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1、初中词汇复习英语第一轮复习练习归纳姓名_ 班级_ 得分_A类、名词第一部分、选择填空( )122. If you want to post a letter, youll need a_. ( 223. Studying in a foreign country is a different _ and you can learn a lot. A. event B. exercise C. experience D. exhibition( )325.My school isnt far from here. Its only walk. A.fifteen minutes B.fiftee

2、n minutes C.fifteen minutes( )42. Come on, children. Help yourselves to some _ if you like. A. fish and chicken B. fishes and chicken C. fish and chickens D. fishes and chickens( )525. Which of the following doesnt belong to the traffic signs? ( )631.The thing that _ is not whether you fail or not,

3、but whether you try or not. A. minds B. cares C. matters D. considers( )76. Li Ping, whats the American English for film? Fall B. Hall C. Math D. Movie( )822. What colour of the following represents purity? A. Orange B. White C. Green D. Red( )931. The piano sounds terrible. Yes. I want to leave now

4、. Where is the_? A. seat B. stage C. exit D. entrance( )1035. December 3rd is International Day of Disabled Persons. Which of the following signs will you probably see on that day? 第二部分、词汇175. I love Christmas! I receive many_(礼物)at Christmas. 273. My_(知识)of geography is poor. Will you help me with

5、it? 32. The big tree has green_(leaf) throughout the year. 49. I saw the winners names of the writing competition on the_(网站). 56. Ability and effort are conditions of_(成功) . 64. The womans_(operate) was performed by an ORBIS doctor on the plane. 76. Last Saturday we went to the airport to meet thos

6、e_(win). 88. Can you tell me the time of her_(arrive) ? 948. If you need physical_(力量) , you should wear red clothes. 1046. Li Guanghua is a_(成员) of the Huanghe Football Team. He plays football very well. 1154. After watching this programme, you will realize the_(important) of learning English. 1268

7、Did you go to the_ (剧院)with your cousin last night? 1359.This film _(导演) was influenced by Bruce Lees early works. 1458.We should learn those _(运动员) team spirit. 1557. Congratulations! Both of you are the_ (win) of the match. 1661. All of the travelers live together like a big _(家庭). 1765. Walk slow

8、ly along the river and you can enjoy the _(美丽) of our town. 1867. Look! Many fans are waiting for the (arrive) of Yao Ming outside the gate. 1972. _(play) computer games too much is bad for your eyes. 2068. China Daily is a _(窗口) for foreigners to know about China. 2163. Susan usually has some piece

9、s of _(面包)and a bottle of milk for breakfast. 2261. These years it seldom snows in _ (冬季)in Nanjing. 2368. David took a lot of _ (photo)in Mochou Lake Park last weekend. 2411. The_( 外套) is cheap and it fits him very well. 2512. I hosted a concert on_Day(教师节 ). Many students gave performances at it.

10、2618. In_( 七月) the Grade 9 students will have a farewell party after they finish their school studies. 2762. The Eiffel Tower is always full of (tour) every year. 2867. Everyone can greatly improve the (质量) of life. 2970. There are some things that you cant change, like your (身高). B类、冠词( )116. I hav

11、e _classmate from England. We often help each other.A. a B. an C. the( )221. Last week Lilys father bought her_MP4 as_birthday present.A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a( )321. Dont talk to Simon like that. He is only _ eleven yearold boy. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( )421. Sandra works in a big factor

12、y. Shes _ worker. ) A. a B. the C. some D. /( )521. On the shelf there is _ fancy teddy bear. A. the B. a C. an D. /( )61. Tom has _ honest face, and, in fact, he never tells lies or plays tricks on others. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( )720.-I knocked over my tea cup.It went right over _ keyboard. -You

13、shouldnt put drinks near _ computer. A. the, / B. the, a C. a, / D. a, a( )821. We stayed at a very nice hotel. But I cant remember_name of it. A. the B. a C. an D. 不填( )921. The boy asked Mr Black for _ advice on his further English studies. A. a B. an C. some D. any( )1022. My cousin works in a re

14、staurant. He is _ cook. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填C类、代词第一部分、选择填空131. My bike is missing. I cant find it anywhere. Im afraid you have to buy . A. it B. one C. any D. few 218. Last weekend my parents took_to the zoo. I had a wonderful time there.A. mine B. I C. me322. Do you like_English teacher Miss Wan

15、g?Yes, we like_very much. A. our; him B. our; her C. us; he D. ours; she425. Did your parents go to climb the Zijin Mountain last Sunday?一No They _ went to see a film. A. both B. all C. either D. every527. Two Evening Papers,please! Only one copy left. Would you like to have _, sir? A. one B. it C.

