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1、江苏省兴化市学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题牛津译林江苏省兴化市2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 第一部分 选择题(共85分)一、听力(20分)I. 听对话,回答问题。 本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍,在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后你将有5秒钟的时间选择最合适的备选答案。( )1. Which place are they talking about? A. B. C.( )2. Where has the man been? A. B. C.( )3. What did the mans family do last ni

2、ght? A. B. C.( )4. What are they talking about?A. B. C.( )5. Why hasnt Helen finished her Maths homework? A. She is too busy. B. She isnt able to do it. C. She left it at home.( ) 6. When will the womans train leave? A. 9:15. B. 9:50. C. 10:50.( )7. Where is probably Lily now ? A. In the classroom B

3、. On her way home C. At home ( )8. Where will they go for a walk tomorrow? A. On the beach. B. In the park. C. In the countryside.( )9. How does the woman feel about her job? A. She doesnt like it very much. B. She cares about it a lot. C. She hates working at her office.( )10. What does the woman d

4、o? A. A teacher. B. A librarian. C. A shopkeeper.II.听对话和短文回答问题。(10分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,听两遍,在听每段对话或短文前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读相关题目,听完后你将有时间选择最合适的备选答案。听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。( )11. Why wont Mike be able to have dinner with Lily on Friday? A. Because he will work late. B. Because he will go to a party. C. Because he will go

5、to London.( )12. When will they have dinner together? A. Next Wednesday. B. Next Tuesday. C. This Friday.听一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。短文读两遍。My friend-PeterNationality(国籍)_13_JobA student in Beijing Sunshine Secondary SchoolHobbies_14_ and playing footballPersonalityHe is helpful.

6、His parentsHis father is an engineer and his mother is a_15_.( )13. A. America B. Britian C. Canada( )14. A. Playing computer games B. Listening to music C. Reading and fishing( )15. A. engineer B. officer C. teacher听一篇短文,回答1620小题。( ) 16. Where did John live in the story?A. In the northeast of Engla

7、nd. B. In the middle of England.C. In the south of England.( ) 17. Why did he go to London?A. He wanted to study there. B. He wanted to find a job there. C. He went to see his friends there.( ) 18. How did he go to London? A. By bus. B. By car. C. By train.( ) 19. How many people were there in his c

8、ompartment (车厢) when the man with a knife came in? A. Three. B. Two. C. One. ( ) 20. Why was John shaking so much when he saw the man with a knife? A. Because he thought the man would kill him. B. Because he had no money. C. Because he thought the man was a conductor (列车员), and he didnt have a ticke

9、t.二、选择题(20分)( )21. The interviewer is having_ interview with_ 18-year-old girl.A. a; a B. an; a C. a; an D. an; an( )22. Jimmy _Alice in 1985,they _for 20 years.A. got married with, have married B. got married to, have marriedC. married ,have been married D. got married, have been married( )23. _ ma

10、ny fish in the river, but now we cant see any A. There was B. It used to be C. There used to have D .There used to be ( )24. What a fantastic time they had_ strawberries in the field at weekends!. A. picking up B. to pick up C. picking D. to pick( )25. - We will hold the Winter Olympic Games in 2022

11、 .- Wow, _! A. what an exciting news B. how excited the news is C. what exciting news D. how exciting news ( )26. -Our country _ a lot so far . -Yes . I hope it will be even _ . A. has changed ; well B. changed ; good C. has changed ; better D. changed ; better( )27. The highway from Zunyi to Renhua

12、i _for about two years.A. has opened B. has been open C. has been opened D. opened( )28. Dont leave the light on after you leave the classroom _.A. I hope so B. Im afraid not C. Its nothing D. Sorry, I wont ( )29. Would you like to attend Chinas Got Talent中国达人秀? _, but Im busy preparing for my test.

13、A. My pleasure B. Id love to C. Thats all right D. Never mind( )30. I saw a number of pancakes in the plate, but now there is _ left in it.A. none B. something C. nothing D. no one( )31. We have lived _with my parents. the northern of the north part of the northern part of northe

14、rn part of( )32. He has studied in our school _. A. since five years B. for five years C. for five years ago D. in five years( )33. The price of petrol(汽油) is not _ that of last year, so some more people are planning to buy cars.A. as expensive as B. so cheap as C. as low as D. so high as( )34.Good

15、to see you again. Three years_ since we met last time A. have passed B. have past C. has passed D. has past( )35. Everyone _Jim _England. They will stay there for a week. A. and, has gone to B. except, has gone to C. as well as, has been to D. but, went to( )36. The modern traffic has changed our lives .A. in some w

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