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1、突破语法中英对照WORD文本李阳疯狂英语口语突破系列教材-突破语法中英对照WORD文本Crack Grammar实用句子精彩对话全面突破语法语法学习的革命现在开 始我们验证了枯燥的语法 ,语法如浩瀚的海洋, 一拿起语法书,学习英语的兴趣荡然无 存。We were sick of boring grammar.Grammar is just like a bothersome youve seen.You were simply turn off when you read a grammar book.我们验证了专门为语法 造出来的句子,一离开教室,那些句子 就变成了垃圾,显得苍白无力。We

2、are sick of those sentences fabricated for grammar teaching.once we leave the school,the lives of sentences became of sheer rubbbish.李阳疯狂英语给你一个 全新的概念.以最实用的句子,最精 彩的对话全面突破语法 难点。Practical and beautiful sentences.每条语法配数个生动有 力的对话或句子,疯狂 操练,脱口而出,抛开无聊的 语法书本,摆脱乏味的 语法解释,抛弃那些连外国人都不 懂的句子,学语法就是 这么简单。只不过是说说而已。Eac

3、h grammar point is giving vigorous and exciting dialogueand sentences.Just practise crazily and bluster out.Throw away your boring grammar books.Forget about those dull explanations.Put aside of those sentences that even foreigners wonder out,grammar is no more than speaking.我们既是语法专家,更 是沟通高手。We are

4、both grammar experts and communication kings.We are both grammar experts and communication kings.第一章动词时态I love grammar.我爱语法。I hated grammar before.我以前讨厌语法。I will be a grammar master.我要成为语法掌握者。I thought I would never learn grammar well.我认为我从来都没有学 习好语法。Im working on my grammar now.我现在在学习语法。I was strug

5、gling with my grammar .我在和语法做斗争。I will be speaking with perfect grammar.我将用流利的语法讲话 。Ive studied grammar for ten years.我学习语法有十年了。I had forgotten all the grammar I learned for exams.我忘记了为了参加考试 而学过的所有语法。Ive been studying grammar for ten years,我学习语法有十年了,but I still cant speak English.但是到现在我还不会讲 英语。1.一般现

6、在时Top 1: I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语。Top 2: Im Chinese. Im from Beijing.我是中国人,我来自北 京。Top 3: I hope you enjoy your stay here.我希望你在这里过得愉 快。1.A:Whats wrong with you? You look terrible.你怎么了?看上去脸色 很差。B:I have a serious problem. I need your advice and support.我碰到了大问题。我需 要你的忠告和支持。2.A:My boss is in a b

7、ad mood today.我老板今天情绪不佳。B: Really? My boss is in a bad mood every day!真的吗?我老板每天情 绪都不好。3.A:How do I look?我看起来怎么样?B: Fantastic!太棒了!(额外奉献)(1)It is very hot today.今天很热。(2)You look nice in that dress.你穿那条裙子很漂亮。(3)My mother gets up very early every morning.我妈妈每天都很早起床 。(4)I dont know much about China, but

8、I want to know more.我不太了解中国,但我 想知道更多。(5)I really like Chinese food.我真的很喜欢中国食物 。(6)Im crazy about learning English.我非常热爱学英语。(7)I work for an international company.我在一家国际公司工作 。(8)Jim learns quickly.吉姆学东西很快。Jims brother Bob learns very slowly.吉姆的弟弟鲍勃学东西 很慢。(9)The bus runs every 10 minutes.这路公共汽车每10分钟 开

9、一班。(10)Im not interested in sports.我对运动不感兴趣。(11)Does she enjoy her job?她喜欢她的工作吗?(Do you enjoy your job? Do they enjoy their job? )(你们喜欢你们的工作 吗?他们喜欢他们的工 作吗?)(12)Do you know how late the store is open?你知道这店开到几点钟 吗?特别奉献:三最短文突 破第三人称单数A Very Outgoing Person一个开朗外向的人(1)Alice is a very outgoing person.爱丽丝是个

10、非常外向的 人。She spends a lot of time with her friends.很多时间她和她的朋友 们一起共度。She goes to parties.她去聚会,She goes to movies.去电影院,And she goes to nightclubs.她还去夜总会。She takes a Crazy English class every weekend.每个周末她去参加疯狂 英语的课程。She knows everyone in her class.她认识班里的每个人,Shes very popular.她很受欢迎。(2) She also likes sp

