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1、综合英语6翻译原题+答案Unit 61). 这么多年过去了,现在他仍然抱着她会被他的爱所感动并嫁给他的希望。(cling to) 2). 为了友谊,他选择对约翰的严重错误保持沉默。(in the name of) 3). 他感觉自己在所有那些聪明人中间像个冒牌货似乎他根本没资格在那儿。(impostor)4). 她因滑稽、粗俗和大胆成了美国最出名的电视名人之一。(profane)5). 一群好奇的旁观者很快聚拢过来看发生了什么事。(onlooker)6). 再次听到那支曲子使他内心充满了怀旧之情。(nostalgia)7). 我讨厌不得不在天还没亮时起床。(detest)8). 地方政府的这项

2、新政策引起了环保组织的强烈抗议。(provoke) 9). 这本书中有好几个优美的描写片段。(sublime)10). 我察觉到他对安排不大满意,于是预订了另一家旅馆。(perceive)Keys1). 这么多年过去了,现在他仍然抱着她会被他的爱所感动并嫁给他的希望。(cling to) After so many years he is still clinging to the hope that she will be moved by his love and marry him. cling to: to stick to or fit very tightly on somethi

3、nge.g. Gareths dripping clothes clung to his body.2). 为了友谊,他选择对约翰的严重错误保持沉默。(in the name of) He chose to remain silent about Johns serious mistake in the name of friendship. in the name of: representing someone or somethinge.g. They said they came in the name of peace.3). 他感觉自己在所有那些聪明人中间像个冒牌货似乎他根本没资格

4、在那儿。(impostor)He felt like an impostor among all those intelligent people, as if he had no right to be there. impostor n. someone who pretends to be someone else, in order to trick peoplee.g. We knew he was an impostor because he spoke with a foreign accent. 4). 她因滑稽、粗俗和大胆成了美国最出名的电视名人之一。(profane)Fun

5、ny, profane and fearless, she has become one of Americas biggest television celebrities. profane adj. showing a lack of respect for God or religious objects, places, or beliefse.g. 1. He rose exultantly from their profane surprise. 2. Both movies are frank, verbally profane and violent.5). 一群好奇的旁观者很

6、快聚拢过来看发生了什么事。(onlooker)A crowd of curious onlookers soon gathered to see what was happening. onlooker n. someone who watches something happen but does not take part in ite.g. An impartial onlooker must be sought out. 6). 再次听到那支曲子使他内心充满了怀旧之情。(nostalgia)Hearing that tune again filled him with nostalgi

7、a.nostalgia n. thoughts about happy times in your past, often mixed with the wish to be back in the paste.g. a strong feeling of nostalgiastories full of nostalgia for the good old days7). 我讨厌不得不在天还没亮时起床。(detest)I detest having to get up when its still dark outside.detest vt. to hate someone or some

8、thinge.g. I detest people who deceive and tell lies. Elites always detest gifted and nimble outsiders. 8). 地方政府的这项新政策引起了环保组织的强烈抗议。(provoke) The new policy of the local government provoked a storm of protest from the environmental protection organizations. provoke vt. to deliberately try to make some

9、one angrye.g. Hes just trying to provoke you.She couldnt provoke him into arguing.9). 这本书中有好几个优美的描写片段。(sublime)The book contains sublime descriptive passages. sublime adj. extremely good or beautifule.g. Sublime music filled the air.He is a man of sublime virtue. 10). 我察觉到他对安排不大满意,于是预订了另一家旅馆。(percei

10、ve)Perceiving that he wasnt happy with the arrangements, I booked a different hotel.perceive vt. to understand or think about something in a particular waye.g. School heads perceive their roles in different ways.Computers were often perceived as a threat.Unit 7 1). 也许有人会觉得我的报告过于悲观,但至少我在报告中实事求是地反映了我们

11、面临的问题。(strike sb. as)2). 这本书很有意思,书中就人际关系所表达的许多观点很深刻。(insight into)3). 我发现在这个国家没有车还真不行。(handicap)4). 警察已经排除了意外事件的可能性,因为时间上太巧合了。(eliminate)5). 她看着他,一脸鄙视。(undisguised)6). 这本书中的人物都是模式化的。(stereotype)7). 只要你坚持锻炼下去,很快就会尝到健康带来的种种甜头。(reap)8). 如果你企图逃税,你就有坐牢的危险。(evade)9). 他一直试图按他的标准塑造我。(mold into)10). 我们没有屏幕,但

12、我们可以把幻灯放映在后墙上。(project onto)Keys1). 也许有人会觉得我的报告过于悲观,但至少我在报告中实事求是地反映了我们面临的问题。(strike sb. as)My report may strike some people as pessimistic, but at least its realistic about the problems we face. strike someone as something: to make someone have a particular opinion or feelinge.g. You dont strike me

13、as a religious man, I said frankly.He didnt strike me as being the jealous sort.2). 这本书很有意思,书中就人际关系所表达的许多观点很深刻。(insight into)It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships. insight n. a chance to understand something or learn more about ite.g. insight into: a revea

14、ling insight into the mind of a violent murderer3). 我发现在这个国家没有车还真不行。(handicap)I found it quite a handicap not to have a car in the country handicap n. a disadvantage that prevents you from doing something welle.g. They told me that my lack of experience was a handicap.His wild past could be a handic

15、ap to his ambitions.4). 警察已经排除了意外事件的可能性,因为时间上太巧合了。(eliminate)The police have eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident because it was so well timed.eliminate vt. to get rid of something that is not wanted or needede.g. Many infectious diseases have been virtually eliminated.He h