16、this D. that623. _ is watching TV. Turn it off, will you? A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody722. Wow, your new bicycle looks the same as_. Really? A. me B. I C. my D. mine822.What are you going to give your mother for her birthday? Im not sure. But Ill buy her . A.something special B.anyt

17、hing special C.special something93. In my class some students love music, _ are fond of drawing and _ enjoy reading. A. some; the other B. others; the other C. others; the others D. some; others1024.We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so lets have _ one this month. A. the other B. som

18、e C. another D. other( )1128.Some of the stickers belong to me, while the rest are _. A. him and her B. his and her C. his and hers D. him and hers( )123. I like this pair of football boots. May I_?Yes, of course. A. try on it B. try on them C. try it on D. try them on( )134. Whats wrong with my son

19、, doctor? _. Just a cold. A. Something serious B. Serious something C. Nothing serious D. Serious nothing( )148. Hi, Kitty, I have passed_ exams! Oh, congratulations! I hope my sister has also passed_. A. my; her B. mine; her C. my; hers D. mine; hers( ) 1514. Its too noisy. _of the students wants t

20、o sit here any more. A. No B. Nobody C. None D. No one( )16 23. Simon asked his workmates to wear black. But_of them followed him. A. no one B. every one C. all D. none( )1723. He is very lazy. He doesnt do _ housework at home. A. some B. any C. a few D. many第二部分、词汇168. Peter and Kate paid for it_(t

21、hey). 12. This umbrella is yours and that one is_(she). 310. Timmy and I are good friends and we keep our secrets to_(we). 44. I dont think the diamond belongs to_(she). 55. Mike, tell them not to climb the rocks, or they may hurt_(they). 62. The girl is too young to look after _(她自己). 763. Whose ar

22、e those pencil cases? Oh, they are _(我们的). .862. Dont always make your parents do this or that, Nick. You can do it _(自己). 913. Litde Tom can dress_(他自己) without his mothers help. 1063. Come and warm (you) by the fire, Millie and Jane! D类、介词第一部分、选择填空( )128. It is important_us students to make a plan

23、_our studies before a new term starts. A. for; for B. of; for C. to; of D. with; on( )223. Our school sports meeting will start _ the morning of next Saturday. A. on B. at C. in D. to( )335. _ the money that Mr Brown _, poor Mary could go back to school again. A. In; offered B. With; offered C. In;

24、was offered D. With; was offered( )422.It was a great day but we did not enjoy it _ the beginning. A. on B. for C. with D. at( )533. It is highly possible_Chinee Women Football Team will win the World Cup. A. for B. of C. 不填 D. that( )626. You can call me _ Saturday morning. Ill be at home then. A.

25、in B. on C. at D. of第二部分、词汇168. People (超过) eighteen can join Oxfam Trailwalker. 267. There are no calories in water. We can drink it_(with) getting fat. E类、情态动词第一部分、选择填空( )127. You have finished most of the work and you _ start working so early tomorrow. You may come at 9:00. A. cant B. mustnt C. n

26、eednt D. couldnt( )229. Must I clean the classroom right now? No, you_.A. dont B. must C. neednt( )323. When traffic lights are red, we _ stop and wait. A. may B. can C. must D. might( )426. Lets go to the supermarket by taxi. We take a taxi. It is not far from here. A. cant B. neednt C. couldnt D.

27、mustnt( )524. May I try on the jeans? Yes, you _. A. should B. can C. must D. need( )620. - May I park my car here, Sir? - _ . You may park it over there. A. Yes, you may B. Yes, you can C. No, you neednt D. No, you mustnt( )726.-Is John coming by train? -He should , but he _ not. He likes driving h

28、is car. A. must B. can C. may D. need( )834. Dad, _I play badminton with Bobby now? Yes, you can. But you have to come back before supper. A. must B. may C. need D. should( )924. _David be the new chairperson of the Students Union? He _ be, but Im not sure. A. Can; cant B. Can; may C. May; must D. M

29、ay; mustntF类、数词第一部分、选择填空( )1 19. The_question is very difficult. I failed to work it out. A. five B. fifteen C. fifth( )233. We are sure the_Olympic Games in Beijing next year will be one of_games in history. A. twenty-nine; more successful B. twenty-ninth; more successfulC. twenty-ninth; the most successful D. twenty-nine; the most succ

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