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1、高一英语上册Unit2基础巩固试题讲解高一英语上册Unit2基础巩固试题讲解 单项填空1 hn prised his dtr he _nt se,and he has never sed ever sine A ightB shuld uld D uld解析:选D。句意:约翰答应他的医生不再吸烟了,且从那时起就再也不吸了。ight nt“可能不”;shuld nt“不应该”;uld nt“不可能(推测),不能(表能力)”;uld有“决心、决意”等意思。根据句意,可知D项正确。2 I lie this aet better than that ne,but it sts alst three t

2、ies _ A as uh B as an s uh D s an解析:选A。考查as as句型中的省略。空白处补充完整为as uh as that ne sts。此类题要注意句中名词的可数与不可数,另外,和其有关的倍数句型也是高考的常考句式。3 All the students in this shl are required t _ at least t letures n h t stud ever nth A attend B tae part in in in D g in fr解析:选A。attend表示“出席,参加(会议、讲座、婚礼、报告)”等;tae part in和in in

3、都表示“参加某一项活动”;g in fr表示“从事,爱好”。4 The ld prfessr said t us ever part f the aterials shuld be ade use f _ the statin A t build B building build D built解析:选A。句意为:这位老教授对我们说应该利用这些材料的每一部分建造车站。t build是动词不定式作目的状语。 T as plaing puter gaes all night _he as late fr lass A Thats beause B Thats h Its h D Thats h解析

4、:选B。that指前句的内容,h表示前句所说的结果。6 In pinin,the girl _ t be a gd daner if she is ell trained in an art shl A expets B hpes ishes D prises解析:选D。考查动词辨析。prise t be表示“有希望成为”的意思。其他词语和句子的意思不吻合。7 He plas ftball _,if nt better than,hn A as ell B as ell as s ell D s ell as解析:选B。本题中混合了同级比较as ell as和比较级better than。句意

5、为:“若他踢球不比约翰更好的话,也和约翰踢得一样好。”8 After _ ith the salesan,I gt the beautiful dress at the prie f 0 uan at last A debating B taling disussing D bargaining解析:选D。bargain讨价还价。debate辩论;tal谈话;disuss讨论。句意为:经过一番讨价还价之后,我最后花了0块钱买下了那漂亮的女装。9 Her parents put a lt f effrt int getting her _ t a e shl A aepted B reeived

6、 annuned D aditted解析:选D。考查动词辨析。be aditted t被允许进入;被录取。10 The anager has t g n a business trip His pan ill be left in _ f his seretar A harge B the harge need D plae解析:选B。sth be left in the harge f sb “某物被留下由某人管理/负责”。又如:The hild as left in the harge f the nurse “孩子被留下,由保姆照看”。in need f “(主语)需要”。 完形填空(2

7、009年烟台检测)In a natinal spelling ntest in Aeria,an 11&sh;ear&sh;ld girl as ased t spell a ertain rd But ith her_1_vie the udges ere nt sure if she spelled the rd ith the letter A r E The taled it ver and_2_deided t sipl as her hat she had said B n,the girl ne she had_3_the rd But instead f ling,she tl

8、d the truth that she had said the_4_letter s she lst the ntest As the girl aled ff the_,the entire audiene std t their feet lapping t applaud her_6_ Later,dzens f nespaper reprters rte abut this 11&sh;ear&sh;ld girls hnest,even hen it_7_her the ntest But the fat is that she_8_the biggest ntest that

9、da: the ntest f her_9_ Prbabl the biggest test f ur harater is hat e uld d if e ne e uld never get_10_ This ung girl uld easil have_11_and nbd uld have nn it but herself But thats ust it: She uld n she did rng Its been said,“If u_12_,u ae urself heap ” This ung girl as strng and sart enugh t prize h

10、er n_13_and harater rather than the prize fr a spelling_14_ Her respet fr herself as re iprtant than an_1_thers ight give her fr inning a ntest She ne she uld have t live ith herself and the_16_she ade at that ent ill have lng&sh;lasting influene Its s true that the hies u ae tda_17_hat u are trr ur

