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Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines.docx

1、Module 5 Newspapers and MagazinesModule 5 Newspapers and Magazines教材。知识淘宝短语互译1、work on _2、addto _3、take off _4、in total _5、congratulations to sb on sth _6、从出来;摆脱;戒除 _7、在的开始 _8、赶紧;加油 _9、相信;信任 _10、专心于某事_答案:1、从事;继续 2、把加到 3、(飞机)起飞 4、总共;总计 5、对某人就某事表示祝贺 6、get tid of 7、at the start of 8、come on9、believe in

2、 10、concentrate on.句型梳理1、 now that _ (既然我进行了第一次访问),I hope I can come many more times.2、 was/were doing when句型Amateur astronomer David Bates _ (在通过他的望远镜观察月球时)last night when he got a big surprise.3、 This/That/It+is/was + the +序数词/最高级_(这是他第一次看见外星人)landing on the moon?答案:1、Now that I have made this fir

3、st visit2、was looking at the moon through his telescope3、Is this first time hes seen aliens考向。高考研究常见设题1、 congratulation在一般考查中考查其基本含义及在交际用语中的用法,尤其考查其复数形式。(2009山东)-John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.-Oh, _!A cheer up B well done C go ahead D congratulations答案与解析 D 考查

4、交际用语。根据句意及语境可知,此处应用一个表示祝贺的词(短语)来表达。所以正确答案为D项。2、 welcome在一般考查中考查“you are welcome”与其他交际用语的辨析,很少单独考查其意义及与其他形容词的辨析。A Thats no trouble B You are welcomeC Thats all right D You can never tell答案与解析 B考查交际用语。句意:“对不起,我来晚了。我应该早一点给你打电话。”“不用客气。我也刚到。”3、replace在一般考查中考查其基本含义及在句中的时态。 (2011安徽)-What do you think of st

5、ore shopping in the future?-Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but _A will never replace B would never replaceC will never be replaced D would never be replace答案与解析C考查时态和语态。前半句为一般将来时,再根据题干中连词but可知后半句也应该用一般将来时态。所以,正确答案为C项。4、 belief在一般考查中考查其基本含义及与其他名词的辨析,重点考查其后跟同位语从句的用法。(2013浙江

6、)The only way to succeed at the hihhest level is to have toatal belief _ you are better than anyone else on the sports field.A how B that C which D whether答案与解析:考查同位语从句。由于同位语从句中成份完整,因此应该用that引导。5、 found在一般考查中考查其基本含义及其非谓语动词形式,尤其考查其过去分词形式表示被动意义的用法。(2013安徽)_ in the early 20th century, the school keeps

7、on inspiring childrens love of art.A To found B Founding C Founded D Having founded答案与解析:C考查非谓语动词。句中的主语是the school, 分词作状语的时候,其逻辑主语跟句子的主语必须一致,也就是说“成立”的逻辑主语就是学校,他们之间是被动关系,所以应该用过去分词形式。句意:这所学校成立于二十世纪初,一直都鼓励孩子热爱艺术。6、 take off 在一般考查中考查其基本含义及与其他动词短语的辨析,尤其是以动词take为中心的动词短语。(2011陕西)Some insects _ the colour o

8、f their surroudings to protect themselves.A take in B take off C take on D take out答案与解析:考查动词短语。Take in“吸收;欺骗”; take off “脱掉;起飞;成名”; take on “呈现;显现”; take out “拿出;取出”。句意:一些昆虫为了自我保护会随着周围环境改变而呈现不同颜色。根据句意及语境选C项。应对。重点探究1、 review vt 检阅;评论;温习;检讨vi.写评论 n. 复习;回顾;检讨;评审考点For the review 接受检阅in/under review 在检查

9、中get a review 得到评论receive a review 收到评论write a review 写评论do a review 复习give a review of 回顾have a review of 对进行复习;复习review books 为书写评论review the history/past 回顾历史(过去)review troops 检阅军队review for a magazine 为杂志写评论语境He promised to review the film in one of the evening papers.他答应在一家晚报上为这部电影写评论。The airpo

