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HPUX 1110操作系统安装详细安装.docx

1、HPUX 1110操作系统安装详细安装HP-UX 11.0操作系统安装(详细安装)安装所需的介质和资料:HP-UX 11.0 Core OS Install/Update/Recovery光盘(1张)HP-UX 11.0 Support Plus光盘(1张)HP-UX 11.0 Application Software光盘(5张)1安装前的准备:在系统的安装之前检查机器的各线连接,将机器通过网线接到hub上,并且在确保各个外设(磁带机.磁盘阵列等)加电后,然后再开机。我现在重装35的话,需要怎么做呢?要umont已有的目录吗?2在屏幕上将看到:Processor is booting from

2、 fist available deviceTo discontinue. press any key within 10 seconds在10秒之内按任意键,之后屏幕将显示一9个命令集画面:Main Menu. Command DescriptionBoot PRI|ALT| Boot from specified path Main Menu: Enter command 3将HP-UX11.0CoreOSInstall/Update/Recovery放入光驱或DVD,4键入命令SEA,系统会查询硬件设备的物理路径:Main menu: Enter command sea(例如) Path

3、 Number Device path Device TypeP0 8/4.5 Random access mediaP1 8/4.9 Random access mediaP2 5.根据device path如:8/4.5与机器前门内标注(D250)确定光驱或DVD的路径,假设为P1 8/4.9键入命令bo p1回车:Main Menu: Enter commandbo p16 .系统会询问是否要进行交互访问,要输入 n回车Interact with IPL? n注意: :接下来可能出现屏幕乱码现象,解决方法:按User System 键,屏幕底出现8个小亮块,最右边一块为 按F8键,8个亮

4、块发生变化,其中有一个为 ,按F5键, 进入TERMINAL CONFIGURATIONJIEMIAN界面,将TERM MODE项的值改为EM100),然后按F1,保存设置7系统要求选择安装方式:Welcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!Use the key to navigate between fields, and the arrow keys Within fields.Use the key to select an item.Use the or to pop-up a choices list.If theMenus

5、are not clear,select the Help item for more information.Install HP-UX Run a Recovery ShellAdvance Options 选择Install HP-UX,回车继续。8屏幕出现: User Interface And Media OptionslllllllllSource Location Options: * Media only installation Media with Network enabled (allows use of SD depots) Idnite-UX server base

6、d installationUser Interface Option:*Guided Installation (recommand for basic installs) Advanced Installation 选择*Media only installation和*Advanced Installation两项,* 为选中状态,然后OK. 8屏幕出现: Basic Software System File system AdvancedConfigrations:. DescriptionEnvironments:. HP-UX B.11.00Root Disk.File Syste

7、m :Logical Volume Manager with VxFS Root Swap(MB) Physical Memory (RAM) =Languages. Keyboards Additional.对于Basic中的内容不要做任何修改,保留默认值。9选中File System,显示如下(表中数据只是为例,有的数据被省略)Basic Software System File system AdvancedMount Dir Usages Size(MB) % used VG Name/stand HFS 84 24 vg00 AddPrimary SWAP+D - - - Modif

8、y / VxFS - - - RemoveUsage :. VG name: Mount Dir :.Size: Fixed MB - Avail:- Add/Remove Disks -Additional Task-在这里可以修改各系统文件的空间大小 Type Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on hfs /dev/vg00/lvol1 199381/200M 29440 150002 16% /stand * /dev/vg00/lvol2 199381/2048M * * *% /* vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol3 258

9、048/252M 152942 98537 61% / vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol4 1048576/1024M 1357 981768 0% /home vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol5 1048576/1024M 309329 693045 31% /opt vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol6 512000/500M 1449 478642 0% /tmp vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol7 1048576/1024M 530219 485960 52% /usr vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol8 2097152/2048M 397013 15938

10、81 20% /var vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol9 2097152/2048M 1776350 300752 86% /sybase根据要求设置各文件系统的大小与下表一致:Mount Dir L2000(MB) UsagePrimary swap xxx Swap+D/ xxx VxFS/stand xxx HFS/var xxx VxFS/usr xxx VxFS/Tmp xxx VxFS/Opt xxx VxFS/home xxx VxFS如果屏幕上的各个文件系统的缺省值与用户要求不一样,要进行修改, 每次修改之后要按Modify项确认,以便保留设置。设置完毕,GO,继续下一

