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1、unit6wouldyouliketoorder Unit 6 Would you like to order (第一课时)一、学情分析 由于班级大多数没有养成良好的学习习惯,也缺乏综合运用语言的能力。本单元的内容与餐厅有关,与他们的生活联系密切。这将有利于教师开展教学活动,培养学生的学习主动性,从听、说、读、写等方面提高他们的语言运用能力。二、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第六单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A两部分,具体内容为:餐厅英语的部分词汇和短语、有关描述餐厅的对话。通过词汇学习让学生

2、熟悉与餐厅有关职业和食物的词汇。在描述餐厅的对话学习中让学生初步接触形容词的比较级。这部分内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言上的必要准备,为单元任务做好语言铺垫。2教学重点、难点(1)教学重点 通过部分餐厅英语的词汇学习,学生能够掌握相关词汇。 通过有关描述餐厅的对话,学生能够初步理解和运用形容词比较级。(2)教学难点 学生根据提供的有关餐厅图片,口头上简单用形容词比较级介绍饭店的基本情况,如路程远近,饭菜价格等三、教学目标1. 知识目标(1)学生能掌握部分与餐厅有关的词汇和短语及菜单上的食品词汇,如dish, burger, cheese, steak, chicken, coffee, sal

3、ad等。(2)学生能掌握描述餐厅和点餐所使用的句型和习惯用语,如:Do you want to eat out Do you like Chinese food or Western food I think .Restaurant is better. restaurant is father away thanrestaurant.The food is more delicious.2. 能力目标学生能听懂有关描述餐厅的对话。学生能用简单的比较级句式口头描述餐厅。3. 情感目标学生能够了解和掌握餐厅服务员及就餐者的基本礼仪。培养学生大胆开口、勇于实践的良好学习习惯。四、教学步骤Step

4、one Lead-in T: Look, what have I brought for you Delicious.1. Present pictures of different kinds of food and ask students to read out one by one.2. Guess the meaning of the wordTeacher writes the topic on the board and let students guess the meaning of the sentences, focusing on the word “order”. M

5、eanwhile, teacher shows some pictures about ordering food in restaurants to help students guess the meaning. (设计意图:利用猜词义,解决了单元标题中的重要词汇“order”的意思。并自然引入到本单元的关于饭店的主题学习及下一环节词汇的学习。)Step two Vocabulary study 1. Read and tick ( Activity 1) Teacher lets one or two students read the words to see if how many

6、words they can read correctly. If they cant, teacher helps them read the words. Then students read the words and tick out the words related to the restaurant. 2. Look and complete ( Activity 2 )Students look at the pictures and choose the proper words from Activity 1 to complete the dialogues. (设计意图

7、:引导学生联想餐厅的情景,选出与餐厅有关的词,并在读图中再让学生在情景中运用单词,巩固单词学习。通过这两个活动,让学生轻松学习单词。)Step Three Listening1. Pre-listeningTeacher: introduce two girls, Sara and Tanghua, who are talking about the restaurant. First, let students look at the pictures and ask the following questions :(1)How many restaurants are there in

8、the picture (2)Which restaurant is father from the school (3)Do you think the food in Yueguang Restaurant is delicious or more delicious Students: Look at the picture and answer the questions, then work in pairs to describe the picture in simple sentences. 2. While-listening (1)Listen and choose ( A

9、ctivity 3 )Students listen to the tape and tick the answer. After that, teacher asks one or two students to check the answer. (2) Listen and tick ( Activity 4 )Teacher : ask students to read the sentences to get the meaning of them and play the tape.Students: Listen to the tape and find out whether

10、the sentences are true or not. If they cant get the right answers, teacher can play the tape for several times. (3) Listen and complete the dialogue Tang Hua: Hi, Sara. Do you want to _ _ Sara: Yes. Do you like _ _ or _ _ Tang Hua: Id like some Western food. Sara: _ _ Yueguang Restaurant Tang Hua: W

