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1、斯巴达三百勇士斯巴达三百勇士The Brave Three Hundred电影台词中英文对照2010-1-3斯巴达300勇士The Brave Three HundredS:Soliloquy(DI:Dilios) L: Leonidas Q: Queen T: Theron M:MessengerE: Ephors A: Astinos Sp: Spartan XC: Captain of Xerxes X: XerxesC:Captain S: When the boy was born like all Spartans, he was inspected.当一个男婴出生后就像斯巴达所有

2、婴儿一样 会被仔细地检视If hed been small or puny or sickly or misshapen he would have been discarded.如果他太小、太弱、多病、畸形就会被抛弃From the time he could stand, he was baptized in the fire of combat.从他刚能站稳那一刻 便开始接受战斗的洗礼Taught never to retreat, never to surrender.被教育要从不退缩,从不投降Taught that death on the battlefield in servic

3、e to Sparta was the greatest glory he could achieve in his life.并被灌输一个观念 为斯巴达战死沙场是人一生所能成就的最大荣耀At age 7, as is customary in Sparta the boy was taken from his mother and plunged into a world of violence.依照斯巴达的传统男孩七岁就从母亲身边被带走 投入到一个残酷的暴力世界Manufactured by 300 years of Spartan warrior society to create th

4、e finest soldiers the world has ever known.经过斯巴达三百年来 尚武社会的塑造成为世上最顶尖的战士The agoge, as its called, forces the boy to fight.正如其名,斯巴达的“酷炼” 迫使男孩们去争强好斗Starves them, forces them to steal and if necessary, to kill.让他们挨饿,逼迫他们偷盗如果必要,让他们去杀人By rod and lash the boy was punished taught to show no pain, no mercy.以棍

5、击和鞭笞来惩罚孩子教他们痛苦不行于色 对敌人不要怜悯Constantly tested, tossed into the wild.时常接受测试,比如被抛在野外Left to pit his wits and will against natures fury.只能靠自己的智慧和毅力 与无情的大自然搏斗It was his initiation his time in the wild for he would return to his people a Spartan or not at all.在荒野中求生存只是对他的启蒙测试他若不能成为真正的斯巴达人 回到族人的身边便将尸骨无存The

6、wolf begins to circle the boy.狼开始在他身边游走Claws of black steel fur as dark night.钢铁般的乌爪黑夜般的乌毛Eyes glowing red jewels from the pit of hell itself.双眼泛着红光如地狱深渊来的宝石The giant wolf sniffing savoring the scent of the meal to come.巨狼不停地嗅着享受着即将到嘴的肉香Its not fear that grips him only a heightened sense of things.笼

7、罩他的不是恐惧而是逐渐增强的某种感觉The cold air in his lungs.冷空气在他的肺里打转Windswept pines moving against the coming night.深夜里寒风萧瑟,拍打着松枝His hands are steady.他的双手沉稳His form perfect.他的架式 完美!And so the boy, given up for dead returns to his people, to sacred Sparta, a king!这个被认定已死的男孩却回到了族人的身边 回到了神圣的斯巴达Our king, Leonidas!一位新

8、国王,我们的国王 列奥尼达Its been more than 30 years since the wolf and the winter cold.巨狼和寒冬之夜 已是卅多年前的往事And now, as then, a beast approaches.然而眼下又有一只野兽 向我们扑来Patient and confident, savoring the meal to come.它充满信心和耐心 享受着即将到嘴的肉香But this beast is made of men and horses swords and spears.但这只野兽是士卒与战马刀剑与矛戟An army of

9、slaves, vast beyond imagining, ready to devour tiny Greece.由不计其数的奴隶组成的军团 随时准备吞噬弱小的希腊Ready to snuff out the worlds one hope for reason and justice.随时准备拈熄一个世上 理性与正义的希望之火A beast approaches and it was King Leonidas himself who provoked it.这只野兽正在靠近是列奥尼达国王自己激怒了它Thats it.就是那样L: Now, the more you sweat here

10、, the less youll bleed in battle. 孩子,你现在流的汗愈多 将来战场上流的血就愈少My father taught me that fear is always a constant.父亲教导我恐惧在所难免But accepting it makes you stronger.但是要坦然接受它使你变得更强My queen.王后A Persian emissary awaits Leonidas.波斯使者在等候国王L: In the end a Spartars true strength is the warrior next to him.最终斯巴达人真正的力

11、量在于 那些与你并肩作战的袍泽So give respect and honor to him, and it will be returned to you.你给他们尊敬与荣誉 他们必将同样回报你First you fight with your head.首先作战时首先要用你的头脑Q: Then you fight with your heart.然后再用你的勇气L:What is it?什么事?Q:A Persian messenger awaits you.波斯使者在等你L: Do not forget todays lesson.别忘了今天学的- Respect and honor.

