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1、兰州石化职业技术学院学报兰州石化职业技术学院学报第8卷 第3期 2008年9月目 次【工程技术研究与应用】亚甲基兰中性红聚合膜电极对多巴胺的分析测定 何小荣,孙先辉 ,周 锦,马利海,吴海霞(1)PIV技术在油品调和流场测试中的应用 温 飞,李恩田,史小军,唐建峰(4)LVR-60R重油催化剂优化与工业应用 蒋小龙, 杨社明,李玉平,赵 敏(8)纳米催化剂的制备及在石油化工中的应用 金玉杰,尚秀丽,王群,郭薇薇(11)基于矩阵运算的离心泵性能曲线拟合方法 商建平,俞树荣(14)不锈钢海水泵叶轮失效原因分析及解决方法 徐晓刚(16)激光熔覆技术在球磨机主轴修复中的应用 张学萍 ,贾秋菊(20)超

2、声波探伤在斜面焊接接头缺陷定位中的应用 张小辉(24)软切换技术在变频与工频切换中的应用 赵祥卿 ,张桂芳(26)基于89C51的非接触式红外数字测温计的设计 权建军(29)AHPFUZZYT算法的容合与实现 任泰明(32)基于VB的教学网络自动监测记录系统设计 张明艳(34)KPI统计方法在模型驱动数据采集系统中的应用 王 萌,徐毅博,周卫天(36)基于B/S高校实用题库考试系统的设计与实现 张丽景,任立勇,李 炯,周立民(39)基于Flash平台的交互式动画在教学中的应用 宁静涛(41)数字图象与信息处理在影视合成中的改进 王海婴,杨洮梅,赵 玮(44) 混凝土收缩对钢-混凝土组合梁的内力

3、影响 孙 韬(47)TJ20008A型电控发动机数源检测系统的研究 石允国,伏可夫 (50)【人文社会科学研究】中央民族大学博士生学习动因调查与分析 高小岩, 崔明玉 (54)论我国法院附设调解制度的构建文晓庆(58)素质模型构建与应用方法探究 孙凤湘 ,余惠萍(62)漳州体育场地建设现状及发展对策研究 李月丽 , 李金章(65)【高职教育教学研究】基于“工学结合”的示范性高职外语人才培养模式的科学建构 马开广(69)高职院校会计制度设计课程考试方法研究与实践 王自荣,董文婷(72)高职院校汽车工程专业开放式实训室的建设与探索 张鸿雁,伏可夫(75)【基础研究】离散型随机变量的统计规律性研究

4、李 辉(78)期刊基本参数:CN621168G4*1986*q*A4*80*zh*P*¥ 6.00*1000*26*200809*n责任编辑:蔡建刚 英文编辑:王 鹏 校对:陈 胤JOURNAL OF LANZHOU PETROCHEMICAL COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGYVol. 8No.3 Sep. 2008CONTENTSDetection of Dopamine on the Poly(Methylene Blue and Neutralred) Film Modified EectrodeHE Xiao-rong, SUN Xian-hui, ZHOU Jin, MA

5、Li-hai, WU Haixia(1)The Application of PIV Technique in Testing Flow Field of Oil Congruiting WEN Fei LI En-tian SHI Xiao-jun TANG Jian-feng(4)Optimized Preparation of LVR-60R Heavy Oil Catalyzer and its Industrial ApplicationJIANG Xiao-long, YANG She-ming, LI Yu-ping, ZHAO Min(8) Nano-catalyzers Pr

6、eparation and its Application to Petrochemical ProcessJIN Yu-jie; SHANG Xiu-li; WANG Qun, GUO Wei-wei (11)Fitting Method of Performance Curve of Centrifugal Pump Based on Matrix Operation SHANG Jian-ping, YU Shu-rong(14)Failure Analysis of the Impellers of Sea Water Pumps of 316 Stainless Steel and

7、SolutionXU Xiao-gang(16)The Test and Application of Parameter of Laser Cladding in Ball Mill Mainshaft Repairing ZHANG Xue-ping, JIA Qiu-ju(20)Application and Research of Ultrasonic Test in the Scarf Welding Joint ZHANG Xiao-hui(24) Application of soft handoff in inverting and fundamental frequency

8、power supplyZHAO Xiang-qin, ZHANG Gui-fang(26)Design of the Non-contacting Infrared Thermometer Based on 89C51 QUAN Jian-jun(29)Design and Realization of FUZZY- AHP -T Algorithm REN Tai-ming(32)Automatic Monitoring Record System of Teaching Network Based on VB ZHANG Ming-yan(34)Real-time Data Acquis

9、ition based on Model-driven Technique and KPI CalculationsWAGN Meng, XU Yi-bo,ZHOU weitian(36)Design and Realization of College Examination System for Q&A Based on B/S ZHANG Li-jing,REN Li-yong ,LI Jiong ,ZHOU Li-min(39)The study and practice of Flash-based computer networking principles interactive

