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1、最新中考英语初三反义疑问句和感叹句第十一讲 反义疑问句句和感叹句姓名: 学校: 年级: 【学习目标】:1,通过听力练习,提高听说水平2通过音标学习,提高口语水平,并积累必备单词3通过读写训练,能掌握定语从句的基本规律,并熟悉考题【知识要点】:反义疑问句一、 反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述部分的动词在语气上成相反的对应关系,即:肯定+否定? 否定+肯定?如:1 You cant do it, can you? They are very late for the meeting, arent they?二、 反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述部分的动词种类要对应一致。如:1 He has sup

2、per at home every day, does nt he? (不能用 has nt he?)2 They have kn ow n the matter, have nt they? (不能用 dont they?)三、 反意疑问句中问句部分的动词在时态上应和陈述部分的时态一致。如:1 They will go to town soon, wont they? (不能用 dont they?或 arent they?)2 He works very hard, does nt he?(不能用 did nt he?或 wont he?)四、 反意疑问句的陈述部分含有由 un-, im-

3、, i n-, dis-,等否定意义的前缀构成的词语时, 陈述部分要视为肯定含义,问句部分用否定形式。如:1 Your father is un happy, is nt he?(不能用 is he?)2 The man is disho nest, is nt he?(不能用 is he?)3 It is impossible to learn En glish without rememberi ng more words, is nt it? (不能用 is it ?)五、 反意疑问句的陈述部分带有 little, few, never, hardly, seldom 等否定意义的词时,

4、问句部分用肯定式。如:1 She n ever tells a lie, does she?(不用 does nt she?)2 He was seldom late, was he?(不用 was nt he?)六、 反意疑问句的陈述部分为 I am 时,问句部分习惯上用 arent I ?表示。如:I am a very hon est man, arent I?七、 陈述部分的主语为不定代词 somethi ng, anythingoth ing, everythi ng 时,问句部分的主语用it。如: Someth ing is wrong with the computer, is

5、nt it? Noth ing has happe ned to them, has it?八、 陈述部分的主语为不定代词 somebody(some on e), an ybody(a nyon e), no body (no on e), everybody(everyone)时,问句部分的主语用 he或they,这时问句动词的数应和 he或they 一 致。如: Some one has take n the seat, has nt he Every one has done their best i n the game, have nt they?九、 陈述部分为 Let me 时

6、,问句部分习惯上用 shall I ?或will you ?形式。 女口:Let me have a try, shall I?(will you?)十、陈述部分为 Let us 时,问句部分习惯上用 will you?形式。如:Let us stop to rest, will you?十、陈述部分为 Lets 时,问句部分习惯上用 shall we?形式。如:Lets go home together, shall we?十二、陈述部分用上述情况以外的祈使句时,问句部分一般用 will you?形式表示请求,用wont you ?形式表示委婉请求或邀请。如: Do sit dow n, w

7、ont you?/ will you? You feed the bird today, will you?3 Please ope n the wi ndow, will you?(w ont you?)十三、陈述部分为否定祈使句时,问句部分一般用 will you?形式。如:精品文档Dont make any no ise, will you?十四、陈述部分为 There (Here) + be +主语时,问句部分用动词 + there(here)?形式。如:1 There are two cakes on the plate, arent there?2 Here is a story

8、about Mark Twain, is nt here?十五、陈述部分用 had better +原形动词表示建议时,问句部分用 had nt +主语?形式。1 Youd better tell him about the matter, had nt you?2 We had better do it by ourselves, had nt we?十六、陈述部分用 used to +主语时,问句部分用 did nt +主语?或used nt +主语?形式。1 He used to live in the coun try, did nt he?/ used nt he?2 They us

9、ed to be good frien ds, did nt they?/ used nt they?感叹句1. What引导的感叹句句型是what+名词(形容词+名词)+陈述句(主语+谓语)!Eg: What a beautiful city it is! What a fine day !What an hon est man he is! What big apples these are!What fine weather it is!2. How引导的感叹句句型是how +形容词或副词+陈述句(主语+谓语)+-Eg: How hot it is today! How high the

10、 kite is flying!How clever the boy is! How fast he runs!How I want to be a teacher!注意:感叹句和特殊疑问句的区别感叹句:How busy you are!(陈述句语序)疑问句:How busy are you?(疑问句语序)【经典例题】.我的选择我做主1. Youd rather watch TV this evening, ?精品文档a. is nt it b. had nt you c. would nt you d. wont you2.1 wish to shake hands with you, ?a

11、. shall b. may I c. do I d. will I3. They have to study a lot, ?a. have they b. have ntthey c. do they d. don they4. When the car crashed, your brother escaped being hurt, ?a. did nt he b. did he c. did it d. did nt it5. Im sure dirty, ?a. am I b. is nt I c. arent I d. am not Ia. do b. did c. dont d

12、. did nt6. All these dict ion aries are a great help to you, ?a. are they b. arent theyc. are all these dict ion aries d. arent all these dicti on aries7. The movie that we saw last week was quite in teresti ng, ?a. was nt it b. was it c. did nt we d. were nt we8. Tom has bee n writi ng letters all

13、after noon, but he should have fini shed them by now, ?a. has nt he b. has he c. should nt he d. did nt you9. There appeared to be no better way, ?a. was there b. were there c. did there d. did nt there10. You had some trouble finding where I live, ?a. did nt you b. had nt you c. do I d. dont I11. H

14、e has his hair cut every mon th, ?a. has he b. has nt he c. does he d. does nt he12. Your friend n eeds to come earlier, ?a. does he b. does nt he c. n eed he d. n eed nt he13. The little boy dare not go to church, ?a. dare he b. dare nt he c. does he d. does nt he14. Every on es havi ng a good time

