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1、教育周报八年级上module7已审8年级上册M7二、语法选择(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)。在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。Alice followed the rabbit, and fell 31 a big hole. Then she landed on some dry 32 . She came to a wonderland. She found a beautiful garden and a big castle(城堡) there. She 33 three beautiful girls: Snow Whi

2、te, Cinderella and the little girl who sold matches(火柴).First, Alice met Snow White. She was playing games with seven little dwarfs(矮人) by the river. They were planning to 34 the bridge and meet the animals on the other side of the river. Then, Alice met Cinderella. She wore a beautiful dress and wa

3、s dancing with the prince(王子). They danced very 35 . And they were very happy. 36 , Alice met the little girl who sold matches. She was living with her grandmother happily. They 37 a Christmas dinner at that time.Finally, they took Alice around to show her many interesting things.When they went to a

4、 38 , they drank nice tea. Alice was so glad that she laughed happily.Suddenly Alice woke up. She knew it was just 39 dream. But she really hoped her dream could come 40 . ()31. A. down from B. into C. onto D. off()32. A. leaves B. leaf C. leave D. leafs()33. A. meet B. met C. meeting D. meets()34.

5、A. across B. went across C. go across D. crossing()35. A. best B. better C. good D. well ()36. A. Lately B. Latest C. Later D. Late()37. A. are preparing B. were preparing C. prepare D. prepares()38. A. tea party B. coffee house C. restaurant D. cinema()39. A. the B. an C. a D. ()40. A. truth B. tru

6、ly C. ture D. true31-35BABCD36-40CBACD三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。One morning a fox(狐狸) was 41 his breakfast. He went down to a lake to catch some fish. Suddenly he saw a 42 digging(挖) a hole on the bank of the lake and 43 to eat it instead. Not wan

7、ting the rabbit to discover him, the fox moved 44 towards his meal. As he got closer, he stepped on some green grass. The rabbit then turned around in fear. When he saw the fox, he started to 45 .“Quiet! But 46 do you rabbits shout so loudly?” asked the fox, slightly angry that he had lost his meal.

8、“I am sorry, but you scared(吓) me. Your sharp(尖锐的) teeth make me 47 ,” ansnwered the rabbit. “But I dont want to eat you,” lied(说谎) the fox, “I am only here to help with your work. I will 48 tomorrow and help you dig your hole.”The next day, the fox returned to the lake. There he saw a group of rabb

9、its busily digging 49 on the bank. He thought about catching one. At that moment the rabbit he had met the day before started jumping up and down, making a loud 50 to warn(警告) his friends. All the rabbits and even the fish quickly disappeared. The poor fox could not find anything to eat and ended up

10、 eating fruit.( )41. A. searching for B. preparing for C. asking for D. caring for( )42. A. wolf B. snake D. rabbit( )43. A. enjoyed B. decided C. set D. fed( )44. A. confidently B. especially C. silently D. seriously( )45. A. develop B. follow C. shout D. laugh( )46. A. which B. why C. what D

11、. where( )47. A. surprising B. shy C. nervous D. good( )48. A. be back B. be late C. be close D. be bad( )49. A. stadiums B. reserves C. parks D. holes( )50. A. voice B. noise C. sound D. silence 41-45 ADBCC 46-50 BCADB四、阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读A、B两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应

12、的选项涂黑。AHot Movies in 2020MovieMulanThe Eight HundredLeapRelease(发行) DateSep. 4 (online)August 21stSep.30CompanyWalt Disney PicturesHuayi Brothers Film CompanyBeijing JQ PicturesDirector(导演)Niki CaroGuan HuPeter ChanInformationBased on a Chinese story, the film follows the story of a young woman who

13、poses as(假充) a man in order to take her fathers place in the army.In 1937, eight hundred Chinese soldiers fight from a warehouse in the middle of the Shanghai battlefield(战场), completely surrounded(被包围) by the Japanese army.After 12 years, the Chinese womens volleyball team again won the gold medal

14、of 2016 Rio Olympics. The ups and downs of the Chinese womens volleyball team are attractive(吸引人的).( )51.If you are a fan of Chinese Womens Volleyball Team,you will see _ September 30.A. Mulan B. The Eight HundredC. Leap D. Harry Potter ( )52.The film made by Disney Pictures is _ according to the ta

15、ble above.A. Mulan B. The Eight HundredC. Leap D. Harry Potter ( )53._ directedThe Eight HundredA.Niki CaroB. Guan HuC.Peter ChanD. Zhang Yimou( )54.Which of the following is NOT true according to the information above?A. Mulan is a story about a man replacing his father to join the army.B. You cano

