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1、EPCheteong合同中英对照GC8.1Contractor shall commence work on the XXCoal-fired Thermal Power Plant right after the Effective Date承包商应该在合同生效之日起,开始执行XX燃煤火电厂总包合同。The Contract shall enter into full force and become effective on the date when all of the following conditions have been fulfilled: 以下条件满足后,合同才能全面生效

2、:1) this Contract Agreement has been signed for and on behalf of YY and the Contractor; YY集团和承包商代表签署合同协议。2) The Bidder has submitted to YY the Performance Security and Advance Payment Guarantee ;投标商向YY集团支付履约保函和预付款保函。3) The Bidder has received the Advance Payment from YY in accordance with relevant t

3、erms of the Contract. 投标商根据合同条款的规定,从YY集团收到预付款。GC11.2The price shall be fixed 合同总价固定GC13.3Amount of Performance Bond is 10% of Contract price 履约保函是合同总价格的10%GC25.2.2Period during which the Guarantee Test should be conducted following commissioning: first test before Reliability Run, second and third t

4、est between start Reliability Run and within 3 months after PAC. 性能实验在调试后进行:第一次在可靠性运行前进行,第二次和第三次(如有)在可靠性运行开始至PAC后三个月期间。GC26.2Liquidated Damages for delay in Time for Completion of each Unit of XXPower Plant will be 120,000USD/day of delay for each unit from the guaranteed Date of Completion or from

5、the date resulting from an Extension of Time for Completion granted in accordance with GC 39, up to a maximum of 10% of the contract price. 对于XX燃煤火电厂每台机组或其任何一部分,如果实际竣工时间延迟,那么从保证竣工期起开始计算,或者根据GC39的规定,从延长后的保证竣工期起开始计算,违约赔偿金为120,000 USD/天,总违约赔偿金不得超过合同总价格的10%。GC28.2 (b)Liquidated Damages payable upon fail

6、ure to meet Performance Guarantees未达到性能担保的要求,需要支付的违约赔偿金是:The Contractor shall pay to YY for Liquidated Damages as stipulated in Appendix 8 of the Contract Agreement. Liquidated Damages for failure to meet the Performance Guarantees shall be 20% of the Contract Value as maximum. Total aggregate liabi

7、lity for all liquidated damages as stipulated in GC26.2 and GC28.2 in this contract shall not exceed 20% of contract price. 承包商向YY集团支付的违约赔偿金在附录8(合同协议)中有规定,性能担保的最高违约赔偿金是合同总价格的20%。本合同GC26.2 和GC28.2范围类所有的违约赔偿金的累计金额不得超过合同总价格的20%。APPENDIX 3 (GC) - INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS附件3 (GC) 保险要求Insurance to be taken

8、out by the Contractor. 承包商承担保险:In accordance with the provisions of GC34, the Contractor shall at its expense take out and maintain in effect, or cause to be taken out and maintained in effect, during the performance of the Contract, the insurance set forth below in the sums and with the deductibles

9、 and other conditions as specified. The identity of the insurers and the form of the policies shall be subject to the approval of YY. The costs for insurance to be included in Bid price依照第GC34部分之规定,在合同履行期间,承包商负责投保或促成投保以保持该保险有效,保险金额、扣除条款及其他条件规定如下。保险公司和保险单形式均须获得YY集团正式批准。标价含保险费。1. Construction and Erec

10、tion Insurance施工和安装保险The following insurance shall be taken out and maintained by the Contractor during the period of delivery/installation/ construction/ field testing/commissioning/trial operation at the Site of the Works covered under the Contract: 依照合同规定,承包商须在现场工程交付/安装/施工/现场测试/调试/试运行期间投保和保持以下保险:

11、(a) Erection All Risks Insurance to cover the entire Works (permanent and/or temporary) from any and all kinds of damages which it is standard international practice for a contractor to insure under such a policy; “安装一切险”:范围含全部工程保险(永久和/或临时性工程保险),即承包商依照保险单规定按标准国际惯例投保的所有损害保险; (b) Third-Party Liability