11、 hildren ill_18_ur behaviur uh re than ur advie S if e ant the t_19_t be hnest,e ust sh the the a b being hnest urselves Reeber,ur ids are_20_hat e d and h e live even hen e dnt thin the see r n 【解题导语】这是一篇讲述“诚实”的。中小女孩参加了单词拼写比赛,在比赛中,她勇于承认自己犯的拼写错误,虽然她没有赢得比赛,但她的诚实征服了所有的人。1 A high B seet tugh D sft解析:选D

12、。从下知,她的声音很轻(sft),以至于裁判不确定她拼写的是a还是e。其他选项都不符合语境。2 A finall B indl seretl D ttall解析:选A。裁判讨论了一番,最终(finall)决定。3 A frgtten B isprnuned isspelled D lst解析:选。从上下可知,到此时,小女孩知道她拼错了(isspelled)单词。4 A rret B rng different D sae解析:选B。从上知,她知道自己拼错了,但她没有撒谎,而是说出了她拼错了(rng)字母。 A stage B studi test D lassr解析:选A。由常识可知,小女孩走

13、下了舞台(stage)。其他选项都不符合语境。6 A braver B hnest urage D leverness解析:选B。从上下可知,观众为小女孩的诚实(hnest)而鼓掌。7 A anelled B st ffered D asted解析:选B。st sb sth 表示“花费某人某物”,这里表示,诚实使她没有赢得比赛。8 A ahieved B bre n D defeated解析:选。由语境可知,但她赢得了(n)最大的比赛,那就是人格(harater)的比赛。9 A reputatin B nledge life D harater解析:选D。参见第8题解析,或从第三段第一句可知。

14、10 A paid B aarded aught D reprted解析:选。get aught表示“被抓住,被发现”。11 A esaped B lied hanged D ansered解析:选B。从上知,小女孩本可以撒谎(lied)的。12 A aept B fight heat D insist解析:选。从上下可知,此处表达的意思为:如果你作弊(heat)。13 A nsiene B feeling diligene D dest解析:选A。从下中的“harater”可知,这里应该用nsiene。14 A ntest B hapin udger D expert解析:选A。从上知,小女

15、孩参加的是拼写比赛(ntest)。1 A sense B pride respet D aareness解析:选。该句前面的respet有提示。16 A plan B nlusin disver D hie解析:选D。考查词组ae the hie。小女孩当时做出的选择将对以后的人生有深远的影响。17 A ae B hange eep D reate解析:选A。从上下知,作者发表了自己的看法:你今日做出的选择造就你明日的自己。18 A give B tae fll D set解析:选。由语境可知,身教胜于言传。19 A gr up B bring up tae up D e up解析:选A。由常

16、识可知,如果我们希望我们的孩子长大(gr up)后变得诚实。20 A rerding B inspeting rreting D athing解析:选D。上提到大人的榜样作用很重要,所以要记住:我们的孩子正看着(ath)我们。 阅读理解A(2009年浙江温州检测)Sadness is unpleasant,and in a siet here persnal happiness is prized abve all else,there is little tlerane fr falling in despair Espeiall n eve gt drugs fr getting rid

17、f sad feelingshether its after lsing a b,the breaup f a relatinship r the death f a lved ne S its n surprise that re and re peple are taing the But is this reall suh a gd idea? A gring nuber f vies fr the rld f ental health researh are saing it isnt The fear that the inreasing tenden t treat nral sa

18、dness as a disease is plaing fast and lse (行为轻率) Sadness,the argue,serves a useful purpseand if e lse it,e lse ut et an pshiatrists (精神病医生) insist nt Sadness has a nast habit f turning int depressin(抑郁症),the arn Even hen peple are sad fr gd reasn,the shuld tae drugs t ae theselves feel better S h is

19、 right? Is sadness sething e annt live ithut r sething hrrible never t tuh?There are lts f ideas abut h feeling sad shuld bee part f huan life It a be a self prtetin strateg,as ther priates (灵长类) als sh signs f sadness A lsing ne that desnt sh sadness after it lses a fight a be seen as ntinuing t ha

20、llenge the inning neand that uld result in death In huans,sadness has a further funtin: e a displa sadness as a fr f uniatin B ating sad,e tell ther unit ebers that e need supprt Then there is the idea that reativit is nneted t dar ds There are plent f great artists,riters and usiians h have suffere

