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1、大学英语215单元Unit1Phrases and ExpressionsTurn in上交 work on努力改善;努力完成 figure out弄懂;想清楚;弄明白 of course当然 ;自然 depend on取决于 try out试用 settle on选定 keep track of跟上的进展;纪录 on the go忙个不停 set aside留出take a break休息一下 all at once同时;一起 at a time每次;一次 ready, set, go各就各位 put off推迟,延迟 be set in stone不可改变的 take a back sea

2、t to处于次要地位 pull out拉出;拔出 right away立刻 work through完成 check off在上打个 based on根据 check out借出 make sense有道理,合乎情理Vocabularyaccomplish完成 advice建议 clue线索 create创造 divide分开 magical奇妙的 option选择 priority优先考虑的事 project课题 responsibility责任 share分享 suggest暗示1. Noneofusareclosefriendsbutweallshareaninterestin spor

3、ts. 我们都不是亲密的朋友但是我们都共享一个对体育的兴趣。2. Wordshaveamagicalpower.Theycanbringeitherthegreatest happinessordeepestdespair. 词汇具有不可思议的力量。他们能带来最大的幸福,也能带来最深的失望。3. In order to work more efficiently, you need to have a to-do list and after accomplishing your tasks, cross them off your list. 为了更有效地工作,你需要有一个任务清单和完成任务

4、后,把它们从你的列表中划掉。4. Hebasicallyhastwooptions:hecangotocollegeandplay football,orfindajobtosupporthisfamily. 他基本上有两个选择:他可以去大学和踢足球,或者找一份工作来养家。5. Hisfailuretofinishhisjobintime has created a lot of problems. 他未能及时完成他的工作造成了很多问题。6. Marydidnttelluswhysheleftschool,butherletters providedacluetotheanswers. 玛丽没

5、有告诉我们为什么她离开学校,但她的信件提供答案的线索。7. Shetookherparentsadviceandbecameascience major at Cambridge University. 她把她父母的建议,成为剑桥大学科学专业。8. KnowingthatMaryalwayshashermealsontheuniversity campus,Isuggestedtakingherouttodinnerforachange. 知道玛丽总是在大学校园吃饭菜,我建议带她出去吃饭,换换口味。9. Inordertobesuccessfulatsomethingyouwanttodo,

6、you need to get your priorities right. 为了成功在你想做的事情,你需要到得到你的优先权。10. Theteacherwantedhisstudentstodoaprojectonlocal traditionsandhowtheyhadchangedovertime.老师想让他的学生做一个项目对当地传统和他们如何随时间发生了变化。11. MyplanfortheprojectworkedafterIdividethetasksamongsmallgroupsofstudentsfromdifferentdepartments. 我的计划为项目工作后,我把任

7、务小组的学生分配到不同的部门。12. WhenIturnedeighteen,Idecidedtotakefullresponsibilityformyself. 当我十八岁的时候,我决定为自己承担全部责任。Structure(英译中)1. Whensheheardthenews,shefelttoohappytosleep. (感到太高兴了以至于无法入睡)当她听到这个消息时,她感到太高兴了以至于无法入睡。2. I think this problem is too complicated to solve in a few hours.(太复杂了,几小时内太难以解决了)我认为这个问题太复杂,

8、在几小时内太难以解决了。3. TV makes you lazy most people become too lazy to make effort to go to the cinema. (太懒而不想花力气)电视使你懒惰大多数人变得太懒而不想花力气去看电影4. Nowhere is too far to travel if at journeys end the traveler can see someone he has loved all his life. (没有什么地方是远得去不了的)如果你终身所爱的人在那个地方,没有什么地方是远得去不了的。5. Its too late to

9、 change anything now. You should have told me your opinion yesterday. (现在太迟了,一切都无法改变)现在太迟了,一切都无法改变。你应该昨天告诉我你的意见。6. For Jessie, this sudden turn of events seemed too good to be true. (显得太好了,令人难以置信对于杰西来说,这突然的事件显得太好了,令人难以置信。Translation(中译英)1. 约翰同时干许多事情,我觉得他应当休息一下。(work on,all at once,take a break.)John

10、 works on many things all at once. I think he should take a break.2. 杨教授说的话有着神奇的力量。许多同学接受他的忠告,开始专注学业了。(what,magical,advice,focus on)What Prof. Yang said has magical power. On his advice, many students began to focus on their schoolwork.3. 由于星期天晚上汤姆没有提示他将做何种选择,我无法弄清楚他会如何完成这项任务。(clue,option,figure out