12、 Insurance to cover injury or death to persons or damages to property caused by the Works or by the Contractors vehicles, tools and/or equipment or personnel; “第三方责任险”:范围包括由于工程施工或承包商的车辆、工具和/或设备或工作人员造成的人员伤亡或财产损害;(c) Workmans Compensation Insurance. This type of insurance is required under Vietnamese

13、Law to be secured by the Contractor for his employees. The Contractor shall, therefore, faithfully comply with the requirements of said law. 依照某国的法律规定,承包商须保证为其雇员提供“职工赔偿保险”。因此,承包商应如实遵照上述法律要求为其雇员投保职工赔偿保险。(d) Automobile Liability Insurance“机动车责任保险”: Covering use of all vehicles used by the Contractor o

14、r its Subcontractors (whether or not owned by them) in connection with the execution of the Works.“机动车责任保险”:范围包括承包商或其分包商为执行施工使用的所有机动车辆(无论所述机动车辆是否属于承包商或其分包商所有)的责任保险。The Contractor has the responsibility to ensure the insurances as mentioned above by the way to employ a trusty Insurance Company which

15、is acceptable to YY. These insurances will be effective to Final Acceptance Certificate issued by Owner specified in Contract Agreement. 承包商负责确保提供上述所有保险,并投保守信可靠的、YY集团接受的保险公司。上述保险的有效期至业主发出合同协议规定的最终验收证书之日。Before commencing the soil investigation works at site, the Contractor shall submit the above Ins

16、urance Policies together with the official receipts evidencing premium payments. 在现场进行土地勘察工作之前,承包商应连同正式收据一起提交上述保险单,以证明其已经支付保险金。Beneficiary for Erection All Risks shall be the Contractor within the Plant fence, and YY out of the Plant fence; Beneficiary for Third Party Liability Risk shall be YY. 安装一

17、切险受益人为电厂围墙内的承包商,以及电厂围墙外的YY集团;第三者责任险受益人为YY集团。Deductibles limit for Erection All Risks: 安装一切险的免赔额限制如下:USD200,000.00 A.O.A for Loss or Damage due to Acts of God由于自然灾害造成的任何一次事故的损失或损害扣除金额为200,000.00美元;USD200,000.00 A.O.A for Loss or Damage due to Commissioning/Testing and Maintenance caused by Turbine由于汽

18、轮机的调试/测试和维修期间发生造成的任何一次事故的损失或损害扣除金额为200,000.00美元;USD100,000.00 A.O.A for Loss or Damage due to Commissioning/Testing and Maintenance caused by other reasons.USD100,000.00 A.O.A for Loss or Damage due to other causes (subject to be revised according to the confirmation of Insurance Policy).Deductible

19、limit for Third Party Liabilities applicable for property damage: USD5000.00 A.O.A适用于财产损害的第三方责任险的免赔额限制为:一次事故5000.00美元。Deductible limit for Third Party Liabilities applicable for personal injury: Nil适用于人员伤害险的第三方责任险的免赔额限制为:零美元。Before PAC, the Owner shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/or damage

20、 which is caused by reason of the Owner (including his employee and consultant); If the loss and/or damage is caused by any third party, the Contractor shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/or damage which cannot be claimed from the insurer; The Contractor shall bear the deductibles for the lo

21、ss and/or damage which is caused by other reason (excluding Force Majeure);From PAC to FAC, the Contractor shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/or damage which is caused by the Contractor. YY shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/or damage which is caused by other reasons. 临时验收之前,业主须承担由

22、于其(包括业主雇员和顾问人员)造成的损失和/损害的免赔额;若上述损失和/损害由于任何第三方造成,承包商须承担造成的损失和/损害的免赔额(该部分保险金不能由保险公司赔付)。承包商还须承担由于任何其他原因(不含不可抗力因素)造成的损失和/损害的免赔额;临时验收到最终验收期间,承包商须承担其自己造成的损失和/损害的免赔额。由于其他原因造成的损失和/损害的免赔额则由YY集团承担。The Contractor shall indemnify YY against all actions, suits, claims, demands, cost or expenses arising from or i

