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1、广西贵港市覃塘区九年级英语第二次模拟考试试题附答案广西贵港市覃塘区2018年九年级英语第二次模拟考试试题(考试时间:120分钟, 满分:120分)考生注意:1.请务必把第卷、第卷各题的答案填涂在答题卷上;2.选择题部分必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题部分必须使用黑(蓝黑)墨水笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。第卷(共85分)一、听力理解(共30分)(一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片,每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共4分) A B C D1. 2. 3. 4. (二) 听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共6分)5. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I wont. C.

2、 Yes, Id love to.6. A. Hes funny B. He has a cold. C. Hes good at math.7. A. Mr Smith. B. Hes friendly. C. Lucys.8. A. Its capital. B. Its beautiful. C. Its warm.9. A. In 2015. B. In Hong Kong. C. Judson.10. A. 30 dollars. B. Once a week. C. In the evening. (三) 听对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共10分)A)你将听到五段对话及五个问

3、题,每段对话和问题读两遍。11. A. A scientist. B. A pilot. C. A teacher.12. A. Sallys. B. Davids. C. Amys13. A. Three times. B. Twice. C. Once.14. A. To the beach. B. To the zoo. C. To the park.15. A. At 7:15. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:15.B)你将听到两段对话。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第16-17小题。16. Where are they talking? A. In a restaura

4、nt. B. In a shop. C. In a cinema.17. How long does the man have to wait? A. 20 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 35 minutes.听第二段对话,回答第1820小题。18. Who will Jack spend this weekend with? A. His parents. B. His classmates. C. His friends.19. Where will they have a picnic? A. On the mountain. B. In the park. C.

5、 By the lake.20. What does the girl ask Jack to be careful of?A. Weather. B. Safety. C. Fire.(四) 听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)21. How long will you spend in the camp? A. Twelve days. B. Twenty days. C. Thirty days.22. Where will you go for your summer holiday? A. To the countryside. B. To the city.

6、C. To the forest.23. What can you do in the morning? A. Learn how to feed animals B. Learn how to plant trees. C. Learn how to cook.24. When can you have a party? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening25. What telephone number can you call if you want to go to the summer camp? A.

7、873-1594. B. 873-5491 C. 871-3954(五)听短文,请根据所听到的内容完成下面的表格,短文读两篇。(每小题1分,共5分)My brother PeterWhere Peter is nowIn (26) . How long Peter has been thereFor (27) months.What Peters job is A (28) .Where Peter worksIn a big (29) .What Peter has just boughtA (30) .二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。31. Do

8、you think Mike is honest and friendly boy?Yes. And that is why he is loved by the students in our class.A. the B. a C. an D. /32. I am hungry. But there is little left. I have to go and buy some. A. sandwiches B. potatoes C. water D. bread33. Who lives with your grandmother? . She lives alone. I oft

9、en go to see her. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody34. The environment is terrible. I think it will be even worse we takes actions to protect it.A. until B. because C. unless D. if35. Joan has made great progress in speaking English She works hard at it, you know. A. never B. always C. h

10、ardly D. probably36. How long can a person a shared bike for free in Nanjing?For an hour. A. get B. borrow C. lend D. keep 37. What would you like to do to relax yourself? I prefer to play basketball rather than TV. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. to watch38. More and more volunteers go to see th

11、e sick kids in the hospital to .Wow, Id like to join them. A. wake them up B. wake up them C. cheer them up D. cheer up them39. Are we going to have a sports meeting this week?No, itll be till next week because of the bad weather. A. put off B. put away C. put on D. put out40. I hardly see the words

12、 on the screen. Well, lets go and take the front seats so that we may see .A. most clearly B. more clearly C. clearer D. clear41. Excuse me, what time does Flight BA 2793 leave?Just a minute. I it for you. A. have checked B. will check C. checked D. check42. What will they do if it tomorrow?They wil

13、l go to have a picnic.A. doesnt rain B. wont rain C. isnt rain D. dont rain43. Could you go to play football this evening?Sure. But my homework first. A. finishes B. must finish C. must be finished D. must finished44. The light in Bills office is still on. Do you know ?Maybe at midnight againA. if w

14、ill he stop working B. why he works so hardC. how long will he work D. when he will stop working45. Tim, dont make so much noise. Its too late. . Ill go to bed right now.A. Not bad B. Sorry, I wont C. Yes, I will D. Youre right.三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。Steve was a smart boy. He liked

