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1、外文翻译开发一个ASP网站所运用的工具中文3400字ASP development of a site by the use of tools1. DreamweaverMacromedia Dreamweaver is a professional HTML editor for visually designing and managing web sites and pages. Whether you enjoy the control of hand-coding HTML or prefer to work in a visual editing environment, Drea

2、m weaver makes it easy to get started and provides you with helpful tools to enhance your Web design experience.Dreamweaver includes many coding tools and features: an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript reference, a JavaScript debugger, and code editors (the Code view and Code inspector) that allow you to ed

3、it JavaScript, XML technology imports HTML documents without reformatting Macromedias Roundtrip HTML technology imports HTML documents without reformatting the code and you can set Dream weaver to clean up and reformat HTML when you want it to .Dreamweavers visual editing features also let you quick

4、ly add design and functionality to your pages without writing a line of code. You can view all your site elements or assets and drag them from an easy-to-use panel directly into a document. Streamline your development workflow by creating and editing images in Macromedia Fireworks, then importing th

5、em directly into Dream weaver, or by adding Flash objects you create directly in Dreamweaver.Dreamweaver is fully customizable. Use Dreamweaver to create your own objects and commands, modify keyboard shortcuts, and even write JavaScript code to extend Dreamweavers capabilities with new behaviors, p

6、roperty inspectors and site reports.The Dreamweaver work area Lets start with a brief overview of the Dreamweaver work area.If you havent already launch Dreamweaver, double-click the Dream weaver icon to launch it.The Dreamweaver work area accommodates different styles of working and levels of exper

7、tise.When you launch Dreamweaver, the following work area items open:The Document window displays the current document as you create and edit it.The Objects panel contains icons you click to insert objects in you document.Dreamweaver provides many floating panels, such as the HTML Styles panel and t

8、he code inspector which enable you to work with other Dreamweaver elements.The Launcher bar contains buttons for opening and closing your most frequently used inspectors and panels.The Property inspector displays properties for the selected object or text, and lets you modify those properties.(Which

9、 properties appear in the inspector depend on the object actively selected in the document.)To open Dreamweavers windows, inspectors and panels, use the Window menu. A check mark next to an item in the Window menu indicates that the named item is currently open(though it may be hidden behind other w

10、indows). To display an item that isnt currently open, choose the item name from the menu or use its keyboard shortcut.Working in DreamweaverDreamweaver can display a document in three ways: in Design view, in Code view, and in a split view that shows both the design and code.(To change the view in w

11、hich youre working ,select a view in the Dream weaver toolbar.)By default, Dreamweaver displays the document window in design view.In addition, you can work with Dreamweavers design view in two different ways in layout view and standard view.( You select these views in the view category of the objec

12、ts panel.) In layout view you can design a page layout. Insert graphics, text, and other media; in standard view, in addition to inserting graphics text and media, you can also insert layers, create frame documents, create tables, and apply other changes to your page-options that arent available in

13、layout view.2.DatabaseYou know that a database is a collection of logically related data elements that maybe structured in various ways to meet the multiple processing and retrieval needs of organizations and individuals. Theres nothing new about databases-early ones were chiseled in stone, penned o

14、n scrolls, and written on index cards. But now databases are commonly recorded on magnetically media, and computer programs are required to perform the necessary storage and retrieval operations.Youll see in the following pages that complex data relationships and linkages maybe found in all but the

15、simplest databases. The system software package that handles the difficult tasks associated with creating, accessing, and maintaining database records is called a database management system(DBMS).The programs in a DBMS package establish an interface between the database itself and the users of the d

16、atabase.(These users may be applications programmers, managers and others with information needs, and various OS programs.) A DBMS can organize, process, and present selected data elements from the database. This capability enables decision makers to search, probe, and query database contents in ord

17、er to extract answers to nonrecurring and unplanned questions that arent available in regular reports.These questions might initially be vague and/or poorly defined, but people can “browse” through the database until they needed information. In short, the DBMS will “manage” the stored data items and

18、 assemble the needed items from the common database in response to the queries of those who arent programmers. Ina file-oriented system, users needing special information may communicate their needs to programmer, who, when time permits, will write one or more prepare the information.The availabilit

19、y of a DBMS, however, offers users a much faster alternative communications path.3. SQL AND SQL SERVERIBM invented a computer language back in the 1970s designed specifically for database queries called SEQUEL; those letters stand for Structured English QUERY for queries, but can also build database

20、s and manage the database engines security. Because of this heritage you can pronounce it “sequel” or spell it out “S-Q-L.” There are various versions of SQL used in todays database engines. Microsoft SQL Server uses a version called Transact-SQL, or T-SQL, which stands for Transaction SQL.What Is S

21、QL Server?SQL Server is a client/server relational database management system (RDBMS)that use Transact-SQL to send requests between a client an SQL Server.Client/Server ArchitectureThe terms client, server, and client/server can be used to refer to very general concepts or to specific items of hardw

22、are or software. At the most general level, a client is any component of a system that requests services or resources from other components of a system. A server is any component of a system that provides services or resources to other components of a system.For example, when you print a document fr

23、om your workstation on a network, the workstation is the client and the machine that does the print spooling is the server. Any client/server data-base system consists of the following components:The serverA collection of data items and supporting objects organized and presented to facilitate servic

24、es, such as searching ,sorting , recombining ,retrieving, updating ,and analyzing data. The database consists of the physical storage of data and the data base services. All data access occurs through the server; the physical data is never accessed directly by the client.The clientA software program

25、 that might be used interactively by a person or that could be an automated process. This includes all software that interacts with the server, either requesting data from or sending data to the database.The communication between the client and the server- The communication between the client and th

26、e server depends largely on how the client and server are implemented. Both physical and logical layers of communication can be identified.When you communicate with someone using the telephone, the telephone system is the physical layer and a spoken natural language is the logical layer of communica

27、tion. For a data-based system, the physical layer can be a network if the server and the client are on different computers. It can be intercrosses communication if the server and the client are on the same computer. The logical communication structure of the physical layer may be low-level operating

28、 system calls, a proprietary data access language, or the open structured query language (SQL)4. IISInternet Information Server is the acronym (IIS) is a World Wide Web server. Gopher server and FTP server all inclusive inside. IIS means that you can publish web pages, and there are ASP (Active Serv

29、er Pages), JAVA, VBscript generated pages, with some extensions. IIS support some interesting things, like the editorial environment interface (FRONTPAGE), a full-text search function (INDEX SERVER), a multimedia capabilities (NET SHOW)Secondly, IIS is with Windows NT Server 4.0 to provide the docum

30、ents and application server, Windows NT Server is built on the basic Internet server components. Windows NT Server and its fully integrated, allowing the use of Windows NT Server built-in security, and the NTFS file system build a powerful and flexible Internet / Intranet site.IIS (Internet Informat

31、ion Server, Internet Information Services) is a Web (Web) services components, including Web server, FTP server, NNTP server and the SMTP server, were used for web browsing, file transfer, mail and news services and so on It makes the network (including the Internet and LAN) on the release of inform

32、ation has become a very easy matter. IIS is the abbreviation for Internet Information Server, Microsoft is pushing the main server, the latest version is included Windows2000 inside the IIS 5, IIS and WindowNT Server fully integrated together, so users can use Windows NT Server and NTFS (NT File System , NT file system) built-in security features, building a strong, flexible and secure Internet and Intranet sites. IIS support HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol), FTP (File Transfer Protocol, file transfer protocol) and SMTP protocol, through the use of

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