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1、新人教必修三课堂导学Unit4Astronomythescienceofthestars课堂导学基础巩固一、词汇详解1.It exploded loudly with fire and rock,which were in time to produce the water vapor,carbon dioxide,oxygen,nitrogen and other gases,.它(地球)巨大的爆炸喷出了烈火与岩石,最终产生了水蒸气、二氧化碳、氧、氮和其他多种气体, 要点提示:in time来得及;总有一天,迟早 典型例句:I was just in time for the flight.

2、 我刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。 I will see him in time.总有一天我会遇见他。 相关链接:与time相关的短语 in no time立即,立刻at any time 在任何时候 at one time曾经,一度at times 有时,偶尔 on time按时,准时of the time现在的,当时的 例如:I jump into the river in no time.我立即跳入河中。 You may use my watch at any time. 你可以随时用我的手表。 At one time there were not so many cars on the st

3、reets. 从前街上没有这么多车子。 At times I go to the playground to play football. 我有时到操场踢足球。 The guest reached the hall on time.客人准时到达大厅。 I think he is the greatest musician of the time. 我想他是当代最伟大的音乐家。应用探究短语填空in timeon timein no timeat one timeat timesat any time (1)Why are you in a hurry to leave here? Get hom

4、e _ to bathe the children. (2)These buses are never _ and the passengers are always complaining. (3)I am away,please call me _ if someone come to see me. (4)You cant imagine this lake used to be a beautiful place in our province _. (5)He rushed out of the kitchen _ when he heard the shout. (6) _ I s

5、it silently and wonder if this kind of job is worth all the effort. 答案:(1)in time(2)on time(3)at any time (4)at one time(5)in no time(6)At times赠言(1)True friendship lasts forever. (2)With a true friend,the world is but a little place after all.2.It allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases,which h

6、ad become part of the earths atmosphere,into the oceans and seas. 它使地球把曾经存在于大气层中的有害气体溶解在海洋里。 要点提示:allow动词有下列用法:allow sb.sth.同意给某人某物;allow do sth.允许某人做某事;allow doing sth.允许做某事,与permit在很多情况下可以通用。其他动词advise,forbid 也有类似用法。 典型例句:The reading room doesnt allow smoking. 阅览室不准吸烟。 People are not allowed

7、 to spit in public. 不许当众吐痰。 相关链接:permit,allow的不同用法: (1)allow可以和副词连用,permit则不能。如:Mary wouldnt allow me in.玛丽不让我进去。(2)表示客气的请求时,主语是you应当用permit,以表示下级对上级,幼辈对长辈,低层对高层人尊敬的请求。若主语用I,则应当用allow的被动形式。如:May I be allowed to use this knife?=Will you permit me to use this knife?我可以用你的刀子吗?翻译(1)The girls parents are

8、 very strict and they dont allow the girl to stay out beyond midnight._(2)We dont allow making a noise in the meeting room of the school._(3)I allow the little boy a bike for his birthday present. _答案:(1)女孩的父母相当严厉,他们不允许她待在外面超过12点。 (2)我们不准有人在学校的会议室里吵闹。 (3)我答应给小男孩自行车作为生日礼物。开心一刻A chemist asked for marr

9、iage to his girl friend and said,“I am oxygen atom(氧原子) O,and you are hydrogen atom(氢原子) H.So the combine between us is very steady as water.As you know,water is very beautiful.” The girl-friend asked,“Then where is the other H?”3.This encouraged the development of early shellfish and all sorts of f

10、ish. 这促进了早期贝壳类动物和各种鱼类的生长发育。 要点提示:development n. 发展,发育,成长,开发 典型例句:There have been many new developments in gene. 基因方面已经有几项新的发展。 Father watched the development of his baby with interest. 爸爸充满兴趣地看着孩子的成长。 相关链接:with the development of society 随着社会的发展 political development政治动态 housing development住宅区填空(1)A

11、s the new country _ (develop),more and more people live a happy and easy life. (2)America is a _ (develop) country,the average income is very large. (3)In Africa,some countries are _ (develop) countries.They are badly need other countries aid.(4)With the _ (develop) of economy,our society still need

12、s the rapid development of civilization.答案:(1)develops(2)developed(3)developing (4)development 4.They were the last group of animals and they were different because they produced their young from within their bodies. 它们是最为进化的一类动物。从体内生产出幼仔是它们不同与以往动物的特征。 要点提示:different adj.不同的,相异的,常与介词from连用。强调differe

13、nt时,使用very, much, quite, entirely,totally等单词。 典型例句:They are quite different in their tastes. 他们的品位差异很大。 My opinion is different from yours.我的意见和你的不同。 相关链接:同根的词语: differently adv.不同地;有差别地 difference n. 差异;差额;意见不同完成句子(1)My opinion is _ from yours.我的观点与你的观点不同。 (2)The people coming from different places

14、 all over the world speak English _. 来自世界不同地方的人说英语不同。 (3)The twin sisters went to _ middle schools. 这双胞胎姐妹在不同的中学就读。 答案:(1)different(2)differently(3)different5.Small clever animals,now with hands and feet,appeared and spread all over the earth. 一些小巧聪明,长着手脚的动物出现了,它们散布在地球各个 地方 。 要点提示:spread(spread,spre