10、 animation NING Jing-tao(41)The Usage of Image File Format and its Additional Data in Video CompositionWANG Hai-ying, YANG Tao-hai, ZHAO Wei(44)The Influence of the Concrete Shrinkage to the Internal Force of the Steel-concrete Composite Beams SUN-Tao(47)Detecting and Analyzing System of electronic

11、controlled engine based on TJ2000 8ASHI Yun-guo,Fu Ke-fu(50)Investigation Report on Learning Motive of Doctorate Candidates In Central University For Nationalities GAO Xiao-yan, CUI ming-yu(54) The construction of Attached mediation of court in China WEN Xiao-qing(58)Research on Construction and App

12、lication of Competency Model SUN Feng-xiang, YU Hui-ping(62)Present Situation and Development Countermeasures Research Of Zhangzhou Sports Location Construction LIYue-li, LI Jin-zhang(65)On the Scientific Accomplishment of the Exemplary Higher Vocational Foreign Languages Training Model Based on the

13、 Integration of Experiencing and Learning MA Kai-guang(69)On the Examination Reform of Accounting System Design in Higher Vocational CollegeWANG Zi-rong, DONG Wen-ting(72)Construction of Open-type Training Base for Automobile Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges ZHANG Hong-yan, FU Ke-fu(75)Resear

14、ches of statistical regularity of discrete random variables LI Hui(78)摘 要第8卷 第3期兰州石化职业技术学院学报 文章编号:1671-4067(2008)03-0001-03亚甲基兰中性红聚合膜电极对多巴胺的分析测定何小荣1,孙先辉2 ,周锦1,马利海1,吴海霞1(1. 兰州石化职业技术学院 石油化学工程系, 甘肃 兰州730060;2. 中国石油 兰州石化公司 炼油厂, 甘肃 兰州730060)摘要: 在中性溶液中用重复电位扫描法在玻碳电极上制备了亚甲基兰混合中性红聚合膜。其聚合是在高电位引发下,氧化中性红和亚甲基兰产生

15、自由基发生链式引发聚合。该聚合物修饰电极在pH值为8.4时对多巴胺有良好的催化氧化能力,在310-6310-4mol/L范围与峰电流成线性关系。可用于多巴胺的测定。关键词: 聚亚甲基兰中性红;多巴胺;测定中图分类号: O657.15 文献标识码: A 收稿日期: 2008-06-23基金项目:甘肃省教育厅科研项目(0615-02);兰州石化学院基金(K06-3)作者简介:何小荣(1965-),男,甘肃灵台人, 讲师;吴海霞(1972),女,甘肃宁县人,讲师,硕士,通讯联系人,E-mail:wnhaixia9410 参考文献: 1 Electroactive Polymer Electroche

16、mistry (Ed: M.E.G. Lyons), Plenum, M.New York, Part 1, 1994, Part 2,(1996) 2 G. Inzelt, Characterization of modified electrodes by electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance, radiotracer technique and impedance spectroscopy J.Electroanalysis. 1995(7): 895-903 3 D. D. Schlereth, A .A. Karyakin, Elec

17、tropolymerization of phenothiazine, phenoxazine and phenazine derivatives: Characterization of the polymers by UV-visible difference spectroelectrochemistry and Fourier transform IR spectroscopy J. J. Electroanal. Chem., 1995(395):221-226 4 V. Kertsz, J. Bcskai, G. Inzelt, Monitoring of formation an

18、d redox transformations of poly(Methylene blue) films using an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalanceJ. Electrochim. Acta., 1996(41):2877-2881 5 A. A. Karyakin, E. E. Karyakina, W. Schuhmann, H. L. Schmidt, S. D. Varfolomeyev, New amperometric dehydrogenase electrodes based on electrocatalytic

19、NADH-oxidation at poly (methylene blue)-modified electrodes J. Electroanalysis. (1994)6:821-829 6 吴海霞,何小荣,冯文成,等 中性红聚合膜的电化学性质及对多巴胺的测定J 天水师范学院学报,2008,28(2):73-75 7吴海霞,杨西萍,王焕梅,等 亚甲基兰聚合膜的电化学表征及性质 J 河西学院学报,2008,24(2):44-48 8吴海霞,何小荣,杨西萍,康敬万.中性红聚合膜的表征及性质J.兰州石化职业技术学院学报,2007.(3):72-74.9J. M. Bauldreay, M .D.

20、 Archer Dye-modified electrodes for photogalvanic cells J. Electroch im. Acta., (1983)28:1515-1520 Detection of Dopamine on the Poly(Methylene Blue and Neutralred) Film Modified Eectrode HE Xiao-rong1, SUN Xian-hui2, ZHOU Jin1, MA Li-hai1, WU Haixia1(1.Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Tec

21、hnology, Lanzhou 730060,China; 2. Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, PetroChina, Lanzhou 730060, China )Abstract: The formation of a radical cation, by electrochemical oxidation of the methylene blue and neutral red dye in neutral aqueous solution, is controlled by diffusion towards the glassy carbon el