21、d fr depressin r disrder Sientists find that peple ith signs f depressin perfr better at a reative tas,and that negative ds ae peple thin deepl ver the unhapp experiene,hih alls reative presses t e t the frnt There is als evidene that t uh happiness an be bad fr ur areer A dtr fund that peple h sred

22、 8 ut f 10 n a happiness test ere re suessful in ine and eduatin than 9s r 10s The happiest peple lse their illingness t ae hanges t their lives that a benefit the 【解题导语】伤心难过对人们讲是好是坏?作者论述了人们对sadness所持的不同的观点。1 The underlined rd“this”refers t _ A taing drugs B falling in despair lsing a b D feeling sa

23、d解析:选A。词义猜测题。中第一段讲了人们在心情不好时往往会通过服药减少悲伤。第二段中的this就是指代这个问题。2 The authr believes sadness is _ A a gd thing fr peples healthB sething hrrible never t tuh a neessar funtin f huansD alas t be treated as depressin解析:选。事实细节题。从第五段中的“In huans,sadness has a further funtin:e a displa sadness as a fr f uniatin ”

24、以及本段所举的例子可知sadness对人类可以起到积极的作用。3 Se anials sh their sadness in rder t _ A heat their ene B prtet theselves frt the lser D hallenge the inner解析:选B。细节理解题。从中第四段的“It a be a self prtetin strateg,as ther priates(灵长类)als sh signs f sadness ”可知一些动物表现出难过是为了保护自己。故B项正确。4 e an infer fr the last paragraph that _

25、 A peple ith great reativit tend t be happierB unhapp experienes ntribute t a greater areer t uh happiness an be bad fr ur areerD the happiest peple are the st suessful nes解析:选B。推理判断题。从中最后一段可知,一些伟大的艺术家、作家和音乐家都有过沮丧的经历,并且科学家们还发现那些有沮丧迹象的人更善于做创造性的工作。由此可知B项正确。项是中的原句,不是推理出的内容。B(2009年浙江嘉兴检测)Tda,I read an i

26、nteresting artile abut televisin vieing In ne experient,failies ere paid t stp athing TV fr either a ee r a nth an uld nt plete the tas and se failies quarrelled r even fught It as quite interesting and n I ill sa sething abut TV After TV beae a prdut st failies uld affrd,peple bught and started t a

27、th their ne TVs Bth adults and hildren beae less reative in prble slving,less able t fus n tass,and less tlerant f flexible tie In fail,e gre up ith the TV n Ever eeend,e athed Gun Se and Bnanza tgether as a fail TV prvides us ith a frtable bagrund hen e ant t learn a freign language at he, and it e

28、ntertains us heapl ith live atin sprts,inparable perfring arts and iprtant events f the rld In additin,it eduates us abut everthing fr the ells in ur bd t the galaxies in the universe Perhaps its nt even pratial t live ithut televisin unless ur vies hange unexpetedl as e get lder I dnt thin that TV

29、daages us s uh as it rbs us f tie that uld be spent ding ther things suh as learning ne sills,getting se exerise r ding vlunteer r I as lu t have a fail that athed TV tgether Tda there sees t be a TV in ever r f the huse and theres n need t agree n a prgra t ath T ath TV r nt is re f a questin fr ad

30、ults than fr us,and even thugh e all sa e ant t ut dn the tie e spend in frnt f the tube,e never reall d TV_has_us_hpntized!【解题导语】电视越越走进人们的生活,给人们带了很多负面的影响,而作者却不这么认为。 The experient in Paragraph 1 shs _ A h interesting athing TV isB h uh peple lie athing TV hether peple lie athing TVD h peple give up

31、athing TV解析:选B。考查细节理解。根据第一段“an uld nt plete the tas and se failies quarrelled r even fught”可知人们在实验过程中,因为在一段时间没有看电视,而引发危机,足以说明人们对电视的依赖程度,所以选择B。6 After st failies uld affrd a TV,the _ A gt re ative at rB fund it easier t slve prbles beae re independent f TVD fixed less attentin n tass解析:选D。考查细节理解。根据第二段中“Bth adults and hildren beae less reative in prble slving,less able t fus n tass”可知。7 Fr Paragraph 3,e an learn that _ A the authr lies t spend eeends a

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