16、t see The Eight Hundred online now.C. You cant see Mulan in the cinema during the 2020 summer holiday.D.You can watch Leap on October 1st, 2020.( )55. You may see the three posters(海报) in a _.A. storybook B. guidebook C. newspaper D. novel51-55 CABAC BOne day a farmer took his horse to the town for

17、sale and hoped to bring some money home. On his way he saw an old woman. She looked weak, so the farmer carried her on his horse. Before the woman said goodbye, she gave the farmer a ring(戒指). She told him that the ring had magic power and could make any dream come true. But he could make only one w

18、ish. Later the farmer sold his horse and began to walk home. Then he met an old friend and went to his friends house to take a rest. After drinking some wine (酒), the farmer talked to his friend about the ring. The friend asked him to drink more wine to celebrate his good luck. The farmer drank too

19、much and then fell asleep. The friend took the ring away and put another one in its place. After the farmer woke up and left, the man took out the ring and said, “Fill the house with gold.”Lots of gold fell down like heavy rain and killed the man. When the farmer got home, he thought he should wait

20、until his children grew older to decide what wish was the best. So he hid (藏) it and forgot about it after several years. ( )56. The farmer went to the town to . A. sell his horse B. buy a horse C. help a woman D. visit his friend ( )57. Why did the farmer fall asleep? A. Because he was very tired.

21、B. Because he talked too much with his friend. C. Because he was very happy. D. Because he drank too much wine. ( )58. What does the underlined word “it” mean? A. The gold. B. The horse. C. The friend. D. The ring. ( )59. What do you think about the farmers friend? A. He is very kind. B. He is very

22、rich. C. He is very greedy (贪心的). D. He is careless. ( )60. Which is the best title for the story? A. A Horse B. A Magic Ring C. A Wish for Gold D. How to Be Famous5660 ADDCB C配对阅读 左栏是对五个人情况的描述,右栏是七种文化的介绍,请你将左栏和右栏的信息进行配对,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。( )61. Mr. ZhangIt is the first time for Mr Zhang to drive a car

23、with his friends in America. He is kind of nervous.( )62. Chen Fang She has celebrated Chinese New Years Day for times. Now she is curious(好奇) about other countries festivals.( )63. Tong DaHe was asked to an American friends home for dinner. Its new to him.( )64. EdisonHe falls in love with a beauti

24、ful lady, but she doesnt know it.( )65. Miss XieShe is going to have a trip in London. She is not sure what kind of clothes she should take.A. New Years DayIt is on January 1st with a large celebration of New Year. We will stay up late to welcome the coming of the new year. Maybe we will have a big

25、party together.B. Valentines DayIt falls on Feb. 14th. It is a sweethearts day, on which people who fall in love with each other express(表达) their love message.C. Traffic Rules in AmericaKeep left! Dont use your horn(喇叭) to express anger or complain(埋怨).D. Weather in EnglandIt is changeable. Dont be

26、 surprised to see Englishmen leave home on a bright, sunny morning with a raincoat or an umbrella.E. Names and Titles(头衔)What is in a name? Can we say Teacher Chen? How to use Mr, Miss, Dr, or Prof?F. Eating in AmericaHow to use the knife and fork? Arrive on time or earlier? It 0G. ChristmasIt is on

27、 Dec. 25th. The biggest and best-loved holiday in the USA. Hanging a stocking(长筒袜), Christmas Tree, get presents from Santa Claus.61-65 CGFBD五、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 A long time ago, there was an emperor(皇帝). He had a beautiful (66) . In th

28、e garden, there was a little nightingale (夜莺) singing very beautifully.One day, the emperor heard about this little birds beautiful voice. He asked his guards to bring her to him. As soon as (67) emperor heard the nightingales voice, he said, “Put her in a golden cage(鸟笼),(68) she can stay and sing

29、for me whenever I want to hear her.”The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped (69) one day. The emperor was very angry. He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for (70) . The bird could sing very beautifully, (71) .The emperor was pleased.Soon

30、the robot bird became old. It (72)_ longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time,the emperor became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the old robot bird couldnt sing (73)_more. Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing

31、 her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and 74 day by day.After the emperor recovered(康复), he changed a lot and became kind to his people. (75)_ then on, all his people cherished(珍惜)him for his love and kindness. 66. garden 67. the 68. so/and 69. singing 70. him 71. too 72. no 73. any 74. better 75. From六、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分, 共20分)A.回答问题。阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题(共10分,每小题2分)When I first reached this island, I had nothing. But I have found the ship and made a small boat. I have brought back many things

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