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1、上海徐汇中学初一英语第二学期期末英文习题集优选最新文件- 仅供参考-已改成-word文本 - 方便更改 Part 1. Grammar and VocabularyI. WordA. Re-do1. /drekn/ direction2. /lk/ luck3. /das/ dice4. /nvat/ invite5. /br(r)/ brochure6. /brk/ brick7. /ssat/ society8. /trnt/ Toronto9. /mel/ male10. /frn(r)/ foreigner11. /si:n/ scene12. /rmu:vl/ removal13.

2、/w:drb/ wardrobe14. /mt(r)/ matter15. /b:ru:m/ bathroom16. /edns/ agent17. /spr rl/ spring roll18. /blu:n/ balloon19. /t:kl/ charcoal20. /sekndl/ secondly21. /f:stl/ firstly22. /fla(r)/ flour23. /regjll/ regularlyII. 词性转换B. Re-do1. 方便的 a. convenient 便利 n. convenience 2. 令人兴奋的 a. exciting 使激动,使兴奋v. e

3、xcite 激动,兴奋n. excitement 感到激动的,兴奋的a. excited 3. 令人愉快的a. pleasant 使人不愉快的,讨厌的a. unpleasant 使高兴v. please 高兴的a. pleased 高兴n. pleasure 4. 邀请v. invite 邀请n. invitation 5. 社会 协会 n. society 社会的 adj. societal 6. 特别的 特殊的 adj. special 专家 n. specialist 7. 篮子 筐 n. basket 篮球 n. basketball 8. 人群 n. crowd 拥挤的 adj. c

4、rowded 挤满了. be_ crowded_ with_9. 英国 Britain 英国人 British 10. 法国 France 法国人 French 11. 国家 n. nation 本国的 民族的 adj. national 国籍 n. nationality 国际的 adj. international 12. 男性 male 女性 female 13. 初级的 adj. junior 高级的 adj. senior 14. 邻居 n. neighbour 邻近地区 n. neighbourhood 15. 选择 挑选 v. choose 选择n. choice 过去式 cho

5、se 过去分词 chosen 16. 使.整洁v. tidy 整洁的 adj. tidy 不整洁的 adj. untidy 17. 有规律地 adv. regularly 不规则地 adv. Irregularly 规律的 adj. regular 不规则的 adj. irregular 18. 混合; 搅拌 v. mix 混合物 n. mixture 19. 宽的;宽度为的 adj. wide 广大地; 全部地adv. wide 窄的 adj. narrow 20. 泰国 n. Thailand 泰国的;泰语;泰国人 n. Thai 21. n/aC. Ref1. 代理人 n. agent

6、代理处 n. agency 2. 小册子;资料手册 brochure =booklet 3. 吸引力 n. interest 使感兴趣 v. interest 感到有趣的 adj. interested 使人有兴趣的 adj. interesting 4. 办公室 n. office 官员 n. officer 5. 口渴 n. thirst 口渴adj. thirsty 6. 防止 v. prevent 预防 保护 n. prevention 7. 残酷 n. cruelty 残酷adj. cruel 8. 照顾 照料 n. care 小心的 仔细的 adj. careful 粗心的 不小心

7、的 adj. careless 9. 种类 n. kind 和蔼的 善良的 adj. kind opp. adj. unkind 10. 保卫i守卫 v. guard 卫兵 士兵 n. guarder 11. 小偷 n. thief pl. thieves 12. 猎取 猎杀 v. hunt 猎人 n. hunter 13. 外国的 adj. foreign 外国人n. foreigner 14. 加拿大 Canada 加拿大人 Canadian 15. 澳大利亚 Australia 澳大利亚人 Australian 16. 印度 India 印度人 Indian 17. 经理 n. mana

8、ger 管理 经营 v. manage n. management 18. 摩托车 n. motorcycle 摩托车手 n. motorcyclist 19. 发动机 n. engine 工程师n. engineer 20. 帮助v. help n. help 助手 n. helper 有帮助的 adj. helpful 无帮助的adj. helpless 21. 紧邻 在 旁边 near = next to 22. 分发 分送 v. deliver n. delivery 23. 和平n. peace 平静的 a. peaceful 24. 令人放松的 a. relaxing 感到放松的a

9、. relaxed 放松,休息 v. relax 25. 动画片 n. cartoon 漫画家 n. cartoonist III. 词组和句型D. Re-do1. 在陡峭的阶梯底部at the bottom of the steep steps 2. 乘公交车去阳光购物中心take a bus to the Sunshine shopping center 3. 去一个餐馆用晚餐have dinner in a restaurant 4. 告诉我们不该做的事tell us things we mustnt do 5. 在阅览室看杂志read magazines in the reading

10、room 6. 在200at 200 degrees celsius 7. 首先,/接着,/然后,/之后/此后,/最后Firstly, secondly, then, next, after that, finally 8. 在图书馆看故事书read story books in the library 9. 穿着厚衣服,戴着手套wear warm clothes and gloves E. Ref1. n/a.IV. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence (1 per)F. Re-do1. -I cant swim.- B

11、(A. Neither cant I. B. I cant swim, either.)2. After hearing the bad news, they looked B (A. unhappily B. unhappy)3. With the help of the policeman, the little girl arrived (arrives/arrived) home safely.4. Dont worry about the exam, boys. You should be sure of yourselves . (you)5. The musical Cat is