16、as had to eliminate dairy products from his diet.5). 她看着他,一脸鄙视。(undisguised)She looked at him with undisguised contempt.undisguised adj. clearly shown or expressede.g. She glared at him with undisguised hatred.6). 这本书中的人物都是模式化的。(stereotype)The characters in the book are just stereotypes.stereotype n

17、. a very firm and simple idea about what a particular type of person or thing is likee.g. He certainly doesnt fit the stereotype of the emotional Italian.7). 只要你坚持锻炼下去,很快就会尝到健康带来的种种甜头。(reap)You will soon reap the various benefits of being fit as long as you keep doing exercise. reap vt. to get somet

18、hing as a result of something that you doe.g. We will all reap the benefits of this important research.8). 如果你企图逃税,你就有坐牢的危险。(evade)If you try to evade paying your taxes you run the risk of going to prison. evade vt. to avoid accepting or dealing with something that you should doe.g. He had become an

19、 expert at evading responsibility.9). 他一直试图按他的标准塑造我。(mold into)He kept trying to mold me into what he wanted me to be. mold vt. to try to change or influence somebody or something mold something into something: e.g. Mould the dough into loaves.10). 我们没有屏幕,但我们可以把幻灯放映在后墙上。(project onto)We dont have a

20、screen but we can project the slides onto the back wall. project onto: to send an image to a screen or other surfacee.g. His letters were projected onto a large courtroom screen.Unit8 1). 她把对家庭投资的控制权让给了儿子。(relinquish to)2). 那个男孩紧咬着一把刀,爬上树去割椰子。(clench between)3). 这家小公司被命令取消所有对消费者这样的限制。(be enjoined to

21、)4). 彼此将近五年没说话后,他们终于和解了。(reconcile to)5). 我们只有非常有限的时间来完成这项任务我们不可能无限期地继续下去。(a finite amount of)6). 如果你不能在截止日前偿还这笔债务,你就将丧失信用。(redeem) 7). 这是本有趣的书,充满了对人际关系的深刻见解。(insight into)8). 我依稀记得多年前曾经见过她。(a dim recollection of)9). 我不愿意告诉她她儿子被捕了。(relish doing sth.)10). 公司的关闭既突然又出人意料。(demise)Keys1). 她把对家庭投资的控制权让给了儿

22、子。(relinquish to) She relinquished control of the family investments to her son.relinquish vt. to give up your power, position, or an advantage, especially when you do not want to do this e.g. She was forced to relinquish her leadership.The company was not about to relinquish its hold on the market.

23、2). 那个男孩紧咬着一把刀,爬上树去割椰子。(clench between)With a knife clenched between his teeth, the boy climbed up the tree to cut off some coconuts. clench vt & vi if you clench a part of your body such as your hand or your mouth, or if it clenches, you close it tightly, especially because you are angry or upsete.

24、g. He clenched his fists in frustration.I could see the muscles in his jaw clench.3). 这家小公司被命令取消所有对消费者这样的限制。(be enjoined to) This small company has been enjoined to end all such restrictions on consumers. enjoin vt. to legally order someone not to do something e.g. Our boss enjoined us to obey the r

25、ules. He enjoined his son to be obedient. 4). 彼此将近五年没说话后,他们终于和解了。(reconcile to) They were finally reconciled to each other, after not being on speaking terms for nearly five years.reconcile vt. if you reconcile two people or groups, or if they reconcile, they become friendly again after a disagreeme

26、nt e.g. The couple has been making every effort to reconcile.Foreign mediators have failed to reconcile the warring factions.5). 我们只有非常有限的时间来完成这项任务我们不可能无限期地继续下去。(a finite amount of) We only have a finite amount of time to complete this task we cant continue indefinitely.finite adj. existing only in

27、limited numbers or amounts, or continuing only for a limited time or distance e.g. The worlds finite resources must be used wisely.6). 如果你不能在截止日前偿还这笔债务,你就将丧失信用。(redeem) Youll be discredited if you fail to redeem your debt before the deadline. redeem vt. to get an object again by paying someone the m

28、oney that they paid you for it, especially when the money was a type of loan e.g. She couldnt afford to redeem her wedding ring from the pawnbroker.7). 这是本有趣的书,充满了对人际关系的深刻见解。(insight into) It is an interesting book, full of valuable insights into human relationships.insight n. a chance to understand

29、 something or learn more about it insight into: a revealing insight into the mind of a violent murderer8). 我依稀记得多年前曾经见过她。(a dim recollection of) I had a dim recollection of having met her many years ago.recollection n. the ability to remember something that has happened e.g. To the best of my recoll

30、ection, weve never met. She was only three, and has only a vague recollection of these events.9). 我不愿意告诉她她儿子被捕了。(relish doing sth.) I dont relish telling her that her son has been arrested. relish v. to get great pleasure or satisfaction from something e.g. Being a role model for younger players is

31、something he relishes.She obviously relishes the opportunity of campaigning against her old rival.10). 公司的关闭既突然又出人意料。(demise) The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected. demise n. the time when something stops existing e.g. the demise of the typewriter in this computer ageUnit 91). 她与他在一起生活度日艰难。(existence)2). 至于你刚才提出的问题,我将另外撰文回答。(as regards) 3). 这听起来也许很无情,但我才不在乎他是否无家可归呢。(callous)4). 他对老板的尊敬几乎到了低声下气的地步。(abject)5). 痛苦的记忆渐渐从她脑海里消退。(recede)6). 我们应该避免对他们的挑衅作出过度的反应。(guard against) 7). 你最好关心关心自己的事而不是我的事!(concern oneself with)8). 该影片是一部有益的家庭娱乐剧。(wholesome)9). 学校中止了给那位学生

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