11、ell, I think Meiwei Western Restaurant is _. Its _ _ than Yueguang, but the food is more _. Sara: OK, lets go.3. Post-listeningStudents read them together to understand better the listening material. If students cant understand some of words or phrases, teacher can explain again. (设计意图:pre-listening

12、部分旨在通过老师的简单提问和对图片的描述,训练学生根据图片中提供的信息预测听力内容的能力。while-listening部分通过Activity 3培养学生在听的过程中把握大意并捕捉主要信息的能力,通过Activity 4培养学生在听过程中捕捉细节的能力。 post-listening部分让学生在填词完成对话的基础上, 更深刻理解听力内容。并对描述餐厅的词汇和句型有个基本的了解。)Step Four Speaking 1. Read and underlineStudents read the dialogue after the tape and underline the words an

13、d sentences used to describe restaurant. The teacher writes the following words and sentences on the board. If necessary, teacher can explain the difficult words and sentences . (1)Do you want to eat out (2)Chinese food and Western food(3)What about restaurant (4)I think Restaurant is better. Its fa

14、rther away than , but the food is more delicious. (设计意图:学生阅读对话,并划出描述餐厅的词汇和句子。让学生对描述餐厅的词汇和句型有进一步的理解。)2. Listen and repeatRead the dialogue after the tape again and learn to say the underlined words and sentences.(设计意图:通过跟读对话,让学生对描述餐厅的句型能以口头形式进行表达。为下面的图片描述和对话练习做好语言准备。)3. Practice and talk Teacher show

15、s another picture which is similar to the one of Activity 3. Students work in the group to describe the picture in simple several sentences, which is similar to those of Activity 5, then make a dialogue with the partner according to the picture. (设计意图:提供与课文中相似的关于当地餐厅的图片,联系到学生的具体的生活环境,在图片描述和对话操练中运用所学

16、句型。)五、 板书设计 Unit 6 Would you like to order order eat out Do you want to eat out restaurant Chinese food What about menu Western food I think is better.juice Its farther away thanwaiter The food is more delicious.waitresseat out Unit 6 Would you like to order (第二课时)教材分析一教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第六单元的第二

17、课时,Dialogue B部分,具体内容为:餐厅菜单上的部分词汇和短语、有关点菜的对话。本部分内容是上一课时内容的深入,从去餐厅前的对餐厅的描述过渡到餐厅的点餐活动,带领学生一步步进入贴近其生活的场景,让学生在真实的情景中掌握餐厅点餐的习惯用语。二、教学重点、难点(1)教学重点 通过有关餐厅点菜的听力活动,学生能听懂关于餐厅点餐的对话。通过与餐厅点餐对话的学习,学生能熟练运用点餐的习惯用语。(2)教学难点学生能听懂菜单并写下菜名学生能在真实的情景中口头表达餐厅点餐的习惯用语。三、教学目标1. 知识目标(1)学生掌握菜单上的食品词汇,如dish, burger, cheese, steak, c

18、hicken, coffee, salad等。(2)学生能掌握餐厅点餐的习惯用语,如:Would you like to order now Id likeWell done or medium Would you like something to drink 2. 能力目标学生能听懂关于餐厅点餐中菜名极其习惯用语。学生就餐厅点餐能进行熟练的对话活动。3. 情感目标学生能够了解和掌握餐厅服务员及就餐者的基本礼仪。四、教学步骤Step One Lead-in 1. Class make a word-guessing game. ( T presents the pictures of foo

19、d very quickly, and Ss try to catch and read them out.)(设计意图: 快速呈现食物图片的形式很好地帮学生巩固复习了相关词汇, 有趣生动, 同时也让学生重视到表达可数与不可数名词时的区别。)2. Enjoy a comic short act.T: Now boys, relax your mood. Well watch a comic short act. Its name is 不差钱. Do you think its funnyIts about “ordering food.” Teacher writes the topic o

