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创新设计高中英语课时精练nit 2 Period 1北师大必修一课标通.docx

1、创新设计高中英语课时精练nit 2 Period 1北师大必修一课标通Unit 2 Heroes Period One Learning to learn ,Warmup and Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 课时精练(北师大版必修1,课标通版)(时间:45分钟).介、副词填空1Chinas first manned spaceship lifted _ at 9 am._ Wednesday, October 15th 2003 in Jiuquan, Gansu Province.2When the spaceship separated _ the rocket, I s

2、uddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because _ the zero gravity.3_ the 21hour space flight, the Shenzhou V circled the earth 14 times.4While the spaceship was circling the earth _ the sixth time, Yang Liwei spoke _ ground control in Gansu.5_ 6:23 am. on October 16th, Yang Liwei landed _ Inn

3、er Mongolia safely.6As Yang Liwei returned _ the earths atmosphere, helicopters were flying _ where he would land, ready to collect him.答案; on2.from; of3.During4.for; with5At; in6.into;to.单词拼写1The spaceship, called Shenzhou V, was carrying Chinas first _(宇航员), Yang Liwei, who was a pilot in th

4、e army, was chosen from 1,500 other army pilots.2The surface of the spaceship was glowing red when it came back into the earths _(大气层)3When Shenzhou V let out its _(降落伞), I felt the ship was shaking.4When Yang Liwei climbed out of the spaceship, he smiled and _(挥手)to the crowds waiting for him.5Yang

5、 Liwei had several tasks to _(完成)during the flight.6Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations, expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to _(探索)and use space peacefully.7Scar is a cruel and dangerous _(人物)in Lion King.8How did Yang Liwei feel during the _(飞行)? 9What were _(直升飞机)

6、 doing as Yang Liwei returned to the earths atmosphere? 10She looked out of the window and decided to call an _(救护车)答案1.astronaut2.atmosphere3.parachute4.waved5complete6.explore7.character8.flight9.helicopters10ambulance .翻译与仿写 1Have you heard of Yang Liwei? 翻译:_仿写:你听说过比尔盖茨吗?_ 2Helicopters were flyi

7、ng to where he would land.翻译:_仿写: 年轻人将被派往需要他们的地方。_3I thought 21 hours are too short to stay in space.翻译:_仿写: 我太想环游世界了。_4He smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him.翻译:_仿写:你认识那个站在树下的女孩吗? _答案 1.有没有听说过杨利伟?Have you heard of Bill Gates?2直升飞机正飞往他可能着陆的地方。Young people will be sent to where they are ne

8、eded.3我认为21 小时呆在太空里实在太短了。I am too eager to travel around the world.4他微笑着并向等候他的人挥手。Do you know the girl standing under the tree?.语篇填词Shenzhou V,Chinas first 1._ spaceship carrying Chinas first astronaut Yang Liwei lifted 2._ on October 15th,2003 in Jiuquan, Gansu Province.During the 3._ flight, Yang

9、completed several tasks and only 4._ for about 3 hours.In the 7th circle, Yang showed the flags of 5._ and the United Nations, 6._ the wishes of the Chinese people to 7._ and use space peacefully.When the spaceship came back into the earths 8._, its surface was 9._ red.When the spaceship let out its

10、 10._, it was shaking.Yang Liwei was collected by a helicopter.答案1.manned2.off3.21hour4.slept5.China6expressing7.explore8.atmosphere9.glowing10parachute.单项填空1When the spaceship _ from the rocket, I suddenly got the feeling of zero gravity.Aseparated BseparateCdivided Ddevided答案A句意:当宇宙飞船与火箭分离时,我突然感到零

11、引力。separate A from B意为“把A与B分开,隔开”。2He smiled and waved to the crowds _ for him.Awaits Bwaiting Cto wait Dwaited答案B句意:他微笑着并向等候他的人挥手。现在分词作定语相当于定语从句。3When Shenzhou V _ its parachute, I felt the ship was shaking.Apick out Bput out Cbreak out Dlet out 答案D句意: 当神州五号释放降落伞时,我感到了颤动。pick out 挑选出;put out 扑灭;bre

12、ak out 爆发;let out 释放。4He did it_it took me.Aonethird a time Bonethird timeCthe onethird time Donethird the time答案D句意:他用了我用时间的三分之一。5The spaceship, _ Shenzhou V, was carrying Chinas first astronaut, Yang Liwei.Acalled Bcalling Cto call Dcall 答案A句意:这艘名叫“神州五号”的 宇宙飞船载着中国第一位航天员杨利伟飞向太空。此处过去分词作定语。6She had j

13、ust finished her homework _ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.Awhen Bwhile Cafter Dsince 答案A句意: 昨天她刚刚做完作业,这时她妈妈叫她练习钢琴。此句when 表示“正在这时”的意思。7The old lady_along the street when,suddenly,a man_her.Awalked;stopped Bwalked;was stoppingCwas walking;stopped Dwas walking;was stoppin

14、g答案C句意:那个老太太正在街上走着,突然一个男人叫她停了下来。本句含有“be doing.when.”结构,when从句中用一般过去时。8The boy stood there,_.Ato be full of fear Bfull of fearCfilling with fear Dto be filled with fear答案B句意:那个男孩站在那里,非常害怕。这里full of fear为形容词短语,补充说明主语所处的状态。9This _girl is Lindas cousin.Apretty little Spanish BSpanish little prettyCSpani

15、sh pretty little Dlittle pretty Spanish答案A句意:这个漂亮的西班牙小女孩是Linda的堂妹。多个形容词修饰名词。10Allen had to call a taxi because the box was_to carry all the way home.Amuch too heavy Btoo much heavyCheavy too much Dtoo heavy much答案A句意:Allen 不得不叫辆出租车,因为那盒子一路扛回家太重了。含有too.to句型,much too修饰形容词或副词,而too much修饰不可数名词。11She can