11、步。 这些文件系统的大小怎么确认?是在重装之前备份系统,还是手工记录?10接着系统会提示被安装的硬盘上的原有数据将被破坏,选GO,继续。11这时候系统文件的安装开始,屏幕显示,Loading configuration utilitys.*Starting system configuration.*.整个过程包括710个文件的安装,需要较长时间(大约2小时),请耐心等待,最后系统自动重启两次,显示大大的OK字样,提示安装成功。 12重启后,系统要求配置网络 Are you ready to link this system to a network? Pressyfor yes or n f

12、or no .then press Return键入y,回车13系统询问是否使用DHCP:Do you wish to use DHCP to obtain networking information ?Press y for yes or n for no .then press Return键入n,回车14系统询问是否继续下面的主机名。Ip地址。时间的配置:*Your system name (host name)*Your internet protocol (IP0 address.*Your time zoneAre you wish to continue (answering

13、no will HALT the system)?Press y for yes or n for no .then press Return键入y,回车15接着下一个画面底下两行将显示:Enter the system name ,then press Return.Just pressing Returnwill keep the (not recommended)name unhost: root在光标处输入你想要的系统名,例如root然后回车然后系统询问是否正确:You have chosen root as the name for this system .Is this corr

14、ect?Press y for yes or n for no .then press Return键入y,回车16屏幕要求你选择你所在的位置:1) North America or Hawaii2) Central America3) South America4) Europe5) Africa6) Asia7) Australia,New Zealand Enter the number for your location (1-70then press return键入6,选择Asia ,然后回车17接下来要求选择时间:Select your time zone from the fo

15、llowing list: 1)Western Russia 6)Phillipines,hongkong,Eastern China ,Taiwan 2)India 7)Japan 3)Pakistan 8)Korea 9)Thailand 9)Unlisted time zone 5)Singapore 10)Previous menuEnter the nunber for your tiiiiiime zone(1-10),then press Return键入6,回车继续系统会询问选择是否正确:Is this correct ?Press y for yes or n for no

16、.then press Return键入y,回车18屏幕显示:The current system time is -Is this correct?Press y for yes or n for no .then press Return看系统的时间是否正确,如果不需要修改,键入y,回车19系统询问是否想设root的密码:Do you want to set the root password at this time?Press y for yes or n for no .then press Return键入y,回车,系统提示输入新密码,键入密码,回车继续20系统要求输入IP地址:E

17、nter your IP address,then press Returnor just press Return to selectDefault address:输入IP地址,回车,屏幕出现:You have chosen-as the IP address for this system,Is this correct ?Press y for yes or n for no .then press Return如果觉得输入的IP没有错误,键入y,回车确认。21屏幕出现:You may configure some additional network parameters at th

18、is time :*Subnetwork Mask and Default Gateway*Domain Name System(DNS)*Network Information Service(NIS)Do want to configure these additional network parameters?Press y for yes or n for no .then press Return键入y,回车22接下来系统问是否要设置子网掩码和网关:*Subnetwork mask*Default gateway IP addressDo you wish to specify th

19、is information ?Press y for yes or n for no .then press Return键入y,回车23屏幕底行出现:The subnetwork mask shown above is the system default value and possibly should be changed.Enter the new subnetwork mask,then press Returnor just prss Return to use the default value above:输入你要的子网掩码,回车24接着系统要求输入网关:Enter the

20、 gateway IP address,then press Return输入网关,回车25系统询问刚才的输入是否正确:Are the parameters above correct?Press y for yes or n for no .or c to cancel ,then press Return确认无误,键入y,回车之后,系统显示:Are you continue ?确认继续后,回车。26系统询问是否进行DNS设置:To configure DNS you will need to known the :*Local domain name*DNS server IP addre

21、ssDo you wish to specify this information ?Press y for yes or n for no,then press Return键入n,回车。27系统询问是否设置NIS:Do you wish to specify NIS client information ?Press y for yes or n for no .then press Return键入n,回车。28在屏幕出现Press Return to continue 时,回车继续。29接着又出现Press Return to continue 时,回车继续30这时候屏幕出现进程检测状