20、n the board. T: Now,please answer my questions.(齐声回答) Question 1: Where does this dialogue happen Question 2: Who is waiter Question 3: Who are customers Question 4 : Do you often have dinner in a restaurantT: Restaurants are more and more popular with people all over the world. People like to go to

21、 restaurants to taste all kinds of food. (设计意图: 截取一小段跟点菜有关的小品不差钱 ,让学生在欢笑声中慢慢进入到主题,并回答几个简单的问题。)Step Two Vocabulary study Teacher asks students what their favorite food are when they eat out. Several of students are asked to compete with each other to list some favorite food when they eat out on the b

22、oard. Then teacher shows some other words about food people usually order in restaurants. Teacher should give explanation by showing relative pictures to help them get the meaning of the words. (设计意图:让学生以比赛形式在黑板上写出自己在餐厅就餐时喜欢的食物,唤起旧词汇的学习。)Step Three Listening 1. Pre-listening ( Activity 7 )(1) Read t

23、he menu Teacher says: we have our favorite foods when we eat out . In the last lesson we have known that there are two restaurants. Now Sara want to go Meiwei Restaurant. Lets step into Meiwei restaurants with her together to order something to eat or drink today. Now lets look at the menu of Meiwei

24、 Restaurant to find out if there are any foods you like. Teacher says: But do you know What a waiter/waitree might sayWhat might the customer sayWelcome to our restaurant.Are you ready to order / Would you like to order nowWhat would you like to eatWould you like something to drinkWhat about youPard

25、on / Can you say it again.Yes, Id like. / No, thanks., please.Whats the specialty of the houseLets go dutch.(2) Look and tick Teacher leads students to look at the two pictures and let them guess what the waiter might say, then tick the right answers.2. While-listening ( Activity 8, 9 )(1) Listen an

26、d check Students listen to the tape and check the answers to Activity 7. (2) Listen and complete Students listen to the dialogue again and help the waiter finish the notes he makes about what Sara and Tang Hua order. If students cant get the answers, teacher should play the tape for several times to

27、 help them to get the right answers. 3. post-listeningFill the words of the blanks to complete the listening material. Later, Teacher divides the whole class into two groups to read out as waiter, Sara and Tang Hua . Waiter: Would you like to _ now Sara: Yes. Id like _ _. Waiter: Well done or _ Sara

28、: Well done, please. Waiter: Would you like something _ _ Sara: A glass of orange juice, please. Waiter: Beef steak well done and a glass of orange juice. Sara: Right. Waiter: _ _ you, Miss Tang Hua: _ _, please. Waiter: All right. _ _ _, please.(设计意图:Pre-listening部分通过读菜单和猜测服务员所说的话,训练学生根据图片中提供的信息对听力

29、内容进行预测。While-listening让学生帮助服务员写出菜单,训练学生在听的过程中抓住细节信息的能力,并将听到并理解的内容以另一种直观的方式呈现出来。post-listening部分通过让学生在填词完成对话的基础上, 更深刻理解听力内容。学生扮演不同的角色朗读词汇和句子,巩固听力部分的重要内容,并为口语表达奠定基础。)Step Four Speaking 1. Read and underline (Activity 10)Students underline the words and sentences used to order in a restaurant. Teacher

30、asks several students to give the answers and write the words or sentences on the board. If necessary, teacher should explain the key words and sentences. (1) Would you like to order now(2) Yes, Id like (3) Well done or medium (4) Would you like something to drink (5) What about you(6) The same, ple

31、ase.(7) All right, wait a minute, please. .(设计意图:通过听材料,获取关键信息,掌握重要语句,为后面说的活动做好语言上的准备。)2. Listen and repeat (Activity 11)Students read the dialogue after the tape again and learn to say the underlined words and sentences. (设计意图: 通过跟读对话,学说关于餐厅点餐时所用的语句,进一步为熟练进行对话操练做准备。) 3. Act and practice Students make a dialogue with the partner about orde

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