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1、蓝歌英语试题1. The little boy was _ when buying the watch from a stranger in town.A. taken on B. taken in C. taken down D. taken for1. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.02. Scarcely had he crossed the finishing line _ he sat down to rest. A. when B. than C. then D. until2. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:0.03. Not everybody could be expec

2、ted to know all the answers, _ some questions called for educated guesses rather than general knowledge. A. as B. so C. such D. once3. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.04. There is little chance that mankind would _ a nuclear war. A. retain B. endure C. maintain D. survive4. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.05. The French pianist

3、who had been praised very highly _ to be a great disappointment. A. turned around B. turned in C. turned out D. turned down5. 【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.06. Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs _ carefully in her hands. A. held B. to be held C. were held D. holding6. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.07. The _ of human knowle

4、dge are constantly being extended. A. bounds B. boundaries C. bottoms D. branches7. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.08. Today we are going to _ on the question of homeless people. A. look B. focus C. turn D. take8. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.09. I had a sudden urge _ the boss what I thought of him. A. telling B. being telli

5、ng C. to tell D. to have told9. 【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.010. It was very _ of you to bring the umbrella. A. sensitive B. sensitivity C. sensible D. sensibility10. 【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.011. The phone was _ around ten, but it was almost four before the man from the company came to repair the line. A. out of plac

6、e B. out of hand C. out of control D. out of order11. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.012. Once Jack decides what he needs to do, hell _ it with single-mindedness. A. go after B. go across C. go about D. go along12. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:0.013. In spite of Spanish origin, Brazil also has certain things which make her _.

7、A. specific B. species C. specialized D. distinctive13. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.014. The supreme authority _ in the President. A. lives B. resides C. exists D. inhabits14. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.015. He was running _ the pace he had learnt from the natives. A. on B. at C. by D. in15. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:0.016. Have y

8、ou met _ scientist? A. that Spanish young brilliantB. that young Spanish brilliantC. that brilliant young SpanishD. that brilliant Spanish young16. 【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.017. He tried his best to distinguish the _ differences in meaning. A. little B. minor C. substantial D. subtle17. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.018

9、. On more _ reflection, I resolved to turn down the offer. A. sober B. clear C. attentive D. strict18. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.019. He _ the wall and ran away. A. jumped B. acrossed C. broke D. leapt19. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.020. _, I can see what you mean although I dont share your point of view. A. On the way

10、 B. In the way C. In a way D. By the way20. 【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.021. After his flight from Harvard he made his permanent home in Washington, _ he wrote a series of books on American history. A. there B. thereby C. wherever D. where21. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.022. I came _ I got your message. A. regularly B. d

11、irectly C. quickly D. instinctively22. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.023. The students will take a _ test in March and the main examination in July. A. primary B. preliminary C. climate D. primate23. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:0.024. _that they made an important discovery in science. A. Very little they realized B. As littl

12、e they realized C. Very little did they realize D. However little did they realize24. 【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.025. He spoke confidently, _ impressed me most. A. so that B. that C. it D. which25. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.026. The house itself is not particularly to my mind, but I like its _. A. setting B. environme

13、nt C. circumstance D. surrounding26. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:0.027. It is said in some parts of the world, goats, rather than cows, served as a vital _ of milk.A. storage B. reserve C. resource D. source27. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.028. Your new _ has a strong footing in the market. A. product B. produce C. producti

14、vity D. production28. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.029. The British constitution is _ a large extent a product of the historical events described above.A. within B. to C. by D. at29. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.030. The energy released by the chain reaction is_ into heat. A. conveyed B. transformed C. transferred D. deliv

15、ered30. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.031. He rushed all the _to the station only to miss the train. A. method B. road C. way D. means31. 【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.032. You will not be _ about your food in time of great hunger.A. special B. particular C. peculiar D. specific32. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.033. The problems requirin

16、g immediate solution will be given _ at the meeting.A. priority B. urgency C. superiority D. emergency33. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.034. You must understand the_ of mathematics before we can proceed further. A. elements B. components C. ingredients D. composition34. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.035. Some research worker

17、s completely _ all those facts as though they never existed. A. ignore B. leave C. refuse D. miss35. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.036. The government adopted a _of massive deflation. A. statistics B. strategic C. strategy D. statistics36. 【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.037. He can _quietly and pick up a few ideas from others

18、. A. sit though B. sit back C. sit around D. sit for37. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.038. _ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.A. The girl was educatedB. The girl educatedC. The girls being educatedD. The girl to be educated38. 【参考答案】:C【学生得分】:2.039. Mobile telecommunication _ is e

19、xpected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies.A. capacity B. potential C. possession D. impact39. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:0.040. The United Nations estimates that at any given time 2.5 million people find themselves in situations that are defined as forced

20、 labor or sexual_A. exploration B. exploitation C. evaporation D. explosion40. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.041. It is unlikely that oil prices will remain at their current low level or that other nations will accept a large and growing U.S. contribution to _climatic change.A. globe B. globalization C. globaliz

21、e D. global41. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.042. Areas where students have particular difficulty have been treated _particular care.A. by B. in C. under D. with42. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.043. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you _ the new carpet.A. crash B. pollute C. spot D. stain43. 【参考答案】:D【学

22、生得分】:2.044. Not _, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.A. obviously B. surprisingly C. particularly D. normally44. 【参考答案】:B【学生得分】:2.045. A _ to this problem is expected to be found before long.A. result B. response C. settlement D. solution45. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.046. I

23、went along thinking of nothing _, only looking at things around me,A. in particular B. in harmony C. in doubt D. in brief46. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.047. Generous public funding of basic science would _ considerable benefits for the countrys health, wealth and security.A. lead to B. result from C. lie in D

24、. settle down47. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.048. Dont _ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.A. release B. relieve C. relate D. retain48. 【参考答案】:A【学生得分】:2.049 A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, _ were surprising.A. as results B. which results C. the results of it D. the results of which49. 【参考答案】:D【学生得分】:2.050. The house was very quiet, _ as it was on the side of a mountain.A. isolated B. isolating C. being isolated D. having been isolated50. 【参考答案】:A

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