23、n connection with any accident, illness or death (other than such as may be attributable to YY, its agents or servants) to persons employed by the Contractor or his Subcontractor at Site.承包商应确保业主免于任何由于承包商或分包商的现场人员的所有事故、疾病或死亡引起或与事故、疾病或死亡有关的(不是由于YY集团、其代理商或雇员引起)所有诉讼、讼案、索赔、要求、成本或费用。The Contractor shall

24、indemnify YY against all loss and/or damage arising from its improper design for the Works.承包商须向由于其工程设计不当对YY集团造成的所有损失和/损害提供赔偿。The Contractor shall initiate and successfully obtain security payments covering losses and/or damages arising out of the Contract. Failure to initiate or settle the claim wi

25、thin a reasonable period of time shall constitute sufficient grounds for YY to exercise its rights under the Contract. Should the Contractor fail or refuse to maintain its insurance above, YY will secure, renew or maintain said insurance, and any and all expenses incurred thereby shall be deducted f

26、rom any and all sums due or may become due to the Contractor. The Performance Bond submitted by the Contractor shall also be used where necessary to cover such expenses.承包商应发起和获得所有损失和/损害的赔偿金。若承包商未能在合理的期限内开始或解决该索赔,则YY集团有足够理由履行其合同赋予的权利。若承包商未能或拒绝进行上述投保,则YY集团将提供、续保或保持上述保险有效,但由此招致的全部费用从任何或所有到期付款中扣除。根据需要,

27、可以从承包商提交的履行保函中扣除上述费用。2. All Risk Insurance for Transportation of Equipment and Materials.设备和材料运输一切险保险Without prejudice to the Contractors obligations and responsibilities under the Contract, the Contractor shall insure the equipment and materials to be supplied and delivered with a reputable insuran

28、ce company acceptable to YY. The insurance shall be taken out in the joint names of the Contractor and YY for their respective rights and interests, and shall cover all Risks including sea and land transport, and war risk, from place of origin to the Site. 在与合同项下规定的承包商义务和责任不相冲突的情况下,承包商应为将提供和交付的设备和材料

29、投保一切险保险,承包商应投保信用可靠的、YY集团接受的保险公司。由承包商和YY集团依照各自的合同权利和利益联名共同投保,一切险范围为从原产地到工程现场之间的所有运输保险,包括海运险、陆运险、战争险。The insurance coverage shall be one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the delivered cost and insurance premiums shall be paid by the Contractor. Under such insurance, the indemnity must be payable in U

30、S dollars, freely usable to replace or repair such goods. The Contractor, acting as agent for YY, shall initiate proper action and pursue settlement regarding insurance claims whenever damages and/or losses are inflicted on the goods. The Contractor shall be authorized to receive the indemnity direc

31、tly from the insurance companies unless otherwise directed by YY.保额为交付的材料或货物的价值的百分之一十(110%),保费由承包商支付。依照本保险单之规定,保险赔付必须采用美元支付,其应能够自由使用,以更换或修复保险赔付部分的货物。作为YY集团的代理人,当货物出现任何损害和/或损失时,承包商应采取适当的行动和办法处理任何有关保险索赔。除YY集团指示外,承包商应获得授权,以便直接接受保险公司的赔付。YY shall be named as co-insured under all insurance policies taken

32、out by the Contractor pursuant to GC 34.1, except for Workmans Compensation,and the Contractors Subcontractors shall be named as co-insureds under all insurance policies taken out by the Contractor pursuant to GC 34.1 except for the Cargo Insurance During Transport, Workmans Compensation, and all insurers rights of subrogation against such co-insureds for losses or claims arising out of the performance of the Contract shall be waived under such policies.YY集团应为承包商依照第GC 34.1部分规定投保的所有保险的共同被保险人,除了工人赔偿险;承包商的分包商应为承包商依照第GC 34.1部分规定投保

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