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1、英语20112012学年度第二学期七年级下英语期末模拟试卷及答案满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟听力:(共30分)、听句子。听下面10个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)( )1AYes, I can BCertainly CSNOW( )2AGreat BGrean CRaining( )3ANo, I wont BYes, I will CSorry, I wont( )4ANo, but they can eat in the dining hall

2、BYes, they can CNo, he cant( )5AThey like Animal World BHe likes talk showsCI like talk shows( )6AIt was Saturday BIt was May lst CIt was 8( )7AYes, its boring BNo, its interesting CIts boring( )8AYes, they are BSix CNo, they are listening to the teacher ( )9AIts great BIts sunny CIts terrible( )10A

3、In the library BAt school CYes, I can、听对话。听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共6分)( )11AYes, she does BNo, she does not CShe likes monkeys( )12AShe is a nurse BShe is a teacher CShes a waitress( )13AIn a shop BAt school CIn a library( )14AThe swim

4、ming club BThe piano club CThe dancing club( )15AFantastic BReally bad CNot bad、对话理解。听下面一段对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。现在你有10秒钟的时间来阅读这4个小题,对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共4分)( )16Who went to a birthday party?AMike BSam CMy cousin( )17What did they do in the party?AThey danced BThey drank beers, sang and danced CThey san

5、g( )18How was the party? AIt was very interestingBIt was bad CIt was boring( )19Where was Mike on weekend? AAt school BAt library CAt home ( )20Why didnt Mike go out? ABecause he has an English test BBecause he has a Chinese testCBecause he has a maths test、短文理解。听下面一段材料,回答2125题,现在你有15秒钟的时间阅读这段材料,读两遍

6、。(每小题2分,共10分)( )21How was the weather? It was . Asunny Bsnowy Ccloudy Dwindy( )22Where did Cara go on vacation? ASichuan BHunan CShanghai DBeijing( )23 Cooked noodles. ACara BMarias mother CCaras mother DMaria( )24There were some with the noodles. Apeppers, mushrooms and tomatoes Bpeppers and pepper

7、oniCpeppers, pepperoni and tomatoes Dpeppers and tomatoes( )25Was the food awful? AYes, it was BNo, it wasnt CWe dont know DYes, it wasntII 单项选择。从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(每小题1分,共20分)26. - Would you like to go shopping with me? - _? A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, Id like. C. Yes, Id like to. D. Yes, please. 27.

8、 Dont fight _ classmates in school. Do you agree _ me? A. to, on B. with, with C. for, to D. for, with28. Toms brother _ me _ Tom just now. A. make, to help B. make, help C. made, help D. made, to help29. Tom often _ in his room after school. But last night he _ a story to his sister. A. study, told

9、 B. studys, telled C. studies, telled D. studies, told30. Now its time _ shool. A. for B. to go C. on D. go to31. Each girl _ having dinner at school now. A. is B. are C. was D. were32. - What would you like for lunch? - Id like some _ and _. A. tomato, beef B. tomatos, beef C. tomatoes, beefs D. to

10、matoes, beef33. We all had fun _ in the supermarket _ a sunny morning. A. shoping, on B. shopping, in C. shopping, on D. shopping, 34. What about _ some tea this afternoon? A. drinking B. to drink C. drink D. drinkking35. - _ did you visit your nucle? - Last weekend. A. When B. Where C. Who D. What3

11、6. I often watch my sister _ in the bedroom. Look, she _ in her room. A. danceing, dance B. dancing, dancesC. dance, is dancing D. dances, is dancing37. I dont like tigers, because they _ scary. A. looked B. look like C. looked like D. look38. Can you please put my article _ the school magazine? A.

12、on B. in C. under D. of39. - Who is our teacher waiting. _? - Mr Zhang. A. / B. of C. for D. to40. My brother is _ boy. A. a 18-year-old B. an 18 years old C. an 18- year-old D. a 18-years-old41. Please stop _ now. I want to enjoy _ music. A. talking, listening B. talking, listening to C. to talk, l

13、istening to D. to talk, listening42. - _ does he _ game shows? - He loves them. A. How, think of B. What, think of C, What, think about D. How, like about43. - I ate an ice cream yesterday. - _. A. I ate, too B. I do, too C. I did, too. D. I did, also.44. My mother likes sitcoms very much. She think

14、s _ pretty good. A. it is B. they are C. they were D. it was45. There is _ food here. We dont need to buy any.A. too many B. too much C. very many D. tooIII 完型填空。(每小题1分,共10分)通读全文,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。Rules of Cathys family Many families make many 46 rules. Cathys parents make some rules 47 her, too.

