraid . A. so B. it C. this D. that11.The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism the wildlife in the area.A. in B. on C. at D. with12.-I cant simply get good marks in my English tests tho

6、ugh I work hard at it , sir. -Dont get discouraged . Keep on ! A great day will be in for you.A. store B. hope C. charge D. hand 13.If you cant do your homework alone , you can him. A. rely on B. depend C. help D. ask for14.-I hope I can hear your lecture . -Im counting on you . A. will be there B.

7、to be there C. be there D. are being there 15.Its nearly ten oclock and father walk in at any moment.A. is possible to B. is maybe to C. is likely to D. is able to16. Look, dark clouds are gathering, It is to rain soon.A. probably B. possibly C. likely D. perhaps17.The new discovery of oilfield is o

8、f great to the countys economy. A. signature B. significant C. significance D. sign 18.She had some idea that I was poisoning her . A. domestic B. fantastic C. optimistic D. enthusiastic19.I believe what he said just now , but he is still not a man to believe . A. in, 不填 B. in, in C. 不填,in D. 不填,不填2

9、0 . Oh , John ! _ you give us !A. How a great surprise B. How pleasant surprise C. What a pleasant surprise D. What pleasant surprise21. -Now that you like the house so much ,why not buy it ? -Well, I cant afford _ house . A. that big a B. a that big C. that a big D. a big that22. -_ that he managed

10、 to get the information ? -Oh , a friend of his helped him . A. where was it B. What was it C. How was it D. Why was it23. what is it _ has made him so excited ? A. what B. which C. who D. that 24. you want to develop new technology that will make _ possible to grow food in areas where there is very

11、 little water . A. that B. which C. it D. what 25. We found it worth _ the book BENCAOGANGMU. A. to read B. read C. reading D. being read26.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants . A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. wherever27. The poor young man is ready to accept _

12、 help he can get . A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whenever28. The old tower must be saved , _ the cost . A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. wherever29. We havent enough books for _ ; some of you will have to share . A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody30. I agree with most of wh

13、at you said , but I dont agree with _ . A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing31. Her joke went too far . It was more than I could _ . A. put on B. put up with C. put out D. put aside32. They have _ a plan for reducing the budget deficit , which is quite practical .A. put off B. put away

14、C. put down D. put forward33. It is wise to have some money _ for old age .A. put away B. kept up C. given away D. laid out34. The forest guards often find campfires that have not been _ completely .A. turned down B. put out C. put away D. turned over35. The employee _ to impress the company with hi

15、s cleverness and promptness . A. set about B. set out C. set off D. set up 36. I read a famous play the Merchant of Venice , which was _ in Italy . A. happened B. set C. take place D. founded 37. Although he had the _ of birth , he was honored for his _ . A. humbleness ; humility B. humility ; humbl

16、eness C. humble ; humbleness D. humility ; humble38. We believe in the old saying that _ will conquer nature . A. man B. person C. people D. gentleman39. Men , women and children are _ , while all birds and animals are _ .A. humans being ; living beings B. human being ; living being C. human beings

17、; living beings D. human beings ; living being 40. -What an amazing film ! Its the most interesting film Ive ever seen ! -But Im afraid it wont interest _ . A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody41. Im living a room _ south . I like it very much . A. face B. facing C. faced D. faces 42.He is

18、still hesitating _ joining the expedition . A. about B. of C. in D. for43.Did I really hear someone come in or was it only a(an) _ ? A. imagination B. fantasy C. fancy D. dream 44. A _ cousin of mine has come to see me from a _ village . A. faraway ; distant B. faraway ; faraway C. faraway ; far awa

19、y D. distant ; far45. The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a _ of 60 miles. A. length B. distance C. way D. space46. When I came into the house , my son was _ the difficult math problem . A. labouring at B. working C. working out D. doing at 47. She is a go

20、od teacher . She talks with students in _ voice . A. gentle B. soft C. careful D. mild48. He never lends it to others , but you can get it _ paying money . A. in B. to C. at D. by49. Fire ! Fire ! There are two children _ danger . A. at B. with C. of D. in 50. The learned scholar _ the question rais

21、ed by the audience how life began . A. made out B. threw lights on C. spoke out D. threw light upon 51. Lightning is a natural _ . A. phenomenon B. condition C. situation D. position52. The play will _ the provinces next month . A. travel B. journey C. trip D. tour53. We are planning to make a _ to

22、the seaside on foot this afternoon . A. travel B. journey C. trip D. tour 54. This novel is about the _ of Sinbad the Sailor .A. voyages B. travel C. journeys D. trips55.She spend a week _ the whole book . A. go over B. to going over C. on going over D. to go over56. It _ them $ 1000 a year to run a

23、 car . A. takes B. costs C. spends D. paid57. It _ me four hours to write the essay . A. spent B. cost C. took D. take 58. He has _ to be capable as an administrator . A. looked B. demanded C. proved D. pointed59. Its _ that she was a friend of my sister . A. turn out B. prove C. turned out D. end u

24、p60. If you continue to drive that you will _ killing yourself . A. turn out B. end up C. end up in prove61. It was for this reason _ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village . A. which B. why C. that D. how62. It is the ability to do the job _ matters not where you come f

25、rom or what you are .A. one B. that C. what D. is 63. -I didnt find Mr Smith . Where did you meet him this morning ? -It was in the hotel _ he stayed . A. that B. which C. the one D. where64. Can it have been on the sportsground _ you lost your watch yesterday ? A. that B. on which C. where D. in th

26、at 65. It is _ he often breaks the school rules _ makes his headteacher unsatisfied with him . A. what ; that B. that ; what C. that ; that D. which ; that66. The traffic lights _ green and I pulled away . A. came B. grew C. got D. went67. Happy birthday , Alice ! So you have _ twenty-one already !

27、A. become B. turned C. grown D. passed68. Now Im a lawyer . It is three years since I _ a teacher . A. became B. was C. turned D. am69.-What time shall we go on _ ? -Its about 11:50 p.m. A. board B. broad C. aboard D. abroad70. As soon as we _ , our ship left port . Which is wrong ? A. went aboard B

28、. went on board C. go on the ship D. went abroad71.These light industry goods are welcomed _ and abroad . A. at a distance B. at cost C. at once D at home 72. A letter _ , he hurried to the shop for some shopping . A. posting B. having posted C. posted D. had been posted 73. Food prices _ ,they deci

29、ded to _ their expense . A. gone up ; cut B. raising ; cut C. rise ; limit D. going up ; limit74. Tom looked at Jenny , tears _ his eyes , and shouted out the words _ in his heart for years . A. filled ;having been hiding B. filling ;hidden C. filling ;hiding D. filled ; hiding75. Julie wants to buy

30、 a _ computer so that she can carry it around when she travels . A. memorable B. portable C. predictable D. readable76. Many scholars and experts from all over the world will be invited to attend this yearly _ on drug control . A. reference B. intention C. conferenc D. interation77. We all know that _ speak louder than words . A. movements B. performance C. operation D. actions78. I wrote him a letter to show my _ of his thoughtfulness . A. achievement B. agreement C. attention D. appreciation

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