12、- Respect and honor.尊敬和荣誉 尊敬和荣誉Q: Councilman Theron. You found yourself needed, for once.席朗议员 你终于给自己派上用场T: My king and queen, I was just entertaining your guests.国王陛下、王后殿下 我只不过是招待上宾罢了L: Im sure.我想也是L: Before you speak, Persian know that in Sparta everyone,even a kings messenger is held accountable f

13、or the words of his voice.在你说明来意前,提醒你 波斯人知道在斯巴达,就算是国王的使者也要对自己说的话负责Now, what message do you bring?那么.你带来了什么消息?M: Earth and water.土和水L: You rode all the way from Persia for earth and water?你千里迢迢来,就为了一点土和水?Q: Do not be coy or stupid, Persian.You can afford neither in Sparta.波斯人,别故作谦让或愚昧 在斯巴达,两样对你都没好处M:

14、 What makes this woman think she can speak among men?你这女人凭什么插嘴?Q: Because only Spartan women give birth to real men.就因只有斯巴达的女人 才能生出来真正的男人L:Let us walk to cool our tongues.消消气,我们借一步说话吧M: If you value your lives over your complete annihilation listen carefully, Leonidas.如果你珍惜百姓的生命 不愿被灭国的话,列奥尼达,听仔细了Xer

15、xes conquers and controls everything he rests his eyes upon.薛西斯王征服和统治了 他视野所及的一切He leads an army so massive, it shakes the ground with its march.他带领的军队庞大到 行军时都会地动山摇So vast, it drinks the rivers dry.能饮尽任何一条河川All the God-King Xerxes requires is this:天王薛西斯王只有一个简单的要求:A simple offering of earth and water

16、a token of Spartas submission to the will of Xerxes.你献上一块土和一瓢水表示斯巴达愿意臣服于薛西斯的意志L: Submission.臣服?Now, thats a bit of a problem.呃.这有点麻烦See, rumor has it the Athenians have already turned you down.据传雅典人已经拒绝了你And if those philosophers and boy-lovers have found that kind of nerve, then.如果那些清谈家和同性恋们 都有胆子这么

17、做的话,那T: We must be diplomatic.L: And, of course, Spartans have their reputation to consider.- 我们得注意外交辞令 - 同时,当然斯巴达人也得考虑自己的名声M: Choose your next words carefully, Leonidas.列奥尼达,好好斟酌你接着要说的话They may be your last as king.可能是你以国王身份说的最后一句话L: Earth and water.“土和水”M: Madman. Youre a madman.你疯啦,你是个疯子L: Earth

18、and water.土和水Youll find plenty of both down there.下面多得是,你自己去拿M: No man, Persian or Greek, no man threatens a messenger.两国相交不斩来使 波斯、希腊也不例外L:You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps.你带着被征服的国王头颅和王冠 来到我的阶前You insult my queen.你侮辱我的王后You threaten my people with slavery and death.

19、你用奴役和死亡威胁我的臣民Oh, Ive chosen my words carefully, Persian.波斯人,嗯,我的确斟酌过了Perhaps you should have done the same.或许你刚才也该如此M: This is blasphemy. This is madness!简直是亵渎,简直是疯狂L: Madness?疯狂?This is Sparta!这就是斯巴达!E: Welcome, Leonidas.欢迎,列奥尼达We have been expecting you.我们正在等你S: The ephors, priests to the old gods

20、.祭司,是负责祭祀古老神祇的人Inbred swine.是群万世一系的怪种More creature than man.不像人,反而更像野兽Creatures whom even Leonidas must bribe and beg.就算是列奥尼达 也只得去贿赂和乞求这些野兽For no Spartan king has gone to war without the ephors blessing.只有在他们的祝福下 斯巴达的国王才能出征L: The Persians claim their forces number in the millions.波斯人宣称他们有百万大军I hope,

21、 for our sake, they exaggerate.我由衷希望那是夸大之词But theres no question, we face the most massive army ever assembled.但毫无疑问,我们面对的 是一支硕大无比的军队E: Before your plan is heard what do you offer?在说出计划之前你有何供奉?L: We will use our superior fighting skills and the terrain of Greece herself to destroy them.我们会以精湛的作战技巧加上