11、orts very much.)她也很喜欢运动。She plays basketball.她打篮球、She plays baseball.打棒球、She plays volleyball.打排球,And she also plays golf.她还打高尔夫球。Shes very athletic and she loves being outside.她很喜欢运动,而且热 爱户外生活。(3) Alice doesnt stay home alone very often.爱丽丝很少一个人呆在 家里。She doesnt read many books.她不怎么读书,She doesnt wat

12、ch TV.不看电视,She doesnt listen to music.不听音乐,And she doesnt talk on the phone.也不用电话跟人聊天。Shes very active.她很活跃。She doesnt like to waste her time inside.她不喜欢把时间浪费在 室内。(4) As you can see, Alice is a very outgoing person.你可以看出,爱丽丝是 个非常开朗外向的人。Shes energetic and healthy.她精力充沛、身体健康 。She has a lot of friends.

13、她有很多朋友。I enjoy her company very much.我喜欢跟她在一起。Everyone loves Alice.人人都喜欢爱丽丝。下面再奉送给大家另外 一篇短文,这里面既有 第三人称单数,也有其他人称,操练时 一定要注意其中的区别 。我们再请Lisa来读下面 的文章:(1)My sister and I are very different.我姐姐和我是两个完全 不同的人。Im a teacher. Shes a doctor. I live in Guangzhou.我是个老师,她是个医 生。我住在广州,She lives in Shanghai.她住在上海。I hav

14、e a small house in the suburbs.我在郊区有间小房子,She has a large apartment in the city.她在市区有套大公寓。Im poor. Shes very rich! My father likes me.我很穷,她很富有。我 父亲喜欢我,My mother likes my sister.我母亲喜欢我姐姐。(2) Im married. Shes single.我结婚了,她还单身一 人,She doesnt want to get married. I play golf.她不想结婚。我打高尔 夫球,She plays tennis

15、. I play the piano.她打网球。我弹钢琴,She doesnt play a musical instrument.她什么乐器也不会。On the weekend I usually watch TV and rarely go out.周末我通常看电视,很 少出门。She never watches TV and always goes to parties.她从来不看电视,总是 去聚会。(3) As you can see, were extremely different.你可以看出,我们非常 不一样。But were sistersand were friends.但我

16、们是姐妹,而且我 们是好朋友。(4) Do you have any brothers and sisters?你有没有兄弟姊妹?How do you get along with them?你跟他们相处好吗?2一般现在时 王牌经典句Top 1: Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。Top 2: Health is better than wealth.健康比财富更好。Top 3: Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.脑中有知识,胜过手中 有金钱。Top 4: Time is money.时间就是

17、金钱。Top 5: Mothers always worry about their children.母亲总是为她们的孩子 们操心。4.A: Do you think Chinese people and American people你认为中国人和美国人want the same things?想要同样的东西吗?B: Sure, everyone wants to be happy.当然,人人都想快乐。3、一般过去时Top 1: I came from a poor family.我出身贫寒。Top 2: I was very shy when I was young.我小时候很害羞。To

18、p 3: I hated going to school.我以前不喜欢去上学。5. A: I didnt have breakfast this morning.今天早上我没吃早餐。B: You must be starving to death by now!那你一定饿坏了。6. A: How was your visit to your grandparents house?你去你爷爷奶奶家的拜 访怎么样?B: My grandfather is lonely because my grandmother died.我爷爷很孤独,因为我 奶奶去世了。My grandmother was k

19、ind to us.我奶奶那时候对我们很 好。7. A: I cant believe how much progress我无法相信我的口语I have made in my spoken English!竟然提高了这么多,Crazy English really works!疯狂英语真的有用!B: I told you so.我早就告诉过你了。我和Kim老师见面的时 候,一开始就不得不用 过去时!(1) How did you sleep last night?你昨晚睡得好吗?(2) Did you watch the news last night?你昨晚看新闻了吗?(3) How was

20、 your dinner?你的晚餐吃得怎么样?(4) Where did you go last weekend?你上个周末去了哪里?(5) I called you yesterday.我昨天打电话给你了。(6) I thought I saw you at the shopping center yesterday.我想我昨天在购物中心 看见你了。(7)I went to the hospital this morning.我今天早上去医院了 。Thats why I was late. Im sorry.所以我才迟到。我很抱 歉。(8)I met your husband on the