15、 doing things in a way that he thought to be clever. But sometimes he made wrong choices.One day, his father gave him some 46 and asked him to buy some goldfish. When he got to the market, he found that the killifish looked like small goldfish, and they were much 47 . So he bought some killifish and

16、 kept the rest of the money for himself.When he got home, his father 48 what Steve did at once. He put the fish in the tank (鱼缸) without saying 49 at first. He knew his son didnt buy the right fish. At the same time, he thought his son might have an advantage in marketing (市场营销). And he should 50 a

17、way to help his son grow well. He had an idea. Then he said to his son, “Steve, do you know 51 you have bought? Are they goldfish?” Steve felt shy and said in a low 52 , “Er, no, but ” His father continued, “Well. Im glad you know how to 53 money. I also know you are good at watching things around y

18、ou. But its not right to be dishonest (不诚实). You should do things honestly, or others wont 54 you.” Then he helped Steve start with some chores (琐事), like buying daily things, managing his own money and helping his uncle in his store. Later, Steve worked as a salesman. He felt himself strong in mark

19、eting and kept hard at it. 55 , he became a successful businessman.Several years later, when talking about the key to his success, Steve said, “Thanks to my father. He helped me develop in a right way.”46. A. paper B. money C. gifts D. flowers47. A. cheaper B. better C. more expensive D. more beauti

20、ful48. A. refused B. forget C. remembered D. realized49. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything50. A. talk about B. care about C. think of D. hear of51. A. that B. where C. what D. which52. A. voice B. sound C. face D. noise53. A. catch B. lose C. save D. raise54. A. help B. hate C. teach

21、 D. trust 55. A. However B. Finally C. Later D. Hardly四、阅读理解(一)(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳答案,并把其序号填入题前的括号内。AThe 59 smiles on a smart phone by an old woman in Wuhan in about six months tell a big story. The smiles are from the 59 people who offered her seats on buses. An article on the Internet

22、says that everybody can be a good citizen (公民) because in many cases a friendly smile is all that is needed to build a better world.The 69-year-old woman in Wuhan has taken photos of the people who offered their seats to her on buses. The 59 photos are good memories for her. Some of the smiles are s

23、hy, some are friendly, while others are like sunshine.The old lady is not good at taking photos with her smart phone, so some of them are of poor quality (质量). In spite of (尽管) that, the series of (一连串) photos has become famous on the Internet at once.The smile that the old lady has taken show peopl

24、es care and love for others, which is becoming valuable in todays society. The article says that her act also expresses her thanks to those who have helped her.Offering seats to elderly people on buses has become a hot topic of discussion. There have been many cases of quarrels (争吵) between young an

25、d aged people recently. They could have been avoided if they had thought more about others or had been more thankful when others offered help.56. Where did the woman take the photos? A. At bus stops. B. On buses. C. On the streets D. At her home.57. Why do you think the photos have become famous on

26、the Internet?A. Because they are expensive. B. Because they are of high quality. C. Because they are interesting. D. Because theres a big story behind them.58. The photos that the woman took show besides her thanks.A. her good skills of taking photos B. friendship between friendsC. peoples care and

27、love for others D. what she did on buses59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. The old woman took 69 photos in all. B. The old woman is good at taking photos.C. To be a good citizen, we must offer seats to others.D. 59 people offered the old woman seats on buses during the six m

28、onths. 60. What does the text mainly tell us?A. We should think more about others and be thankful for others help. B. We should help old people on the bus.C. We should offer our seats to others. D. We should take photos of those who have helped us.BI have a bad habit of buying clothes. As a result,

29、I have lots of clothes in great condition that I know Ill never wear. I can sell them on eBay, but I have no time for online sales, so I donate (捐赠) them to the following charities (慈善机构) once a year.American Red Cross They usually help victims (受害者) of natural disasters (灾难). Now, the Red Cross nee

30、ds clothing for men, women and kids, as well as shoes and small toys.Dress for Success Some women are poor and dont have enough money to buy professional clothing for job interviews. Dress for Success provides these women with business clothing for their job interviews.Local Churches (教堂) Most churc

31、hes accept many different types of donations (捐赠), including clothing. They often give the clothes to other church members. For example, a church in my area recently hosted a clothing drive (运动) for a family that lost all their belonging (财产) in a house fire.School Clothing Drives Many public schools do clothing drives once or twice a year. Hosting the clothing drive helps the students learn about the importance of charity. The schools usually donate the clothes they coll

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