15、, ?a. is he b. is nt every one c. does he d. arent they15. Any one can join the club, ?a. can any one b. cant any one c. cant they d. can they【经典练习】.我的选择我做主1、 Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, A. don t theyB. didn t theC. did they D. do they2、 His sister had a bad cough, she?精品

16、文档A. wasn B. doesn C. hadn t D. didn t3、 Mr. Gree n went to Shen zhe n on bus in ess last week, ?A. isn t he doesn t heC. didn t heD. hasn te4、 Joh n can hardly un dersta nd any Chin ese, he?A. Can tB. doesn C. can D. does5、 Don t smoke in themeeting-room, ?A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could

17、you6、 Lucy, you clean the blackboard today, A. do you B. did you C. will you D. can you7、 Miss Cheng will n ever forget her first visit to Can ada , ?A. will she B. won t she C. isn t shed. wasn t she8、 The lady couldn t say a word when she saw the snake, ?A. could the lady B. couldn t the lady C. c

18、ould she D. couldn t she9、 Tina is unhappy now, ?A. isn t she B. is she C. is he D. did she10、 -Let s go and play football, ?-That s wonderful.A. will you B. do you C. won t youD. shall we11、 -The boy has to stay at home to look after his little sister, ?-Yes, because his mother has gone shopp ing.A

19、. does he B. is he C. doesn t hD. hasn t he12. sunny day it is! It s really good to go out for a skiing.A. What a13. -Spider man HI will be on in our city.- big news! I can t wait to see it.A. What a B. How C. What D. How a14. -Miss Sun, what are we going to do n ext?-Let s go out for doing sports.

20、sunny day!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a15. - it was yesterday because of the storm!A. What bad weather B. What a bad weatherC. How bad a weather D. How bad weather16. - kind girl Nancy is!-Yes, she is always ready to help others.A. What B. What a C. How D. How.完成下列反意疑问句1. He n ever goes to bed l

21、ate, ?2. We have bee n skati ng gor five hours, ?3. He has a lot of kites, ?4. Alis on was the best stude nt in or class, ?5.I started to do my homework at 7:30, ?6.She does nt like singing, ?7. there are five table in the restaurant, ?8. There isnt any food in the fridge, ?9. He usually plays tenni

22、s on Sun day, ?10. He has done his job well, ?11、It s cold,12、Lucy goes to school by bike, 13、 the Kangs had to wait for you for long, 14、 The boy has a dog. 15、 He can read the book in the room, 16、 Mrs Brown said nothing at the meeting, 17、 Few people hate flowers, 18、 There s some sugar in the bo

23、x, 19、 Nobody saw the film, 20、 Jim came here on time, 21. Alla n n early cut her hand, ?22. You may use his eraser, ?23. Try on the shoes, ?24. Let s si ng an En glish song together ?25. Let me have a try, ?三用 What , What a , What an , How 填空.1. hot the weather is !2. hard her father works !3. long

24、 way it is from Guangdong to Paris !4. fine day it was yesterday !5. beautiful your voice is !6. in teresti ng picture-books !7. lovely baby !8. strong wi nd !9. sad n ews he told us !10. happy she was last weekend !11. good weather ! Why not go out for a walk !12. nice the garden is !13. difficult

25、work he did !14. broken the house looks !15. happy life we have !16. well my deskmate swims !17. helpful girl she is !18. delicious moon cakes !19. dangerous the tigers are !20. tired you look !【课后作业】1. E-mail is very popular today. People seldom write letters now, ?A. did they B. do they C. didn th

26、ey D. don they2. Are you going to the pic nic with us toni ght? -Yes.You won t be late, _?A. should you B. will you C. don t youD. can you3. -Milli ons of people know about Susa n Boyle now, ?- , she becomes well-k nown because of her success on Brita ins Got Tale nt.A. do they; No B. do they; Yes C

27、. dont they; No D. dont they; Yes4. There is no importa nt in formatio n in the n ewspaper, ?A. isn there B. is it C. is there答5. Bob, you watched the fashi on show last ni ght, ?A. weren t you B. didn t you C. haven t youD. won t you 答案:B6. She doesn like geography , does she?A. Yes, she does B. Ye

28、s, she doesn t C. No, she does答案:A7. He fed the dog and the cat, ?A. doesnhe B. isn the C. wasnhe D. hasnthe答案:D8. -Arthur is resp on siblethe newspaper, isn t he?- ,but Joyce is .Shes the chief editor.A . of; Yes, he isntB. for; Yes, he isC. of; No, he isD. for; No he isn t答案:D9. Joh n, clea n your

29、 room,?A. will you B. shall weC. don you D. does n the答案:A10. - It a nice day, isntit?- . Let go hiking in the mountain.A. Yes, it does B. No, it isn C. It doesnmatter D. Yes, it is 答案:D11. I don tthink she has gone to Beijing, ?A. has she B. has ntshe C. do I D. don I答案:A12. Noth ing is difficult i

30、f you put your heart into it, ?A. aren they B. is n tit C. is it答案:C13. - You don tcome from England, do you?- . I come from America. How do you know that?A. No, I do B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I don D. No, I don 答案:D14. Liu Qian has made magic” a hot word, he?A. doesn B. didn C. has nt D. isn 答案:C15. Mom, my gra ndfather goes for a walk after supper every day, ?A. does he B. is he C. does nthe D. is n the答案:C16. There are two libraries in this city, ?A. aren there B. aren they C. are two答案:A17. Don

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