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1、新托福听力高频场景 听力亦口语,口语也听力 听力好是因为会会来自“准备” 我来“备” 你来背新托福 听力课 高频场景词全面分类总结1新托福常考言外之意 弦外之音的小词总结a babe in arms = a babe in the woods 涉世未深的人 big shot = figure = somebody = something 大人物 the man in the street = small fish = a drop = common human being = small potato = nothing = nobody 小人物 a blind alley 前途暗淡 a br

2、eath of fresh air 令人愉快的人 a clock watcher 一个总是看时间的人 表示混子 a drop in the ocean 不重要 a fair weather friend 酒肉朋友 a live wire 有电的电线 a lucky dog 幸运儿 a rainy day 困难的日子 a shoulder to cry on 可以依赖的人 a silver tongue 口才好的人 a stitch in time saves nine 小洞不补 大洞吃苦 a wet blanket 让人讨厌的人 a white elephant 大而无用之物 a white

3、lie 善意的谎言 Achilless heel 惟一的弱点 add fuel to the fire 让某人更生气 all ears 认真听 keep ears open 打听 play by ear 随机应变 clock your ear 竖起耳朵认真听 all eyes 认真看 an old flame 过去的男女朋友 appear out of the blue 突然造访 argue the toss 反对无法挽回的决定 as like as two peas 一模一样 as clear as a bell 非常清楚 as clear as mud 一点也不清楚 as cross as

4、 two sticks 心情不好 as right as rain 身体恢复如初 as stubborn as a mule 非常倔强 as weak as a kitten 虚弱 at loose ends 闲着 at ones elbow 容易得到的 at the wheel 开车 back to the grindstone 回去工作 bad blood 不快乐的感觉 knock ones head against a brick wall 硬着头皮去做 bark up the wrong tree 错怪某人 be born yesterday 容易上当的人 = green in eye

5、s = be green be yellow 胆小 beat around the bush 转弯抹角 beat the crowd 远离人群 beat it 快跑 beat the drum 热烈支持 beginners luck 不会玩的手壮 behind schedule 晚点 below the mark 不够水平 beyond all praise 最好 beyond repair 不能修理 = worn out birds of a feather 同一类的人 bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报 blue eye boy 宠儿 bore the pa

6、nts off someone 让人感到特别烦 break ones back 辛苦工作 break the ice 打破坚冰 bright and breezy 无忧无虑的 bring the house down 博得满堂彩 brown as a berry 皮肤晒成健康的黑色 budget conscious 用钱时很小心 carry a torch for somebody 爱上某人 catch a cloud over = give a cold shoulder 使蒙上阴影 chicken hearted 胆小的 childs play 非常容易做的事 clear the air

7、消除误会 come down to earth 脚踏实地 come into ones own 做好自己 come rain or shine 无论发生什么 count sheep 以数羊的方式入睡 cross the bridge when one comes to it 船到桥头自然直 cut back on 减少 cut ones coat according to ones cloth 量入为出 dos and donts 要做和不要做的事 doze off 打盹 dull as ditchwater 特别没意思 eat like a horse 狼吞虎咽 eat like a pig

8、 贪婪的吃 every jack has his Jill 各有各的伴 face the music 面对现实 fair and square 光明正大 fall on deaf ears 不予理睬 fall over oneself 全力 fell in ones bones that 肯定 fill the bill 让人满意 foot the bill 为别人付账 full of beans 精力充沛 get back on ones feet 完全康复 get ones monkey up 让某人很烦 get something off ones chest 一吐为快 get the

9、ball rolling 开始 get the thumbs up 同意 give sb the green light 开绿灯 go Dutch 各付各的 go easy on 对。好一点 go into particulars 描述细节 go through the roof = hit the ceiling 生气 green with envy 羡慕 hard up 手头紧 harp on the same string 老生常谈 have a brain of a pigeon 笨脑子 have many irons in the fire 很忙 have not the foggi

10、est idea 一点儿也不知道 have ones head in the clouds 心不在焉 have time on ones hands 无事可做 hot air 废话 how time drags 时间过的真慢 in a fog 糊里糊涂 in a pet 心情不好 in deep water = in trouble = in hot water = in soup = in difficulties in fine weather 情绪很好 in ones element 如鱼得水 in the nick of time 刚好 in the pink 身体好 all Gree

11、ks 不懂 above head beyond head 超出理解力 jobs for the boys 任人唯亲 jump to it 赶快 keep ones fingers crossed 希望,但愿如此 laughter is the best medicine 笑是消除烦恼的良药 leaf through a book 翻看一本书 let bygones be bygones 忘记过去 live beyond ones means 超支 look before you leap 三思而后行 feel blue 心情不好 make a monkey of someone 让某人出丑 m

