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1、工程管理毕业设计招标文件2016届毕业设计说明书 新千苑项目工程施工招标文件的编制 院 、 部: 建筑工程与艺术设计学院 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职称 讲师 专 业: 工程管理 班 级: 1202班 完成时间: 摘 要招标文件是招标人向投标人提供的为进行投标工作所必须的文件。招标文件的作用在于:阐明工程的性质,通报招标程序将依据的规则和程序,告知订立合同的条件。招标文件即是投标商编制投标文件的依据,又是招标人与中标人签定合同的基础。因此,招标文件在整个建设过程中起着至关重要的作用。招标文件依据新千苑项目的施工图纸,按照招标投标法规定的编制程序和条件来编制清单。招标文件中对工程概况、工程质量要求


3、在完成所有设计任务初稿后,前后经过三次复查修改,完成终稿,在按规定将设计阶段所得成果统一装订成册。在这次毕业设计中我完整地编制了工程量清单,体会到 “准确、清楚、明了、详细”的原则,学到了很多东西。同时也对合同文件有了深入的认识,明白合同中措词严谨和考虑周全的重要性。总的来说,毕业设计是我的大学生活的终结篇。在这次设计中,我的最大收获是:全面熟悉了采用工程量清单的招标文件编制方法和内容,掌握了清单工程量计算规则,明白如何将理论与实践相结合,并学会了以后应如何对待我的工作。关键词: 招标文件;工程量;清单;设计阶段ABSTRACTThe tender documents are the docu

4、ments required by the bid invitation to bid to the bidder. The role of the tender documents: to clarify the nature of the project, informed the tender procedures will be based on the rules and procedures, to inform the conditions of the contract. The tender documents are the basis of the bidding doc

5、uments, and the basis of the contract between the bidders and the successful bidder. Therefore, the bidding documents play an important role in the whole process of construction.Bidding documents according to the construction drawings of the new thousand yuan project, in accordance with the provisio

6、ns of the provisions of the tender and bidding procedures and conditions to prepare the list. Bidding documents on the general situation of the project, the quality requirements of the project, the bidder qualification conditions, evaluation methods, construction organization and design, made specif

7、ic requirements. Engineering calculation is the focus of the design, in the design of the Ministry of construction construction engineering quantity list valuation standard engineering quantity measurement rules to prepare engineering quantity list. The tender human Changde County Housing and urban

8、and Rural Construction Bureau, the drawings and design scheme by Hunan Fangyuan Construction Engineering Design Co., Ltd. provides, the tender agent for Hunan Senmiao Engineering Consulting Ltd.The design for a period of 5 months is divided into three stages, the first stage mainly graduation fieldw

9、ork data collection, at this stage, I widely collected all relevant information, including the construction drawings, tender document templates, engineering quantity calculation of norms, standards and, and a careful analysis of the these data, after two stages to prepare. The next second stage is t

10、he specific design stage, under the guidance of teachers, according to the progress of the design task book requirements, completed the work. The final stage after the completion of all design tasks draft, before and after the third review modify and complete the final version, in according to the p

11、rovisions of the design stage the results of uniform bound volumes.In this graduation project I have completed the project volume list, realize accurate, clear, clear, detailed principle, learned a lot of things. At the same time, it also has a thorough understanding of the contract documents, under

12、stand the importance of strict wording in the contract. Overall, the graduation project is the end of my college life. In this design, the biggest harvest is fully familiar with the the BOQ tender document compilation methods and content, master the BOQ calculation rules, learned how to combine theo

13、ry with practice, and learn in the future should be how to deal with my work.Key word:bidding documents; engineering quantity; list; design stage0 招标公告0.1招标条件本项目已由常德市建设行政主管部门批准建设,实行项目委托管理。项目业主为常德县住房和城乡建设局,资金来源为政府购买服务,现已经具备招标条件。现对 新千苑项目 进行公开招标。 0.2概况与招标范围 0.2.1项目地点:常德县 0.2.2项目规模:总建设面积6561.24m2 ,其中占地面


15、情况弄虚作假投标者,一经发现上报上级建设行政主管部门,依据相关规定进行处理。备注:(1)以上资格条件不符的投标单位,投标时投标文件拒收。 (2)各投标单位每天及时关注本项目在常德公共资源交易中心更新的内容。0.4报名时间及地点0.4.1 凡有意参加投标者,请于2016年5月10日至2016年5月15日(法定公休日、节假日除外),每日上午9时至12时,下午13时至17时(北京时间)持本企业CA认证锁登陆常德县公共资源交易网站()报名,报名时要求上传相应资质影印件(jpg图形格式)。0.4.2 报名时需上传:单位介绍信(原件)、法人授权委托书(原件)、授权人身份证、法定代表人身份证、营业执照副本、

16、资质证书副本、建筑工程专业贰级建造师执业证及注册证(外地企业需提供壹级注册建造师)、税务登记证、安全生产许可证、组织机构代码证、行贿犯罪档案查询告知书等相关材料。0.5招标文件的获取凡网上报名成功后,按系统提示申请下载招标文件。0.6投标文件的递交0.6.1 投标文件的递交截止时间:2016年5月20日9 时。0.6.2 投标文件的递交地点:常德县市民大厅(阅海中央商务区金凤区万寿路东侧,沈阳路与大连路中间C座7楼2号开标厅)。0.6.3 逾期送达的或者未送达指定地点的投标文件,招标人不予受理。0.7发布公告的媒介中国采购与招标网、常德县公共资源交易网同时发布。0.8联系方式1 投标人须知1.1投标须知前附表条款号内 容说 明 与 要 求1.1.2招标人名称:常德县住房和

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