11、,accomplish)As Tom gave no clue Sunday night about which option he would choose, I cant figure out how he will accomplish the task.4. 我的父亲是极负责任的人。虽然他总是很忙,但他设法每天都给家庭留出一些时间。My father is a man of great responsibility. Though he is on the go all the time , every day he manage to set aside some time for

12、the family.5这个项目的成功与否取决于我们如何确定轻重缓急.(project , depend on ,priority) The success of the project depends on how we set our priorities.6. 在计算机商店里,我的朋友建议我们先试一下光碟播放机再决定买哪个。(try out,settle on)At the computer store, my friend suggested that we try out the video players before we settle on any one of them.7.

13、 我觉得在确定轻重缓急前,把要做的事情全都写下来,是有道理的。(make sense,write down,set)I think it makes sense to write down everything we need to do before we set priorities.8. 如果我们不及时交论文,会有什么结果?(turn in,on time,consequence)If we do not turn in our papers on time, what will be the consequence?Unit2Phrases and Expressionsin fron

14、t of 在什么前面 take delight in 以为乐 take steps 采取步骤 by now 到现在 be ashamed of oneself 为自己感到羞愧 go by 过去take pains (to do sth.) 费力地(做某事)pay attention to 留心 come alive 活跃起来 at times 有时候 a couple of 两个 believe in 信任 make a difference 很重要Vocabularyassure确信 constantly始终 excellent卓越的 exclaim大声说 require要求 reserve

15、保留 respond回应 review复习 struggle挣扎 unpleasant不高兴的 whisper耳语 wrap包装 1) There is no secret to being a(n) excellent student. It is not just about working hard; it is much more about working effectively.作为一个优秀的学生,没有秘密。它不仅仅是努力工作,更是有效地工作。2) There is a saying that good medicine may taste bitter to the mouth

16、and good advice may sound unpleasant to the car.有一种说法说,好的药可能尝到苦的嘴和好的建议可能听起来不愉快的车。3) For many working parents, organizing childcare over the summer holidays is a real struggle.对于许多家长工作,组织照顾孩子的暑假是一个真正的斗争。4) Should college students be required to attend classes? Some say it should be up to the students

17、 to decide. What do you think?大学生应该需要上课吗?有人说应该由学生来决定。你怎么认为?5) We constantly give presents all the time, for plenty of reasons; knowing how to wrap a present well is a useful skill to have - youll use it over and over again.我们经常给礼物,原因很多,知道如何包装礼物是一个有用的技巧,你会使用它一遍又一遍。6) When Jessica opened her birthday

18、gift, she was overjoyed.How beautiful!she exclaimed.当杰西卡打开她的生日礼物,她喜出望外。“多么美丽!”她大声说道。7) Amanda hasnt responded to my emails yet. I cant tell if she is just lazy or has never received them.阿曼达还没有回复我的电子邮件。我不能告诉她是懒惰,还是从未接受过他们。8) The article lists three reasons why we should take the time to regularly re

19、view our credit card statements(信用卡账单).本文列出了三个理由为什么我们应该花时间去定期审查我们的信用卡对账单9) I want to write a letter addressed to the hotel, to reserve a room for my guest who will stay two nights there.我想写一封写给酒店,为我的客人会预定一个住两个晚上的房间。10) The doctor assured me that my shortness of breath was nothing to worry about, tha

20、t I was just overweight(超重的) and needed to exercise.医生向我保证,我的呼吸急促是没有什么可担心的,我只是超重了,需要锻炼。11) As Rick prepared to leave, Jenny whispered something in his car that we could not hear.里克准备离开时,珍妮在他的车里耳语,我们无法听到。12) Fashion(时尚) is constantly changing from one day to the next: what is in(时兴的) one day may be o

21、ut(不时兴的) the next.时尚是不断变化从一天到下一个:是时兴的一天也可能是不时兴的下一个。Model(英译中)1.Myfatherusedtosmoke, buthegaveitupacoupleofyearsago.(过去常常抽烟)我父亲过去常吸烟,但他在几年前戒烟了。2.Weareusedtothetraffic noisenow.(对交通噪音已感到习惯)我们现在对交通噪音已感到习惯。3.Dontworryyoullsoongetusedtohishadtemper.别担心你很快就会习惯他的脾气。4.Iusedtoenjoygardening,butIdonthavetimef

