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1、高中英语Module5NewspapersandMagazinesSectionOtherPartsoftheModule教学案外研版必修2Module 5 Newspapers and MagazinesSection Other Parts of the Module原文呈现 读文清障DailyNewspapers in Britain and the United StatesNewspapers in Britain can be divided intothequalitypress(more serious newspapers) and thepopularpress. Qual

2、ity newspapers have home and international news, and sports and cultural events. They also carryfinancial reports, travel news and book and film reviews.Popular newspapers are also known astabloids. They have large headlines, a lot of big photographs and concentrate on news and events about famous p

3、eople, and news about the Britishroyal family.TheTimes is the most famous of the quality newspapers. It began in 1785. It is read by important people such as politicians, lawyers and businessmen. TheSun, founded in 1964, is the most successful of the popular newspapers. Around four million people re

4、ad it every day and it sells more than any other daily newspaper.In the United States, newspapers usually have the name of the city where they are produced (for example, TheNewYorkTimes). You can buy the bigger ones all over the country. The US also has a lot of tabloid newspapers, such as TheNewYor

5、kDailyNews, which are similar to British tabloids.daily adj.日常的,每日的daily还可作名词,意为“日报”。be divided into 被分成home and international 国内和国际的cultural/kltrl/adj.文化的carry vt.刊登,登载financial/faInnl/adj.金融的review/rIvju/n.评论book/film review 书评/影评be known as 作为而闻名headline n标题photograph n照片concentrate on 集中于royal/r

6、Il/adj.皇家的;皇室的politician/pltIn/n.政治家lawyer n律师found/fnd/vt.创立;建立founded in 1964是过去分词短语作定语。around prep.大约produce/prdjus/vt.创作where引导定语从句修饰the city。be similar to 与相似英国和美国的日报课文译文英国的报纸可分成高级报纸(较严肃的报纸)和大众报纸。高级报纸报道国内和国际新闻,以及体育和文化事件。它们也刊登金融报道、旅游新闻以及有关书籍和电影的评论。大众报纸作为小型报纸也被人们所熟知。它们有大标题和许多大图片,并且集中报道有关名人的新闻与事件以

7、及英国王室的新闻。泰晤士报是高级报纸中最著名的一份。它创刊于1785年。重要的人物如政治家、律师以及商人阅读泰晤士报。太阳报创刊于1964年,是大众报纸中最成功的一份。每天有大约400万人阅读它,而且它的销售量远高于其他日报。在美国,报纸通常以出版城市的名字而命名(如纽约时报)。在整个国家里你都可以买到较大型的报纸。美国也有许多小型报纸,比如纽约每日新闻,它们与英国的小型报纸相似。Step 1True (T) or False (F)1Quality newspapers not only have home and international news but also have sport

8、s and cultural events except film reviews.(F)2. Quality newspapers concentrate on news and events about famous people.(F) 3Both the United States and Britain have a lot of tabloid newspapers. (T)4We can find a lot of pictures in tabloid.(T)5TheTimes appears earlier than TheSun.(T)Step 2Choose the be

9、st answers according to the text.1In Britain, the popular newspapers are intended for _.Aroyal family BpoliticiansCfamous people Dgeneral readers2If you want to learn of the position of British government on Iran problems, youll read _.ATheSunBTheTimesCTheNewYorkDailyNewsDany popular newspaper3Ameri

10、can newspapers are easy to remember because _.Athey have the names of the places where they are madeBthey have simple namesCthey have lively namesDwe can tell the contents by their names4The writer mainly wants to tell us _ in this text.Athe British and American newspapersBthe difference between qua

11、lity press and popular pressCwhat kind of newspapers we should read according to what we needDthe most famous newspapers in Britain and America答案:14DBAA一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.astronomern天文学家2.autographn. 亲笔签名3.partn. 角色4.producevt. 创作.拓展词汇1.amateuradj.业余的professional adj.专业的2.delightedadj.高兴的;快乐的

12、delight n高兴;快乐delightful adj.令人愉快的;可爱的3.actorn演员actress n女演员4.beliefn信念;信条disbeliefn不信;怀疑;疑惑5.evidencen证据evident adj.明白的;明显的6.culturaladj.文化的culture n文化7.financialadj.金融的finance n财政;金融8.foundvt.创立;建立foundation n基础;根据;建立founder n创立者;奠基人1.replace vt.代替;取代记法前缀re表示“再,重新”联想前缀re动词汇总rebuild重建retell复述remarr

13、y再婚 reconsider重新考虑rewrite重写 reappear重现2.telescope n望远镜记法前缀tele表示“远距离的”联想归纳tele前缀名词television 电视telephone 电话telegraph/telegram 电报telecommunication 远程通信3.review评论 词块a book review 书评a film review 影评a historical review 历史评论a weekly review 评论周刊a news review 新闻评论二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.now_that 既然2believe_in

14、 相信3come_on 赶紧;加油4concentrate_on 集中于5be_similar_to 和相似6get_out_of 从出来;摆脱;戒除7be_delighted_to_do_sth. 很高兴做某事1.take place 发生2make a note of 记录下来3be divided into 被划分成4home and international news 国内和国际新闻5book/film review 书评/影评6get a big surprise 大吃一惊三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Amateur astronomer David Bateswas looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise.昨晚天文爱好者戴维贝茨在用望远镜观看月球,突然,他大吃一惊。be doing . when . “正在做这时”。I was_walking_along_the_river_when I heard a boy crying for help.我正沿着河边走,突然听到了一个男童的呼救声。2.Is this the first time hes

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