15、ad) vt.使伸展,延伸vi.(消息等)传开,流行典型例句:Mum spread a new cloth bought in the supermarket on the table when we had dinner. 我们吃饭时妈妈在桌子上铺上一条从超市买来的新桌布。 He spread out his arms to welcome us warmly. 他张开双臂热情地欢迎我们。 The exciting news spread through the school quickly. 这激动人心的消息很快传遍了学校。 相关链接:spread out 传开 spread rumors

16、 散布谣言 spread like wildfire 像野火一般传开 spread oneself 舒展身体 spread the table 铺桌子 spread the load 分摊(工作量)阅读阅读时文,体会spread含义(1)Foot and mouth disease(口蹄疫) spread is a fast spreading disease.Now it has begun its killing on the whole British countryside,forcing the closure of almost everything from country vi

17、sits to sports events,with all preparing for the worst. (2)Fear had spread the nation,indeed the whole world.An unknown deadly virus had infected thousands quickly.There was no cure and the number of cases was rising every day.In the media,SARS seemed to be the topic of every headline.In Beijing,the

18、 streets were empty.Few had to go outside with masks covering their mouths. 答案:略6.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space. 他们把过多的二氧化碳释放到大气层中,这使得地球上的热不能释放到太空中去 要点提示:prevent sb./sth.(from) doing sth.阻止某人或者某事做某事 典型例句:His w

19、ords cant prevent us from buying books. 他的话不会阻止我们买书。 The heavy rain prevented us going on,but we didnt lose heart. 大雨阻止我们前进,但是我们不灰心丧气。 相关链接:另外,与这种结构相似的有stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth.(from可以省略) 和keep sb./sth.from doing sth.(from不可以省略)。 Lynns parents tried to stop her seeing him. 林恩的父母企图阻止她和他见面。 You w

20、ont keep the things from happening. 你不能阻止事情发生。英泽汉(1)Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice. _答案:什么也不能阻止他鸣不平。 (2)Please have an apple to keep you going until dinner time. _答案:吃个苹果就能挨到吃晚饭了。单项选择(3)The heavy rain _ us visiting the attractive lake,but we didnt _. A.prevented;lose t

21、he heart B.prevented;lose heart C.kept;lose the heart D.kept;lose the heart 解析:第一分句的意思是:大雨使得我们不能参观那湖水,可以用prevented /kept sb. from doing sth.,第二分句意思是:我们并没有灰心丧气,用lose heart表达。选 B项。 答案:B7.Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be so

22、lved. 在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。 要点提示:depend on/upon意思为“依靠,依赖”,常用结构是 depend on sb./ sth.,depend on sb. to do sth.。典型例句:The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. 这个国家主要依靠旅游业。 The poor man depends his son to earn money. 这个穷人依靠他的儿子去赚钱。 相关链接:要特别注意depend on it常用于句首或句末,意思为“请放心,没问题”;It all

23、depends和That depends意思为“看情况而定”,二者都用于口语中。例如: Depend on it,hell turn up. 请放心,他一定会来的。 It depends how you tackle the problem. 那取决于你如何解决这个问题。完成句子(1)Is your father coming tomorrow? _ _ (那要看情况).He may not have the time. (2)We dont know if we can offer help. _ _ _ (一切看情况而定).(3)What is your attitude? _ _ _ (

24、请放心).We wont give up. 答案:(1)That depends(2)It all depends (3)Depend on it 脑筋急转弯(1)Why is the library the highest building? (2)Why is the river very rich? (3)What is the longest word in the world? 答案:(1)It has the most stories.(故事,楼层) (2)It has two banks.(岸,银行) (3)smiles(首尾字母相隔一英里)8.They exist everyw

25、here on the earth. 他们存在于地球上各个地方。 要点提示:exist v.存在;there exist表示“存在/有”,此时exist不用进行时。 典型例句:Several people believe the Devil exists in the world. 少数人认为世界上存在恶魔。 There exists warm hearted person everywhere. 好人到处都有。 Conference like the Earth Summit help people understand that there exist serious problems a

26、nd that there is still time to take action. 像地球峰会一样的会议有助于人们明白现存在的严重问题,也明白还有时间来采取行动的。 相关链接:there exist表示“存在/有”,是 “there be”句型的延伸,类似的还有:there stand,there lie,there live,there occur。改错(1)It is surprising that a kind of animal is existing in the dry desert. (2)There exist a good way to solve many diffic

27、ult physics problems. 答案:(1)is existingexists(2)existexists幽默Son:Daddy,I think I must go to see the doctor.My teacher says there is something wrong with my ears. Dad:What is the matter?Son:Things always go into my left ear and out of my right ear in class.9.Before we left,Li Yanping explained to me

28、that the force of gravity would change three times on our journey. 我们起飞前,李彦平向我解释说,在我们的航行中会有三次重力的改变,要点提示:force n.力,力量;(forces pl.)军队;暴力,武力 典型例句:The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building. 那爆炸将该建筑物的玻璃全部震碎。 No man would use force on another in a truly civilized society. 在真正的文明社会中,

29、不会有人对他人实施暴力。 相关链接:by force of 依据,凭借之力come into force(法律)实施 labor force 劳动力the air force空军观察猜想观察下面几个句子中的force意义和词性是否一样(1)The spokesman said that it was quite wrong to solve the dispute by force instead of by peaceful talk.(2)The force of the explosion made all the glass fall into pieces. (3)Every president want to use the forces of his country to strength his rule. (4)They forced the Qing Government to sign the paper. 答案:(1)n.武力(2)n. 力 (3)n. 军队(4)v.迫使10.I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon

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