12、 still widely performed throughout the world. (wide)6. I think hell decide not to go with them. (decision)7. It is impossible for an ordinary plane to fly to the moon. (possible)8. Please speak louder, so that everybody in the hall can hear you clearly. (speech)9. n/a.G. Ref1. Yao Ming saw soldiers

13、raising the Chinese _ flag in the square yesterday. (national, nation)2. Toms teacher asked him to _ his pen to write a letter. (take, bring)3. Mrs. Li is a nurse. She takes good care of _ children. (sick, healthy)V. Choose the best answer (1 per)H. Re-do1. Show us D you bought B. wh

14、y C. where D. what2. - C is your new flat?-Its 120 square meters.A. How far B. How old C. How big D. How much3. I really cant decide A to choose for my son because they are all nice.A.what B. how C. where D. which4. This sign tells us how D something.A.can do B. can I do C. do D. to do5. Look at the

15、 B baby. Dont make any noise and cover him with a blanket.A.asleep B. sleeping C. sleepy D. slept6. The water is free. B can drink it.A.Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. No one7. This kind of air-conditioner in the shop B very well.A.sell B. sells C. are sold D. is sold8. I have a lot of important th

16、ings B do B. doing C. do D. does9. My new flat on A one-way street.A.a B. an C. the D. /10. Is there anything in your D hand?A.the others B. the other C. another D. other11. A interesting news I have ever heard!A.What B. What an C. How D. What a12. Danny wanted to ask Mrs. Li to teach C h

17、ow to make Chinese rice puddings. A.he B. his C. him D. himself13. Well travel to Hainan Island B 25 July B.on 25 July C.on the twenty-five of July the twenty-fifth of July14. Do you know how long C to leave Nanjing for Beijing?A.does it take you B.will it take you takes you ta

18、ke it15. The number of English learners in the city A to about 5 million last year.A.rose B.has raised C.has risen D.raised16. B a class meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.There will have B.Theres going to be C.Theres going to have D.They will be17. D hard work the removal men are doing!A.What a B.What an

19、 C.How D.What18. Some of us are still staying in the classroom and C have gone.A.other B.others C.the others D.the other19. Which sentence is true? D A.He sees the street cleaners are cleaning the streets.B.Next, the policeman stoped the traffic.C.Two days late an SPCA officer found Sam.D.First, a p

20、oliceman and a policewoman arrived at the scene of the accident.20. A:Would you mind repairing that the MP3 player for me?B:_B_.A.Never mind B.Not at all C.Dont worry D.Youre welcome21. D orange on the desk is for you, Daivd.A.A B.An C./ D.The22. My uncle began to learn Chinese painting A forties.A.

21、in B.on D.for23. Our headmaster B to Beijing to attend the meeting at that moment.A.flies B.flew C.has flown D.will fly24. They A ready for the experiment by eight oclock yesterday morning.A.had got B.has got D.was getting25. Mr. Chen hasnt decided C to do next to do it the n

22、ext C.what to do next D.what to to the next.26. Mr. Smith is A European engineer. Hes worked in Shanghai for nearly ten years.A.a C.the D./27. One of his fingers was wounded. What about A ?A.the others B.another C.others D.the other28. A wonderful newspaper 21st Century is!A.How B.What an C.Wha

23、t D.What a29. About A students in our class can describe that place in English.A.three-fifths B.three-fifth C.third-five D.third-fifths30. Hurry up, A you wont catch the early bus.A.or C.and D.but31. If the prices C in a few years, I will buy a car for myself.A.goes up B.goes down C.come up D.c

24、ome down32. Will you please tell me D ?A.why would he go to the concert B.why did he go to the concertC.why he would go to the concert D.why he didnt go to the concert.33. B do you think will win the first prize?A.Whom B.Who C.What D.which34. Four C and five C visited our school yesterday afternnon.

25、A.GermenEnglish B.GermansEnglish C.GermansEnglishmen D.GermenEnglishmen35. The students of Class Two are going to have a picnic D next coming Sunday.A.a C.the D./36. B he B I are very busy these days. We have decided not to go there.A.Neithernor B.Bothand C.Eitheror D.Not onlybut also37. Jane D

26、 to see the film War and Peace with her friend tomorrow.A.will want B.wont want C.wanted D.doesnt want38. About A of the students in our class are keen on pop B.on-thirds C.first-three D.first-thirds39. Its too noisy. I cannot C the tape clearly.A.listen B.listen to C.hear D.hear f

27、rom40. A do you know is the population of Germany?A.What B.Which C.How many D.How much.41. The students of Class Three became A when they won the football match!A.excited B.exciting C.happily D.well42. Some questions B in their class meeting last week.A.rose B.raised C.were raised D.were risen43. A:

28、Why dont we go to visit the Science Museum with our teachers tomorrow?B: C A.Thank you anyway. B.Enjoy your time there.C.I hope so, but I dont think so. D.No, I dont think that is very interesting.44. Children always think B two years B quite long time.A.that/are B.that/is C.what/is D.what/are45. D

29、students in my school are interested computer.A.The number of B.A number C.The number D.A number of46. I hope youll have a good time there. - D .A.Certainly, I will B.Why not C.Of course D.Thanks a lot47. There are few children living in the hill, A ?A.are there B.arent there C.are they D.arent they48. Tom has supper at school, C ?A.hasnt he B.has he C.doesnt he D.does he49. Dont close the windo

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