15、She 48 get up at six oclock every morning and read English. She cant 49 late for school. She cant go out 50 meet friends 51 school nights. She can just stay at home and do homework. Then she has to go to bed 52 nine oclock. She cant open the door for anyone. She cant 53 the telephone. On weekends, s

16、he has to practice 54 and she also has to clean her room. She has 55 time to play.46. A. farnalies B. familys C. familys D. family47. A. to B. for C. at D. with48. A. have to B. has to C. can D. would like to49. A. get B. arrive C. comes D. go50. A. and B. not C. no D. or51. A. at B. in C. on D. of5

17、2. A. after B. in C. on D. by53. A. answer B. get C. put D. ask54. A. painting B. paintting C. to paint D. paint55.A. much B. not C. no D. manyIV 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)认真阅读下列文章,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出与文章意思最为相符的选项。 A Do you know a pop singer Jay Chou from Taiwan? His birthday is January 18th, 1979. When he was a

18、child, he was shy and quiet. When he was 3 years old, he began learning to play the piano. Now he can play the piano very well. When he was 16, he wrote songs for popular artists of that time. He wrote many songs in the past. He is also a good actor. In 2005, Jay joined in the movie Initial D. Most

19、people talked about the movie and thought the movie was very good. And he also had other movies-Curse of the Golden Flower and Secret. Now he is very popular in China. 根据短文判断正误,正确的填A,错误的填B. 56. Jay Chou can sing, play the piano and write songs. 57. He is 31 years old this year. 58. He comes from Tai

20、wan. 59. When he was a child, he wanted to be a musician. 60. He didnt join in any movies in the past.B(1) There is some food from Yummy Restaurant. TEL: 65394824 Address: 28 Peace Road, CQNoodlesMutton noodlesBeef noodlesTomato and egg noodlesChicken noodlesPrice$10$10$12$15SoupOnion soupPotato sou

21、pCarrot soupPrice$4$5$6DrinksOrange juiceSodaTeaMilkPrice$2$3$2$2RiceA small bowlA medium bowlA large bowlPrice$1$2$3Dumplings(15 dumplings/each plate(盘)Cabbage dumplingsBroccoli dumplingsMutton dumplingsBeef dumplingsPrice$10$10$15$15DessertBanana ice creamApple ice creamBerry ice creamPrice$8$7$6(

22、2) Here is a weather report in some cities in China.WEATHER REPORTCityMax(最高温度)Min(最低温度)WeatherBeijingDalianHarbinShenzhenJinanXiamenChongqing5I-162461920-7-112513-21312sunnycloudy to sunnysnowysunny to cloudycloudywindyrainy(3) These are CQTV shows in Chongqing Station.CQTV Shows7:30 Morning News14

23、:30 Soap Opera: Dumpling King15:30 Arts and Cultures16:50 Sitcom: Happy Familyi 8:20 Chinese cooking19:00 Talk show 61. If I order a bowl of carrot soup and 30 mutton dumplings, how much should (应该) I pay? A. 30 B. 24 C. 21 D. 3662. What is the first article? A. A letter. B. A menu. C. A newspaper.

24、D. A diary.63. When we go out in Chongqing, we should take _ with us. A. a raincoat B. a hat C. sunglasses D. a belt64. We can watch the sitcom at _ on TV. A. 4:50 p.m. B. 7:30 a.m. C. 3:30 p.m. D. 6:20 p.m.65. Which of the following sentences is fight (正确的)? X kb 1 .c o m A. Toms father is a cook.

25、He learns Chinese Cooking on TV at 15:30. B. We can have cabbage and potato noodles in Yummy Restaurant. C. We can talk with a host on TV at 16:50. D. Toms mother wants to go to Harbin, she has to wear very warm clothes.C One summer day last year, I visited a city in France in my car. It was late in

26、 the afternoon. I couldnt find the way to the Garden Hotel. When I drove (驾驶) for a long time, I saw a beautiful young woman. She took a lot of bags with her and came out of a supermarket. I stopped and asked her, “Excuse me, madam. Can you tell me the way to the Garden Hotel?” “The Garden Hotel? Su

27、re. But it may be difficult for you to find it now. Ill show you the way if you like.” “Oh! Thank you very much. Please get into my car.” Then I helped her put the bags in my car. An hour later, we came to a big house. The young woman said, “Please stop here.” I stopped and looked at the house. “But

28、 this is not a hotel.” I said to her. “No.” she answered with a smile, “This is my house. And now let me show you the way to the Garden Hotel. Go along the street and turn right on the first turning. Then you can easily find the Garden Hotel on your left. Its only a two-minute (分钟) drive from here. And thank you for driving me home.”Then she took up all the bags and walked to her home.66. What did the man do that afternoon? A. He went to meet a young woman. B. He looked for a hotel. C. He looked for a supermarket. D. He wanted to go home.67. Why did the man stop his car out

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