21、street the other day.我昨天在街上碰见你丈 夫了。特别奉献I was shy; I was lonely; I was a poor student;过去我很害羞,很孤独 ,我是个差劲的学生,I was afraid to speak English;我不敢说英语,but I was saved by Crazy English.但疯狂英语拯救了我。I was amazed by how much my life changed我很吃惊,我的人生居 然在这么短的时间里in a very short time.有这么大的变化。I was suddenly able to do

22、 things I had never done before.我突然间能够做我以前 从来没做过的事了。It really was a miracle.这真是个奇迹。(我喜欢最后一句话叫 It really was a miracle.)4、一般将来时-最单 纯的未来式,表示将要 发生的动作或情况Top 1: I will call you later.我会给你打电话。Top 2: I will find out who did this.我会查出是谁干的。Top 3: I will think about it.我会考虑的。8. A: Where will you be next Wedne

23、sday?下周三你会在哪儿?B: I dont know yet.我还不知道呢。China will increase dialogue and co-operation中国将加强与美国及国 际社会之间的对话和合 作,with the United States and the international community以严厉打击各种形式的to crack down on all forms of terrorist activities.恐怖主义活动。5、be going to形式的将来时-表示 打算将进行某一行动Top 1: Im going to study in America n

24、ext year.明年我要去美国留学。Top 2: Im going to get married next month.下个月我要结婚了。Top 3: Im going to look for a new job.我打算找份新工作。9. A: Theres a movie on television tonight.今晚电视上放一部电影 ,Are you going to watch it?你想看吗?B: No, Im tired. Im going to sleep early.不,我累了,我想早点 睡。(1)It is going to rain.要下雨了,Youd better tak

25、e an umbrella with you.你最好带把伞。(2)Who is going to speak first?谁想第一个发言?(3)He is going to buy a new car.他打算买一辆新车。(4)A: Im going to cook something for dinner.我要做些东西当晚餐,What do you want to eat?你要吃什么?B: Dont bother.不用麻烦了。Im going to work late tonight今晚我要加班,and I wont be home for dinner.不会回家吃晚饭。(5)A: Will

26、you be busy tonight?你今晚忙吗?B: No, Ill be home all night.不,我会在家呆一个晚 上。(6)Next year Ill try to do better with my English.明年我要在英语上做得 好一些,Ill practice more and speak more.我要多练习、多讲英语 。(7)I wont see him again.我再也不要见到他。(8)Youll catch a cold if you dont put on your coat.如果你不穿上外套,你 会感冒的。(9)My car wont start.我

27、的车发动不了。A: Hey, this new band is awesome.哎,这个新乐队真是太 酷了。B: I really want to buy this CD.我真想要这张CD。A: Ive heard its pretty good. Why dont you get it?我听说这张CD非常好。 你怎么不去买?B: I dont get paid until Friday.我要星期五才能领工资 。A: Ill loan you the money.我把钱借给你吧。B: OK, thanks a lot. Ill pay you back on Friday.好啊,谢谢。我星期五

28、 一定把钱还给你。Happy New Year!新年快乐!(1) Its December thirty-first, New Years Eve.)今天是12月31号,除 夕。Janet and John Robertson are celebrating the holiday珍妮特和约翰罗勃森 正在跟他们的儿女辛迪 和詹森with their children, Cindy and Jason.一起庆祝节日。The Robertsons are a very happy family this New Years Eve.这个除夕罗勃森一家很 快乐,Next Year is going

29、to be an exciting year对整个家来说,for the entire family.明年都将是激动人心的 一年。(2) Next year,明年,Janet and John are going to take a long vacation.珍妮特和约翰要去度个 长假,Theyre going to visit Janets mother in Florida.他们要去看珍妮特住在 弗罗里达的母亲。Cindy is going to graduate from high school.辛迪就要高中毕业了,Shes going to move to New York and

30、begin college.她打算搬去纽约,开始 她的大学生涯。Jason is going to get his drivers license.詹森就要拿到驾驶执照 了,Hes going to save a lot of money and buy a new car.他准备存一大笔钱买部 新车。John is going to start his own company and Janet约翰打算开家自己的公 司,is going to help him.珍妮特会协助他。Theyre all going to try something new.他们都要尝试新生活。(3) As you can see,你可以看出,the Robertsons are really looking forward to next year.罗勃森一家真的盼望明 年的到来。Its going to be a prosperous and exciting year对于他们来说,for all o

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