12、ake a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做 make an ass of oneself 出丑 make it = do it = succeed 成功 make the air turn blue 因生气而骂人不止 make up for lost time 夺回失去的时间 Monday morning feeling 星期一早上的心情 not to have a dogs chance 一点机会也没有 odds and ends 零零碎碎的杂物 off color 身体不好 on and off 时断时续 on the spur of the moment

13、一时冲动 once in a blue moon 一生只有一次 out of the wood 摆脱困难 over and done with 结束 part company 分手 pass in a crowd 一般 pay phone = public phone 公用电话 pay the earth for 花大价钱 pay through the nose 花大价钱 place a call 打电话 put ones best foot forward 尽其所能 give ones mind to 集中注意力于。 rain cats and dogs 雨下的大 = rain in bu

14、ckets roll up ones sleeves 卷袖子大干一场 second to none 最好的 she is no chicken 不年轻了 skin deep 表面的 stay on the line 别挂电话 stretch ones legs 伸展四肢活动 take a leaf out of someones book 学某人的样子 that will be the day 会有那么一天吗 tickled to death 乐坏了 tight lipped 守口如瓶的 walk on air 心情极好 wash out 特别累 with ones eyes shut 不需要

15、帮助 work like a horse 努力工作 听力小词“背”的好 口语也会“备”的妙 idiomatic2 新托福小词、常考词a big sale 便宜 特价 on sale 特价 new arrival 新货上市 for sale 在出售 sold out = out of stock 买没了 没货了 a good buy = a bargain 买的合适 have a bite 吃 a bunch of 一群 a change of pace 节奏的变化 a conflict in ones schedule 日程安排的冲突 a couple of 几个 a far cry from

16、 差的远 a great deal 好的交易 a heart of gold 金子般的心 = warm hearted as good as Gold 像上帝一样好 乐于助人 a long way off 长途 a matter of time 时间的问题 a matter of waiting 只是时间问题 a million things to do 很繁忙 one in a million 百万里挑一的好 a must 必须要做的事 a phone call away 随叫随到 相隔不远 常联系 a quarter of an hour 十五分钟 a rare treat 少有的款待 a

17、 roll of film 一卷胶片 run out of film 胶片用光 finish the roll 胶片用光 develop the film 冲洗胶片 out of order 坏了 out of power 没电 a stack of = piles of 一堆堆的 a waste of money 浪费钱 a waste of time 浪费时间 absent-mined 心不在蔫 wander 心不在蔫 abstract painting 抽象画 academic calendar 课程安排 schedule = timetable = scheme = itinerary

18、 = agenda 日程安排 account for 解释 a brief account 简洁说明 acquire a taste for 喜欢 = care for = care about act up 加起来 address book = phone book = directory 通讯录 administration building 行政办公楼 security office 保安处 lost and found office 失物招领处 welfare office 学生福利办公室 advanced course 高级课程 vantage course 中级课程 beginne

19、rs course 入门课程 aerobics class 健美操班 agree on 商定 ahead of time = before hand = in advance 事先 air-conditioned 有空调 的 aisle seat 靠边的座 alarm clock 闹钟 set your clock 对表 allergic to 过敏的 and how 可不是吗 annual checkup 年度体检 answering machine 答录机 antique car = broken car = beat up car = second hand car 老爷车 二手车 an

20、ything but 除了 apartment building = dorm = residence = quarter = house = flat 学生宿舍 bed-sit 标准间式房间 apartment complex 公寓楼 annex = wing building 配楼 around the clock 二十四小时的 get around to do = manage to do 想方法来做某事 around the corner 在街角处 as fit as a fiddle = fit = good condition = good shape 强壮 as long as

21、= so long as = provided 条件 ask for a refund 退款 full refund 全额退款 ask somebody for a ride 搭车 at hand 方便 at this rate 以此速率 auto inspection center 汽修中心 back out = kick out = drop out 退出 baggage counter 行李处 be a total bore 特别没意思 be about to 正准备做 be absorbed into = be indulged into = be locked in = be add

22、icted to 沉溺于 be accustomed to 习惯于 be all in a days work 工作认真 be backed up 交通拥堵 behind in = take a back seat 落后 behind schedule 在计划之后 be better off 会更好的 be burned up = hit the ceiling 生气 be capable of 能够 be done = be finished 完成 be free of 摆脱 be hard on 严厉 be head and shoulders above 在某方面强出很多 = out d