16、t _ having nothing to do.Astand Blie Cseat Drun答案A句意:她无法忍受没事做。stand忍受;忍耐,通常用于否定句、疑问句,不可用于进行时。12Doing science experiments often _ most of the students spare time.Atakes off Btakes upCgoes off Dgoes up答案B句意:做科学实验通常会占据学生的大部分时间。考查动词短语的辨析。take off起飞;成功;take up占据;go off爆炸;失灵;go up上升,增长。13I want to buy _ y

17、ou bought yesterday.Athe same dictionary as Bas dictionary asCthe same dictionary that Dthe same dictionary like答案Aas.as只用于形容词/副词的同级比较。the same.as与the same.that含义不同,the same.as指的是另一样/件东西,而the same.that指的是同一样/件东西。本句的含义是“我想买一本与你昨天买的一样的词典”。因此选A。14_ great progress he has made this turn!Yes,indeed.AWhat

18、a BHow a CWhat DHow答案C句意:这一轮他取得了多么大的进步呀!是的,确实如此。考查感叹句。progress为不可数名词,故排除A、B;而D项how后面只可跟单数可数名词,其结构为:Howadj.a/ann.,故排除掉,选择C项。15_ people all over China were watching TV when the spaceship landed safely.AMillion BMillions CMillions of DMillion of 答案C句意:当飞船安全着陆时,成千上万的中国人都在看电视直播。考查数词用法。hundred, thousand,

19、million, billion, dozen, score 等指具体数字时,不用复数形式;指大约数字时,常用复数形式。.完形填空Even though it was only October,my students were already whispering(低声叽咕)about Christmas plans.With each passing day everyone became more _1_ waiting for the final school bell.Upon its _2_ everyone would run for their coats and go home

20、,everyone except David.David was a small boy in ragged(破烂的)clothes.I had often _3_ what kind of home life David had,and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so _4_ for the cold winter months,without a coat,boots,or gloves.But something made David _5_.I can still remember he was a

21、lways _6_ a smile and willing to help.He always _7_ after school to straighten(摆放整齐)chairs and mop(拖)the floor.We never talked much.He _8_ just simply smile and ask what else he could do,then thank me for letting him stay and slowly _9_ home.Weeks passed and the _10_ over the coming Christmas grew i

22、nto restlessness(坐立不安)until the last day of _11_ before the holiday break.I smiled in _12_ as the last of them hurried out of the door.Turning around I saw David _13_ standing by my desk.“I have something for you,”he said and _14_ from behind his back a small box._15_ it to me,he said anxiously(焦急地)

23、,“Open it.” I took the box from him,thanked him and slowly unwrapped it.I lifted the lid and to my_16_saw nothing.I looked at Davids smiling face and back into the box and said,“The box is nice.David,but its _17_.”“Oh no it isnt.” said David.“Its full of love.My mum told me before she died that love

24、 was something you couldnt see or touch unless you know its there.”Tears filled my eyes_18_I looked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given_19_to.After that Christmas,David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning_20_the little empty box set on my desk.【解题导语】本文作者通过回忆一个学生送给自己一

25、个盛满爱的盒子的故事告诉我们:只要你心中有爱,爱就会无处不在。1A.anxious Bdangerous Cserious Dcareless答案A考查形容词。每过一天,学生们都更加急切地等着放学铃声的响起。anxious渴望的,急切的,符合语境。dangerous危险的;serious严肃的;careless粗心的。2A.warning Bringing Ccalling Dyelling答案B考查动词。上句提到“等候放学铃响”,这里当然应是ringing与bell照应。warn警告;call叫,喊,打电话;yell叫喊,嚎叫。故答案为B。3A.missed Bwondered Creali

26、zed Dlearned答案B考查动词。由语境可知作者在此表示自己的迷惑和不解,即“我经常想知道他过着一种怎样的家庭生活”,用wonder表示“对感到疑惑,想知道”。miss想念,错过;realize意识到;learn学会,了解。4A.carefully BnaturallyCinternationally Dinappropriately答案D考查副词。由空后的冬天没有大衣、靴子、手套可知,这里表示什么样的母亲能让儿子穿得如此不恰当地到学校。inappropriately“不适当地,不合适地”符合语境。carefully仔细地;naturally天然地,表现自然地;international

27、ly国际化地。5A.popular Bupset Cspecial Dfunny答案C考查形容词。由上下文的转折关系可知这里意为“但是某些东西让David与众不同”。special“特殊的”符合语境。popular受欢迎的;upset心烦的;funny有趣的。6A.expressing Bdelivering Cwearing Dsharing答案C考查动词搭配。wear a smile面带笑容,为固定搭配。express表达;deliver交付,递送;share分享。7A.practised Bwandered Cstudied Dstayed答案D考查动词。由语境可知,他常常放学以后“留在

28、”教室里整理椅子、拖地,故D项符合语意。practise练习;wander漫游;study学习。本段最后一句也有提示。8A.would Bshould Cmight Dcould答案A考查情态动词。would可以表示过去经常发生的或反复做的动作,符合语境。他常常只是笑笑,问还能做些什么。9A.aim at Bturn to Cput off Dhead for答案D考查动词短语。由语境可知他应是回家,故D项head for合适,意思是“朝进发”。aim at瞄准;turn to(把注意力等)转向,求助于;put off延期。10A.argument BexcitementCmovement Djudgment答案B考查名词。孩子们对即将到来的圣诞节的“兴奋感”一直持续到放假前的最后一天。excitement“兴奋”符合语境。argument争论;movement运动;judgment判断。11A.sch

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