10、rt suthorities have promised to review their security measurements.机场当局已答应重新检查他们的安全措施。Before theexaminations we have a review of the terms work.考试之前,我们复习一学期的功课。巩固完成句子(1)Perhanps we need a quick _ what weve gone through so far. 或许我们应该很快地回顾一下我们前一段时间的经历。(2)Today we shall _ this week.今天我们复习一下这周学过的知识。(3)

11、The decision will come _ at the next meeting.这个决定要在下次会议上重新考虑。(4)Shell _ at seven this ecening. 今晚7点她复习功课。答案:(1)review of (2) review what weve learned(3) under review (4) review her lesson2、found vt. 建立;创立;创办考点Found a family 建立一个家庭Found a hospital 创办一所医院A novel founded on fact 根据事实写成的小说Well founded 十

12、分有根据的ill founded 根据不可靠的foundon/upon把建立在; 使有根据;以为基础或根据founder n 创立者foundation n.根基;基础;根据;创建;基金(会)语境Our goal is to found a lovely school.我们的目标是创办一所可爱的学校。The castle is founded on solid rock.那座城堡建立在坚实的岩石上。(2013北京)The first city was probably founded no more than 5,500 years ago.最早的城市或许仅仅在5500年前建立。This st

13、ory is founded on a fact. 这个故事是根据事实写出来的。拓展Found, build, construct 和 establish 辨析Found着重在建立之前打下基础build是本组词中最常用的,指一般的“建造,建立”,可以表示具体的、特殊的以及比喻的和抽象的意义。construct强调“复杂性”,不强调花费的劳动(特别是体力劳动),而侧重动脑筋解决建造过程中的问题,即“构思”establish表示稳固、持久地建立起具体或抽象的食物巩固完成句子(1) The story _ actual persons and events.这部小说在真人真事的基础上写成的。(2)

14、People are trying to _ . 人们在试图创建一个新社会。答案:(1)was founded on (2) found a new society重点短语1、 in total 合计;共计;总共total number/amount/cost 总数/总量/ 总成本a tatal of 的总数;的总额语境So how many people are you in total ?那你们总共有多少人?It is reported that more than six thousand people worldwide have died from H1N1 in total.据报道

15、,世界上共有6000多人死于H1N1病毒。These products, in total, account for about 80% of all our sales.这些产品总共约占我们全部销售额的80%。巩固句型转换(1) They were jailed for thirty years in total. They were jailed for _ thirty years.(2) Its like learning a completely new language.Its like learning a _ new language.答案:(1)a total of (2)

16、totally常考句式1、 Now that I have made this first visit, I hope I can come many more times.既然我进行了第一次访问,我希望能再多来几次。Now that表示“既然,相当于since,在此引导原因状语从句,其中that可以省去。Now that the rain has stopped, you can leave.雨既然停了,你们可以走了。Now that I live alone, I feel more relaxed.因为我自己住,所以我感觉更放松。We can breathe more freely no

17、w that the crisis has passed.既然危机已经过去,我们可以松一口气了。拓展Now that 常常被借用。它是一个从属连词,意思和since(既然;由于)接近,但now that 必须引出一个新的情况,否则需要由别的词代替。请看下面的例子:Now that none of us knows her telephone number, we weill have to send someone to deliver to the message.既然咱们谁也不知道她的电话号码,只有找个人去把消息告诉她了。Now that he hasnt fully recovered

18、yet, it will not be proper tp assign him such a hard job.既然他身体还没有完全恢复,指派他干这样的难活不适宜。这两句中用now that 不妥,该换成since或as , 因为“没有人知道她的电话号码”这一事实,过去如此,现在也如此,不是一个新情况;“他还没有完全恢复健康”也不是一个现在才发生的新情况。巩固完成句子 (1)_ you are wrong, you shoule corect it.既然你意识到自己错了,就应该改正。(2)_, lets go for a ride.既然天气这么好,我们开车去兜兜风吧答案(1) Now tha

19、t you have realized(2) Now that the weather is fine2、 when作并列连词时的常用句型:(1) was/were doing sth when(2) was/were about to do sth when(3) had just done sth when(4) was/were on the point of doing sth when(5) was/were on the way to when巩固完成句子(1) We_ suddenly the storm started(2) I _ the telephone rang.答案:(1) were swimming in the lake when(2) was about to leave when

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