23、o = outweigh be headed for 到。地方 be in the mood for something 有情绪做某事 be in the dark 被蒙在鼓里 be known to 为。所知 be in the know about 精通某事 be made of money 是钱做的,很有钱 be off Caffeine 不能沾咖啡因 be on a diet 节食 be oneself 独立 自主 be one old self 老样子 be overwhelmed = beat = all in = exhausted = dog tired 疲劳的dog eare

24、d 书卷页 旧了 be overwhelmed with 被累垮了 be prepared for 做好准备 be relevant to 相关的 be responsible for = be obliged to 负责于 be sensitive to 敏感于 be supposed to 认为应该是 be swamped with 忙于 be through 通过 解决 be tied up 忙于 be used to 习惯于 bear up well 表现坚强 benefit concert 慈善音乐会 better luck next time 下次运气更好 bite off mor

25、e than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂 fully book up 订满了 box office 售票处 break down = go wrong = out of order 坏了 break even 收支相抵 brown paper 牛皮纸 brush up on 再练 bulletin board = notice board 通知栏 bump into = run into 遇到 burn a hole in ones pocket 存不住钱 burn the midnight oil 开夜车 不睡觉工作 burn up 生气 bus fare 车费 by all me

26、ans 当然 call it a day 到此结束 call it quit 放弃 call off = cancel 取消 postpone = put off = put on a hold = delay 推迟 call on somebody 来访 = drop by = drop in = stop by call up 给。打电话 camping trip 宿营旅行 campus security office 校保安处 can not help doing = be carried away 情不自禁 care for = care about 喜欢 carry on 继续 ca

27、rry out 执行 cash a check 兑现 catch on 流行 = hit = popular sell as hot cakes 受欢迎 out of breath 上气不接下气 catch ones eyes 吸引眼球 catch up on = catch up with 赶上 理解 change ones mind 改变主意 check out 结账 借出 check up 检查 cheer up 高兴 chem. Lab 实验室 chemistry lab 化学实验室 chocolate bar 糖果店 class presentation 课堂展示 class pre

28、sident 班主任 class schedule 课程安排 classical music 古典音乐 classified ads 分类广告 clean out 清理 clear the air 消除误会 clean up 清理 clear off 收拾 clear up 天晴 clock watcher 一直看表的人 急着做某事 close to 接近 closet space 壁厨的空间 closing date = deadline = dateline 截止日期 coffee break = tea break 休息时间 coffee pot 咖啡虚 coffee shop = ca

29、f 咖啡店 collect call 对方付费电话 come a long way 大进展 come around to 转变过来同意 comeback 再次出山 come by = drop by = stop by = drop in 顺便来访 come in first in the race 第一名 come out = turn out 结果 come up 发生 come up with 想出 come what may 无论发生什么 committee meeting 委员会会议 concentrate on = focus on 集中精力于 contact lenses 隐形眼

30、镜 cook out 野炊 = picnic cool down 天气变凉 cool off 消气 cost a fortune = cost an arm or a leg 代价高的 count me in 算我一个 count me out 不要把我算进去 count on 依靠 course sheet 课程表 cross out = draw the line 否决 curriculum 课程表 cut down on 减少 cut it out 闭嘴 cut off 断了 cut out for to 适合于 day and night 日以继夜的用功 day in and day

31、out 日以继夜的工作 deal with = cope with = handle 处理 develop the film 冲胶片 dine out = eat out 出去吃 dining car 餐车 dirt cheap 特别便宜 do some errands 做点跑腿的事 dog tired = exhausted = beat = all in 累 dont look at me 不要看我 不同意 dont tell me 你还说呢 表示还用说吗 dorm building 宿舍楼 dorm council 宿舍委员会 dorm supervisor 宿舍管理员 down in

32、the dumps = down in the mouth 心情不好 down jacket 羽绒服 down on ones luck 不走运 down with a bug 生病 drag ones feet 拖拉的 draw up 起草 drive somebody up the wall 让某人发疯 drop someone a line 写短信 drop off 放下 睡着了 drop out of 离开 dry off 烘干 dry out 干燥 dry spell 一段时间的干旱 eat up = dine out 吃光 eat up 吃光 editorial section 社

33、论版 enroll in 登记 enthusiastic about 有激情的 every now and then 有时 = every once in a while every so often 有时 fall apart 分开 fall asleep 睡着了 fall back on 依靠 feel up to 感觉能够做 field hockey 曲棍球 field trip 实习 figure out = find out 计算出 想出 fill in for 代替 fill ones place positionshoes 代替 fill out in 填表 fill someone in on 告诉某人

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