22、oritnow.(过去喜欢园艺)我以前喜欢园艺,但是现在我没有时间。5.Wheredidyouusetolivebeforeyoumovedhere?(过去曾住哪里)在你搬到这里之前过去曾住哪里?6.IdidntthinkIcouldevergetusedtoafterlivinginthecity,butIhave.(习惯在大城市生活)我不认为我能够习惯在大城市生活,但我做到了。Translation1) 文章交上来之前,务必仔细检查一遍。(make sure, review,hand/turn in)Make sure you review your paper carefully bef

23、ore you hand/turn it in.2) 自从我最后一次见到他,5年过去了。他已长成一个高大的小伙子了(go by,grow into)Five years have gone by since I last saw him. He has grown into a tall young man.3) 老师要求学生们详细描述他们在展览会(exhibition)上看到的一切。(require,in detail)The teacher required the students to describe in detail what they saw at the exhibition

24、.4) 坐在我前面的两个学生窃窃私语,我很难把注意力集中在老师身上。(whisper, pay attention to)Its hard to pay attention to the teacher when the two students sitting of me are whispering to each other.Unit3Phrases and Expressionsvote on 投票表决 sure enough 果然 take notes 做笔记 jot down 匆匆记下 back and forth 来回地come up with 找到(答案) cool down

25、变凉VocabularyAllergic对过敏的 blame责备 carefully小心翼翼的 complaint抱怨 crazy疯狂 data数据 effort努力 executive经理 latter后者 observe观察 obviously显然地 separate分开的 sincere真诚的 skeptical怀疑的 solution解决 sort种类 tradition传统 vary相异 vote投票 whenever无论何时1)We cannot eat the same food all the time . Our desire for food tends to vary f

26、rom day to day.我们不能一直吃同样的食物。我们对食物的渴望每天都会有所不同。2)She speak with an almost childlike directness that wins over the most skeptical audience她稚气十足的赢得了大部分持怀疑态度的观众说话。3)On that day thousands of people came to observe ship leaving the harbor .在那一天成千上万的人来观察船离开港口。4)The taxi driver blamed the fog for his acciden

27、t .出租车司机把事故归咎于雾。5)He plans to continue the family tradition and seek a career in politics .他计划继续家庭传统,寻求从政。6)I didnt win , but at least I have made the effort .我没有赢,但至少我已经付出了努力。7)We often hear bitter complaints about the citys water supply . Something should be done about it .我们经常听到的抱怨这个城市的水供应。应该做点什么

28、。8)We bought another car ; it was the solution to all our problems .我们买了另一辆车;这是我们所有问题的解决方案。9)As we cannot agree on the matter , lets vote on it .我们不能达成一致,让我们投票表决吧。10)The poor just wanted a job , any sorts of a job .穷人只想找一份工作,任何类型的工作。11)It is not unusual for a woman executive to have a man as her ass

29、istant.对于一个女人来说执行一个男人作为她的助手这不是不寻常的。12)The man didnt dare to look at us when he said that . Obviously, he was telling a lie.当他说那人说的时候,他不敢看我们。显然,他在说谎。13)If you had done it more carefully you could have avoided that mistake .如果你再仔细一点的话,你就可以避免这个错误了。14)He hasnt started his paper yet . He is still collect

30、ing data for it.他还没有开始他的论文呢。他仍然在为它收集数据。15)Whenever the man came back from a business trip , he would buy his wife a present .当一个男人从出差回来的时候,他会买他的妻子一个礼物。16)Keep the onions separate from the bread or they will make it smell .把洋葱和面包分开,否则会让他们闻到。17)I think she was crazy to drive after drinking so much bee

31、r .我想她是疯了,喝那么多啤酒后驾驶。18)In America , some people are even allergic to eggs .在美国,有些人甚至对鸡蛋过敏。19)On Mothers Day , I wrote a sincere thank-you letter to my dear mom .在母亲节那天,我写了一个真诚的感谢信,我亲爱的妈妈。20)Peter studies in the same class as John . The former likes sports and the latter enjoys music.彼得和约翰在同一个班级学习。前者喜欢运动,后者喜欢音乐。Structure(英译中)1)You can always learn something new no matter how old are you. (不论你年纪有多大)

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