22、态,然后用户便可登录系统了,安装结束。31进入SAM Disks and File System File system中查看各文件系统的大小等各种信息是否与要求一致。Mount Dir L2000(MB) UsagePrimary swap xxx Swap+D/ xxx VxFS/stand xxx HFS/var xxx VxFS/usr xxx VxFS/Tmp xxx VxFS/Opt xxx VxFS/home xxx VxFS二AUTO RAID的磁盘空间分配L2000下的AUTORAID中共有5块18.2G的硬盘,可用空间49,038MB,1.进入SAM disk and fi

23、le system disk device 选中设备 HP auto-raid disk array controller 然后进入Action disk array maitance Bind LUN 输入大小为xxxxMB2.同样方法建立容量xxxxMB的LUN共5个3.删除缺省的大小为2048MB的LUN: Action disk array maitance UNBind LUN2. 最后剩下xxxxMB,分成一个LUN.3. 同时选中这6个逻辑盘,在Action configure using Logical Volume Manage中创建vg014. 将vg01按LVOL01.L

24、VOL10.的顺序建立大小为xxxx的逻辑单元n个。7.在SAM Logical Volume Manage中查看刚才自己的设置是否符合要求。三HP-UX 11.0系统的补丁安装1 以root身份登录,将光盘Support Plus users Guide放入5. 建立目录: mkdir /cdrom6. 使用ioscan -fnCdisk 命令查看DVD或CD-ROM的路径为cntndn4使用mount /dev/dek/cntndn /cdrom命令5使用lsf /cdrom命令浏览光盘上的内容,目录XSWHWCR1100/和XSWGR1100/即是补丁路径6首先安装文件XSWHWCR11

25、00/ 命令为:swinstall -s /cdrom/XSWHWCR1100/7进入SD Install 界面,选中XSWHWCR/,在Action选项中选择Manage.,进入Manage Patch Selection界面,将上方的两个Automatically.项,全部选中为X状态。8选择OK,在出现的Configuration框中选YES,接下来的目标文件搜索过程有时需要几分钟,不要误以为死机。 9然后屏幕显示跟刚进入SD Istall时一样,只有一行 XSWHWCR1100/. 在Action中选Installation,出现一个以百分比显示安装进度的画面,表明安装正常,需10分钟

26、左右10安装完毕,系统自动重启11相同的方法安装XSWGR/文件。Hostname:wndy_srvlvcreate -n lvol9 -L 5000 /dev/vg00newfs F vxfs /dev/vg00/rlvo9mkdir /Sybasemount /dev/vg00/lvol9 /Sybase#ioscan fnCdiskpvcreate B /dev/rdsk/c2t6d0vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/c2t6d0mkboot /dev/vdsk/c2t6d0lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol1 /dev/dsk/c2t6d0l

27、vextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol2 /dev/dsk/c2t6d0lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol3 /dev/dsk/c2t6d0lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol4 /dev/dsk/c2t6d0lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol5 /dev/dsk/c2t6d0lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol6 /dev/dsk/c2t6d0lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol7 /dev/dsk/c2t6d0lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol8 /

28、dev/dsk/c2t6d0lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol9 /dev/dsk/c2t6d0mkboot -ahpun (;0)/stand/vmunix /dev/dsk/c2t6d0lvlnboot -b /dev/vg00/lvol1lvlnboot -r /dev/vg00/lvol3lvlnboot -s /dev/vg00/lvol2lvlnboot -d /dev/vg00/lvol2lvlnboot -vlvlnboot R#shutdown ry 0create PV#iosacn fnCdisk#pvcreate f /dev/rdsk/c3d0t

29、0#pvcreate f /dev/rdsk/c5d0t0#mkdir /dev/vg01#mknod /dev/vg01/group c 64 0x010000vgcreat vg01 /dev/dsk/c3d0t0 /dev/dsk/c5d0t0 /dev/dsk/c7d0t0 /dev/dsk/c9d0t02create the LVlvcreate -n tss_data01 -L 5000 /dev/vg01lvcreate -n tss_data02 -L 5000 /dev/vg01lvcreate -n tss_data03 -L 5000 /dev/vg01lvcreate -n tss_data04 -L 5000 /dev/vg01lvcreate -n tss_data05 -L 5000 /dev/vg01lvcreate -n tss_data06 -L 5000 /dev/vg01lvcreate -n tss_data07 -L 5000 /dev/vg01lvcreate -n tss_data08 -L 5

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