22、希腊特殊的地形来摧毁他们We will march north to the coast, where I will make sure.我们向北进军至海岸 在那边我确信E: It is August, Leonidas. The full moon approaches.已经八月了,列奥尼达 满月将至The sacred and ancient festival.传统神圣的太阳神祭祀节Sparta wages no war at the time of the Carneia.斯巴达不可于节日期间战争L: Sparta will burn!斯巴达会被焚毁Her men will die at

23、 arms and her women and children will be slaves or worse.男人会被屠杀女人和孩子会沦为奴隶,或更悲惨Now, we will block the Persian coastal assault by rebuilding the great Phocian Wall.我们可以重修弗西人的巨石墙用以阻挡波斯军队沿海岸的攻击And from there, we will funnel them into the mountain pass we call the Hot Gates.这样就可以将他们慢慢挤入 叫做“温泉关”的隘道Now, in

24、 that narrow corridor, their numbers will count for nothing.他们的人数优势,会丧失在隘道里And wave after wave of Persian attack will smash against Spartan shields.波斯人一波接一波的攻击会被阻挡于斯巴达的盾墙前Xerxes losses will be so great, his men so demoralized he will have no choice but to abandon his campaign.薛西斯会损失惨重,军心涣散,他除了退兵,别无选

25、择E: We must consult the oracle.我们必须请示神谕Trust the gods, Leonidas.相信神吧,列奥尼达L: Id prefer you trusted your reason.我更希望你们相信自己的理智E: Your blasphemies have cost us quite enough already.你亵渎神明之言已经给我们招来不少麻烦Dont compound them.别再火上添油了We will consult the oracle.我们要请示神谕S: Diseased old mystics.这些装神弄鬼的异Worthless rem

26、nants of a time before Spartas ascent from darkness. Remnants of a senseless tradition.是斯巴达文明进化前 黑暗时代遗留下的废人Tradition even Leonidas cannot defy for he must respect the word of the ephors.一个流传下来荒谬的习俗即使列奥尼达都不能违背因为他必须尊重祭司的指示That is the law.这是法律And no Spartan, subject or citizen, man or woman slave or ki

27、ng, is above the law.斯巴达的任何人,男人或者女人 奴隶或是国王都不能超乎法律之上The ephors choose only the most beautiful Spartan girlsto live among them as oracles.祭司会选择斯巴达最美丽的女人和他们一起住在神殿里 做为传递神谕的使者Their beauty is their curse for the old wretches have the needs of men and souls as black as hell.她们的美貌却带来了厄运因为即使这些老废物 也有男人的生理需要他们

28、的灵魂如地狱般黑暗E: Pray to the winds Sparta will fall.“面风祈祷斯巴达会覆灭”All Greece will fall.“整个希腊都将覆灭”Trust not in men honor the gods.“不可轻信人言只能尊重神谕”Honor the Carneia.“尊重祭祀节”S: The kings climb down is harder.国王下山时,心情更沉重Pompous, inbred swine.骄傲浮夸,近亲交配Worthless, diseased, rotten corrupt.废物、残疾、堕落贪腐T: Truly, youre i

29、n the god-kings favor now O wise and holy men.现在你们得到天王的宠信了,啊,智者和圣者X: Yes.没错And when Sparta burns, you shall bathe in gold.当斯巴达焚于战火时 你们将沐浴在黄金里Fresh oracles shall be delivered to you daily from every corner of the empire.将来每天都会有新的神谕使者 从帝国的各个角落被送来这里Q: Your lips can finish what your fingers have started

30、.用你的唇接着手指,继续爱抚我Or has the oracle robbed you of your desire as well?难道是神谕夺去了你的欲望?L: It would take more than the words of a drunken adolescent girl to rob me of my desire for you.一个神智不清少女的言语还不足以夺去我对你的欲望Q: Then why so distant?那为何收回了手?L: Because it seems though a slave and captive of lecherous old men t

31、he oracles words could set fire to all that I love.因为现在我似乎成为那些老废物的囚奴神谕可能会毁了我所爱的一切Q: So that is why my king loses sleep and is forced from the warmth of his bed?所以我的国王就失眠了 还被迫从温暖的被窝中起来?Theres only one womars words that should affect the mood of my husband.只能有一个女人的话 能影响我丈夫的心Those are mine.那就是我的话L: Then what must a king do to save his world when the very laws he is sw

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