22、ectrode surface. The modified electrode was an effective mediator for the electrocatalytic oxidation of the dopamine and the modification allowed dopamine to be determined in the range of 310-6310-4 mol/L in pH 8.4 tris-HCl buffer solution.Key words: Poly(methylene blue neutral red); dopamine; deter

23、mination文章编号:1671-4067(2008)03-0004-04PIV技术在油品调和流场测试中的应用温 飞1 , 李恩田2, 史小军2,唐建峰3 (1.江苏石油勘探局 油田建设处, 江苏 江都 225261;2.江苏工业学院 江苏省油气储运重点实验室, 江苏 常州 213016;3浙江油品有限公司,浙江 杭州 311227)摘要: 利用相似理论建立数学模型,应用激光粒子测速仪PIV,以两种不同的油品为介质,有机玻璃油罐为载体,使用环形喷管,模拟了油品的调和,进行了速度场的测量。从而得到了同一个截面的平均速度矢量场和涡量场,分析了不同雷诺数对流场的影响,以及对应的涡量变化。通过实验表

24、明,PIV测试油品调和的流场是一种可行和有效的实验方法。关键词: PIV;油品调和;雷诺数;速度场;涡量场 中图分类号: TE624.6 文献标识码: A收稿日期: 2008-08-05基金项目:江苏省科技厅资助项目(BS2005020);江苏省油气储运技术重点试验室资助项目(cy0601)作者简介:温 飞(1979- ),男,吉林省吉林市人,工程师 参考文献: 1 冯旺聪,郑士琴.粒子图像测速(PIV)技术的发展J.仪器仪表用户,2003,10(6):123.2 孙鹤泉,沈永明,王永学,等.PIV技术的几种实现方法J.水科学进展,2004,15(1):105-108.3 Westerweel

25、.Fundamentals of digital particle image velocimetryJ.Measurement Science and Technology,1997,8(12):1379-1392.4陈红,岳艳玲,刘义祥.浅析油品调和方案J.内蒙古石油化工,2005, (9):146-147.5TSI Company.Particle image velocimetryM.TSI Incoporated,2002. 6HUANG H,DABIRI D,GHARIB M.On errors of digital particle image velocimetryJ.Meas

26、urement Science and Technology,1997,8(12):1427-1440.7邵瑜,刘一笑.智能化油品调和J.石油化工自动化,2004, (1):1-4.The Application of PIV Technique in Testing Flow Field of Oil Congruiting WEN Fei1, LI En-tian2, SHI Xiao-jun2, TANG Jian-feng3(1. Jiangsu Oilfeild Exploration Cooperation, Jiangdu 225261, China; 2. Jiangsu Po

27、lytechnic University, Changzhou 213016, China; 3.Zhejiang Oil Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 3112277, China)Abstract: Establishing the mathematic model by similarity theory ,Using the laser Particle Image Velocimetry PIV, taking two different kinds of oil as media, the organic-glass oilcan as the carrier, and a

28、nnularity spray nozzle, the oil congruiting is simulated and the velocity field survey is carried on. the average velocity vector field and vorticity field in the same section are obtained, the influence of different Reynolds number to flow field is analyzed,and corresponding changes of vorticity. T

29、he experiment shows that testing the Flow Field of oil congruiting with PIV is a feasible and effective experimental technique.Key words: PIV;blending oil;Reynolds number; velocity field; vorticity field文章编号:1671-4067(2008)03-0008-03LVR-60R重油催化剂优化与工业应用蒋小龙1,杨社明2 ,李玉平2, 赵 敏3(1兰州石化公司 销售部,甘肃 兰州730060; 2

30、宁夏炼化公司 催化车间,宁夏 银川 750000;3兰州石化职业技术学院 人文社会科学系,甘肃 兰州 730060)摘要: 针对炼厂加工原油呈现劣质化趋势和持续追求高目的产品收率的要求,兰州石化公司对重油催化剂进行改进升级,推出新的LVR-60R重油催化剂,并在宁夏炼化公司催化装置进行了工业试用。结果表明,LVR-60R催化剂具有总液收高,重油转化能力强的特点,满足了用户的生产需求。 关键词: 催化剂;重油裂解;催化裂化;总液收 中图分类号: TE624.9 文献标识码: A收稿日期: 2008-06-12作者简介:蒋小龙(1976-),男,甘肃榆中人,经济师.参考文献: 1候祥麟.中国炼油技

31、术M.北京:中国石化出版社,2001.2陈俊武.催化裂化工艺与工程M.北京:中国石化出版社,2005.3吕雷.改进的渣油催化裂化催化剂 J.工业催化,2003,(10):34.4陈祖庇 .选好用好催化裂化催化剂J.炼油技术与工程,2004,(09):7-12.Optimized Preparation of LVR-60R Heavy Oil Catalyzer and its Industrial Application JIANG Xiao-long, YANG Du-ming, LI Yu-ping, ZHAO Min(1.Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou 730060, China; 2. Ningxia Refining and Chemical Co., Yinchuan 750000, China; 3.Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Technology, Lanzhou 730060, China)Abstract: In allusion to the request of worse tide of base oils process and standing pursuit for high aim product yield, Lanzh

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